Virtues that grant xps after character creation....

Roberto Rodruigez of Flambeau, my very favorite character of all time!

You have to scroll down. He is the second character in the Character Sheets section of Novus Mane (featured here on the Atlas Forums).
Everything is posted, everything he did in every season is listed in there. Five years out of Gauntlet, he started out with some pretty decent Mastery scores by combining Flawless Magic with Mastered Spells and Skilled Parens. Out of 22 seasons, he has actually only devoted two seasons towards practicing spell mastery. We are a poor covenant and have no mastery texts :frowning:. He also spent four seasons inventing six new spells, each of which started out mastered (which is what makes FM so valueable in the first place!). I also spent some adventure xp from a season on Mastery. And the results of two seasons are still yet to be determined.
So so far, including creation, development, and free mastery with every spell, I have an equivilent of 92.5 bonus experience points of mastered spells. And I am still in struggle mode to get the covenant on its feet, I will devote substantially more time towards inventing spells and mastering them as I grow older. At the twenty year mark, I would expect to have saved over 200xp on mastered spells. Probably much more. And I would say that there is only one or two mastery picks I regret choosing, not that Mastery is wasted on the spell, I just wish I made a wiser choice.

My bad. I misedited. I fixed it above. I mean Self Confident. The Self Confident Character will wind up accomplishing more, gaining the most out of adventures, scoring the greater resources, making the better Charm or Bargain rolls when negotiating for books, and on down the line.