What would you like more examples of?

My hope is to rework "Half-remembered monsters" soon to get it up to 100, but I'm not good at hitting deadlines right now. (It's a burnout sort of year).

Oh, by the way, if the monster has been stolen from literature, the piece of literature is in the podcast.


Timothy, as much as I'll love getting additional monsters when you publish them, your health is important, don't push yourself too hard.


Seconding @temprobe, I didn't know there was a health issue. Hope you recover soon.

I'm working on getting my Creature Powers list up to 100, so I have a parallel goal with Timothy.


Resurrecting this thread to add Twilight Scars to the list of things I would love more examples of. It's always incredibly hard for us to come up with new ones that are interesting but don't turn characters into bloated parodies of themselves. Specially considering we have a Twilight-prone Criamon amongst us.


It's just turned into the first of October in my time zone, so only one month until November, when I attempt my annual attempt in the post a day section. I may well use one of the above ideas, or I might do something else if inspiration strikes.


These would be useful to me (a new player/SG to Ars Magica, not a new player to RPGs):

  • Story seeds to introduce cults into the saga.
  • Story seeds for cult quests.
  • Advanced magi examples for use as covenant NPCs.
  • Generic NPCs (example footpads, merchants, knights, nobility)
  • Examples ported to Metacreator files.
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