The Vault of Valdarius

I don't owe him a favor. We're two of the only 5-6 magi in our tradition; whenever any one of us calls on another, we answer that call, period. Always. So he could call in a "favor" from me pretty much any time, and I'd answer it. So could any other Valdarian.

Andres is around 70 years old, so here's some numbers I pulled out of thin air...

Intelligence 4, Magic Theory 8 +2, Intellego 14, Vim 22, Familiar 8, let's give him an apprentice (this is a self-serving desire, as I don't want to take an apprentice myself for a while yet, and if Andres has one there's no pressure on Vulc to keep the line of Daern going) for +5, Aura 5, Lab 6, Egon 6... that's 80 + die roll. I rolled a 7, so... 87.

Make it a Failed Apprentice lab assistant. And you are right about the favor. And I will presume his leadership is sufficient.

That roll will be successful. Give me at least tem more totals, and I will draw up the stats.

Damn, a Failed Apprentice means Vulc needs to take an apprentice :frowning:

First 7 rolls (botch and stress confirmations assumed to be the next roll)
Then the next 3

Totals are: 80, 94, 88, 86, 83, 89, 80, 85, 88, 83.

Solomon's InVi is awesome! :smiley:
If he's interested and doesn't know it, Arachné will gladly lend him her lab text for Sight of the Active Magics. Given the challenge we face and what she feels she owes Andorra, she really feels she should cooperate with her covenantmates (that, and a "gift" helps her get along well with solomon. Having friends is always nice).

If you want, I can do it, too :smiley:
On andorra rules or normal ones. I love stating up characters :blush:

Else, ryu, a minor error: Daern is from the (presumably) extinct line, he's the guy who went into architecture. Andres and Vulcanus are from the pure, true lineage of valdarius

I'll stat up the sword. I have the original hand written on a piece of paper many years ago, and my archives have updated ArM5 stats (I just gotta find it)

I'm mostly concerned with being able to rediscover lost secrets of Valdarius' for our lineage.

Also-- I forgot that Andres would also have the Valdarian MMF in armaments. (Investigating enchantments in a sword should totally count.) Which would make those totals instead:

101, 94, 108, 102, 100, 97, 103, 94, 99, 102, 97

I am going to make the presumption that he manages to investigate it all the way through and draw up full stats.

As for the bottle. That was a fantastic roll. I should point out that the enchantment is definitely hermetic. As a hint, it is an unfinished item and there is only one other enchantment. But you do not know this yet :wink:

Thanks, but he already has Sight of the Sigil (from HoH:TL) which I believe is just a more powerful version of Sight of the Active Magics.

Ooh, I completely forgot about this. Solomon is going to cast Tell of the Forged on the tablet to see what he can learn from the tablet itself.

Then let us have a conversation :smiley:
O thou who speaketh the tongue of iron, be not mislead by the endurance of steel and stone. For even these can be destroyed or fade away with time. Only God is eternal!

Solomon nods sagely, "This is true, only God is Eternal. I am called Solomon and wish to learn more of your purpose and history. Can you tell me when you were first worked by the hands of man and formed into the shape you now have?"

A Millenia and a half ago, in the mysterious lands of distant Cathay, I was born in the forges and cast iron molds of sorcerous metalurgists. Then came darkness, I was stored and shipped and stored and shipped countless times. Then came the day of my maturity when I was formed into what was to become, the lid on the tomb for ancient King Kush. Oh mortal man! Lament thy impermanence! For even I, a massive slab of iron, was unable to keep my station permanently!

"Your face has many runes and arcane symbols. Was your purpose to protect King Kush's corpse from those that would disturb him?"

These were the last words the ancient king wished to be remembered by. My purpose was as you said, to protect the king's body from those who would tamper with it. Much the same as any other lid to a tomb or sarcophagus. That is what I am. But much more so, I was ensorcelled with ancient magic long broken since I was removed from my place, empowered to protect the king from malignant spirits that would seek to manipulate his ghost.

"When were you first removed from the tomb? Who took you away from your appointed task?"

It has been more than five centuries since Emir Musa visited the tombs. He took me as a trophy and a gift to his caliph. He then looted treasures from the desolate and empty City of Brass, received tribute from the heirs of the Sea Kings, and gave all of these things to the Caliph. When the first Caliphate fell, I was stolen, traded, given away, stolen and traded again, stored, sold, traded, and on and on. Eventually I wound up in Valencia, where I was kept as an art curiosity. When the Cid conquered the city, I was given over to the magi that followed him for examination. One of those was Daern filius Valdarius. When Daern and his fellows rediscovered Andorra, he had the corpse of his pater exhumed and transferred to a tomb beneath the vault you found me in. The steel door that covers it, the floor of that vault, is ensorcelled with enchantments patterned after the ones that were once part of me, and though broken and faded their signature remains and Daern was able to learn enough to duplicate some of the powers I once had. Then I was stored and forgotten about.
The specter of Prince Keshan, son of King Kush, seeks to recover his father's corpse and free his ghost. His spectral soldiers have been long and patiently seeking me out, loosing the trail as I move again and again, blocked by the invisible barrier that surrounds your castle. There is one, Alexios the Herald, he has the power to project his apparition, and though he cannot cross your barrier he can manifest an image near where I am if he expends all of his energy. He can sense me through your invisible barrier, but could not detect me when the doors of that vault were closed around me.
He can sense me now, and has been speeking to me through the aether so I can inform you of this.
The prince needs your help, and he begs you to come to him in Egypt. He promises his eternal gratitude and loyalty, and offers you as many riches as you and your friends can carry away from their abandoned citadel.
And you are the first one he has encountered here that can understand true language.

"Please inform the herald that I will bring his request to the attention of my sodales, as this is not an expedition I could undertake myself. Does he know where King Kush's corpse has been taken, and what must be done to free his ghost?

And what of you, what is it that you wish; what task would you undertake now that your appointed task has been taken from you?"

Without my presence, with the magical seal unwittingly broken, he was abducted by agents of the Malik of the City of Brass. Oh woe mortal man! The magnitude of this calamity is much greater than you imagine! The Citadel of King Kush, a palace of marble lost somewhere in the swirling sands of the Sahara, guards the entrance to that magical city. It was the duty of the ghost of King Kush to protect the mortal world from the malicious jinn of that city and keep them in their prison. When Emir Musa travelled there, the Malik was compelled to command his subjects to hide invisibly or pose as statues and bring no harm to the mortals, so long as they obeyed the Law of God. But one of their number violated the law and paid for it with his life. They read the inscription, which told them that the riches of the city were endless and to feel free to carry away as much as they could. Only they could not touch the royal treasures enshrined before them, for they were sacred. The Emir told his men to leave them alone, but one sought to snatch a bauble anyway and for that he was beheaded by a statue.
But after the mortals left, the Malik conspired to increase his power and overthrow his jailer. He sent a task force of a thousand jinn to assault the citadel, and without my presence, his forces were able to capture the corpse of our king. Using the corpse, the Malik is able to conjure and control the ghost of King Kush.
And since then, the Malik has begun to expand his influence into the mortal world. The scorching Sahara has grown slowly over the past few centuries, swallowing cities and civilizations. The lush paradise of North Africa is now a desolate wasteland. And it will keep growing, unless the Malik is subdued, which can only be done by our King Kush once you have liberated him!
A lot of this is coming from the Herald, telling the tablet what to say to you, and that last paragraph, sound's like the exaggerations of someone desperate for help.
As for my appointed task, that was robbed of me long ago. I would ask that you return me to it. Recover the king's body and return it to it's rightful place, seal me over him, and restore the enchantments that warded against the jinn.

"I will speak to me sodales, and we will devise a plan to undo the harm this Malik has caused. This is not an expedition that will be taken lightly, and will take some time for us to prepare. Please inform the herald to remain patient and we will aid him. I will come and speak to you often, to ensure you and the herald are aware of our preparations."