Jacques will leave the meeting for a while to give the necessary orders to the sergeants.
Having a mundane mob of men attack wizards would be suicide. I'm all for locking us down well but they would be useless to prevent an other magical attack. Even my crows could not give a warning in time. I suggest we wait and gather information. We can not strike blindly. Lets wait several days to see if we can find out what has happened. Perhaps we should send word to the Redcaps in Cunfin or look for the one that was signing at the Tavern in Autun. He might still be there.
I agree that we must contact our Primus. He can bring this in front of the Order with more weight than you and I could.
Jacques is for waiting several days before doing anything.
"Andru has been a part of this situation since before our own webs were entagled in the problem. I'm sure he already knows. As for the Tremere, they are most likely the strongest house to respond to the threat....do we consult Andru before telling the Tremere?"
Alexei heaves a sigh. "I've been wanting to find a way to send messages out, but have met with little success, and I can guess why. In a war, control the information. Where are the Redcaps? I don't doubt that the Tremere probably know something, but for the Jerbiton, I don't know. I also wish to get word to my own Primus, as I believe he will be most interested in what will be a war. Let us convene next week, it will likely be better if my hot blood cools somewhat. We'll have had some time to find new information as well."
((This is where I will point out that Andru was at Mons Electi for a time, and he seems to have disappeared. Alexei and Jacques should be extremely concerned that a Primus of a House is missing when his last know location was Mons Electi.))
Would it be reasonable for Deykin to put all of his into Latin, since he spent so much time with magi was acting as a shield grog both here and in the Land of Giants thread? (And, hey, his charges have a 50% survival rate! Rock on!)
Ulrich's mention in this thread was accidental[1], but he did do a little bit. 2 xp, I think.
And Flawless magic would double it. Remember, MC doesn't really do this correctly, unless you've figured out how to make it so...
Generally speaking, if I have a problem with any XP expenditures, I'll say so, otherwise, assume yes (this might go into HRs).
[1] I confused Deykin and Ulrich for some reason when Apollodorus's spirit called for Ulrich to give Fiona his staff.
Hey, what happened to the body of the magi who we captured?
Cuz Theraphosa would like to eat him.
And then save his bones and skull until someone enchants them into Bob the Skull.
Actually, he poisoned himself, so she probably just wants to watch him decay slowly inside one of her cocoons. But she's polite enough to ask before dragging him off to a lair.