1222.2a The Lost Boys

Between spells Alexei turns to Apollodorus. "Sodales, this creature, you called it a Nosferatu? Does it have a human form? I need to know what spells I might cast on it, if I can target it with Corpus or not. If it survived the first encounter, it must have powerful resistance. Men...should you land a blow on it, return to your master or me and offer its blood. Brionne, Michelle, you know what I mean. Now who else wishes to have spells on them? My strategem is to provide enhancements making the the fighters more powerful and they usually don't need to penetrate a creature's resistance." He holds up the ring to Laetitia.

"To activate the healing properties, it must be on the finger and twist it towards the thumb and back. To activate its pain suppression, turn it towards the pinkie and back. But it cannot penetrate, any resistance must be suppressed."

"Are these creatures Infernal in nature? I am not much combat oriented, though I can multicast the Invisible Sling of Vilano, and I can multicast a first-magnitude Demon's Eternal Oblivion, with an average of four magnitudes' penetration."

I am not going Imperitor. I have duties here that I can not ignore. Korvin is going.

((Actually, summer is Onesiphorus season, I mentioned this earlier, so you could switch who goes.))

Fiona also is not going. She is not combat oriented, but she will offer to cast Preternatural Growth and Shrinking on any who want it (which would add +1 to their size...unless they want to be made smaller, in which case it could make them up to 2 sizes smaller). She will also give her cachets of Root-cutter mystic plants and herbs if someone wants it (which can reduce the vis cost of healing rituals by up to three pawns, or by half, whichever is less).

[color=blue]"So long, kids...have fun storming the castle!"

The reason she will offer, if asked, is that she is working on preparations for the Tribunal.

((No. Jacques can not protect his shield grog with Parma. he is not going))

Viscaria would definitely like to be bigger. Vin Diesel will take any spell enhancements offered.

"Sorry, Thera, it looks like you don't get to join in the fun. Maybe I should enchant you with a spell that let's you Leap to me wherever I am..."

"An excellent idea. Add another spell that will let you mewl for help whilst you cower in fear. If you die on me, I will be quite cross."

Fiona has an obscenely high Casting Total with her embiggening spell (+48, vs. a Spell Level of 15), so she could do it with no words and gestures, drunk, and hanging upside down from a tree. But she'll only do it with no words and gestures. As long as she doesn't botch, you'll be fine. So for Viscaria, she rolls a 1 (of course), followed by an 8, for a Casting Total of 64. Plus the aura of 5. So, 69. giggity. And for Vin Diesel, she rolls a 0 but doesn't botch. Both Viscaria's and Vin Diesel's hair is white until the spell ends (it has a Sun duration).

As Fiona turns to leave, she snaps her fingers and turns back to the not-quite-a-dwarf-anymore and her spider. [color=blue]"Actually, I do have a spell that would allow you to travel together. The Beast Remade will transform you," she nods at Theraphosa , [color=blue]"into human form for the rest of the day. If you two are interested, I can cast it now."

Assuming they agree, she will go ahead and do the normal speaky-wavy spellcasting, since she has no idea how much Might she's going to have to overcome. Mu 16 + An 7 + An 7 again (for her Minor Magical Focus) + Sta 3 + Mastery (Penetration) 2 + Aura 5 + die roll of 7 = 47, vs. a Spell Level of 25, for a Penetration of 22. Theraphosa, assuming the spell is effective, is now a white-haired, butt-naked...woman?

Theraphosa admires her body for a second before spinning a form-fitting cocoon of silk around herself (Focus Power, as Doublet of Impenetrable Silk, which costs her 3 temporary might). The silk-spun outfit is something of a cross between Milla Jojovich's bandages in Fifth Element, and something Seven of Nine would consider "unnecessarily tight."

She is now a white-haired, nigh-albino skinned woman, dressed in white silk.

"This will do quite well."

If it is within seven leagues, Isen can go by himself.
If not, he'll go with Apollodorus.
But he'll go.

He'll first cast a Doublet of Impenetrable Silk and Eyes of the Cat (he'll help Alexei cast these on people), his eyes glowing blue all the while. He'll make sure he has a pouch full of small stones to sling if need be.
He'll then have his talisman cast and maintain his various protections, giving him... +25 soak vs fire, +15 soak vs metal, and Endurance of the Berserkers. He'll also summon his sword
Finesse 6 + Dex 1 + 1d10=2 =9. This is enough for a standard item :smiley:
I'll ask alexei for an armor, thanking him in the process. This gives him + 1 sta + 11 armor = +12 soak (27 vs metal, 37 vs fire)

Once there, he'll cast the Wizard's Sidestep 1d10=8 + 25 + aura vs spell level 10. This should work.

He doesn't have a shield grog (I should design one, since he probably came with one, but I lack the time. Hell, despite a clear idea, I haven't done his familiar yet...). Let's say his shield grog made a bad fall last season (sh*t happens) and is indisposed currently.

To appolodorus:
What are these creatures exactly? Do they have some vulnerabilities or resistances? Do they have a touch hide which might protect them from physical attacks? my attacks use finesse and number more than raw power, so I need to know.

A sideway, complice smile. Isen understands the feeling and words. Between the battle-ready mood and that simple phrase, he feels more at home than ever since his arrival :smiley:

((For Isen, the armour is actually soak +13 when it's done and only Load 2, he always buffs it with extra spells, plus if you cast the Doublet on clothes it stacks with the armour. Alexei's walking around soak is +5, but when he really needs to laugh off a powerful strike he can boost it to +24, before taking into account bonuses from his Arts))

"Isen, You have been here some time now, yet we have yet to talk. You're in the Miles yes? My manners are terrible. When this is through we shall spend an evening trading stories over drinks. What School do you follow again? You can likely see that Ramis is mine. Were you at the last Tribunal? I had quite a victory in the joust." he chats up Isen as he continues to cast spells on Grogs and magi alike.

Viscaria, now a size larger than her toga, would like some armor too. "And possibly some for Theraphosa, as well?"

Alexei nods as he casts another series of spells to produce magical chain and then enhances it to be stronger and lighter.

"I have a spell to make one even larger, but its duration is only a Diameter. I usually cast it upon myself and then I have another one for the Turb. It is excellent at breaking a line. Try these on." he says as he hands over two suits of surprisingly light and supple chain.

Glaukopis' interest is piqued, and he flaps over to Fiona. "Excuse me, madam, I couldn't help but overhear your--"

"No," Laetitia interjects flatly.

The two of them stare at each other for a few long minutes, arguing mentally about whether or not the bird should be allowed to put himself at risk. In the end, Laetitia apparently wins the argument, as the owl flies off in a huff.

Laetitia turns to Alexei and says in a clear, unbroken voice, "I would appreciate the same protections you cast on me before, my friend," but he notices her eyes glistening with tears.

Alexei is not the most observant of men and for the last several minutes he's been casting spells like an assembly line, so he does not see the tears. "Actually, why don't you wear this? It shall be even lighter and provide greater protection." he says after he concentrates for a few moments on the exquisite suit of half chain which he said came from a Verditian enchanter. ((Load 1, Soak +15)) "And if you'll lower your parma a moment, I shall enhance the clothes you're wearing as well." he leans and whispers. "Though I should say that their greatest enhancement is she who wears them." and touches her arm to finish casting the spells. ((Doublet of Impenetrable Silk on her clothes, Hardness of Adamantine and Hauberk of Sublime Lightness on the half suit of chain))

So with a Bronze Cord score of 3 and a Stam of 1, what's the total Soak, so I can keep track?

She'll wipe her eyes dry while the suit of chain is going over her head.

((4+15+3=22 Pretty impressive))

Alexei, may I have some of the armor spells? I can cast Wizard's sidestep and Gift of the Bear's Fortitude on everyone.

"Yes, certainly. Though I already have the Bear's Fortitude on myself." Alexei spends some time conjuring and enhancing the suit of chain and hands it over. ((Load 2, Soak +13. Isn't Gift a Personal Range spell? or maybe I'm thinking Endurance of the Berzerker))

After that he leans on his staff for a minute or two. "So...what exactly is a Nos-fer-too? Judging by the talk, it sounded like some kind of aptr-ganger? A dead man that walks?"

Ah, yes, forgot Form bonuses :smiley: And bronze cord...

Isen replies
Aye. I was quite glad to learn your presence here. A miles means honor, courage and strength before adversity. One shouldn't need more. And between the two of us, ensuring proper security for the tribunal will be easier.
For my part, I follow one of the many schools of sebastian, focused on Ice. Thus my sword. Thing is, I never took the time to develop suitable spell, which is a weakness I intend to correct.
But that's not why I wasn't at the last tribunal. I come from the rhine and was... busy there. Were the opponents worthy of your school?
(Busy trying to get the hell away from his pater's dark shadow, that is)