((Well his specialty is Spells, maybe he'd have a hunch?))
Good try. I'll give you the result I rolled on your behalf. You can then speculate as to the possibilities... Total was 17...
((No idea what to make of it other than it's a pretty decent roll))
"Mam'selle...Forgive me, I am not certain, I think it is a spell of some kind...those...smell a bit different. But I thought it best to warn you."
It was a good roll. You can use the result to back into some minimum levels based on spells, aura's, etc... Brione can then relate that to some other things perhaps...
Brionne is visibly struggling to describe the spell's power to Fiona (it is not a pretty sight). "Mams'elle...the spell is almost...as powerful as the spell you used to change me into a wolf. But I do not know what it does."
[color=blue]"Hmmm...: Fiona does some reckoning. Int 1 + Magic Theory 6 + die roll of 6 = 13.
First thing that came to my mind was a ReAn to summon the sheep. Looks like Base 2 ("Plant a single suggestion in the mind of an animal"). +4 for R: Arcane Connection, +1 D: Concentration, maybe +2 for T: Group would make it Level 15 for one sheep and Level 25 for a group of sheep...and the Shape of the Woodland Prowler is Level 25. So, I'm thinking he's smelling a spell to summon that one sheep again.
Fiona will look through a window or over the door or something to see if the ram is still in there or if it's acting like it's being called again.
Unless her Magic Theory roll might come up with a better idea.
As Fiona closes in on the barn her body begins to tingle. Reminiscent of coming upon a foreign Aegis of the Hearth.
[color=blue]"Bastards!" Fiona mutters under her breath in Gaelic.
[color=blue]"Wait!" she says to Brione in French if he looks like he's headed any further into or toward the barn than where Fiona felt the tingle. She will then walk around the barn, exploring and probing the boundaries of the apparent Aegis. She will also ponder what Atsingani and/or Montverte could hope to gain from putting an Aegis over the barn...and whether this goes beyond what is considered acceptable raiding practices here.
Possibly relevant rolls: Int 1 + Code of Hermes (Political Intrigue) 4 + die roll of 0 (check for botch comes up 8) = 5.
Int 1 + Order of Hermes Lore 2 + die roll of 0 (really, Invisible Castle? Check for botch comes up a 3) = 3.
Fiona doesn't think that the casting is a violation of Code.
"But of course Mams'elle." Brione says, and follows along with her, trying to help gauge where the spell is. He keeps his shield and weapon handy just in case.
Brione would need to roll a couple of times to try and determine the extent. Fiona is able to easily sense it about the barn, whenever she reaches out to touch the barn, her hand tingles.
Okay, so the apparent Aegis is around the barn itself, and doesn't really extend beyond the eaves? Or the path one would take when walking around the outside of the barn, as close to the walls as possible?
hmmm....the player is still drawing a blank on what else this could be aside from an Aegis. Maybe a Magic Theory roll? Int 1 + Magic Theory 6 + die roll of 6 = 13.
She will also take another look skyward to see how the weather's looking. Int 1 + Survival 2 + die roll of 8 = 11.
The character should be all but certain that this is an Aegis.
There is a storm coming, big one. Heavy, wet snow.
[color=blue]"I don't like this," Fiona says to the others. [color=blue]"but we have little choice if we wish shelter from the storm. Be warned, however, that my magic will be diminished somewhat while we're in the barn." So saying, she will take another look around to be sure that they're unobserved*. If so, she will lead the others warily into the barn (presumably behind her bodyguard Ivor).
- Per 0 + Awareness 3 + die roll of 2 = 5.
In addition to rams there are also some horses in this barn, which weren't here last time.
Brione keeps a sharp eye out and his weapons at the ready, as well as trying to see if there are other enchantments in the area.
No one is here, now. But there are sleeping pallets prepared in the barn. A quick look shows about 10.
Well, that's new, Fiona thinks, and wonders who the horses belong to. Obviously not Paul-Henri...he doesn't strike her as a horseman. Is it possible that the horses belong to the kidnappers, or their allies/henchmen? If so, where are they? If not...
Fiona does a quick comparison of the number of pallets to the number of horses.
She will also be sure that they post watch...especially at any window or door facing the general direction of Chez Paul-Henri. She will cast Eyes of the Cat on any watchmen. Assuming that the Aegis is Level 25, if she casts the spell normally (full voice and gestures), she will still have a high enough casting total (before any die roll) to get the spell off. Should she still roll anyway?
As the storm approaches you hear voices approaching the barn. They appear to be loud and rowdy, and aren't speaking a language that's readily apparent.
Fiona will peek out the window or door to see about how far the people are, and guesstimate how many spells she can cast before they get here. She will start with Aura of Ennobled Presence upon herself, with Quiet voice (her Mastery ability is Still Casting, so no penalty for no gestures). Mu 16 + Im 5 + Sta 3 + Mastery 1 - Quiet Voice 5 + die roll of 6 = 26 (less whatever penalty for the Aegis), vs. a Spell Level of 10. I'm assuming that she successfully cast the spell but fatigued herself with the casting, dropping her to Winded.
Brione is apparently wearing Full Chain armour, according to his character sheet. Ivor doesn't have an equipment listing on his sheet, so I have no idea what he's wearing. I would like to have Fiona cast Preternatural Growth and Shrinking on Ivor if she has time - that falls within her Focus, doubling her Corpus component (she has a +48 Casting Total), so I doubt the Aegis will impede her that much on this particular spell. If there's still time after that, I would like to have her cast Doublet of Impenetrable Silk on him, if possible. Then, if she's not Weary and there's enough time, cast that on whomever else.