The long narrative

Yes, the current chart has zarkut studying from a tractatus in the spring, which he will not be able to regain the lost opportunity to gain 4xp in the future if that is his choice.

I think we've told @Bartomeus 10 times by now.

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I thought at some point he had said he was doing something different, but I'm not sure what and it isn't on the chart...

That's not Bartomeus' character, that's @Panopticon , who seems to be missing, as I mentioned earlier. He hasn't been active on the forum in roughly two months now, so I figure we can count him as lost by now.

Oopsies. :joy:

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I thought I adhered to your corrective guidance. I have Argentius studying Vi20q11 in spring. That's a summae not a tractatus.

You did. And then @Panopticon seems to have selected the tractatus.

Okay, then if panopticon comes back we can give him the opportunity to correct, everyone else we have finished spring so characters will be advanced appropriately. Does Okeannetis want study xp or adventure XP?

I forgot that Okeannetis has to study for the Wizard's Vigil MuVi25. I will have her study the book, and forgo the adventure XP.

This leaves Plasmatoris who is being rather dilatant. Is he taking exposure experience for the season, or independent study in organization lore (covenant) or in craft (painting)?

@silveroak Did WInitran answer Argentius's question about whether he might have any idea what might have caused the event? Any ideas at all?

Winitran has no idea. "You fellows are the experts in magic and wonders, not I"

Plasmatoris is doing a large number of things this season, but once we've gotten things mostly settled, he's going to read one of the language books so he can find people to communicate with.

I've added it to the seasonal sheet, apologies for being slow. Thanks for pinning it!

What's the issue with the Vim tractatus? Zarkut needs to study vim to be able to learn Wizard's Vigil the following season.

The only issue is that because we only have two months, you only get 8 xp from the Tractatus. You could study another Summae for Spring, and then use Summer to study the L20Q11 Vim Summa, and reserve the tractatus for when your Vim is higher.

That's the issue as I understand it.

made changes. With the demand for the Vim books Zarkut probably won't be able to learn Wiz Vigil, but I realized he can probably eat some fatigue and spont it.

That's right, he should be able to life-link spont it. Good idea.

In the summer and fall, Lares will dedicate most of his time to preparing for casting the Aegis, holed up in his lab. He eats supper every evening with his family, and uses his newfound Berber skills with them, as well as with the other Berbers. Besides that, he continues to run mundane affairs with the council. He tries to treat everyone as fairly as he can - his main priority is avoiding conflict.

In the summer Okeannetis will learn the Wizard's Vigil 25, and in the Fall will read the Summa on Parma.
She will continue to care for the various creatures they have there, and will plan to invest an effect into the bond for Winter.

Zarkut is focused on re-learning Arabic, so he can go through his old notes and correspondence. Am I right in thinking that reading Latin -> Arabic I can divert xp to Artes Liberales to learn a new alphabet?