Fiona ex Miscellanea

[size=150]Fiona filia Marós Ex Miscellanea Kore tes Kirkes ab Mons Electi[/size]

Fiona's picture

Year: 1271 (Fall)
Age: 101(41)
Size: +2
Confidence: 1(3)
Decrepitude: 0(0)
Warping: 4(14)

Birth Name: Deredere inghean Conain
Gender: Female
Race/Nationality: Scottish/Half-giant
Birth Place: Siorrachd Chromba, Scotland
Religion: Christian
Title: Maga
Height: 8’11" (2.72 m)
Weight: 678 lbs (307.4 kg)
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Handedness: Right
Familiar: Albus

Intelligence: +1
Perception: 0
Presence: +1
Communication: +2
Strength: +1
Stamina: +3
Dexterity: 0
Quickness: -1

Cord Strengths
Gold: +3
Silver: +1
Bronze: +1

The Gift
Hermetic Maga
Minor Magical Focus: Transformation of Others (free Tradition Virtue)
Mythic Herbalism (free Tradition Virtue)
Affinity with Muto
Flawless Magic i[/i]
Giant Blood i[/i]
Good Teacher
Inventive Genius
Venus's Blessing

Chaotic Magic (free Tradition Flaw)
Difficult Underlings i[/i]
Hedge Wizard
Lecherous i[/i]
Unpredictable Magic
Unimaginative Learner

Ancient Greek i[/i] 5
Apothecary (Herbal Remedies) 3
Area Lore: Bibracte i[/i] 2
Area Lore: Greater Alps Tribunal 1
Area Lore: Hévíz 2
Area Lore: Normandy Tribunal (Tribunal procedures) 2
Area Lore: Scottish Highlands i[/i] 2
Artes Liberales (logic; literate in Roman and Greek script) 2
Athletics i[/i] 3
Awareness i[/i] 4
Bargain (service for service) 4
Brawl i[/i] 2
Carouse i[/i] 2
Charm i[/i] 3
Chirurgy i[/i] 2
Code of Hermes (Tribunal procedures) 4
Concentration (spell concentration) 3
Distilling i[/i] 2
Finesse i[/i] 5
Folk Ken i[/i] 3
French i[/i] 5
Gaelic (Scots Highland) 5 i[/i]
Gardening i[/i] 2
Guile (hiding true feelings) 3
Hermetic Instruction (Magic Theory) 2
Intrigue i[/i] 3
Latin (plants and herbs) 5
Leadership i[/i] 3
Magic Lore i[/i] 2
Magic Theory i[/i] 7
Magyar 2
Medicine (herbal remedies) 3
Music i[/i] 2
Mythic Herbalism (creating potions) 4
Order of Hermes Lore (Muto specialists) 3
Parma Magica i[/i] 4
Penetration i[/i] 3
Ride i[/i] 3
Scribe i[/i] 3
Sewing i[/i] 2
Spell Mastery: Accio Talisman 1
Spell Mastery: The Accommodating Staff 1
Spell Mastery: Aegis of the Hearth 2
Spell Mastery: Aura of Ennobled Presence 1
Spell Mastery: Bestial Growth and Shrinking 1
Spell Mastery: Beast of Outlandish Size 1
Spell Mastery: The Beast Remade 1
Spell Mastery: Charge of the Angry Winds 1
Spell Mastery: Cloak of the Duck's Feathers 1
Spell Mastery: Curse of Circe 1
Spell Mastery: Disguise of the New Visage 1
Spell Mastery: Enlarged Curse of Circe 1
Spell Mastery: Eyes of the Cat 1
Spell Mastery: The Giant's Leap 1
Spell Mastery: The Giant Leap of Homecoming 2
Spell Mastery: Giant Purification of the Mangled Body 1
Spell Mastery: Gift of the Giant Bear's Fortitude 1
Spell Mastery: Herb of Virtue 1
Spell Mastery: Hide in the Hollow 1
Spell Mastery: Hunt for the Wild Herb 1
Spell Mastery: Intuition of the Forest 1
Spell Mastery: Jupiter's Resounding Blow 1
Spell Mastery: La Petite Masquerade 2
Spell Mastery: Piercing Shaft of Wood 1
Spell Mastery: Preternatural Growth and Shrinking 1
Spell Mastery: Probe Nature's Hidden Lore 1
Spell Mastery: Purification of the Festering Wounds 1
Spell Mastery: Revealed Flaws of Giant Flesh 1
Spell Mastery: Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh 1
Spell Mastery: Robes of Impenetrable Linen 1
Spell Mastery: The Seat of Nature 1
Spell Mastery: Shape of the Woodland Prowler 1
Spell Mastery: Sight of the True Form 1
Spell Mastery: Staff of Moses 1
Spell Mastery: Staff that Endures 1
Spell Mastery: The Succubus's Trick 1
Spell Mastery: Taking the Raven's Wing 1
Spell Mastery: Taste of the Spices and Herbs 1
Spell Mastery: Touch of the Pearls 1
Spell Mastery: Wizard's Communion (20) 1
Spell Mastery: Wizard's Communion (30) 1
Stealth (natural areas) 1
Survival (mountainous terrain) 3
Teaching (Magic Theory) 4
Theology (Biblical knowledge) 2
Weaving i[/i] 2

Creo: 7
Intellego: 8
Muto: 14
Perdo: 12
Rego: 11
Animal: 10
Aquam: 8
Auram: 6
Corpus: 16
Herbam: 12
Ignem: 5
Imaginem: 5
Mentem: 5
Terram: 11
Vim: 12

Spell List
[table][tr][th]Spell Name[/th]
[th]Casting Total[/th]
[th]Spell Level[/th]
[tr][td]Accio Talisman[/td]
[td]ReHe 25[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The Talisman turns white while the spell is in effect.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]The Accomodating Staff*[/td]
[td]MuCo 15[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The target's member turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Aegis of the Hearth[/td]
[td]ReVi 30[/td]
[td], Learn from Mistakes, Stalwart Casting[/td]
[td]The path trod by Fiona as she casts the spell glows with an eerie white light until the casting is complete, at which time it slowly fades away[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Aura of Ennobled Presence[/td]
[td]MuIm 10**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Bestial Growth and Shrinking*[/td]
[td]MuAn 25[/td]
[td]Still casting[/td]
[td]The target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Beast of Outlandish Size*[/td]
[td]MuAn 15[/td]
[td]The animal turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]The Beast Remade*[/td]
[td]MuAn 25[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The animal’s hair turns white while in human form .[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Charge of the Angry Winds[/td]
[td]CrAu 15[/td]
[td]Precise Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair and eyes turn white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Cloak of the Duck's Feathers[/td]
[td]ReAq 5[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The water is milky white when it's in contact with the protected object.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Curse of Circe*[/td]
[td]MuCo(An) 30[/td]
[td]The target becomes a white pig .[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Disguise of the New Visage*[/td]
[td]MuCo 15[/td]
[td]Disguised Casting[/td]
[td]Target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Enlarged Curse of Circe*[/td]
[td]MuCo(An) 35**[/td]
[td]The target becomes a white pig .[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Eyes of the Cat*[/td]
[td]MuCo 10**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The target's eyes turn white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Giant Purification of the Mangled Body[/td]
[td]CrCo 30**[/td]
[td]Stalwart Casting[/td]
[td]The target’s hair becomes white while the spell is being cast.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]The Giant's Leap[/td]
[td]ReCo 20**[/td]
[td]Fast Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Gift of the Giant Bear's Fortitude[/td]
[td]MuCo 30**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Herb of Virtue*[/td]
[td]MuHe 15[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The herb turn white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hide in the Hollow*[/td]
[td]MuHe 15[/td]
[td]Still casting[/td]
[td]The bark of the tree turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hunt for the Wild Herb[/td]
[td]InHe 5[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The sample that Fiona uses in the spell turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Intuition of the Forest[/td]
[td]InHe 10[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Jupiter's Resounding Blow[/td]
[td]CrAu 10[/td]
[td]Quick Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair and eyes turn white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]La Petite Masquerade[/td]
[td]MuCo 15**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]The Leap of Homecoming[/td]
[td]ReCo 40**[/td]
[td]Fast Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Piercing Shaft of Wood[/td]
[td]Mu(Re)He 10[/td]
[td]Imperturbable Casting[/td]
[td]The wood used turns white.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Preternatural Growth and Shrinking*[/td]
[td]MuCo 15[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Probe Nature's Hidden Lore[/td]
[td]InHe 4[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The subject flashes white momentarily. .[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Purification of the Festering Wounds[/td]
[td]CrCo 25**[/td]
[td]The target’s hair becomes white while he’s under the effects of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Revealed Flaws of Giant Flesh[/td]
[td]InCo 15**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The target's hair turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh[/td]
[td]InCo 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The target's hair turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Robes of Impenetrable Linen[/td]
[td]MuHe 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The clothing turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]The Seat of Nature[/td]
[td]MuHe 20[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The bark turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Shape of the Woodland Prowler*[/td]
[td]MuCo(An) 15[/td]
[td]The wolf’s fur is white[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Sight of the True Form[/td]
[td]InCo 15[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona's eyes turn white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Staff of Moses[/td]
[td]MuHe(An) 20[/td]
[td]Fast casting[/td]
[td]The adder is white.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Staff that Endures*[/td]
[td]MuCo 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The affected part turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]The Succubus's Trick[/td]
[td]MuCo 10**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Taking the Raven's Wing*[/td]
[td]MuCo(An) 35[/td]
[td]Quiet Casting[/td]
[td]The target’s beak, legs, and feet are white.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Taste of the Spices and Herbs[/td]
[td]MuIm 5[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The food turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Touch of the Pearls[/td]
[td]InAq 5[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The target turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Wizards' Communion[/td]
[td]MuVi 20[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair turns white while Wizard’s Communion and the accompanying spell are cast.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Wizards' Communion[/td]
[td]MuVi 30[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair turns white while Wizard’s Communion and the accompanying spell are cast.[/td][/tr][/table]
(Casting totals after the slash are her casting totals when casting the spell on herself as opposed to another, as the longer falls under her Focus in that circumstance.)

  • Spell is a part of her Minor Magical Focus.
    ** Spell includes +1 Magnitude for Target Size.
    [hr][/hr][size=140]Enchanted Items[/size]

[tab][/tab]Fiona's Talisman is an 8½ foot (2.59m) long staff made of rough hewn Scots Pine. It has been opened and attuned, and currently has 22 pawns of Vim vis used to open it. It has the following effect enchanted into it:
[tab][/tab]Reverto Mutandum is a PeVi general ("Dispel effects of a specific type with a level less than or equal to the level + 4 magnitudes of the Vim spell + a stress die (no botch), with the specific type being transformational magic, of the type that would fit under Fiona's Minor Magical Focus). The Base Level is 15, R: Touch +1, D: Momentary, T: Individual, for an Effect Level of 20. 26 Penetration (+13), usable 3 times a day (+2), for a final Enchantment Level of 35. It can dispel transformational magic of up to Level 30+Quality Die, with 26 Penetration.


  • Affect dead wood, +4
  • Affect living wood, +3
  • Control things at a distance, +4
  • Repel things, +2

Collar of the Insula Canaria Polar Bear Club
[tab][/tab]The Collar of the Insula Canaria Polar Bear Club is a silver choker-style collar or necklace that enables the wearer to resist cold and to breathe and see clearly underwater. It has a capacity of six pawns, of which five pawns have been used.
[tab][/tab]Lungs of the Fish (MuAq(Au) 20) is usable once/day, for a final Enchantment Level of 20 (2 pawns). (trigger: hand touching the necklace and saying, "Análaím uisce.")
[tab][/tab]Stave Off the Loch's Deathly Chill is CrIg 5 (Base 2, R: Touch +1, D: Sun +2, T: Individual), usable once a day, for a final Enchantment Level of 5 (1 pawn)
[tab][/tab]Clear Sight of the Naiad (InAq 20) is as the spell on p. 122 of the main rulebook, with R: Touch +1 and D: Sun +2, making it a Level 20. It is usable once a day, for a final Enchantment Level of 20 (2 pawns).

The Bewitching Robes
[tab][/tab]Fiona's Wizardly robes are white linen, with patterns of black cauldrons and various leaves and plants woven into the fabric. The garment has been opened for enchantment with six pawns of Vis (1 for Cloth, x6 for being Huge +1 to accommodate Fiona's size). All six pawns' worth of enchantment have been used.
[tab][/tab]Sense the Wearer's Body is an Intellego Corpus to determine Fiona's current size and shape. Base 5 ("Sense a specific piece of information about a body"), R: Touch +1, D: Concentration +1, T: Individual, +1 for Target size, for a final effect level of 20. The effect is usable 24 times a day (+5), and the robes maintain concentration (+5), for a final Enchantment Level of 30, or 3 pawns. The number of uses is in case Fiona takes off and puts on the robes more than twice in a day. Note that, in order for the effect to succeed, Fiona will have to suppress her parma while she puts the robes on.
[tab][/tab]Fit the Body Well is a MuHe to make the robes grow or shrink and conform to the wearer's current size and shape. Base 3 (change an item made from plant products), +1 to change plants into finished material, R: Personal, D: Conc +1, T: Individual, +1 for complexity (to allow the robes to shrink or grow, and to change the cut slightly to better fit her current figure), for a final Effect Level of 10. The device has Unlimited uses a day (+10), maintains concentration (+5), and has a Linked Trigger (+3); the Trigger is any change in the wearer's size or shape, based on the Intellego Corpus effect above. The final Enchantment Level is 28, or 3 pawns.

The Discreet Headboard
[tab][/tab]The headboard of Fiona's bed is an Enchanted Item, made of wood (base 2) and Huge (x5, due to the size of her bed). It has, thus far, been invested with 4 pawns of the 10-pawn capacity.
[tab][/tab]Keep It Down In There, Some Of Us Are Trying To Sleep is a Perdo Imaginem effect, base 3 ("Destroy an object’s ability to affect...hearing"), R: Touch +1, D: Sun +2, T: Room +2, for a final Effect Level of 20. It's usable once a day, for a final Enchantment Level of 20 (2 pawns). Fiona finds this effect useful not only to keep the sounds of her amorous activities from disturbing others, but to enable her to have private conversations with no chance of anyone eavesdropping on her.
[tab][/tab]Drive Out the Funk is a CrIm effect that imbues the room with just a hint of herbs and flowers. Base 1 ("Create an image that affects a single sense"), R: Touch +1, D: Sun +2, T: Individual, Size +3 (as it fills the whole room), for an Effect Level of 10.It is usable twice a day (+1), with an environmental trigger sunrise/sunset (+3), for a final Enchantment Level of 14 (2 pawns).

The Flawless Barometer
[tab][/tab]This plaque, about the size of a cap, is carved from the wood of a tree struck by lightning. It is made of wood (2 base points) and Small (x2), for a total Vis capacity of 4 pawns. It has used 3 pawns of that capacity thus far.
[tab][/tab]It is enchanted with Sailor's Foretaste of the Morrow (p. 127), usable once a day for a final Enchantment Level of 20.
[tab][/tab]How's The Weather Looking is a linked CrIm effect to display what the Sailor's Foretaste predicts. Base 1 ("Create an image that affects a single sense"), R: Touch +1, D: Diameter +1, T: Individual, +1 Complexity to create moving images, for a final Effect Level of 4. It's usable once a day, and has a linked trigger (is activated when the Sailor's Foretaste of the Morrow is activated), for +3. This results in a final Enchantment Level of 7.

Full Chain Mail
[tab][/tab]Fiona's armour is Full Chain, which has been opened with 30 pawns of vis. The armour provides 12 soak, and normally has a Load of 6. It currently has 13 pawns' worth of enchantments on it.
[tab][/tab]Hauberk of Supreme Lightness (Houses of Hermes: Sociatates, p. 38) is based on the canon spell, with the Range reduced to Personal. So, it is Base: 5, R: Personal, D: Sun +2, T: Individual, +2 to affect metal, +1 Size, for a final Effect Level of 30. It is usable twice a day (+1), for a final Enchantment Level of 31 (4 pawns).
[tab][/tab]Repel the Swung Sword is a Rego Terram effect, base 5 ("Keep all dirt away from your body, or ward a target against dirt"), R: Voice +2, D: Momentary, T: Individual, +2 magnitudes for metal, for a final Spell Level of 25. It has unlimited uses per day (+10), for a final Enchantment Level of 35 (which uses 4 pawns).
[tab][/tab]Repel the Wooden Shafts (as per p. 138 of the main rulebook). However, since the item casts the spell and not Fiona, she need not dispose of her Talisman. The Effect Level is 10. The effect has Unlimited uses (+10), for a final Enchantment Level of 20 (2 pawns).
[tab][/tab]Still Fitting Snugly is MuTe 25 (Base 4, R: Personal, D: Sun +2, T: Individual, +2 Metal, +1 Size), usable twice a day (+1). It reduces the size of the armour from Fiona's normal (giant) size to her smaller (normal human) size; the trigger is part of the words used to cast La Petite Masquerade, so there is little (if any) lag time between her casting that spell and the armour shrinking to match. The final Enchantment Level is 26, which costs 3 pawns.

The Gardener's Staff
[tab][/tab]The Gardener's Staff is a birchwood staff opened with 8 pawns of Vis, of which 2 pawns have been used thus far.
[tab][/tab]The Slacker's Hoe is a Rego Terram enchantment which turns, harrows, tills, etc., the earth within an area drawn by the staff (up to five paces square) at the time of use. Base 1, R: Touch +1, D: Momentary, T: Part +1, for a final Effect Level of ReTe 3. Unlimited uses (+10), for a final Enchantment Level of 13. (trigger: saying "E-I-E-I-O" while dragging the butt along the area demarked.)

[tab][/tab]Fiona's Godemiche is an outsized (18"/44 cm) stone phallus, made of belge noir. The enchantment (as a Lesser Device) is ReTe 5 (base 3, +1 Stone, R: Personal, D: Concentration +1, T: Individual). It has unlimited uses a day (+10), and the device maintains Concentration (+5). The Final Enchantment Level is 20, for 2 pawns of Vis.

Greenhouse à la Valnastium
[tab][/tab]The Greenhouse à la Valnastium is a magic item with three effects to make any single-room wooden structure an effective greenhouse. The item itself is a wooden (almond wood, which grants a +3 to Creo Herbam effects, per Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults p. 137) plaque about the size of a dinner plate (Base 2 points, size Medium x3), with a bas-relief engraving of unidentifiable flowers and herbs. It has, so far, used five of the six possible pawns' worth of enchantments.
[tab][/tab]Fighting the Blight keeps all plants within the room healthy and vigorous. Creo Herbam base 1 ("Prevent a plant from becoming sick."), R: Touch +1, D: Sun +2, T: Room +2, for an effect Level of 5. The effect is usable twice a day (+1), with an Environmental Trigger (Sunrise/sunset, +3), for a final Enchantment Level of 9 (1 pawn).
[tab][/tab]The Skilled Gardener's Touch ensures that any seeds, cuttings, transplants, etc., will grow as though they were in their native soil and environment. Creo Herbam, base 1 ("Ensure that a plant grows well for the duration of the spell."), R: Touch +1, D: Sun +2, T: Room +2, for an Effect Level of 5. The effect is usable twice a day (+1), with an Environmental Trigger (Sunrise/sunset, +3), for a final Enchantment Level of 9 (1 pawn).
[tab][/tab]The Wooden Greenhouse makes the structure transparent from the inside, by virtue of transmitting all species striking it from the outside to the inside, including the sun's warmth. Rego Imaginem Base 2, "Make an object appear (to one sense) to be up to one pace away from its actual position," with a free Ignem requisite for the heat, R: Touch +1, D: Sun +2, T: Individual, with +3 magnitudes for size, for an Effect Level of 20. The effect is usable twice a day (+1), with an Environmental Trigger (Sunrise/sunset, +3), for a final Enchantment Level of 24 (3 pawns).

[tab][/tab]The Pegasaurus is a finely crafted giant-sized pegasus made of noir belge, which was opened to 24 pawns' capacity. It has so far used 7 pawns' for enchantments.
[tab][/tab]Become the Stone Stallion: ReTe(An) 30; base 3 ("control or move dirt in a very unnatural fashion"), R: Personal, D: Sun +2, T: Individual, Control Stone +1, Size +2, Animate +2. Usable twice a day (+1), for a final Effect Level of 31. Pawns used: 4.
[tab][/tab]Take to the Sky: ReTe 25; base 3 ("control or move dirt in a very unnatural fashion"), R: Personal, D: Sun +2, T: Individual, Control Stone +1, Size +2, Rider Control +1. Usable twice a day (+1), for a final Effect Level of 26. Pawns used: 3

Plaque of the Relaxing Tub
[tab][/tab]The Plaque of the Relaxing Tub is a large wooden plaque (about the size of a shield) that is enchanted with two effects, which use the item's 8-pawn capacity. Note that the two effects' Penetration is necessary to overcome Fiona's Parma and Resistance.
[tab][/tab]Create the Relaxing Tub is a Creo Herbam effect to create a water-tight oval wooden tub that is 11'6" long by 8'11" wide by 4' high along the outside (3.5m by 2.72m by 1.22m), with a bench running around part of it for those who aren't gifted with Fiona's size to sit comfortably. The effect is CrHe base 3 ("Create wood in an unnatural shape, such as a living wall or bridge"), R: Touch +1, D: Sun +2, T: Individual, for a final effect level of 10. The enchantment is usable twice a day (+1) and has a Penetration of 48 (+24), for a final enchantment level of 35, which uses 4 pawns of vis. The tub forms around the plaque, so that the plaque forms part of the bottom of the tub.
[tab][/tab]Fill the Relaxing Tub is a Creo Aquam effect to fill the tub with hot water. The effect is CrAq(Ig) base 3, R: Touch +1, D: Sun +2, T: Individual, for a final effect level of 10. The enchantment is usable twice a day (+1) and has a Penetration of 48 (+24), for a final enchantment level of 35, which uses 4 pawns of vis.
[hr][/hr][size=140]Lab Texts[/size]
Create a Statue for the Garden: MuCo(Te) 45. R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This spell allows the caster to transform the target into an unmoving, unbreathing stone statue that is practically immune to the elements for the duration of the spell.
[tab][/tab]Base level 25 (Turn a body into a solid inanimate object), +1 Range, +2 Duration, no modifier for the Requisite (included in the guideline difficulty), +1 for increased size.

[hr][/hr][size=140]New Spells[/size]
Accio Talisman: ReHe 25. R: Arcane Connection, D: Concentration, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This spell allows the caster to summon her talisman (or any Herbam item to which she has an Arcane Connection) from wherever it is. It is not a Apparition, however; the Talisman flies through the air from wherever it is to the caster hand, and may have to work its way around any impediments (or be trapped if it's within an enclosed area).
[tab][/tab]Base level 4, +4 Range, +1 Duration.

The Accomodating Staff: MuCo 15. R: Touch, D: Sun, Target: Part.
[tab][/tab]This spell increases the size of the target's male member to that of the caster's choosing.
[tab][/tab]Base 3, +1 Range, +2 Duration, +1 Target.

Aura of Ennobled Presence: MuIm 10, R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This is as the spell from p. 145 of the main rulebook, save that Fiona had to trade a reduced range (from Touch to Personal) for size (+1 magnitude so that it would affect her.)

Bestial Growth and Shrinking: MuAn 25, R: Voice, D: Sun, Target: Individual
[tab][/tab]This spell adds +1 to the target’s normal Size or decreases it by up to 2 points.
[tab][/tab]Base 4, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +1 because the spell allows growth or two kinds of shrinking.

Enlarged Curse of Circe: MuCo 35, R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This spell is as Curse of Circe (p. 131), with an added magnitude for target size to affect giants up to Size +4.

The Giant's Leap:: ReCo 20, R: Personal, D: Momentary, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This spell is as The Wizard's Leap (Houses of Hermes: Societates, p. 36), with an additional magnitude for size.

The Giant Leap of Homecoming:: ReCo 40, R: Personal, D: Momentary, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This spell is as The Leap of Homecoming (p. 135 of the main rulebook), with an additional magnitude for size.

Giant Purification of the Mangled Body:: CrCo 30, R: Touch, D: Momentary, T: Individual. Ritual.
[tab][/tab]This spell allows for the healing of any Medium wound, on targets of up to Size +4.
[tab][/tab]Base 20, +1 Range, +1 Size.

Gift of the Giant Bear's Fortitude: MuCo 30, R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This spell is as Gift of the Bear's Fortitude (p. 131 of the main rulebook), with an additional magnitude for size.

Hide in the Hollow: MuHe 15, R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]The target tree becomes slightly larger, a hollow large enough to hold a person is formed within, and a small hole is created by which one can step into the tree. The hole can be pulled closed
[tab][/tab]and open to provide complete cover. The tree should be sized appropriate to the person and a very large trees can hold 3-4 people. Those in the tree when the spell ends are ejected out of the
[tab][/tab]Base: 3, +1 Range, +2 Duration, +1 Size.

La Petite Masquerade: MuCo 15, R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This spell reduces Fiona to the size of a normal woman (5'2"/157 cm tall), while changing her appearance to that of a younger, more voluptuous version of herself.
[tab][/tab]Base 3, Duration +2, Size +1, +1 to change both size and appearance.

Revealed Flaws of Giant Flesh: InCo 15, R: Touch, D: Momentary, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This spell as is Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh (p. 130 of the main rulebook), with an added magnitude for target size.

Robes of Impenetrable Linen: MuHe 10, R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This spell is an Herbam version of Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (p. 118 of the main rulebook).

The Seat of Nature: MuHe 20, R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This spell turns any plant, bush, or tree of up to 10x larger than 1 pace cubed into a chair, bench, or couch.
[tab][/tab]Base 3, +1 Range, +2 Duration, +1 Size, +1 to turn into treated/finished material.

Staff of Moses: MuHe(An) 20, R: Voice, D: Concentration, T: Individual
[tab][/tab]The target (a wooden staff, rod, or wand) becomes a live Adder. Most mundanes are afraid of snakes and will need to make a Brave 6+ roll to engage it. This spell does not protect the caster from or allow the caster to control the snake.
[tab][/tab]Base: 4, +2 Range, +1 Duration, +1 for the Animal Requisite.

Staff That Endures: MuCo 10, R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part.
[tab][/tab]This spell ensures that the male member will stay rampant until the next sunrise or sunset.
[tab][/tab]Base 2, +1 Range, +2 Duration, +1 Target.

The Succubus's Trick: MuCo 10, R: Personal: D: Sun, T: Individual.
[tab][/tab]This spell is as p. 97 of Houses of Hermes: Societates, with an additional magnitude for size.

Taking the Raven's Wing: MuCo(An) 35, R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
[tab][/tab]This is a variant of Cloak of the Black Feathers (p. 131 of the main rulebook) that does not require a cloak has an increased Range.
[tab][/tab]Base 20, +1 Range, +2 Duration.

[tab][/tab][size=150]Fiona ex Miscellanea, at Gauntlet[/size]
Year: 1194
Age: 24
Size: +2
Confidence: 1(3)
Decrepitude: 0(0)
Warping: 0(0)

Birth Name: Deredere inghean Conain
Gender: Female
Race/Nationality: Scottish/Half-giant
Birth Place: Siorrachd Chromba, Scotland
Religion: Christian
Title: Maga
Height: 8’11" (2.72 m)
Weight: 678 lbs (307.4 kg)
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Handedness: Right

Intelligence: +1
Perception: 0
Presence: +1
Communication: +2
Strength: +1
Stamina: +3
Dexterity: 0
Quickness: -1

The Gift
Hermetic Maga
Minor Magical Focus: Transformation of Others (free Tradition Virtue)
Mythic Herbalism (free Tradition Virtue)
Affinity with Muto
Flawless Magic i[/i]
Giant Blood i[/i]
Good Teacher
Inventive Genius
Venus's Blessing

Chaotic Magic (free Tradition Flaw)
[strike]Difficult Longevity Ritual i[/i][/strike]
Difficult Underlings i[/i]
Hedge Wizard
Lecherous i[/i]
[strike]Mentor: Angus mac Ossian, head of her Giant Clan[/strike]
Unpredictable Magic
Unimaginative Learner

Area Lore: Scottish Highlands (geography) 1
Artes Liberales (logic) 1
Athletics (dancing) 1
Awareness (searching) 2
Charm (flirting) 1
Distilling (whisky) 2
Folk Ken (boys) 1
Gaelic (Scots Highland) 5 (native)
Guile (hiding true feelings) 1
Music (singing)
Latin (plants and herbs) 5
Magic Theory (transformation) 3
Mythic Herbalism (creating potions) 1
Parma Magica (Corpus) 1
Penetration (transformation) 1
Stealth (natural areas) 1
Survival (mountainous terrain) 3

Creo: 0
Intellego: 4
Muto: 10
Perdo: 0
Rego: 4
Animal: 4
Aquam: 0
Auram: 0
Corpus: 6
Herbam: 4
Ignem: 0
Imaginem: 3
Mentem: 0
Terram: 3
Vim: 4

Spell List
[table][tr][th]Spell Name[/th]
[th]Casting Total[/th]
[th]Spell Level[/th]
[tr][td]Aura of Ennobled Presence[/td]
[td]MuIm 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Target's air turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Cloak of the Duck's Feathers`[/td]
[td]ReAq 5[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The water is milky white when it's in contact with the protected object.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Disguise of the New Visage[/td]
[td]MuCo 15[/td]
[td]Disguised Casting[/td]
[td]Target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Eyes of the Cat*[/td]
[td]MuCo 10**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The target's eyes turn white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Herb of Virtue*[/td]
[td]MuHe 15[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The herb turn white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hunt for the Wild Herbs[/td]
[td]InHe 5[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The sample that Fiona uses in the spell turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Preternatural Growth and Shrinking*[/td]
[td]MuCo 15[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The target's hair turns white during teh casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh[/td]
[td]InCo 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The area in question turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Robes of Impenetrable Linen[/td]
[td]MuHe 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The clothing turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Sight of the True Form[/td]
[td]InCo 15[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona's eyes turn white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Taste of the Spices and Herbs[/td]
[td]MuIm 5[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The food turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Touch of the Pearls[/td]
[td]InAq 5[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The target turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr][/table]

  • Spell is a part of her Minor Magical Focus.
    ** Spell includes +1 Magnitude for Target Size.

I thought you were trading the Diff. LR and Mentor flaws out...

I was, but I couldn't think of something I liked to replace Difficult Longevity Ritual, and I'm going to kill off Angus in Fiona's 50s and replace him with another Story Flaw.

Upon further reflection, I've decided to go with Difficult Underlings (Major, Story) as I had originally leaned toward with this version, and Unimaginative Learner (Minor, Hermetic) to round out the ten.

First Decade: 1195-1204 (ages 25-34)
1195 (age 25): 5 xp Sewing (to 1), 15 xp Weaver (to 2), 3 xp Creo (to 2), 7 xp Muto (to 7), 10 xp Perdo (to 4).
1196 (age 26): 10 xp Folk Ken (to 2), 10 xp Guile (to 2), Wizard's Communion (MuVi 20).
1197 (age 27): 15 xp Magic Theory, 3 xp Creo (to 3) 8 xp Muto, Probe Nature's Hidden Lore (InHe 4), Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10).
1198 (age 28): 5 xp Bargain (to 1), 15 xp Code of Hermes (to 2), 5 xp Magic Theory (to 4), Beast of Outlandish Size (MuAn 15).
1199 (age 29): 25 xp Magic Theory (to 5), 15 xp Creo (to 6).
1200 (age 30): 34 xp Corpus (to 10), 6 xp Mentem (to 3).
1201 (age 31): 30 xp Magic Theory (to 6), 10 xp Sewing (to 2).
1202 (age 32): 11 xp Animal (to 6), 4 xp Imaginem (to 4), Purification of the Festering Wounds (CrCo 25, including +1 for Size).
1203 (age 33): 15 xp Scribe (to 2), Shape of the Woodland Prowler (MuCo(An) 25).
1204 (age 34): 5 xp Apothecary (to 1), 5 xp Concentration (to 1), 10 xp Parma Magica (to 2), [strike]Prepare her Talisman for Enchantment (1 season, using 8 pawns Vis)[/strike]; [strike]15th[/strike] 14th Magnitude Longevity Ritual (7+10+ [strike]10[/strike] 8 pawns = [strike]27[/strike] 25 pawns).

By my reckoning, at 5 BP per year, Fiona now would have 50 BP. She spent 31 pawns of vis in 1204, which would be 7 BP, bringing her down to 43. For that, she might as well use 4 more pawns on her LR. Unfortunately the price goes up between 15th and 16th, but she doesn't have to spend the extra season. So, let's change that second season to...refining her lab? That way, when she does future lab projects, she can get the bonus for lab stuff, and when it comes time to move, she can bribe someone to use the Ambulatory Laboratory to apparate her lab to her new digs.

In her season of refinement, her Int + MT stress roll is Int 1 + Magic Theory 6 + die roll of 4 = 11...not quite good enough to get Highly Organized.

edit to add Apothecary (which she apparently needs for Mythic Herbalism) and Concentration in 1204.

Used too much vis...
In the Character development thread...

I didn't make this clear. At 10 years post gauntlet, you can only have and use 10% of the build points as vis, so that would be 5 build points of vis, or 25 pawns. Need to adjust this wording a bit, I suppose, but I thought the example made it clear.

So, if she postpones the talisman a little bit, and drops the LR magnitude back down to 14, then 5 BP worth of vis is 25 pawns. 7 pawns for her age (34), 10 pawns for 10th magnitude, then 8 pawns for another 4 magnitudes = 25 pawns, that would be right? (which is right back where her original LR was :laughing: )

The idea was that the first LR would be pretty good if someone wanted to spend all of the vis on it, but it wouldn't be stellar, and this mimics what happens in real life for many young magi, to my imagination. Not everyone can generate an LR14 easily...

[tab][/tab][size=150]Fiona ex Miscellanea, after 10 years[/size]
Year: 1204
Age: 34
Size: +2
Confidence: 1(3)
Decrepitude: 0(0)
Warping: 0(0)

Apothecary 1
Area Lore: Scottish Highlands (geography) 1
Artes Liberales (logic) 1
Athletics (dancing) 1
Awareness (searching) 2
Bargain (service for service) 1
Charm (flirting) 1
Code of Hermes 2
Concentration 1
Distilling (whisky) 2
Folk Ken (boys) 2
Gaelic (Scots Highland) 5 (native)
Guile (hiding true feelings) 2
Music (singing) 2
Latin (plants and herbs) 5
Magic Theory (transformation) 6
Mythic Herbalism (creating potions) 1
Parma Magica (Corpus) 2
Penetration (transformation) 1
Scribe 2
Sewing 2
Stealth (natural areas) 1
Survival (mountainous terrain) 3
Weaving 2

Creo: 6
Intellego: 4
Muto: 12
Perdo: 4
Rego: 4
Animal: 6
Aquam: 0
Auram: 0
Corpus: 10
Herbam: 4
Ignem: 0
Imaginem: 4
Mentem: 3
Terram: 3
Vim: 4

Spell List
[table][tr][th]Spell Name[/th]
[th]Casting Total[/th]
[th]Spell Level[/th]
[tr][td]Aura of Ennobled Presence[/td]
[td]MuIm 10**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Beast of Outlandish Size*[/td]
[td]MuAn 15[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The animal turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Cloak of the Duck's Feathers[/td]
[td]ReAq 5[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The water is milky white when it's in contact with the protected object.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Disguise of the New Visage[/td]
[td]MuCo 15[/td]
[td]Disguised Casting[/td]
[td]Target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Eyes of the Cat*[/td]
[td]MuCo 10**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The target's eyes turn white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Herb of Virtue*[/td]
[td]MuHe 15[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The herb turn white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hunt for the Wild Herbs[/td]
[td]InHe 5[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The sample that Fiona uses in the spell turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Intuition of the Forest[/td]
[td]InHe 10[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Preternatural Growth and Shrinking*[/td]
[td]MuCo 15[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Probe Nature's Hidden Lore[/td]
[td]InHe 4[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The subject flashes white momentarily. .[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Purification of the Festering Wounds[/td]
[td]CrCo 25**[/td]
[td]The target’s hair becomes white while he’s under the effects of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh[/td]
[td]InCo 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The area in question turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Robes of Impenetrable Linen[/td]
[td]MuHe 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The clothing turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Shape of the Woodland Prowler*[/td]
[td]MuCo(An) 15[/td]
[td]The wolf’s fur is white[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Sight of the True Form[/td]
[td]InCo 15[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona's eyes turn white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Taste of the Spices and Herbs[/td]
[td]MuIm 5[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The food turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Touch of the Pearls[/td]
[td]InAq 5[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The target turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Wizards' Communion[/td]
[td]MuVi 20[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair turns white while Wizard’s Communion and the accompanying spell are cast.[/td][/tr][/table]

  • Spell is a part of her Minor Magical Focus.
    ** Spell includes +1 Magnitude for Target Size.
    [hr][/hr]Fiona's Lab

Build Points: 20
Names Added to Sanctum Marker:
Size: +1 (0) [500 sq. ft.]
Refinement: +1
General Quality: +1
Upkeep: +2
Safety: +5
Warping: +0
Health: +2
Aesthetics: +4

Virtues & Flaws
Dedicated Building (Free Structure Virtue): Upkeep: +1; Aesthetics: +1; Rego: +1
Idyllic Surroundings (Free Structure Virtue): Health: +2; Aesthetics: +1; Specialization: Herbam(+1)
Lesser Feature (Minor Structure Virtue): Aesthetics: +1; Feature: Still; Muto: +1
Spacious (Minor Structure Virtue): Safety: +2; Aesthetics: +1
Superior Construction (Free Structure Virtue): Safety: +1; Aesthetics: +1
Superior Equipment (Free Outfittings Virtue): General Quality: +1; Upkeep: +2; Safety: +1; Extracting Vis: +1
Undecorated (Minor Outfittings Flaw): Upkeep: -1; Aesthetics: -1; Note: Specializations with score of 2 or more reduced by 1

+1 Extracting Vis
+1 Herbam
+1 Muto
+1 Rego

Still: Type: Lesser

2nd Decade: 1205-1214 (ages 35-44)

1205 (age 35): 10 xp Apothecary (to 2), 10 xp Area Lore: Scottish Highlands (to 2), 10 xp Athletics (to 2)
[tab][/tab]1 season preparing her Talisman for enchantment (using 8 pawns of Vis, or 2 BP, out of 30 BP available); 2 pawns Vim left over from talisman for reserves.
[tab][/tab]Aging Roll: 110 + Age 4 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = 8, apparent age increases by one year (to 35). +1 Warping Point.
1206 (age 36): 5 xp Chirurgy (to 1), 35 xp Magic Theory (to 7). Aging Roll: 8 + Age 4 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -8, no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1207 (age 37): 10 xp Charm (to 2), 15 xp Magic Lore ( to 2), 5 xp Order of Hermes Lore (to 1)
[tab][/tab]1 season putting Vis into her Talisman (14 pawns Vim, which is twice her Magic Theory), which brings her to 22 pawns in the Talisman (equal to her highest T+F, Mu 12 + Co 10).
[tab][/tab]Aging Roll: 1
8 + Age 4 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = 4, no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1208 (age 38): 5 xp Intrigue (to 1), 5 xp Medicine (to 1); 15 xp Aquam (to 5); Revealed Flaws of the Giant Flesh (InCo 15 – as Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh, with +1 magnitude for Size).
[tab][/tab]Acquire the Collar of the Insula Canaria Polar Bear Club[sup]1[/sup]. Aging Roll: 8 + Age 4 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -4, no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point (Warping Score: 1).
1209 (age 39): 15 xp Animal (to 8.); The Beast Remade (MuCo(An) 25). Aging Roll: 8 + Age 4 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -4, no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1210 (age 40): 7 xp Creo (to 7), 3 xp Herbam; Curse of Circe (MuCo(An) 30). Aging Roll: 9 + Age 4 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -3, no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1211 (age 41): 2 xp Herbam (to 5), 11 xp Vim (to 11), 15 xp Awareness (to 3), 12 xp Parma Magica. Aging Roll: 7 + Age 4 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -5, no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1212 (age 42): 3 xp Parma Magica (to 3), 10 xp Intrigue (to 2), 10 xp Order of Hermes Lore (to 3); 9 xp Muto (to 13), 8 xp Rego. Aging Roll: 1*5 + Age 4 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -1, no apparent aging.
[tab][/tab]+1 Warping Point.
1213 (age 43): 10 xp Bargain (to 2), 10 xp Medicine (to 2); 18 xp Rego (to 7), 2 xp Herbam. Aging Roll: 7 + Age 4 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -4, no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1214 (age 44): 5 xp Leadership (to 1), 15 xp Scribe (to 3), 8 xp Teaching; 12 xp Herbam (to 7). Aging Roll: 2 + Age 4 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -9, no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
[hr][/hr]Fiona's second decade out of apprenticeship, and at the Covenant of Insula Canaria in Loch Leglean, saw her start to chafe a little bit under the fairly rigid seniority system set in place there. In 1208, she was given the "responsibility" of overseeing the Neseig's eggs, somewhere in the frigid murky waters of Loch Ness. To that end, she had commissioned a collar that would enable the wearer to breathe and stay warm underwater, as well as to see clearly in the nigh-impenetrable silty water. She was also forced into a temporary leadership position in 1213, after a fashion - not because her elders thought she deserved it, but two were away from the covenant and one was in a Twilight episode for a time, so the mantle fell to her almost by default.
[hr][/hr][sup]1[/sup]The Collar of the Insula Canaria Polar Bear Club is a silver choker-style collar or necklace that enables the wearer to resist cold and to breathe and see clearly underwater. It has a capacity of six pawns, of which five pawns have been used.

First effect is Lungs of the Fish (MuAq(Au) 20), usable once/day. 2p.

Second effect to keep the wearer warm in the frigid waters of Loch Ness, which should be a CrIg (Base 2, R: Touch +1, D: Sun +2, T: Individual, for an Effect Level of 5), usable once a day. 1p.

Third effect is Clear Sight of the Naiad, with the Range upped to Touch +1 and Duration: Sun +2, making it a Level 20, also usable once a day. 2p.

Total on all enchantments in the collar is 45, or 18 Build Points.

Spells are purchased with experience points, precisely so I don't have to adjudicate whether a lab text is available or not.
Edit: but inventive genius applies to inventing spells/devices from lab texts (I'm so ruling this now).

Easily fixed.

I honestly thought that was RAW.

[tab][/tab][size=150]Fiona ex Miscellanea, after 20 years[/size]
Year: 1214
Age: 44
Size: +2
Confidence: 1(3)
Decrepitude: 0(0)
Warping: 1(5)

Apothecary 2
Area Lore: Scottish Highlands (geography) 2
Artes Liberales (logic) 1
Athletics (dancing) 2
Awareness (searching) 2
Bargain (service for service) 2
Charm (flirting) 2
Chirurgy 1
Code of Hermes 2
Concentration 1
Distilling (whisky) 2
Folk Ken (boys) 2
Gaelic (Scots Highland) 5 (native)
Gardening 1
Guile (hiding true feelings) 2
Intrigue 2
Latin (plants and herbs) 5
Leadership 1
Magic Lore 2
Magic Theory (transformation) 7
Medicine 2
Music (singing) 2
Mythic Herbalism (creating potions) 1
Order of Hermes Lore 2
Parma Magica (Corpus) 3
Penetration (transformation) 1
Scribe 3
Sewing 2
Stealth (natural areas) 1
Survival (mountainous terrain) 3
Teaching 1
Weaving 2

Creo: 7
Intellego: 4
Muto: 13
Perdo: 4
Rego: 7
Animal: 8
Aquam: 5
Auram: 0
Corpus: 10
Herbam: 7
Ignem: 0
Imaginem: 4
Mentem: 3
Terram: 3
Vim: 6

Spell List
[table][tr][th]Spell Name[/th]
[th]Casting Total[/th]
[th]Spell Level[/th]
[tr][td]Aura of Ennobled Presence[/td]
[td]MuIm 10**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Beast of Outlandish Size*[/td]
[td]MuAn 15[/td]
[td]The animal turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]The Beast Remade*[/td]
[td]MuAn 25[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The animal’s hair turns white while in human form .[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Cloak of the Duck's Feathers[/td]
[td]ReAq 5[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The water is milky white when it's in contact with the protected object.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Curse of Circe*[/td]
[td]MuCo(An) 30[/td]
[td]The target becomes a white pig .[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Disguise of the New Visage*[/td]
[td]MuCo 15[/td]
[td]Disguised Casting[/td]
[td]Target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Eyes of the Cat*[/td]
[td]MuCo 10**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The target's eyes turn white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Herb of Virtue*[/td]
[td]MuHe 15[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The herb turn white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hunt for the Wild Herbs[/td]
[td]InHe 5[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The sample that Fiona uses in the spell turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Intuition of the Forest[/td]
[td]InHe 10[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Preternatural Growth and Shrinking*[/td]
[td]MuCo 15[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Probe Nature's Hidden Lore[/td]
[td]InHe 4[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The subject flashes white momentarily. .[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Purification of the Festering Wounds[/td]
[td]CrCo 25**[/td]
[td]The target’s hair becomes white while he’s under the effects of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Revealed Flaws of Giant Flesh[/td]
[td]InCo 15**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The area in question turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh[/td]
[td]InCo 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The area in question turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Robes of Impenetrable Linen[/td]
[td]MuHe 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The clothing turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Shape of the Woodland Prowler*[/td]
[td]MuCo(An) 15[/td]
[td]The wolf’s fur is white[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Sight of the True Form[/td]
[td]InCo 15[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona's eyes turn white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Taste of the Spices and Herbs[/td]
[td]MuIm 5[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The food turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Touch of the Pearls[/td]
[td]InAq 5[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The target turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Wizards' Communion[/td]
[td]MuVi 20[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair turns white while Wizard’s Communion and the accompanying spell are cast.[/td][/tr][/table]

  • Spell is a part of her Minor Magical Focus.
    ** Spell includes +1 Magnitude for Target Size.

Question: I'm figuring out an enchantment for Fiona's talisman that allows her to dispel Hermetic shapeshifting spells at Touch range (i.e. she has to touch the target with the staff for the effect to go off). I'm looking at the guidelines and spells, and I can see a couple that might fit.

  • "Dispel effects of a specific type with a level less than or equal to the level + 4 magnitudes of the Vim spell + a stress die (no botch). A specific type could be Hermetic Terram magic, or Shamanic spirit control magic." (ArM5, p. 160, Perdo Vim guidelines for General). Shapeshifting spells could be Corpus, Animal, Herbam, or Terram, but it's also more restrictive than the examples give, I think.
  • Unravelling the Fabric of... (ibid, p. 161) is also close, but has the same caveats as above.
  • I was also looking at "Dispel a specific type of enchantment with a level less than twice the guideline level used + a stress die (no botch). To qualify the spell needs to specify a particular Hermetic Form or a specific type of enchantment, such as Talismans, Familiars, or Longevity Rituals. More general enchantments do not qualify." (from Houses of Hermes: True Lineages, p.75), but then I noticed that it's a Ritual and thus not enchantable into an item.

So...looking at the spell description again (for Unravelling the Fabric of (Form)), it looks like it uses the same guideline that I mentioned, but jacking it to Voice uses two of the four magnitudes mentioned in the guideline.

Would that be an appropriate guideline to use for her Dispelling Hermetic Shapeshifting effect? Base + 3 magnitudes, +1 magnitude for Touch? So, if she were to use Base 25, then she could dispel effects up to Level (40 + quality die)?

On this...can we spread the experience points over two years? Or does this put an effective cap on spell levels at 40 (or 30 for Apprentice Training Years)? (I have a couple of spells that are Level 35 and 40 that she wouldn't be able to do if she can't spread it out.)

Yeah, but the spell will actually be more versatile because it can destroy any Corpus magic at touch range.

Certainly, since many spells are beyond 10th level, you almost have to accumulate several seasons of experience to learn spells.

Not any Corpus. Only Transformational magic (which would be pretty much just Muto Form). It wouldn't cancel, say, Lifting the Dangling Puppet or Purification of the Festering Wounds, but it would cancel Curse of Circe, Eyes of the Cat, or The Beast Remade. Basically, any spell that would fall under her Minor Magical Focus.

Third Decade (1215-1224)

1215 (age 45): 15 xp Folk Ken (to 3), 15 xp Teaching (to 2); 5 xp Perdo (to 5), 5 xp Imaginem (to 5). Aging Roll: 8 + age 5 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -3, no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1216 (age 46): 20 xp Awareness, 10 xp Penetration ( to 2), 10 xp Auram (to 4). Aging Roll: 5 + age 5 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -3 , no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1217 (age 47): 5 xp Auram (to 5), 17 xp Herbam (to 9), 9 xp Mentem (to 5), 9 xp Terram (to 5). Aging Roll: 10 + age 5 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -1 , no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1218 (age 48): 10 xp Artes Liberales, 10 xp Mythic Herbalism (to 2); 20 xp Rego (to 9). Aging Roll: 8 + age 5 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -3 , no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point (Warping Score: 2).
1219 (age 49): 5 xp Intellego (to 5), 7 xp Rego (to 10), 15 xp Ignem (to 5), 13 xp Corpus (to 11). Aging Roll: 5 + age 5 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -6 , no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1220 (age 50): 10 xp Corpus (to 12). Three seasons spent establishing, then Refining her lab to get it just as good as her lab in Loch Leglean was (so I don't have to spend time re-doing her lab). Aging Roll: 4 + age 5 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -7 , no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1221 (age 51): 15 xp Mythic Herbalism (to 3), 15 xp Medicine (to 3); 10 xp Parma Magica. Aging Roll: 3 + Age 6 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -7 , no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1222 (age 52): 10 xp Parma Magica (to 4), 5 xp Code of Hermes, 15 xp Penetration (to 3). 1 season training Sheelagh. Aging Roll: 7 + Age 6 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -3 , no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1223 (age 53): 5 xp Bargain, 10 xp Code of Hermes (to 3), 15 xp Order of Hermes Lore (to 3). 1 season training Sheelagh. Aging Roll: 6 + Age 6 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -4 , no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
1224 (age 54): 10 xp Bargain (to 3), 10 xp Chirurgy (to 2), 10 xp Leadership (to 2); 1 season training Sheelagh. Aging Roll: 2 + Age 6 – LR 14 – LC Mod 2 = -8 , no apparent aging. +1 Warping Point.
[hr][/hr]In the early part of her third decade after apprenticeship, Fiona was really starting to chafe at her situation in Insula Canaria, at still being treated as a "junior" maga even though she was well into her 20s. She started discretely sending inquiries about joining a covenant elsewhere, and in 1220 became a founding member of Mons Electi (in the Normandy Tribunal).

In 1222, she took an apprentice named Sheelagh who was sent to her by her own mater, Marós, as Fiona's magic was more suited to developing and working with Sheelagh's inherent magic than Marós's was. Sheelagh was also, like Fiona, a half-giant redhead.

She hasn't used her Build Points for anything in this cycle, so she finishes the decade with 105 BP.

Unraveling the Fabric of Corpus would undo any Corpus spell, though. I know you intend to have it work only for the transformation spells, but it would still work for any spell, so long as you can touch the affected person.

Which is why I don't want to use Unraveling the Fabric of Corpus as is, I'm trying to figure out what the base would be for a spell that undoes transformations. For example, someone who gets turned into a pig, or a ewe that gets turned into a woman, or a man who is turned into a tree, or a horse that gets turned into a statue.

I'm thinking that the base would be the same as what Unraveling the Fabric of Corpus appears to be ("Dispel effects of a specific type with a level less than or equal to the level + 4 magnitudes of the Vim spell + a stress die (no botch)."), but I'm not sure that the areas covered aren't too broad. And, if so, would it be solved by making it a magnitude or so more difficult, so that instead of level + 4 magnitudes, it might be level + 3 or even +2.

I think that what I'm after is doable, I'm just trying to figure out how to work it mechanics-wise. Or, if not, if that would be something she can do Original Research for (possibly a Minor Breakthrough, per Houses of Hermes: True Lineages p. 26). I can see her having to invent Unraveling the Fabric of (form) multiple times to accumulate Breakthrough Points until she gets it figured out.

Actually, I'm fine with it being Hermetic transformation magic. This would affect any transformation effect, though. The guideline says a specific type, and gives an examples of shamanic spirit magic or Hermetic Terram magic, so this is still pretty limited.