In an ongoing saga in constantinople, a PC maga is interested in the Phenix and the immortality (or rebirth abilities) it posseses.
The player in question is in agreement with the two Alpha SGs (I'm one of them), that this is a highly mythical creature, and even findign it - let alone discovering the secrets - could be game-breaking. Or an anti-climax. So this has become an ongoing, never-ending driving goal, which the player's meta-knowledge says is impossible. But the character still thinks she can.
Whjat I want to, it to let her delve into the myths and stories about the Phoenix, and related creatures and myths. This is material for a great many stories and fantastic journeys, much interaction with peoplemas well as beasts of myth, or even faerie gods.
Along the way, this open up avenues for discovering ancient secrets, and ways of integrating the knwledge gained into working better Longevity rituals.
Simply by searching Wikipedia, I get an easy handful og related myths, easily made into expedition-stories. Quite possible these are taken from medieval beastiaries.
But where I primarily seed inspiration, ideas, tips and advice, is concerning the knowledge gained and how to work it into lab projects - finding some balance between it being a challenge and it being useful. It's bound to be projects which won't get any benefit during the first decade. I own Ancient Magic, and I am familar with the mechanics for integrating and such, but not completely fluent. I'll have to read up on that.
I'm thinking she'll have to learn various old/local languages where many of these myths claim the Phoenix or soem related creature lives, in order to understand texts found. Plus I'll be sure to use the age-old gag, where the Fantastic Discovery of Valuable Secrets is in fact carved into huge stone slabs, or some other inconvenient medium.
Please don't hold yourselves back, any input is appreaciated.