Transyvanian tribunal

Tremere has never had a great deal of faith in the Church, and generally seems to feel that with the tribunal of 1228 the Order has begun to come to their collective senses. The only thing they don't understand is why nobody even asked them for help never mind suggested they be put in charge of the conflict.
The tribunal briefly discussed taking over their tribunal politically through force but decided it was a poor use of resources especially given the difficulty managing the endeavor. They have begun researching the tengrism based magic system which has had an influx with the Cuman pagans prior to their mass conversion, along with the pre-Christian Slavic traditions, and have invited multiple bonisagus and praxis magi to the tribunal to aid with this endeavor. Resources have also begun to be dispatched to the Nogorod from Transylvania to aid against the northern crusade, and efforts within the tribunal to hold the Church at bay have redoubled, including now open political maneuvering. Though the secular forces of the tribunal are not yet aware of the progression of the Mongols the Tremere are from reports in Novgorod and they are weighing whether to defend the homeland's political structure or form an alliance with the Mongols when they arrive, or possibly in advance of their arrival.
As far as the Tremere and the Transylvanian tribunal are concerned, the Grand Tribunal of 1228 has simply heralded the beginning of their rise to prominence within the order.