1222-1227 OOC

There is room for more Verditius magi in the Tribunal. Also, the attendance at this Tribunal is going to be greater, due to Proximity to Provencal, Greater Alps and Rhine Tribunals... Might even see a Roman magus or two in attendance, which could mean a Verditius or two from there...

The arbiters of the contests are Quaesitores...to ensure fairness. :smiley: As long as you followed the designs in the book for the site, the Tournament site will be fine.
See page 31 of The Lion and Lily, second paragraph on the page. Providing the site and securing it from mundane observation and interference is easily established within the regio.

Hrm....can we get a lab text version of that Moon-Duration Shrouded Glen, or is it just the casting tablet?

~nudge~ JL, is there a reason this hasn't been resolved yet?

And while we're on the topic of unresolved things, we really need to have someone go through Appolodorus's stuff. Korvin learns Greek the earliest. Jacques second. Korvin, can we talk you into spending 1224.3 cataloguing Appolodorus's sanctums instead of reading his book? I believe the charter has some kind of "bribe you into doing it with vis" option?

Well, I guess the primary reason it hasn't been resolved is because I didn't take silence on Peregrine"s list as tacit approval. If that's the list, I can resolve...

Korvin will do it 1225.1 or Jacques will do it 1225.2. i will do it 1224.3 if you take Korvin's Precept duties on 1225.1.

Well, Fiona?

Well, you could answer something like "Sure, I enter a blank page and hit random"

All I know is, the times I've browsed your gallery, I basically have two reactions: "Wow, that is a fantastic make-up/body paint job on that model," and "Holy cow, she's hot!" (depending on my current hormone level).

I'm one of those people that tends to grade art on a pass/fail basis (painting, drawing, writing, photography) as opposed to giving a detailed score and analysis (although I can sometimes break it down by what I don't like about it or if there's something particularly outstanding about it).

I'm sorry, what was the question? (don't want to commit a whole lot until after the current thread; there may not be any more giants...or diedne...or magic realm by the time we get done :laughing: )

And I'm thinking...'how does he get those hot girls to take off their clothes for him?!' :smiley:

I'd prefer someone else take over Korvin's Princeps duties, so that V can remain focused on Tribunal stuff. Looking over 1225.1, that would pretty much have to be either Alexei or I.

I have reserved 2-3 seasons for learning the ReTe/CrTe spells that we'll need for the Tribunal, but that 3rd season is the Tribunal season itself. I haven't actually sat down and picked which spells those are yet, because I'm waiting for JL to tell me which ones I can find, which I apparently can't do until we first get the list of spells we won't want to use from Confluensis. I suppose if we tossed out the "Efficient System of Composting" wand which was going to teleport all our refuse to a composting pile, then I'd still have the spell-development time that I need.

So call my answer "Yes, but I'd prefer to talk Alexei into doing your Princeps season. Alexei?"

tangent: Dammit, Isen, your princeps rotation slot is NOT alphabetical!

I call shennanigans. That is a violation of Hermetic Limits by a character who has been to self-obsessed to notice others. After 80 years stuck in a regio, he can't possibly imagine that someone as lowly as a grog would do anything like this.

Which limit is that?

And be mindful. This is a Merinita... And I submit page 100 of HoH:MC.

Even given that, there's no way for the spell to be both triggered by Vin's actions AND recur every time he attempts it. Vin should be able to get his message out when he tries a second time.

Let's call it an Impossible Brave roll to attempt it, after the experience AND Somnifer's admonition to him. After all, Vin probably has never exeperienced something like that before, nor has he had extensive discussions of Magic Theory or Fairy Magic with anyone.

Wait, do what now?

If Mons Electi is going to be adding two magi (Tranquillina and Moro), will they take up any Princeps duties?

Yes, once they become at least provisional members. My preference is that they be added toward the end of the rotation (e.g. if we currently have 8 magi, and they get added, that would six, seven, eight seasons down the road), and with an older magi before them to act as Vice-Princeps. Kind of a mentor role.

I've just talked Korvin into spending a season sorting through Appolodorus's sanctum and stuff, as soon as he is done learning Greek. He has agreed, provided someone take over his Princeps duties in 1225.1

I can do it, but only if I don't make one of the enchantments for the Tribunal Field (the refuse management item), and juggle stuff around. Can Alexei take over the season of Princeps'ing (instead of reading)?

We seriously need better strategies for conveying approval.

There were objections, the list was modified to consider them, the new list has been around for sufficient time and focus to constitute player approval, in my book.

The squeeky wheel system...works. Stuff will get done, eventually... :smiley: