I don't think I'm the best author of the current lot, in terms of pure clarity. Also, in terms of the Ferguson Seal of Quality, that's not quite how the thing works. If my name's on the cover it just means I did a small bit of the writing (a very small bit for RoP:I...where it says in the promo stuff about people under infernal influence some of that's me. And some of the demons. In some of the other books we authors swap treatments on each other's material, so there we all have a bit of a say in each other's work, but on RoP:I, I really did just get the chance ot walk in on the two real authors and say "Hey! I have this idea! How about X? How about Y?" and they were kind enough to say "Hey, we can include that. Got any more?"
I often look at my work after itys finished and worry people will hate it. I think that's because I deliberately pitch for the most difficult bits of work, from my perspective. It makes writing more challenging and fun, but it also makes me worry that people will read it and go "OK...I can see you are trying hard here, but I don't understand half of this."
I think Timothy is not implying a business benefit to Atlas, but a personal avoidance of egg-on-face... Timothy sent his final draft to Atlas (just like all the AG authors do), and Atlas then proof-read and edited the text, and had the right to make further changes or cuts (or even add more material). (Or sometimes even add mistakes)
So, a detailed question is likely to hinge on precise wording: ambiguity or lack of clarity, and since Timothy (or a.n.other author) can't tell what will be on the final page from the last draft they kept on their PC, they are well advised to wait for a printed copy.
{I find myself answering questions on what was meant by bits of Initiation in HoH:MC, but I know that TMRE is still not quite yet here... I need to have HoH:MC with me to be sure what it says...}
Hmm, it looks like it would definitely be in the fan community's interest to run a subscription to allow Atlas to offer expedited shipment of their free copies to authors as soon as the books are released. Three-four authors for book, average, four books a year, 16 expedited shipments, it seems a reasonable price to have full feedback for rules questions from authors.
Of course, AG could just send the authors a copy of the final PDF version of the book that went to print. It would be a very cheap courtesy. That's what I'd do.
Oh, I don't know. I think that people manage to muddle through on their own pretty well, frankly. Once the book's out in public, it gets to go out and stay up late and have a life of its own.