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I think the best bet is to figure out how you might intersect with people from the covenant instead of trying to digure out how you would stumble across the covenant itself. A Jerbiton fleeing a Flambeau who has declared wizard war might decide, for example, that Mdina is a suitably remote city with a divine aura to try and locate a Lacunae in to try and have the upper hand. Or you could be a bonsiagus doing research which brings you to Malta- we have a Merinita who was given a quest by a faerie God. In about a year they will be sending delegates to Normandy for the Tribunal to purchase books on magic...

I was looking at a Bonisagus, so perhaps he has come to Malta because he believes that the sand there would be particularly good for making glass. (LImestone is one of the few things that Malta has. And lime is important for making glass.) And soda ash was typically obtained from the Levant, which is relatively close to Malta.

In the alternative, I could try and make a connection with one of the other magi. Perhaps he's come looking for the caravan to talk to one of the magi on it. (I'm not sure if people knew where the caravan was supposed to be.)

Researcher! Researcher! I'm planning on building a safe, large and experiment specialized lab. With 1000 sq feet it will be big enough for two projects if you interpret the "Shared Lab" flaw on pg 55 of apprentices like I did. Anyway, I believe we had thoughts on original research and such.

[tab][/tab] Oh I got some suggestions for you Trogdor, I had a character ready for glassware, Jerbiton too. Try looking into the glassware Guild situation of Venice, its pretty competitive. You could make him a rogues fleeing the guilds and trying to break their glass monopoly, or get him exiled after taking heavy vows (and/or some blackmailing) to never reveal the secrets of glass making. Malta is a good place for exiles. The lakunae situation is more difficult though....

Those are good suggestions. But he's never actually been a glass worker/glass maker to any large degree using conventional methods. He's done it almost entirely using magic. As such, he didn't necessarily have to get his knowledge from Venice. His is an entirely alternate way of making glass. (Granted, not one that works on a large scale.) Not that I expect the Venetians to accept that distinction. They'll just be ticked that someone's horning in on their monopoly.

[tab][/tab]Hmmm I'd really think you should get the craft: glass ability. Finesse gets penalty or bonus due to familiarity on crafting (Sociatates, pg 62) :S

Ah, it wouldn't be AM if there weren't an obscure rule hidden somewhere. I'll have to check that rule out.

on the other hand that familiarity bonus would be the same for area lore:5 anywhere glass is used or if you live in an area where it is used, or if you posess and use a model. Certainly having the craft ability can help in some circumstances, but it is hardly critical.

I kind of feel like it would be appropriate if at least some of the servants we acquired were grouped into one family. At least one of the people we hire has to have a family. Thoughts? I could stat them up...

I would think start with one character who has a dependent, or maybe two for parents. While family tradition is certainly very important in mythic Europe the people coming to covenants do tend to be atypical. Starting relationships at the covenant is also possible... just remember to keep the kids out of the aura!