1220.1a Look who's coming to dinner

[color=blue]"And what, I wonder, would happen," Fiona muses thoughtfully, [color=blue]"should that situation arise again? If one House were to outnumber all the others, would the Order manufacture a reason to wipe them out, as well?"

Alexei's eyes probably match the Tremere guests at the table. "There was nothing manufactured about the horrors found at the Diedne covens. Their numbers weren't as much a concern as some think, it was their practices that brought that fate upon them. As for will it happen again? You already have your answer. House Ex Miscellenea outnumbers every other House and yet they are in no danger of being Marched."

[color=blue]"Do we? There are, I hear, a thousand magi or so in the Order. My House has a hundred and some." (Fiona is intentionally low-balling the population of Ex Miscellanea). [color=blue]"We may outnumber any other House, but we have a long way to go before outnumbering every other. This is merely an intellectual exercise, but I trust you can see where that may be a concern for one whose humours run toward paranoia."

"That's a convenient fantasy, though isn't it? Do you honestly think it was a simple matter of black and white? Diedne was wrong and Tremere was right? The proof, such as it is, locked away never to be reviewed." The Tremere at the table look aghast.
"I've always found it odd that House Guernicus turned away from a staunch ally at their darkest hour. And they've sealed records so tightly that no one really knows where all their places of Power were. It took much careful investigating to discover that this place, while being Celtic in antiquity, was never a place of Diedne power, despite the rumors. Isn't that odd? No, there is much that is unknown about the past, and I do not trust all the current sources. And whatever happened to that Diedne representative? No one ever asks that question."

Alexei looks mildly perplexed more than outraged. "Diedne representative? I don't know what you mean. As for the records being sealed...it is their prerogative to do so. Many that are renounced have their records expunged or sealed. Their actions spoke for themselves. Beligerance, intransigence, solidarity within their House rather than the Order. Then of course there is their horrific practices. Any Christian, any Hermetic Magus should divest themselves of such trappings and traffic with spirits...and worse. But black and white to me is the idea that wars are merely about population disparities"

He turns to Fiona. "I don't see why there is a concern for any in your House. I, and several others in Flambeau are quite proud of our Sodales in Miscellenea. Contrary to some belief, many in my House strive to enlarge their numbers by treating with hedge wizards on a friendly basis so that they may join the Order. Flambeau himself was more famous for his recruiting than his hunting...at least that is how his apprentices write of his time in the Order. I should think they have nothing to fear. Their lack of order and solidarity in general shall protect them. At least that is what I feel."

"When it was darkest for House Tremere, before the order as a whole renounced Diedne, there was a period of time that the Quaesistores tried to mend things, and even had a representative of the House there. The Ex Misc Prima, for some odd reason, or not, decided to trael mundanely with many proxy sigils. She never arrived, and the matter was adjudicated in favor of the Tremere. What happened to that Diedne Magus? The record ends at the Tribunal convened, and no mention was made that he was given safe conduct back to his House, or executed on the spot. Nothing was mentioned. I happen to have it on a good authority that he was siezed, but after that I don't know what happened to him."

"As to the matter of the cause of wars, I said it is population pressures, not disparaities. It is true that vastly larger populations can create pressures, but in this case, the disparity, wasn't the exact or sole cause. Let me digress for a moment to explain it more mundanely. Take, for example, the sacking of Constantinople. The Venetians simply wanted to destroy the mercantile interests of the city in favor of their own. The competition for resources against Constantinople was too great. The Schism is similar. Diedne were expanding, rapidly, consuming scarce resources, such as covenant sites in England, Brittany, Normandy and so on, which created a shortage of sites for other Houses. It was during that time that the Tremere and others were trying to expand out of their traditional homes. Conflict came about because the Tremere, Tytalus and Flambeau were attempting to expand outside their traditional places of power, but just a bit later than the Diedne. Tremere scouts had been scouring Europe for decades and hand uncovered many sites that later became Diedne Houses, I'm sure the Tytalus and Flambeau experience similar problems, but probably not on the same scale as the Tremere. Understanding that it is the pressure of competing populations that cause wars. The Tremere move as one, or not at all, by being unable to move in one way, they were forced to move in a different direction. My grandparens told me of at least two expiditions he was on to found a new covenant, only to show up and find the Diedne already present building it. Sometimes it was only by a season."

The Tremere at the table are whispering furiously amongst each other.

Alexei is scowling skeptically. "I...haven't heard of any of this. Though I admit I'm not as much of a student of our history. I shall abstain from further discussion on this as I have no way of arguing a point that I had never heard of. I already look foolish enough. Perhaps there is some research material in our libraries?"

"Very few have heard of this. There are some volumes in the library, written by Xenophon of Tremere. They are in Greek, though. And no, you don't look foolish at all, Alexei. This is not common knowledge, and of course the further removed one is, the less likely one is to know about this time. It is perhaps unfortunate that many a Magus pursue their Arts and forget history. You can be sure that there are others who don't forget that history, and they teach their descendants."

Alexei's mischievous smile returns. "Oh? I don't look foolish? I must not be trying hard enough! Come Luna, let us see how foolish I can look, let us engage our challenge, if there shall be one at all."

After the Certamen contest while everyone is enjoying libations and pleasant conversations, a bald woman in charcoal gray Tremere robes enters the dining hall. At first no one recognizes her, but after a few moments, you can see that it is Maris. "I'm pleased to see everyone still here. Luna, have you exchanged the gifts, yet?" Luna's previous good mood at trouncing Alexei is spoiled and she scowls and shakes her head.

"Really, Apollodorus, your manners are slipping," she says, chiding him playfully. He begins to protest, but she cuts him of, "No, I know you hoped I'd be able to return quickly, I understand." Luna returns to her seat, immediately opposite the still dazed Alexei, and Maris directs the Tremere to present the gifts to their counterpart across the table.

"To Master Alexei, we have something that my predecessor directed me to give you. It was originally given in the spirit of poor humor, but I suggest that you might be able to make good use of it. Luna hands you a scroll that seems quite heavy, so it must be long.

"To Master Iosephus, who we don't know much about, we present a similar gift to Master Alexei's, so you may know us better."

"To Mistress Fiona, we have something a bit different." Her counterpart pulls out a bag, from which he pulls a 7" round box, which couldn't have possibly fit within.

"And for my pater, I have this." The Tremere, who was across from the table from Fiona rises and out of the bag pulls out an impossibly large box, over a foot wide and 2 feet long. Upon opening the box are two crystal decanters and many crystal wine glasses. [OOC: think cups, not modern wine glasses, and the glass is greenish in hue, with lots of bubbles within it].

OOC: I may have some other gifts for Onesiphorus and Silviatios, but...

Apollodorus, after opening the box claps his hands, and servants and pages appear. To each of the Tremere a chess set is given. The pieces are immediately obvious, fashioned in the style of the gnomes chess pieces, and they are carved in alabaster and jet. After Luna and Maris have received their gifts, while the other Tremere are receiving theirs, Luna and Maris engage in a whispering episode. Maris face remains expressionless during the exchange.

Alexei is still a bit woozy both from the Certamen, and perhaps too much wine. He brightens up when the gift is presented. "A gift? More than a lesson in Certamen (that is already fading fast!). It must be an early Yule!" and begins to pen the box.

OOC: Fiona received a box, Iosephus and Alexei received scrolls.

Fiona takes the box with a heartfelt [color=blue]"Tapadh leibh," ("Thank you" in Scots Gaelic). She discretely looks at the others to see what they're doing with their gifts before opening her box. [color=blue]"I deeply apologize that I have no presents for you, as your company is a quite pleasant surprise."

Fiona watches the whispering Tremere, trying to discern what they're doing, whether they're angry, surprised, conspiring, what have you. Per 0 + Folk Ken (Magi) 2 + die roll of 4 = 6.

If Fiona had to guess, it would be on the dinner conversation. However, Maris hides any opinions she has vey well. The only clue she has is due to Luna's animated nature during the discussion.

The scroll Alexei unravels appears to be a document detailing Tremere organizational structure. [In game terms it is a tractatus on Order of Hermes Lore Q10, which will grant a specialty in Tremere.]

Now that others are opening their presents, Fiona discreetly opens her box to see what lies within.

As you pause to look at the box, it reminds you of a sewing kit. And upon opening it, you discover that it is indeed a sewing kit, and equisitely made.
"Iaeptus had hoped to lure you to Blackthorn in Stonehenge, when you left Insula Canaria to come join Apollodorus he was most put out. I felt it best to present the gift, anyway."

Alexei takes a look at the revealed documents, finding dates, Tremere House symbols and other distinguishing marks. He looks suitably impressed.

"My thanks." he says as he bows to the guests. "A gift like this is not likely shared often with those outside of the House. Thank you again." he says as he carefully assembles the pages and puts them aside so that he doesn't spill wine or anything on them.

"It is something I thought you could benefit from. Iaeptus tends to have an odd sense of humor. He had intended it as an insult. I do not. Knowledge is always useful. I took Master Apollodorus lessons to heart and learn from history. Iaeptus prefers to satisfy his own selfish desires ahead of those of the House." She says the last with a long look at Luna, "Such behavior is unseemely for Tremere."