1222.2b The Fall of Night

Jacques does not have the strength to get through the PM. He will use Unseen archer again if he is in range.

[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3398777/]1d10=4[/url] Re10 + He8 + Stam1+aura5 = 24

Finesse targeting 1d10=3 + Finesse 7 + Per1 = 11 aim for the legs.

He's about 90 yards away, so he's effectively out of range. 90-15=75. 75/15=5. 5*-3=-15. An 11-15 is -4, even an average roll of 5-6 means he's missing. I think it's reasonable for Jacques to know he's out of range, if he has some other tools in his arsenal...

I don't like coordinating actions to limit play severely. Unless she's directing everyone, I'd say, an int+ concentration roll of 9+ will allow Fiona to cast a spell while also shouting. A botch would be bad boogum. Fair?

Also, I'll just point out that he's leaping. So trying to restrain him as had already been done is unlikely to work (well).

Last resort. Jacques will call the crows he summoned earlier to fly into the mage's face and peck out the eyes. Perhaps that will slow them down. He will then look to close the distance

Fair enough. Int 1 + Concentration 3 + die roll of 8 = 12. So, she's able to cast...except...crap. No, she can't. Size +2. Okay. Aura of Ennobled Presence it is, then. Mu 16 + Im 5 + Sta 3 + Aura 5 + Mastery 1 + Die roll of 0 (but no botch - die comes up a 7) = 30, vs. a Spell Level of 10. Preparing my Presence Attack for next round.

I'm hoping that it's going to be hard for him to cast any spells with a spider the size of a sheepdog munching on his face.

That spider is about 100 paces away from him...

100 paces as the arrow flies or 100 paces further down the path? He may be bampfing to points along the path to Viscaria's sanctum, but Thera doesn't need to worry about things like sheer cliff walls or paths. (Dex 3 + Athletics (climb) 4 + 3 climb bonus = 10+die) She's also been skulking in the background for position for 1 or 2 rounds now.

Hrm, she's also a trapdoor spider. Could she use her Focus Power to cause a pile of rocks to fall onto him when he's suitably close to her lair? Focus Power = effectively a Lvl15, Mastery 2 (penetration, penetration) spont of any effect within her paradigm. This would be a sort of "I Had A Stonefall Trap There All Along" effect.

+3 for range Sight, leaves 4 lvls for a Base Effect
That's be enough for PeTe "Weaken Stone," +1 Part
or CrTe "Create Stone." +1 Size

She's already cast Weaver's Trap once, so she is currently down to 11 temporary might. Casting this would cost another 3, leaving her at 8.

For the sake of completeness, let's see what that possible climb roll would be...
Dex 3 + Athletics (climb) 4 + 3 climb bonus = 10+ die 1 * die 4 = 18.

And since there's been so much traffic since I last logged on, and I have no idea if any of this will be kosher, I'll also say that if she gets within range to bite him, she certainly will.

I had placed Thera in the parapet, not near or in Viscaria's sanctum. It's conceivable that Fiona doesn't know that Thera is in the parapet. If Thera were in Viscaria's sanctum, she wouldn't have been in a position to entrap the three magi within the webs, initially. So, I have Thera in the parapet, about 150 paces, as the crow flies (not quite, but really close) from Thera and everyone in the parapet. That's about 90 paces from Jacques, Fiona and crew, and Alexei is about 40 paces.

And I thought the focus power was the Weaver's Trap of Webs? I'm confused.

Greater Power is a single spell-like power of 50 lvls, power level independant of the creature's Might. In this case, Weaver's Trap of Webs, sight range for a total of Lvl 40, plus 2 mastery levels.

Focus power is the ability to spont up to 25 levels of power, cap'd by Might. Excess magnitudes convert to Mastery points. For Thera, that's a maximum 15 spell, with 2 levels of mastery.

I think trying to collapse the mountain side, covering the entrance to the sanctum would be 20th level.

Base 4: Destroy Stone, R:Sight +3, D:Mom, T:Part gets to 20.

And she's outside of voice range.

CrTe sand avalanche? Should be a mag lower.

Where's the sand?
Based it off the Cascade of Rocks spell, just took away the +4 size. It's a mountainside.

Creating Sand or mud or clay is a base 1. I think you could get CrTe10 Create wall of clay
Base 1 R sight, Duration Diameter (2 minutes) Target Part. That will create 10 cubic feet of clay.

Picking this up again The Target is Ind, not part. The magnitude would only be 5th level for a wall of clay. However, I don't think Thera's Focus power is related to dirt, but is actually web related effects. I'm not sure if it is something like Master of Webs or Crafter of Webs. As I see it only one Focus Power is on that sheet, and it is limited to a TeFo combination, maybe a 1TeFo and 2TeFo where the Form is the same, but a couple of different Techniques apply, as suggested on the inserts on Page 38 and Page 39 of RoP:Magic

Alexei could also try multiple castings of Wizard's Leap if we want to try a Leap race to the portal...

I will say, if Thera's Focus power is web related effects, and the Focus power were Master of Webs, she could turn the webs into a cocoon of iron around the regio entrance to the next higher level. Also, the players know that Tria has claimed that the next level is filled with water, it is conceivable he doesn't know about it, and just has second sight and is racing for the easiest escape route...

Alexei can only Fast Cast, so he can't multiple cast it. He will hurry though, spending a fatigue level to sprint as fast as he can before he can jump in front of him.

It isn't multicasting. It is fast casting at his initiative point and then normal casting at your init point. His initiative is 12.

Ok, I had mentioned this before and thought he couldn't because it wasn't quite a defensive application. He'll go ahead and cast it twice then, once as fast cast and once regular. With his casting total it shouldn't be an issue, but I'll check to make sure he doesn't botch. A finnesse roll for optimum placement though is needed right?

Here's the Fast Cast spell:
1d10+16 → [1,16] = (17) this is a roll over, I doubt it would have any effect, but I'll roll again to get the total.
1d10 → [9] = (9) for total bonus of 18+16 = 34

Fast Cast Finesse roll (speed) Quick 0 + Finesse 3
1d10+3 → [10,3] = (13) Dammit! Dammitdammitdammit!
Botch die for Finesse: (I rolled 3 dice)
3d10 → [10,8,8] = (26)

So may have botched the speed to fast cast. I'll hold off rolling for the second casting as he likely didn't go fast enough.

I think I've convinced myself that your leap is a response to his leap. Of course, he could leap in response to your leap. It may turn into a zero sum situation.

Alexei trips and falls, and loses a round getting back up. Making it one or two rounds at most that he can whack on him.

While Alexei is collecting himself from tripping, a shockwave begins eminating from from Apollodorus' corpse. Those closest feel incredibly stiff and it is very difficult to move. The castle begins creaking and groaning, and blocks immediately begin shifting their positions slightly.

Deykin, Thera group feels it first.
Next round will be Fiona and Jacques' group.
And after that by a round or two will be Alexei and possibly the fleeing magus.

If we make it to round 5 then Jacques will let off another arrow.