1.3b Perama Caves

«In what way closer?» Arni asks, «pretention it is. Not understanding, but ... pretending in lieu of understanding. To be closer ... must meet ... listen . Not pretend. »

[tab][/tab]Miklos leads your party further into the cave, testing the shale covered floor for pitfalls. The going is slow for your precautions but better safe than sorry. The natural cave is weathered, even though this part is largely protected from the elements erosion has slowly set in. On the last part of the gallery where natural light can reach and the tunnel takes a left turn, you can see stalactites having formed on the ceiling out of limestone, while the floor is shaped in smooth, domed shaped rock formations, covered in white and brown droppings. The smell of decaying guano is very strong and you hear large cockroaches, centipedes and blind scorpions scurry around. Your lights disturb a flight of bats roosting on the ceiling and there is a moment of chaos where high screeches and the beat of infernal wings fills the cavern. The bats flee to the light and up the exit even though its morning outside.
[tab][/tab] Regrouping, you start following the natural curve of the tunnel deeper. The limestone walls start glistening, their rough texture taking a wet look, while tiny mineral deposits sparkle to your torch light. The 'path' starts descending, the stalactites filling the ceiling overhead while stalagmites now appear on the floor rising majestically. Sometimes whole pillars of dribbled stone form fantastic sculptures in brown and creme, and there are occasions you need to go around them to move forward. Still the floor of the cave is dry and relatively even, the fine dust accumulated from centuries past puffing up and clinging on your vestments. The cave goes arching to the left and down in a large ellipse, even though you have to zig-zag and meander around stalagmites more frequently the deeper you descend.
[tab][/tab]It is quite a bit since you left the entrance when you arrive in a widening of the cave. The floor continues evenly on the left side, but takes a dip and changes color to the right. A depression is formed of smooth, lemon colored limestone spotted with stalagmites of the same hue. It looks like an ancient repository of water long gone dry. This semi circle pond basin has rounded lips and its texture is not unlike glazed clay. Its stalagmites are small and wickedly pointed, like witch's nailed fingers clawing through the earth. On a risen limestone 'table' you see an encrusted bone half submerged into the rock. It looks like an ancient femur of some animal dropped into the evaporated lake. Deeper into this chamber there is a dead-end. A wall of stone that looks like melted candles poured hot wax and made bubbles of frozen knuckles, closes off the cave nearly all the way to the top. There seems to be a small space between the obstacle and the ceiling.

Scylax becomes quiet and withdrawn after Arni's seemingly odd refusal. He collects little pebbles here and there, specially in caverns with larger stalagmites/stalactites. He alternates between concentrating on his perpetual search and marveling at the cave sights. He even looks for fresh bat guano and collects a very small amount.

Scylax pauses in front of the final odd scene. What sort of animal other than a bat or smaller would be in such a deep cave (regarding the femur)? Have they seen other possible exits? How big is the space between the top of the dead end and the cave ceiling? Have they seen any trace of a previous expedition, or indeed of any human presence?

[tab][/tab]The femur looks like from a large animal, larger than a human. It is definitely not a bat's, in fact if it larger by several magnitudes as long as a man's torso and its head is larger than a fist. The space between the ceiling and the wall seems small, barely enough for a person to crawl through, no other exits or entrances. No signs of human (or non-human) disturbance so far, no sign of fire camps or mining, smuggling or any such stuff.

While Scylax investigates the wall, Arni turns his attention to the limestone table and the dried-out pond. Any trace of anything mystical? [*] Unless he is confident that this is purely mundane, he will spont a spell. [**] When he has learnt what he can, he will turn to Scylax and compare findings.

[*] Magical lore, Magic ttheory, Animal handling (femur), HB lore (ancestor site). Most of these are a long shot, of course, but /if/.

[**] Smell of vis (base 1 duration +2 smell) modelled after Probe for pure silver, but level 3. If he manages Level 4, he makes it conc duration, if level 5, it is sun. Casting total 9. Spending fatigue. If he gets better than momentary, he takes advantage of it smell the whole cave room.

"Miklos", Alexios asks, "do you want lifting up to the gap?"

"Yes please Alexios" replies Miklos. He takes rope, pitons and hammer and attaches himself to the top to ensure he is safe in case he slips. Once safe in position he explores the gap and the area beyond.

[tab][/tab] This depression seems to have been a natural accumulation of water making a pond, that after years run dry. There is no aura attached to it, or this part of the cave, nor any smell of vis. The bone itself is not magical either. While the two magi examine it (and take pebbles and stuff) it is evident from the dust on the bowl that this run dry a long, long time ago. It is still quite slick and slippery even if there is no hint of moisture.
[tab][/tab] Alexios gives a boost up and helps Miklos climb. Thought the wall is smoothed over the years of lime accumulation, it still provides handholds for the cunning man with the climbing ropes to go ahead. (Miklos needs a Str+Athletics vs 12 to climb). Once on top he surveys the ledge he is in. This narrow fissure has a plateau that can hold two maybe three crouching individuals and it narrows down to a schism in the walls that you will need to crawl on your belly to navigate through. Looking around, Miklos then sets the ropes over a rock formation and throws them down for other people to climb up (Str+Athletics vs 6 to climb, the ledge can hold up 2 maybe 3 people).
[tab][/tab] Navigating the fissure will be challenging, especially since the space is so narrow and small, you can taste the limestone with every breath (Everyone navigating the fissure, please make a Bravery roll of 4, or a roll of an appropriate negative trait like claustrophobic vs 4). It takes a lot of shuffling and maneuvering forward, especially carrying a torch extended in front. Thankfully whatever magics were used, there is a slight breeze of air feeding the fire. However after some meters you run into an obstacle. The narrow tunnel takes an ''S'' shape then moves on. This means you face a wall closing vertically in front of you, with the shaft continuing some inches up then turning again in 90 degrees forward again. Your first problem to bypass this hazard is that you will need to turn face up in the tunnel, bend with your back to the wall and up the chute, then turn again to crawl through the upper passage (This is a Dex+Athletics vs 12, not a balancing act but a contortionist one. Do not get stuck). The second problem is that there is no room for burning torches in this maneuver!

Initial climb athletics (climb) 4 + Dex 2 + roll 4 + perfect balance 6 = 16 vs 12 - Pass
(ST EDIT) Roll is STR, still +2 and pass
Bravery roll - no appropriate trait 0 + roll 2 vs 4 - Fail
(ST EDIT) Failure imposes a -2 to all rolls, and if Miklos gets stuck he might panic)
If able to proceed

Contortionist roll - Athletics 3 + Dex 2 + roll 9 = 14 vs 12 - pass.
(ST EDIT) -2 from above, still pass. Will wait for what the others do before I continue with Miklos

While Arni has been smelling and poking in the dust, the ledge has (presumably) filled up with people. Arni focuses on recovering after the exhausting spell, while pondering how an eagle would fare into that narrow tunnel. Obviously, it is not the eagle's favourite environment, but then it isn't human friendly either. Hmmm. Which is worst?

SG, mind giving us eagle/size -2 mechanics too?
(ST EDIT) Eagle has no problem flying to the ledge. It will need a bravery roll of 6+ to attempt entering the fissure and if it fails instinct is too strong to make it go more than a couple of inches in. The S part, it can just fly over with a jump (Dex+Athletics(Flying) vs 4)

Alexios climbs up, and starts following

Str(2)+Athetics(2)+Stress(0)=4, potential botch.... how many botch dice? If I don't botch, I will spend a confidence point and slowly haul myself up through brute strength, unable to find good places to put my feet.

If I make it up there, I look at the fissure
Bravery 3+Stress(5)=8, I succeed, and then look at how tight the fissure is... and say "Are you sure you want me to try? I don't know how any of us will get free if I get stuck."

Arni watches as the companions struggle into the tunnel. He has no idea what Alexios and Miklos say to each other, as he does not speak a single word of Romaic Greek. Worried furrows appear on his forehead when he sees Miklos leave the torch behind and squeeze himself into the dark.

«Scylax,» he asks, «don't you ... can't you ... use some Perdo trick to make the tunnel wider?» Then he picks up a pebble, looking intensely at it for a few seconds, he casts a variant of Lamp without Flame [*]. Shadows cast by the torchlight fade a little, but the pebble itself looks exactly the same.

Arni has made up his mind to follow in eagle shape [**], but he has no need to jump the queue. If everything goes smoothly, he will follow after Scylax, leaving Bogdan behind to watch any equipment which cannot be brought through.

[*] Sun duration, touch range, as bright light as possible. Casting total 12 + 2 (die roll), level 7 gives candlelight (base 2).
[**] No relevant personality trait (except optimist +3), but die roll 1,5 = 10
I am not sure about the relative timeline between the characters. Arni will take his time to recover before casting new spells. If I am acting to quickly, please tell me off

Scylax replies: "I am thinking on this sodales. And not just wishing Aristocles had come, either! I am not well-versed in Terram, but I may be able to open a furrow in the top of the obstacle, yes. We would still need to crawl, but there'd be little danger of getting stuck. However, Perdo tricks are, ahem, tricky! Sometimes you destroy too much, or in this cavern, rocks that hold up ceilings. Let me see...

<OOC Scylax is contemplating this course of action>

[tab][/tab] Miklos leaves the torch behind and dubiously takes the shining pebble. He squiggles competently into the crevasse, despite his nervousness and when he reaches the difficult part, he somehow manages to contort himself and move on. Soon the light from the pebble lessens then is completely gone into the darkness. You cannot see nor hear anything from the man that went forward. Alexios is worried he cannot enter and will get stuck, while the two magi ponder what to do.

(Would Miklos like me to PM whats on the other side?)

Yes please

Scylax pats Arni on the shoulder, gently, hopefully no taboo is broken: Well sodales, remember me kindly. Scylax motions forcefully and his words echo in the cavern...and he is gone. Up on the ledge he appears well-centered, but still reaches out to balance himself, needlessly, somewhat out of breath. Hah! It's the little victories, Arni!. After a few minutes, he will be rested, and again gathers his magic, this time almost violently, and then releases it. It is done, he slumps a little, again out of breath. He will then get on his knees on the shiny furrow (his sigil is "items created/affected appear new, more vivid, even glossy.") and crawl, muttering If it's good enough for Miklos and Alexios, it's good enough for me. More loudly Say Alexios, how are you doing up ahead, ever been in such a tight spot!?

[tab][/tab] Scylax uses his magic to carve a smooth furrow in the fissure as far as the S passage. Forming a half moon a quarter of a circle wide, this limestone furrow allows one to easily slither forward and still have enough space to sit hunched on one knees. All four adventurers can now reach the difficult point in the tunnel, and the magi can still cast spells with gestures.
[tab][/tab] Meanwhile, on the other end of the tunnel.....(PMs Miklos)

While he is watching Scylax' endeavours, Arni makes two more pebbles (rolled level 9 and 9½). They may come in handy. As Scylax is making space, he decides to try staying human for a while longer, and tries the ropes. He quickly gives up (Rolling 7 + Str -3 Athletics 1 = 5), and passes the two pebbles on to Alexios and Scylax. A moment later, the eagle comes flying, with Arni's cowl in its claws. It lands on the edge of the ledge and watches.

Do Alexios and Scylax proceed? If they hesitate, the eagle will try to squeeze past. Otherwise, he will patiently wait his turn.

Miklos calls back down the tunnel "There is a much larger cave here, it is 20 feet down, we will need climbing gear, can you bring it through?"

The eagle is looking annoyed around. He doesn't understand a word, and is just hoping that Miklos will repeat his shouting in Slav. Should he change to human just to shout back with the request? Not very tempting in this cramped space.