1222-1227 OOC

I'm still leaning toward "no" on keeping the Hermes Portal every year. IIrc, the Tribunal itself provides a Hermes Portal for the host covenant for Tribunal, anyway, right?


With no books in front of me, I disagree. While Confluensis controls the Mercere Houses, I remember that there was one at Dragon's Rest and it was moved to the small Covenant that is located in the monistary. That is where Renaud father and brother are located. Now their portals may go to Confluensis but I thought that Mercere Houses have portals to Harco

The problem is that Disguise of the New Visage effectively hamstrings itself by doing less than the chosen Base, at a higher cost. Both Disguise of the New Visage and Gift of the New Body have the same base (3: "Utterly change the appearance or size of a person (though they must still remain human in form.") Where Disguise fails, though, (in my opinion) is by taking a "Part" Target and limiting the effects to the head and face. By the guidelines, Base 3 already allows you to change hair, eyes, build, gender, size, and skin color without any added modifiers for complexity, as I read it.

The Succubus's Trick limitations look to be self-imposed by the spell's inventor and not restrictions from the base, which specifically says you can utterly change the appearance. I don't have MoH, so I don't know if there's a reason given for Persephone having both spells, but it could be something in her personality (perhaps a Two-Complex, where she has to do everything in twos?), or she may have learned one to learn the other, or she may have had a high enough MuCo lab total one season that she had to invent both. Dunno.

But for now, this is theoretical until we know if Tria's going to be sticking around for awhile and if she wants the potions.

I wrote that incorrectly, I meant to say, the Merecere House is at Cunfin, and the portal goes to Confluensis, not to Harco. However, that is incorrect, the Mercere Portal goes to Dragon's Rest, but that being said, both are vassals of Confluensis. Also, Dragon's rest is the hub of the Normandy network.

Viscaria wants a Hermes Portal to Val Negra in Stonehenge, the better for us to make a bid as a Flambeau stronghold here in Normandy and augment alliances among the "underdogs." She'd agree to a second portal to Harco.

If we're only talking about one portal, which leads to Harco, then Viscaria abstains on the vote.

She believes that maintaining a portal is a wise investment of our resources, but that one to Harco is "too obvious."

That would be the best thing, but can they?
The spell is ReTe 75. That's quite out of reach for Isen (lab total 55).

A portal to Val Negra is a good idea.

No reason for persephone, no. Save that the simple reasoning that a spell to do both would be more difficult, and thus she went for the 2 lower ones.

Note that utterly does not imply AND. A sex change is quite radical, for exemple, as is a change of build or skin color.

What I'm telling is that, in setting, there's no reason for a "gift of the new visage" to be even used if a "Gift of the New Body" is feasible, and that a published character support this.
Even going by lab totals: To be able to learn Gift of the New Visage + The Succubus Trick (which is Personal Range!) from a text in one season, you need a lab total of 22. To invent a Gift of the New Body on your own in 1 seasons, you need a total of 20.
It would maybe be fine if it was "locked", like to always take a given appearance (although it does make Persephone foolish), but to be so superior? No way.

Found it, although it's from Sub Rosa 08, and thus not canon. It's by Erik Dahl, for what it's worth, though. Issue 08, p45
Like the Wand of Mercury MuCo(An,He,Te) 58
The wearer traces the shape of Mercere‘s symbol on the face of the coin (up, down, left, circle), and transforms his body and everything he is carrying into another form that he can picture in his mind. He can change his features and even his clothing and possessions so that they closely resemble those of another human being, even a person of the opposite sex, though the resemblance is not close enough to impersonate a specific person. The wearer can end the effect at will
(Base 3, +1 touch, +1 conc, +3 complexity, +3 requisites, +5 item maintains concentration, +3 linked trigger)

Ariel is in Stonehenge, she wants to rebuild Val Negra in Provencal Tribunal.

Alexei is against the portal for the cost and the security issues. If the cost could be mitigated then maybe.

Once Val Negra is established, he'd want a portal set up there.

Yes, they do. The implication is that they control the portal, since they paid for it...

That'd be great thanks. I have a concept of a large mastiff (thick shoulders and chest, large head), I want to name him Donar (Germanic version of Thor), and I want him to be a strong companion in battle. I spent awhile thinking of animals that seemed to exemplify loyalty, bravery and combat effectiveness, and the hound seemed to be the best of that.

I'd like him to be big, like Great Dane or Irish Wolfhound big, and strong and tough. Innate powers would be to grow in size (possibly represented by the Gigantic virtue in RoP: Magic), but not always be that big (a size +2-+3 dog is a bit much). A bark that is worse than his bite (causes fear perhaps, or another unique ability, might act as a DEO spell?), but a dangerous bite (some of the MoP virtues just add straight to combat, like attack, damage, and soak). Finally a sense of smell, a good tracker and perhaps second sight.

Alexei would try to incoporate powers directly through the bond process, like the teleport I mentioned. But if the dog is really bog, he might be limited in how much he can do. This might be too much to ask, but we'll see. Thanks, I'll poke around in the book with the example hound as well just to see what can be done, but I've never made a creature with these rules before.

I have a hard time envisioning a creature that naturally develops might-stripping ranged attacks. On the other hand, I could see this beastie having a Bite attack that tears out a chunk of Magic Might and swallows it, or some such thing.

I can see the problem with Might Stripping. One of the things that I thought of was how the rooster is effective against Demons. Maybe the dog's bark or growl can cause the inherent sins/anti-virtues that demons have to work against it. Need to make a Brave roll for example. Then again, a creature from the Magic Realm maybe shouldn't have any real affect on the Infernal like that.


Size +2 is Fiona's size, or larger, while +3 is roughly the same size as guy 12 feet tall and weighing, what, half a ton? The Book of Mundane Beasts has a courser (light horse, like a cavalry horse) as Size +2, and a destrier or heavy war horse as +3. Pretty freakin' huge for a dog.

Definitely is, heck the hound in RoP:M is 0, so that's I'd say great dane size. It'd go well with the spells he casts in combat to increase his szie and that of his grogs.

How about a Demon Repelling Bark? Literally blows demon's backwards, revealing them for the pack to attack, and separating them from the rest of the herd? Plus, visually cool.

You can always enchant a DEO into him later.

Not a bad idea, plus I want to enchant some items for him. Alexei would be one of those hovering pet owners and buy all the cool toys for him.

How long is it going to take to establish Val Negra? I was assuming it would take more than a year, so first we'd want to set up a portal to Ariel in Stonehenge to help with that, and then to Val Negra when it was established.

Either way, Viscaria is voting for a portal to the Flambeau Domus Magnus.

I can see Alexei going "Fetch!" and Marmaduke coming back with a slobber-covered rook of infernal vis, panting, barking, and hopping around ready to go again.

Fortunately Alexei's Talisman is basically unbreakable, I figure Donar would probably chew on it all the time.

Is it pronounced Donner or Thonar though?