Welcome to Andorra Marcellus, hope you survive the experience! (Autumn 1244)

And to you Sigmundo. What do you wish to do with the Legacy?

I want to put it in my library.

Ikelos nods and turns to Marcellus. What do you think? One hopes to keep them to himself and make himself comfortable. Another would spread them around the order and yet another would put them in library. We have a fourth candidate He gestures to the hearth. that will let no one see them.

Marcellus ponders this for a long moment before adding, "The real question is, what do you want to be done with this knowledge? Have it used in the Order? Have it used by someone else? Keep it for the future, unused for now? That seems to be what the three contestants offer you. But no matter which one you choose, you are basically giving away the responsibility to someone else."

"Is that what you want? Give someone else the final say as to what should be done with the knowledge? You started on this path when you stole these books. Because you believed this knowledge brought danger. As you hint at, there is another choice. Or perhaps two more."

"If you truly believe this knowledge is dangerous, you can destroy it. Burn the books and scatter the ashes."

"Or you can keep it to yourself and decide with whom you will share it. That brings its own share of danger, of course. Others know it exists, so they will come after it."

Marcellus sighs, then shakes his head, "If it were me, I think I would destroy it. But the choice is yours, not mine. And thank God for that."

This time, Sigmundo decides he does want to add something freely.
Your sodale speaks true. By virtue of the choice you make, you choose what will become of the knowledge. If you keep it to yourself, it is known that you have it. Even if you destroy the physical works, there will be those desperate enough to try and peel it from your mind.
(glares at Carles with a draconic Piercing Gaze as if to say "you betternot sink that low you dirty weasle")
I dont' want to influence you on which of the seven choices you may make. I just want you to think seriously about what your role in destiny is supposed to be.

Ikelos squats down and sits on his heels. Head bowed. He stays like that for several minutes before standing.
The knowledge must pass from me. That much is clear from my vision. Were it not for the manuscript on the Limit of Age and the mysteries of the Veditius, I would gladly release them to the Order. But my first vision that started me on this path showed a great danger to the Order. In my heart I know that they two greater works of Alarcon would lead to chaos and massive change. He pauses to rub his face and bald head. But to have them pass out of knowledge is equally bad. I must then give them into the care of Sigmundo and hope that he knows the right time for the knowledge to be shared.

Marcellus nods in understanding, somehow unsurprised by the decision. Then he looks up at the particpants and their host, to see their reaction to Ikelos' announcement.

They fade away. As they do, Carles has a face of frustrated disappointment, and Metron cackles like a mad man. Sigmundo looks humble.
Trust that I will keep these safe and preserved. You are welcome to come visit the library at any time.
Well, not any time. Give me three days notice by, um, laving a red flower on the table of the reading room at Andorra covenant's library.

Marcellus bows deeply in thanks, before turning back to Ikelos.

(Does the apprearance of the room changes?)

I forgot to wrap this up.

Yes, the room changes too, and the door disappears. This is just a cave now. About the same size and shape as the room was. It is just you guys and Sigmundo. He picks up the sack of books, and slings it over his shoulder.
Welcome to Andorra sodales. I am certain you will become valued members and in time you shall be wise masters. And really, you are welcome to visit me at my library. I am in and out of the Andorra library all the time. Master Vocis wants me to work with Mistress Fleur on a new project.

Final comments and dialogue are welcomed and encouraged.

3 points of Fortune for each of you

No xp?

If you wish to devote this season to using this adventure as an Experience source...

does 7xp sound fair?

Sounds good.

I would allocate 5 xp to Area Lore: Andorra Covenant. Would a specialty of "people" be too broad? If so, I would go with "craftsmen".

I would put the last 2 xp towards Magic Lore.

sounds fine by me either way

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