
While I would agree with this with virtues I would disagree in regards to flaws. I find it hard to believe that any magus would want to give their apprentice any hermatic flaws. Especially their own.

Now while teaching a virtue, almost any hermatic flaw should be able to develop. This would prevent the clone magus.

Working on Fiona's plans, and one of the things she's working on is an plus-size version of Curse of Circe. It's the same as Curse of Circe, with +2 for Size (which should handle giants up to Size +7).

Spell Level 40 (Curse of Circe is 30, and +2 Magnitudes for Size).

Her current Lab Total is Mu 16 + Co/An 7+7 (for Minor Magical Focus) + Int 1 + MT 6+ Aura 5 + Lab Bonus 2 + Inventive Genius 3 + Similar Spell Bonus 6 = 53. She has enough Leadership to have two assistants in the lab (plus Paul). If she can get a combined +7 from Sheelagh, Paul, and possibly any one other lab assistant, she get invent the spell in two seasons without inventing. Otherwise, it's Mad Scientist Time.

So, my questions are:

  • Does my math look right?
  • How much does Paul add?
  • Do we know yet how much Sheelagh would add?

I have this penciled in as being after Fiona spends a season teaching Sheelagh and Paul (hopefully) some Magic Theory. Her SQ would be 14 if she teaches both, or 17 if she just teaches Sheelagh (Com 2 + Teaching 1 + Good Teacher 5 + 3 + Single Student Bonus 6 or Two Student Bonus 3).

Off the top of my head:

Viscaria will need her Difficult Longevity Potion before this shift forward is finished. Roughly, She'll spend 3 seasons/year working toward the Tribunal Field, and 1 season/year working on her story flaw -- trying to determine who her mother is, and trying to ingratiate herself with various Merinita. Minus a few seasons for some personal enchanting (Talisman Attunement, Warding vs Demons).

She needs to focus on Finesse, Rego and Terram studies, as well as enchanting stuff.

I'll also need to remember to figure out all the stuff involving Alchemy.

Assuming we have in fact found a quarry of suitable stone, then V was already planning to spend 2 seasons enchanting Stone Cutting Knives and Enchanted Porters.

She's at Rego 10, Vim 15 by the beginning of 1223, for an Enchanting Lab Total (silver items) of 73. ELT of 66 for Stone items. It'd make sense if warding LTs were part of the parcels she was negotiating for in 1222 on behalf on Mons Electi.

Since I gave her the Difficult Underlings flaw (originally intending that to be a horde of spider-children), I might have Theraphosa spend the next 5 years developing Agencies a la the Tytalus rules, while ostensibly helping Viscaria look for her mother. When she's not helping out in the lab, naturally.

Hrm...I only did the consultant thing because we had so many members and thought it would be an interesting variation. Down to 5 PCs, I certainly don't mind if we shift her up to member status and give her a turn at the wheel.

Let's add her in to the rotation, so that everybody gets 4 seasons of Princeps rather than 5 for each of you. We'll need to come up with a reason IC.

Korvin, Fiora, Alexia, Isen, and Jacques. Looks like 5 members to me.

Ah. Missed Isen, didn't realize he was a member. (He is a member, right?) So, add Viscaria as a probationary member, and Isen, that makes six? Sound doable?

I would point out that we have a good latin teacher at ME. You could let him teach latin and ArtL to give you more time.

Otto? Who did I miss? (I looked at Gunthar, but he's just a weapons teacher)

Look in the Covenant Description thread. A teacher bought with 13 bp. Com +2 latin, ArtL, Philosophy and one other skill at 5 . Teaching at 6.

(Sending from phone so can't quote.)

If that's the one that zlorfik bought, that would be Otto. I forgot about him. I'll add him to my stuff. Thanks.

She should totally shack up with Vin.

Yes! He's kind of the Bad Boy type, and she's Reckless, so they're perfect for each other. As long as he doesn't mind being with a woman with Small Frame (4'7", 80 pounds). Although she still thinks it would be cool to live on the Regio side. It is so awesome over there!

Spinner chick.

How about if she hides out in the regio mountainside, and Vin sneaks her food and home comforts? Heck, if Viscaria finds out, she'll use it as an opportunity to test all her construction magics.

"Home comforts"? Is that what the kids are calling it these days? :wink:

Sounds good to me. If I remember right, there's a few caves on the regio side that would provide shelter, and she'll have Survival 5 by the end of the fast-forward, so she should be in pretty good shape.

Don't forget that scrying on magi is a major violation of the code, so we want to be careful with this.

Wonder if casting forceless crying is a legitimate defence? If you don't penetrate the magi's parmas, you can't be accused of scrying on them? Would that fly?

Can't find the reference, but I could have sworn there were scrying windows for the Tourney fields in La Maison. I've already specified that we spend 1222 collecting whatever info we can on tribunal-specific ruling, habits and histories. The spells/enchantments will be whatever ones are standardly used.

Those requests have been in the pipeline for months without JL telling me anything about how they're going, nor have I heard anything back about what sort of Lab Texts we can find, or how we manage to trade for them. As such, this is a cursory list.

On the subject, you guys may want to remember to use some of those Tropea(sp?) we got last year on Penetration and Corpus before we have to give them back. Neither make sense for Viscaria to use.

Nearly forgot about how Chastity ignores her daughter while getting drunk and leaves her in the tender mercies of Vin Diesel. Maybe she'll run away and stay with Wen for a year or two...

Also in the "I remembered this but it doesn't make sense for my character to do it" category: Don't we have a pass to the Library at Durenmar? Maybe this would be a good time for somebody to take advantage of it?

Oh, and Korvin? Viscaria is going to need a Longevity Potion soon, and hers are Difficulty to make. What will you want for it?