Eve ex Verditius

Hmm... I see what you mean about storyguide decisions. Jebrick is that a good guideline?

On the topic of a rock, I lack good finesse so its hard to finesse anything that won't cause collateral damage. And I do have a finesse attack. Rend the earth, its a nice 18 foot drop.

On the topic of the enchanted casting tools: while a good idea it won't fit with Eve. Eve's parens would have wanted nice productive mysteries. Elder Rune, and items of Quality. Those make for a damn good enchanter. Enchanted casting tools... that's just more magical power. And Eve wouldn't go for that herself after she had her had her little rebellion.

A spell that has either more than one effect, or is able to affect just about anything is always a good choice for combat. I like Charge of the Angry Winds and Deluge of Rushing Water. They keep enemies away and provide protection. That they usually don't cause injury or death is minor (but they can, if you look at the example in my story). So for a non combative magus, any combat spell really needs the dual effect.

For Eve, a spell that simply kicks up dust is a good choice. If it required Finesse it'd be easy (making a cloud of dust), and MR doesn't apply, because even if the dust were magically created, it blocks vision (the real goal). It's also low level. That it doesn't hurt is minor, it allows Eve time to do other things, protects her and allows for an easy escape. It's not fool proof (Zoltan could blow it away with a wind most likely), but the time it bought would be useful.

With her Weak Spontaneous magic, items are the key to her defense. One thing that will do a ton, would be to make an Item of Quality of armor. A half or full suit, then it adds like +7 more to soak. You could then wear it easily, especially if you follow it up with an effect (spell or item, either way) to destroy its weight. Alexei did that all the time, he was soak focused (could pull off a +26 soak I believe), but you see the point there. Spend a season making Rego Terram items, low level, so you can make more than one. An item that levitates rocks, an item that deflects metal weapons. If you have a high lab total you can knock out several similar items as lesser enchanted devices in a season. Items like that would also gear up the grogs well (items of quality or an item that lightens armor for example).

Just throwing that out there.

My style is the style of running like all hell. And then chucking crystal darts until one gets through. Cloud of dust is a good idea though.

There you go. Cloud of dust would be perfect then. Master it and you can fast cast it or quick cast it for an easy escape. Then, you have other options if anyone is in the cloud, new targetting options. The dust might stick with them. Muto Terram on the dust to make it bigger/heavier or hotter.

But the items I think will be your friend and you can make them pretty easily.

I still got to get myself a talisman. Probably something involving red coral, and a star ruby. Elder Runes, normal runes and Hubris will get that kicked into gear.

I'm more likely to give armor soak to the defense. It is a troupe game so others can weigh in.

People in Eve's Life and her dealings with them. Its sort of from their perspectives again.
Parens, Gaius: Not exactly the most creative choice for a name. Eve seemed like the perfect choice for a member of her house. Eve already new how to work metal. Her personality didn't erase the Gift, but it certainly countered it a little. Already a crafter and she would make a great mystagogue.
That was a huge bust. Okay, Eve still initiates people if they bring a script to her, and she is better than most mystagouges, but... Eve hasn't applied herself at it, and she hardly knows any mysteries. Nor does she act like a Verdi should! At all. Her casting tool is a staff! A bloody staff! And she has exactly 0 enchanted items she uses herself. She spends more time playing ancient explorer than enchanter. And the items she does make are to swap for books or to help out her friends! Oh and she took up writing.

Eve's first contact in the Philosophers of Rome, Mercury of Bonisagus: Zeus is a member of the Philosopher of Rome cult. He doesn't take it as seriously as Eve does. How many people have failed to ascend? All of them. Still power and a good time. When Zeus started a new branch of the cult he tried to focus on recruiting pretty women first and Eve was a great find. Pretty, and eternally youthful. Even better was when she got all serious about it. Dug up a bunch of books, invented her own scripts, and even initiated others free of charge. She's idealistic too. All about sharing power and working together. Even among the grogs. Kind of wishes she didn't get herself banned from the Great Library, especially now that she has two other pretty girls (well one's a shapeshifted cat) hovering around her.

IoQ: RAW the bonus applies to rolls. So it could apply to out of combat soak, and in combat defense. I think it makes the most sense to apply to soak though. However, that would go against a strict reading of RAW.

Lets try to think of some good names. Epically for your pater.


We ever work out the pawns of vis for the personal vis source?

2p per year.