1222.2d This is the Land of Giants

Concentration 10.

(And, hey, not everyone gets motion sickness!)

True but this was intense and unexpected. Laetitia may be better prepared on the next attempt. The effect was similar to Confusion of the Insane Vibrations but much more intense.

BTW, I have a grog with me. I just haven't made him yet.

That's fine. Didn't find one you liked?


Thinking about a magical dog who would protect me. But that's probably just because Emma Bull's "War for the Oaks" remains one of the most brilliant pieces of contemporary literature, or whatever blah blah pretentious thing I can say that doesn't make me sound like an omgfangirl.

Well they have red shirts for a reason.

Magae, excuse me ther is a Marcus of Tytalus at the gate. He requested hospitality. I've been unable to find any othe magi. Before I would not hesitate to bring him into the manor House. He's at the gatehouse.

Laetitia sighs. "Lead the way. It's not like we were in the middle of anything."

The page seems perplexed, "Ahh, no. You need not come with me, unless you wish. I was merely seeking a magus or mag on whose authority I could extend hospitality, and of course determine whether this Marcus of Tytalus is well known. I'd never heard of him, yet he seemed to know many of the magi and magae well. He mentioned Knowing Master Apollodorus, but I've never seen him about," ((Marcus has never been to Mons Electi, as far as Laetitia and Fiona know.))

"And because I do not know this Marcus, nor know enough of him that I could tell if it is who he claims to be, I will come with you, as I can determine magically whether or not he is lying." She's already got Bitter Taste of Betrayal, and she'll cast Ear of Truth once she gets there.

Like Magic Theory? Int 1 + Magic Theory 6 + die roll of 7 = 14

[color=blue]"There was a Marcus of Tytalus who joined with our team in the Scavenger Hunt at the Tribunal, which helped us achieve the Siege of Normandy. I will come with you, to see if this is the same fellow."

The Mage travel to the other side and out to the gatehouse. Waiting patiently sitting on the grass is Marcus of Tytalus. "Hello, Fiona" he says as rising up still in a sitting position when he is at the proper height he lets his legs fall uselessly below below. "I'm here seeking some hospitality. I tired of the Itinerium and travelled ahead." he sighs, "I didn't feel comfortable staying in Apollodorus's villa at Valnastium."

On the walk to the gatehouse Fiona thinks that traveling through the regio involve some kind of sudden jarring movement which causes the body to contort into different positions, much like her fall and tripping when the shockwave hit.

Laetitia casts The Discerning Eye. It won't penetrate, I'm sure, but she casts it for the mastery ability:
Acute Sense-- 6+3Per+4Pen=13, which will detect deceptive magic of 7th magnitude or less.

Oh, should get my CT just in case the Aegis drops his Parma or something--
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3514815/ (probably no botch dice) +1stam+23in+6im+2ma+aura+4pen=
Aura-4 is my penetration :stuck_out_tongue: And L is winded.

No deceptive magics detected. "Now that we've resolved I am who I say I am may I bring my Parma up?"

If Ear of Truth didn't pick up any falsehood, then Laetitia will hand him a token, "Mons Electi extends its protection to its guest, Marcus of Tytalus."

He is who he says he is. "Thanks. I have a letter and some instructions from Andru."

"Thank you. Would you also happen to have an Arcane Connection to somewhere near Valnastium? I may need to request asylum from House Jerbiton," Laetitia comments.

She turns to the page and asks, "Who is that man who works under Alexei? The German one who's always making eyes at me? Will you let him know that Marcus is staying here and I've verified his identity, and to please make sure Alexei doesn't get excited and shove a spear in our guest's throat?"

"I do not. I only have an arcane connection to my, I mean Apollodorus's villa in Valnastium, within the Aegis. It's also now a 10th magnitude effectiveness Aegis over the entire valley, changed because of recent events. I'm not sure what to make of it. If you want to have these delivered to your sodales of Mons Electi, I can take a bit of rest." It's a letter from Andru along with a small piece of parchment with some hastily scribbled notes.

"The gist of it is that he'd like Apollodorus's body returned to Valnastium, and if for some reason Apollodorus's manner of death become investigated, then he intends to return everything Apollodorus gave Mons Electi back to Mons Electi."

[color=blue]"Don't we still have everything that Apollodorus gave us? Or did some of it...wander away during all the chaos?"