I will surely make Ars 6th a subscription based game as D&D Beyond.
It will be a place to automatically manage all things related to character sheets, covenants, grogs... It will be a place where the community could share objects,covenants, books, antagonist, NPCs, house rules etc. I will also made a companion mobile app so you can have your character at hand at every moment. The app will also be an "Smart" dice roller to keep calculation out of the table.
I will strongly support Roll20, making an official sheet (the actual one is really nice BTW) and selling adventures and the rules in the Roll20 Marketplace.
I will have an official YouTube saga, with the best GM and players I could afford, making all the characters, items, covenant sheets available so the audience can follow the saga and get a grip on how the game is played.
For the physical game I will create props to enhance play. Spell Books with swappable spell cards, a way to resolve Certamen with cards, an spell calculator abacus, vis cards/counter...
Also expand the IP: certamen card game. The Schism War Wargame, Covenant Management eurogame (great ideas here) and donĀ“t be afraid to venture Ars into other RPG systems. Magic Shoe for quasitors, Savage World for Hoplites, FATE/PbTA for initiation and even D&D 5th as Cubicle7 did with The One Ring.
And I will love to read Ars Magica fiction. Timothy Ferguson wrote a very nice story that was key for some of my players to get the feeling of Ars.