1220.1a Look who's coming to dinner

[color=blue]"Thank you. I'm sure that it will see use before long," Fiona says to Maris, as she tries to decipher any hidden meaning to the present - aside from the fact that she's a woman and women sew. Int 1 + Etiquette (Magi) 3 + die roll of 3 = 7.

When Maris mentions Iaeptus luring her to Stonehenge, she looks at Apollodorus quickly. How did he know that I was leaving Insula Canaria? she wonders. Either Apollodorus mentioned it to someone and it got back to the Tremere, or the Redcaps read the letters and it got back to the Tremere, someone intercepted the letters, or one of my former sodales informed him...but if so, he would have had no time to plan anything before I left the Highlands. Fiona finds herself a little concerned by all these possibilities, but hides herself in studying the sewing kit.

(OOC: The risks of a political story, seeing machinations where there might not be one, as a paranoid player. Simply this, Fiona is a giantess magus and has certain abilities, Iaeptus would likely cultivate relationships with magi who's abilities he could value and use for the benefit of himself and or Blackthorn. That you were ill-treated at a covenant on the verge of Winter or in Winter isn't exactly a difficult conclusion to arrive at...)

Fiona doesn't even attempt to hide her contempt for the notion that she would even consider joining Blackthorn...that most English of the English covenants.

Aye, point taken...didn't think Fiona had that much word fame. But I've also played in many campaigns where missing the most innocuous of clues resulted in character fatality, or worse. I'll try to dial it back some.