Wizard's Boost Target level

I don't see any need for extra botch dice here. Prevention of "uncontrollable magical resonances" went into the design of Wizard's Scope after all. :slight_smile:


I'm going to specify "Hermetic" General spell, because Wizard's Communion seems like an edge case that I think should be excluded.
Aegis of the Hearth even more so, and the distinguishing factor is that those haven't been fully integrated.

For clarity you can explicitly exclude Wizard's Communion and Aegis of the Hearth from the spells that can be affected by a newly introduced Wizard's Scope. It just might avoid discussions and thereby be helpful for your troupe.

But without relevant Breakthroughs MuVi spells can anyway target Hermetic spells only. While I would classify Wizard's Communion or Aegis of the Hearth as Hermetic in this sense.

I would also not see, that Wizard's Communion and Aegis of the Hearth target spells, though.
AFAICS they affect them only indirectly:

  • Aegis of the Hearth resisting spells roughly like a ward or hindering their casting like an Aura,
  • and Wizard's Communion allowing a group of casters to collectively cast a spell.
    Both would hence not be affected by a Wizard's Scope anyway.
