
@jebrick: I think we need to iron out some inconsistencies here...

Note, because you open Abigail's Arts in Summer, you've satisfied the Code demands of teaching for 1222. You can choose to assign her a text to read, and I think there are plenty to choose from in the library, not being used in Winter of 1222. Note, having her help installing a Greater Feature doesn't provide her or your any benefit, and you can't simultaneously teach her while installing the Greater Feature (a two season project).

I'm also nixing the use of Glaukopis in your lab to assist in the LR. If he was your familiar it wouldn't be a problem, but Laetitia is the helper, not the other way around. He counts as another assistant, and without a Leadership score, you're unable to handle more than one assitant. In her lab, she could have you and he helping, but of course, her CrCo lab scores are lower.

Also, I hadn't done a final ruling on Leadership and help in the lab, as I discussed here. I'm not sure I had clear consensus, but I'm inclined to go with Leadership +1 for # of assistants in the lab, with the Bonisagus getting Leadership +2. So if he were to acquire a leadership score along the way between Spring and Fall, somehow, he could certainly have more than one assistant in the lab. Hint: Abigail edges Glaukopis out slightly as she is Brilliant and Ra'am taught her MT during Winter of 1221.