
Let me just add, whether all the vis sources were registered as seisin with the Tribunal or not there were going to be problems for Mons Electi realted to the matter of all their vis, regardless.

If all sources were registered, the vis wealth would be known about at the first Tribunal they attended, and would've become an issue of jealousy and covetousness on the part of other magi. That's a whole other issue that is now, ostensibly delayed until the next Tribunal, or will shape the events of the next 6 years, at the very least. Winning the Tourney on top of all that fabulous wealth would've brought a Quaesitorial investigation down either way.

The decision of how to handle the wealth is what shaped the direction of the saga to this point. It was always going to shape the direction of the saga, so I don't think that this is a huge issue, it just means slightly differnet stories.

Okay, so Seisin are ours whether we register them or not, as long as we have a cursor who can reach them and make it back between sunrise and sunset within a fortnight of the Summer Solstice, without magical aid?

Then our problem is with Legacies (and Luctatio, if we have any) that we have registered with the Redcaps but not with the Tribunal due to the newcomers' unfamiliarity with how things are done here?

All the vis sources that Mons Electi currently harvests can be legally called seisin. What was the Legacy granted to Apollodorus is now the only registered seisin of Mons Electi.

Technically a contested vis source within the range of a seisin is a seisin, not a luctatio. It's whenever something falls outside that range. Luctatio are different from Tropaea in that they are public knowledge, and anyone can attempt to collect their vis, at any time. So if anyone wants to go on a vis hunt, I can whip one up, and send them on their way...

If anyone wants to slap me for quoting Beyonce, well, I happily deserve it.

Since there were no Redcaps from the Normandy Tribunal at the Tribunal, I think they may be registered but other Covenants may not know about it for some time.

That's not correct, and I clarified this in your thread. The Redcaps present were from Dragon's Rest, calling that covenant home. Redcaps who consider Cunfin their home base operated the Champagne fairs, as they happened around the same time...

Quick note - just because we're being asked to register our Vis Sources, if we really want to avoid some of it we don't have to register ALL of our sources, just the ones most easily found/harvestable. I'm getting hit bad by another software package at work that taking down waaay too many systems - I'll try to post more later but will be MIA for most of today.

Sure. Get caught doing the same thing twice is probably not going to endear anyone at Mons Electi to the Quaesitores. You're essentially suggesting what happened in practice and this is why a Quaesitor was sent, or more precisely, provided the impetus for Proctor to act on what Apollodorus thinks is his true objective.
The Peripheral Code requires all vis sources be registered with the Tribunal, period. If you are claiming them as seisin, then you will be tested to ensure that they are legally your seisin. If they qualify as a legacy lease, you will be allowed to harvest them, but it is unlikely that you will get a renewal, or possible that you be barred from renewing the legacy lease.

Covenants in Normandy have been known to play games like this, and when they get caught the first offense is relatively light. The second offense, well, probably not as light.

Oh-- this would be a repeat infraction? Can I get a Lex check to assess what kind of punishment they might receive in this case?

No, I'm saying that what chicoazian is suggesting would create the possibility for a repeat infraction.

Yes, I realize it's beyond stupid to tell a presiding quaesitor / de facto praeco how to run his business. It's a Major personality flaw for a reason :slight_smile:

Faileas's apprentice's name is/was Duncan, which (according to my The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook) means "Dark Warrior". I've gone back and made a handful of edits on my posts changing things from "the apprentice" to "Duncan" where appropriate.

How appropriate...

That's why I chose it. I like to pick names with some kind of resonance with the character if I can...or one that just sounds cool that I can make resonate.



I've got Mélanie, the covenant cursor, posted. I'm thinking that the best characteristics for a long-distance runner are Stamina and Dexterity. If not, let me know and I can juggle them a little bit.

Quickness rather than Dexterity, IMO.

Here's a suggested cursor's characteristics from The Lion and the Lilly...
Characteristics: Int –1, Per –1, Pre 0, Com
–1, Str 0, Sta +3, Dex +1, Qik +3

Yes! Marshalling ftw!

Okay, swapped her Dex and Qui, so her Qui is +1 now. Saw Barnabé when I was making her, and read the descriptions on the two Characteristics. Anyhoo, I think I'm happy with her as she is now: she may not be the fastest runner in all of France, but she can go neck-and-neck with Barnabé, and in fact I would be inclined to give her an ever-so-slight edge due to her failing fewer Fatigue rolls than Barnabé, even if he takes a reduced Fatigue penalty. But I'd lay odds that she's probably faster than anyone else in Burgundy.