1222.2b The Fall of Night

((This is where I will point out that Andru was at Mons Electi for a time, and he seems to have disappeared. Alexei and Jacques should be extremely concerned that a Primus of a House is missing when his last know location was Mons Electi.))

((I thought Andru went to the Vampire Island? So, last we heard, he was with Viscaria and the others.))


Alexei gets 6 xp
Jacques gets 5 xp
Fiona gets 4 xp
Theraposa gets 3 xp

Deykin gets 5 xp.

Am I missing anyone here?

Would it be reasonable for Deykin to put all of his into Latin, since he spent so much time with magi was acting as a shield grog both here and in the Land of Giants thread? (And, hey, his charges have a 50% survival rate! Rock on!)

Don't see a problem with that.

Does Ulrich get any xp?

And for Fiona: 2 xp in Magic Theory (dealing with the wonky regio entrance) and 2 xp in Spell Mastery (Curse of Circe, doubled xp for Flawless Magic)?

I can't think of anything else, so how about all 5 into OoH Lore?

Ulrich's mention in this thread was accidental[1], but he did do a little bit. 2 xp, I think.
And Flawless magic would double it. Remember, MC doesn't really do this correctly, unless you've figured out how to make it so...

Generally speaking, if I have a problem with any XP expenditures, I'll say so, otherwise, assume yes (this might go into HRs).

[1] I confused Deykin and Ulrich for some reason when Apollodorus's spirit called for Ulrich to give Fiona his staff.

Okay, I'll put both his xp into Charm.

Goes to Folk Ken (previously at 1).

Hey, what happened to the body of the magi who we captured?

Cuz Theraphosa would like to eat him.

And then save his bones and skull until someone enchants them into Bob the Skull.

Actually, he poisoned himself, so she probably just wants to watch him decay slowly inside one of her cocoons. But she's polite enough to ask before dragging him off to a lair.

That's up to the magi.

Can we give him to Jormungand? At least for one night? tongue firmly planted in cheek

Okay, then unless someone says something, Theraphosa drags him off to her subterranean web.

Hey! I loot his body! Was there any stuff on it?

Fiona doesn't care, she's off in Magic for about a week after that happens.

We should keep the body as an AC in case we want to try interrogating his spirit.

That's the plan -- only Thera wants to go one step further and have a magi bind the spirit to his skull and keep him permanently.

Alexei might have some personal issue with that as it's pretty far from what a Christian would do. However that shouldn't stop Thera from doing it.

Isen is all from having an AC. Othervise, he doesn't care, save that, once everything is done and we don't need to interogate him (maybe years later), the man should get a proper burial IF he is not judged worthy of such punishment.