Relieved to finally stumble upon this human settlement, Fieltarn drops his belongings at his feet, and the heavy saddle which he had to carry over his shoulder to cross a last patch of wood, too dense and thorny for any horse.
At first he's interested by the Temple of Janus (if he can discern its ruins), but when he notices the blood, his instincts have him unnecessarily put a hand over his parens' knife, at his belt, while he calmly remove the wool mitten from the other with his teeth. Once both hands are free, he flexes his fingers, numb from the early frost of fall, in case he'd have to cast a spell... still bemused by the gored ram.
Too far, and well past our last change to be your doing. Right, my savage friend?
Fieltarn stands there for a moment, still close to the edge of the forest, listening for any sound of animals. Not expecting any answer from his now dormant passenger.
Hmm... still, we wouldn't want some angered shepherd to think we actually had anything to do with this, and track us thereafter.
((Fieltarn casts Trackless Steps ReTe10 before getting too far from the trees and approaching the ram))
CT : 10 Rego +1 Terram +1 Stamina +Aura 0 (assuming "neutral"?) + 1d10, roll 2 = 14
Then he tries and takes his bearings while slowly walking to dead ram. He's more interested to evaluate how much daylight hours remains and what weather he should expect, than of actual directions since he had simply chosen to trust Dana's whims to guide his steps, so far.
Seems like you actually had something in mind, oh Mother.
((Per 1 + Wilderness Sense 3 + 1d10, roll 3, assuming simple roll. Total = 7 )).
(Survival 4, if it helps, too)
Closer to the gory scene, Fieltarn watches for tracks or other telltale signs that would explain what happened here. Then he inspects the ram's wound(s) too, naturally.
((Per 1 + Hunt 3 + 1(specialty tracking) + 1d10, roll 2 = 7 ))