Please post your final point expenditures for the covenant here, until we get the wiki set up. Discussion should remain on the Covenant Design Thread.
My final draft of the 300 point contribution to the covenant's point pool.
[td]One extra base lab[/td][/tr]
[td]Enhancements to magi's labs[/td][/tr][/table]
[td][u]Vis Sources[/u][/td][/tr]
[td]3 Mentem: grape leaves(?) from enchanted vines[/td][/tr][/table]
[td][u]Vis Stock[/u][/td][/tr]
[td]24 Mentem[/td][/tr]
[td]24 Vim[/td][/tr][/table]
[td][u]Lab Texts[/u][/td][/tr]
[td]Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 40)[/td][/tr]
[td]Cheating the Reaper (CrCo 30)[/td][/tr]
[td]The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (CrCo 20)[/td][/tr]
[td]Circular Ward against Demons (ReVi 30)[/td][/tr]
[td]Demon's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 40)[/td][/tr]
[td]Incantation of the Body Made Whole (CrCo 40)[/td][/tr]
[td]Piercing the Magic Veil (InVi 20)[/td][/tr]
[td]Wizard's Communion (MuVi 20)[/td][/tr][/table]
[td]Herbam summa: L 20, Q 11[/td][/tr]
[td]Mentem Summa: L 20, Q 11[/td][/tr]
[td]Magic Theory (Regiones): L 6 Q 11[/td][/tr]
[td]The Three Faces of the Divine: Theology: L 5 Q 7[/td][/tr][/table]
[td]Herbam: Q 7[/td][/tr]
[td]Mentem Summa: Q 10[/td][/tr][/table]
[td]Vineyard manager[/td][/tr][/table]
The 150 points of “personal gear and minions” that Cygna brings with her to the covenant.
Vis Stocks: 5 pawns of Mentem vis. (cost: 1 pt)
[td][u]Lab Texts[/u][/td]
[td][u]TeFo Lvl[/u][/td]
[td]Constructing the Memory Palace[/td]
[td]CrMe 20[/td]
[td]TMRE p. 27[/td][/tr]
[td]Doublet of Impenetrable Silk[/td]
[td]MuAn 15[/td]
[td]Ars5 p. 118[/td][/tr]
[td]Enhance the Memory Palace[/td]
[td]CrMe 20[/td]
[td]TMRE p. 26[/td][/tr]
[td]Friendly Voices[/td]
[td]InMe 30[/td]
[td]see below[/td][/tr]
[td]Form of the Melancholic Heartbeast[/td]
[td]MuAn 20[/td]
[td]HoH: MC p. 36[/td][/tr]
[td]Fortification of the Memory Palace[/td]
[td]ReMe 35[/td]
[td]TMRE p. 27[/td][/tr]
[td]Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie[/td]
[td]InMe 20[/td]
[td]Ars5 p. 149[/td][/tr]
[td]Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit[/td]
[td]PeMe 40[/td]
[td]Ars5 p. 150[/td][/tr]
[td]Memory Palace of the Sage[/td]
[td]CrMe 25[/td]
[td]TMRE p. 27[/td][/tr]
[td]Peering Into the Mortal Mind[/td]
[td]InMe 30[/td]
[td]Ars5 p. 149[/td][/tr]
[td]The Shrouded Glen[/td]
[td]ReMe 40[/td]
[td]Ars5 p. 152[/td][/tr]
[td]Vision of the Haunting Spirits[/td]
[td]MuMe 40[/td]
[td]Ars5 p. 150[/td][/tr][/table]
[td][u]Arts Summae[/u][/td]
[td]Information Acquisition: Sources and Methods[/td]
[td]The Winter's Chill[/td]
[td]The Babble Within Thought[/td]
Enchanted Items
16 pts - Wand of Demon's Eternal Oblivion: PeVi 25, 24 uses per day, +20 Penetration. Crafted of red coral. Unbeknownst to Cygna, a fraction of the vis used to enchant the item was Infernal.
Friendly Voices (InMe 30)
Range: Eye; Duration: Sun; Target: Individual
This spell puts the caster and the target in direct mental communication. While the caster cannot read the caster's mind, they can conduct conversations as though speaking to one another.
(Base 15, +1 Eye, +2 Sun)
This is the combined 1200 BPs spent by Chicoazian, Peregrine, Fixer and JeanMichelle. It does not include personal belongings of incoming magi. Verify the numbers and vote on this.
Covenant base (for four magi, the founding magi):
Aura 5, with a Regio 5
A somewhat removed manor house and central village for several miles of grapevine, with basic defenses
6 labs / 4 Magi, 0 Companions, 4 grogs, 8 covenfolk
Edit: There was actually a 7th lab which blew up along with part of Claudia.
Muslim Librarian 6 / Teacher3/3,
Christian Scribe 6,
Christian Binder 6,
Christian Illuminator 6,
Vineyard Manager 7,
3 other specialists
Living conditions: Aging modifers +3
Governance style: Autocracy (with regards to covenfolk) (p. 17, inset)
Hermetic Governance: Democracy (p. 30)
Residents: Peasants, ghosts and grapevines (p. 17)
- Aura (x2): raising the Aura to +5 (p.6-7). This is almost mandatory
*Healthy feature (x3). The wine produced by the covenant from the magical grapevines, when consumed over long periods of time in the covenant, has unexpectedly beneficial results for the residents. ( p. 8 ) Probably a combination of magical wine and the effects of the regio.
Inhuman residents:(p. 18). Ghosts and the grapevines. Creatures who die within the regio often linger after death, even when given proper burial rites. Those who were originally loyal to the covenant continue to be so after their death. These ghosts often work in tandem with the gossiping grapevines to patrol against undead and extra-dead threats.
Regio (Major) (p. 7). The covenant is actually located in a magic regio with a Magic 5 Aura. The main entrance (that the covenant knows about) is the manor house in the outside world. The landscape in the regio echoes the outside landscape but contains a vast sprawling village with many buildings in decay, covered in the gossiping grapevine. There are almost certainly many more entrances to the regio than ours, and there is a lot about the regio to discover...or to have discover us.
Strong Community (p. 18). Though often divisive amongst themselves, hard effort on the part of the founding magi had unified the townsfolk. The decimated population knows the names of all who survived, and many who died.
Vis Grant (p. 16). Vis is divided among the magi and there is no central storehouse for its safekeeping.
Wealth (p. 16). The exceptional quality of the covenant's wine means we can sell it for a healthy amount.
Contested resources (p. 16). One of our vis sources must be won in a contest with someone or something.
Demonic Interest (Major)(p. 23). Dealing with Rafus has only whetted the Infernal's appetite. And they are interested in seducing other magi across the Tribunal.
Divided loyalty (Major)(p. 19). Christian vs. Muslim vs. Jew. In the face of their recent losses, many of the covenfolk are turning to their faith, instead of their community. The covenfolk may be more loyal to their group than to the covenant at times.
Faerie Court (p. 23). Alpha Storyguide Amul has more details on this which have not yet been revealed.
Gender Imbalance (p. 19). Most of the menfolk went off to war just a few seasons ago, leaving only the old, the young, the infirm and the women.
Haunted (p. 10). Ghosts from far and away seem to feel an inexplicable urge to assault the regio. It is rumored that wine made from the gossiping grapevine binds the soul to the town, and whatever the truth of that, the grapevine somehow seems to do battle with vengeful spirits.
Illusory Resources (p.17): Some of the resources we're supposed to have were actually negotiated by magi who were lost at the Battle of Las Navas de Telosa. Since those magi are no longer around, the other side no longer feels bound to honor the agreement. It might be a Story to try to either enforce the agreement or negotiate a new one.
Regional Produce (p. 17): The vineyards of Castiblanco, and Casa de Cijara in particular, are known throughout the world. Many come seeking to sample the grapes, and those who hail from the region are assumed to be part of the wine industry.
Pts Laboratories
100 2 extra base labs
140 Enhancements to magi's labs
Pts Vis Sources
20 Creo 4 pawns, Spring
25 Perdo 5 pawns, 1 every season, +1 in the Fall
5 Rego 1 pawns, Spring
10 Aquam 2 pawns, Winter
25 Corpus 5 pawns, Blood flowing from a stone rumored to be the only remain of a petrified giant; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Winter
10 Corpus 2 pawns (in addition to the 5 already suggested), Winter
5 Herbam 1 pawns, Fall
30 Ignem 6 pawns, Summer
15 Mentem 3 pawns: grape leaves(?) from enchanted vines
15 Terram 3 pawns, Summer
50 Vim 1 rook, Fall - can be smashed/broken in a specific pattern into 10 Vim pawns but requires a Dexterity+Finesse roll of +9. It can be transferred magically into new vessels normally.
Pts Vis Stock
5 24 Mentem
25 124 Vim
Pts Lab Texts
8 Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 40)
6 Cheating the Reaper (CrCo 30)
4 The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (CrCo 20)
6 Circular Ward against Demons (ReVi 30)
8 Demon's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 40)
8 Incantation of the Body Made Whole (CrCo 40)
4 Piercing the Magic Veil (InVi 20)
4 Wizard's Communion (MuVi 20)
- Seven-League Stride ReCo30
- Gentle Caress of Aesclepius CrCo30
- Hauberk of Sublime Lightness PeTe30
- Invisible Sling of Vilano ReTe10
- Demon's Eternal Oblivion PeVi10
- Aura of Rightful Authority ReMe 20
- Sight of the Transparent Motive InMe 10
Pts Summae
30 The Crushing of Hope; Perdo Q 20; L10: in Latin, by Nayan ex Flambeau
30 To Rule over the Mortal Realm; Rego Q 20; L10; in Latin; by Sylvain Ex Bonisagus
31 Herbam summa: L 20, Q 11 in Latin
31 Mentem Summa: L 20, Q 11 in Latin
30 How to Ward against Spirits; Vim Q 15; L 15; in Latin by Herman Ex Tremere
30 Ignem L20 Q10
57 Naturalis Historia by Plinius; Magic Lore L5; Q15 ; Philosophy(natural) L4Q15 ;in Latin
29 Magic Theory (Regiones): L 6 Q 11
22 The Three Faces of the Divine: Theology: L 5 Q 7
35 Bonisagus Greatest Wonder; Parma Magica Q 11; L8; in Latin by Jérôme ex Bonisagus
35 Penetration L8 Q11
90 The Qu'ran (see RoP:D, p. 110); written in Arabic by God; Summa Theology:Islam L10Q10); Summa Islamic Law L5Q10; Dominion Lore L5Q10)
Pts Tractati
7 Herbam: Q 7
10 Mentem Summa: Q 10
10 Perdo Q10
10 Perdo Q10
13 Symphonia Armoniae Celestum revelationum by Hildegard von Bingen Q13 Latin Tractatus on AL (see GoTF)
10 Enneades V by Plotinus; Tractatus on Concentration Q10; Arabic
10 How to Obliviate Demons Q 10; Topic: Demon's Eternal Oblivion; Language: Latin; Author: Cersei Lannister of Flambeau
10 Magic Theory Q10
10 Penetration Q10
Pts Specialists
7 Vineyard manager
22 Points to be divided amongst 3 specialists
18 points for a Christian scribal team (6 scribe, 6 binder, 6 illuminator)
12 Muslim Librarian Teacher (Com 3+ Teach 3 + Ability 6)
Enchanted Items:
Gate of the Dead
Creator: Herman ex Tremere; Created: Spring 1178
Effect Name: Question the Spirit of the Dead InCo(Me) 30
Effect Details: R: Arc, D: Conc, T: Ind, Frequency: 1/day, Item maintains concentration;
As "Whispers through the Black Gate", but needs only an arcane connection to the dead
Design: Base 5, +1 Conc, +4 Arc, + 5 items maintains concentration, final level 35 -
Wand of Warning
Creator: Salamandrus Ex Flambeau; Created: Summer 1201
Effect Name: Thunderous Lights CrIm 25
Effect Details: R: Sight, D: Diam, T: Group, Frequency: 24/day
Create an image that affects two senses: Creates a groupe of Huge bright lights, with accompaning heavy sounds
Design: Base 2, +1 Diam, +2 Group, +3 Sight, +1 Extra Size, +5 frequency, final level 30 -
Pool of Healing Waters (Everyone thinks the waters of the small pool in Phoenix depths can speed up healing, but that's a lie: This is actually a small stone statue hidden in the room, but the covenant keeps up the mystery)
Creator: Tyrion Lannister; Created: Spring 1206
Effect Name: Speed the Closure of Wounds CrCo 35
Effect Details: R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Room, Frequency: 24/day
Give a character a +12 bonus to Recovery rolls
Design: Base 5, +3 Moon, +2 Room, +1 Touch, +5 frequency, final level 40
3 pts... a "convenience's sake" low level magic item the covenfolk use. To Be Determined.
Latest revision. My voice is my passport. Verify me?
Covenant base (for four magi, the founding magi):
Aura 5
Somewhat removed
Basic defenses
5 labs / 4 Magi
0 Companions
4 grogs
8 covenfolk
Muslim Librarian 6 / Teacher3/3,
Christian Scribe 6,
Christian Binder 6,
Christian Illuminator 6,
Vineyard Manager 7,
3 other specialists
Living conditions: Aging modifers +3, magi +4
Governance style: Autocracy (with regards to covenfolk) (p. 17, inset)
Hermetic Governance: Democracy (p. 30)
Residents: Peasants (p. 17)
* Aura (x2): raising the Aura to +5 (p.6-7). This is almost mandatory
Healthy feature (x3). The wine produced by the covenant from the magical grapevines, when consumed over long periods of time in the covenant, has unexpectedly beneficial results for the residents. ( p. 8 ) Probably a combination of magical wine and the effects of the regio.
Inhuman residents:(p. 18). Ghosts and the grapevines. Creatures who die within the regio often linger after death, even when given proper burial rites. Those who were originally loyal to the covenant continue to be so after their death. These ghosts often work in tandem with the gossiping grapevines to patrol against undead and extra-dead threats.
Regio, Major (p. 7). The covenant is actually located in a magic regio with a Magic 5 Aura. The main entrance (that the covenant knows about) is the manor house in the outside world. The landscape in the regio echoes the outside landscape but contains a vast sprawling village with many buildings in decay, covered in the gossiping grapevine. There are almost certainly many more entrances to the regio than ours, and there is a lot about the regio to discover...or to have discover us.
Strong Community (p. 18). Though often divisive amongst themselves, hard effort on the part of the founding magi had unified the townsfolk. The decimated population knows the names of all who survived, and many who died.
Vis Grant (p. 16). Vis is divided among the magi and there is no central storehouse for its safekeeping.
Wealth (p. 16). The exceptional quality of the covenant's wine means we can sell it for a healthy amount.
Contested resources (p. 16). One of our vis sources must be won in a contest with someone or something.
Demonic Interest, Major (p. 23). Dealing with Rafus has only whetted the Infernal's appetite. And they are interested in seducing other magi across the Tribunal.
Divided loyalty, Major (p. 19). Christian vs. Muslim vs. Jew. In the face of their recent losses, many of the covenfolk are turning to their faith, instead of their community. The covenfolk may be more loyal to their group than to the covenant at times.
Faerie Court (p. 23). Alpha Storyguide Amul has more details on this which have not yet been revealed.
Gender Imbalance (p. 19). Most of the menfolk went off to war just a few seasons ago, leaving only the old, the young, the infirm and the women.
Haunted (p. 10). Ghosts from far and away seem to feel an inexplicable urge to assault the regio. It is rumored that wine made from the gossiping grapevine binds the soul to the town, and whatever the truth of that, the grapevine somehow seems to do battle with vengeful spirits.
Illusory Resources (p.17): Some of the resources we're supposed to have were actually negotiated by magi who were lost at the Battle of Las Navas de Telosa. Since those magi are no longer around, the other side no longer feels bound to honor the agreement. It might be a Story to try to either enforce the agreement or negotiate a new one.
Regional Produce (p. 17): The vineyards of Castiblanco, and Casa de Cijara in particular, are known throughout the world. Many come seeking to sample the grapes, and those who hail from the region are assumed to be part of the wine industry.
Pts Laboratories
50 1 extra base lab
40 Enhancements to magi's labs
Pts Vis Sources
20 Creo 4 pawns, Spring
25 Perdo 5 pawns, 1 every season, +1 in the Fall
5 Rego 1 pawns, Spring,
10 Aquam 2 pawns, Winter,
25 Corpus 5 pawns, Blood flowing from a stone rumored to be the only remain of a petrified giant; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Winter
10 Corpus 2 pawns (in addition to the 5 already suggested), Winter
5 Herbam 1 pawns, Fall
30 Ignem 6 pawns, Summer,
15 Mentem 3 pawns: grape leaves(?) from enchanted vines. Spring
15 Terram 3 pawns, Summer,
50 Vim (records unclear), Fall, a smaller amount of unusual Vim Vis
Pts Vis Stock
5 24 Mentem
7 34 Vim
Pts Lab Texts
8 Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 40)
6 Cheating the Reaper (CrCo 30)
4 The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (CrCo 20)
6 Circular Ward against Demons (ReVi 30)
8 Demon's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 40)
8 Incantation of the Body Made Whole (CrCo 40)
4 Piercing the Magic Veil (InVi 20)
4 Wizard's Communion (MuVi 20)
- Seven-League Stride ReCo30
- Gentle Caress of Aesclepius CrCo30
- Hauberk of Sublime Lightness PeTe30
- Invisible Sling of Vilano ReTe10
- Demon's Eternal Oblivion PeVi10
- Aura of Rightful Authority ReMe 20
Sight of the Transparent Motive InMe 10 - Doublet of Impenetrable Silk MuAn15
Pts Summae
30 The Crushing of Hope; Perdo Q 20; L10: in Latin, by Nayan ex Flambeau
31 Herbam summa: L 20, Q 11 in Latin
31 Mentem Summa: L 20, Q 11 in Latin
30 How to Ward against Spirits; Vim Q 15; L 15; in Latin by Herman Ex Tremere
30 Ignem L20 Q10
27 - Ars grammatica - Ars minor Q 15; L 4; Topic: Artes Liberales in Latin by Donatus
57 Naturalis Historia by Plinius; Magic Lore L5; Q15 ; Philosophy(natural) L4Q15 ;in Latin
29 Magic Theory (Regiones): L 6 Q 11
22 The Three Faces of the Divine: Theology: L 5 Q 7
35 Bonisagus Greatest Wonder; Parma Magica Q 11; L8; in Latin by Jérôme ex Bonisagus (magical protected)
35 Penetration L8 Q11
90 The Qu'ran (see RoP:D, p. 110); written in Arabic by God; Summa Theology:Islam L10Q10); Summa Islamic Law L5Q10; Dominion Lore L5Q10)
Pts Tractati
7 Herbam: Q 7
10 Mentem Summa: Q 10
10 Perdo Q10
10 Perdo Q10
13 Symphonia Armoniae Celestum revelationum by Hildegard von Bingen Q13 Latin Tractatus on AL (see GoTF)
10 Enneades V by Plotinus; Tractatus on Concentration Q10; Arabic
10 How to Obliviate Demons Q 10; Topic: Demon's Eternal Oblivion; Language: Latin; Author: Cersei Lannister of Flambeau
10 Magic Theory Q10
10 Penetration Q10
Pts Specialists
7 Vineyard manager
22 Points to be divided amongst 3 specialists
18 points for a Christian scribal team (6 scribe, 6 binder, 6 illuminator)
12 Muslim Librarian Teacher (Com 3+ Teach 3 + Ability 6)
Enchanted Items:
Pool of Healing Waters 35
Creator: Tyrion Lannister; Created: Spring 1201
Effect Name: Heal the Supplicant CrCo 25
Effect Details: Give a character a +12 bonus to Recovery rolls; Arts: CrCo 25;
Design: Base 5, +3 Moon, +1 Touch, +10 unlimited uses, final level 35
The stone slab that forms the floor of the pool is enchanted to cast this effect on any person that touches it. Tyrion created it in order to preserve the lives of the covenant's precious soldiers. -
Bronze Wand of Book Location
Creator: Herman Ex Tremere; Created: Spring 1205
Effect Name: Locate the Missing Book InHe 10
Effect Details: Locate a plant: This locates the book's location; Arts: InHe 10
Design: Base 2, +4 Arc, +10 unlimited uses, final level 20
Effect Name: Signal the right direction CrIg 10
Effect Details: Create light at most as bright as a cloudy day, to signal the book's direction. The brightness of the light varies depending to distance
Design: Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Rego,p+10 Unlimited use, +3 Linked trigger, final level 23
Herman Ex Tremere created this item as part of his tremere duties. It will signal the direction and distance of any book from which an arcane connection is put into a small compartiment designed for it. -
Protection of the Greatest Wonder 28
Creator: Jérôme Ex Bonisagus; Created: Autumn 1210
Effect Name: Protect the Greatest Wonder ReHe 5
Effect Details: Manipulate items made of plant products: This keeps the book tightly shut, as if the pages were melted together
Design: Base 3, +2 Sun, +1 Frequency: 2/day, +3 Trigger: Constant Effect , final level 09
Effect Name: Authorize the Rightful Heir ReVi 10
Effect Details: This suppress the preceding effect, and is activated by the magus whispering a command word (Sustain or suppress a spell you have cast whose level is less than the level + 2 magnitudes of the Vim spell, lowered to base +1 magnitude due to duration)
Design: Base 5, +1 Conc, +4 Frequency: 12/day, +5 item maintains Concentration, final level 19 -
Wand of Warning 40
Creator: Salamandrus Ex Flambeau; Created: Summer 1201
Effect Name: Create the Shape of the Phoenix; CrIg(Im) 35
Effect Details: Creates the image and sound of a giant, screeching phoenix, which is as bright as light of cloudy day
Design: Base 4, +1 Diam, +3 Sight, +2 Size, + 1 Imaginem Requisite (I used the base 2 sight and sound), +5 Frequency: 24/day;
3 pts... a "convenience's sake" low level magic item the covenfolk use. To Be Determined.
I'm pretty sure this is now as complete as we need it to be. Verify?
Covenant base (for four magi, the founding magi):
Aura 5
Somewhat removed
Basic defenses
5 labs / 4 Magi
0 Companions
4 grogs
8 covenfolk
Muslim Librarian 6 / Teacher3/3,
Christian Scribe 6,
Christian Binder 6,
Christian Illuminator 6,
Vineyard Manager 7, Jewish
Abdul Fati bin Saladin, Captain, Single Weapon 8 Teacher 7 Com 2 (Muslim)
6 Animal Handler Veterinarian/Animal Doctor. Farihah al-Kasim (Muslim)
7 Blacksmith, Large (maybe Giant-blooded) Noland (Naomi) Sepharad, a Jewish
Living conditions: Aging modifers +3, magi +4
Governance style: Autocracy (with regards to covenfolk) (p. 17, inset)
Hermetic Governance: Democracy (p. 30)
Residents: Peasants (p. 17)
Major Boons/Hooks are in boldface.
Aura (x2): raising the Aura to +5 (p.6-7). This is almost mandatory
Healthy feature (x3). The wine produced by the covenant from the magical grapevines, when consumed over long periods of time in the covenant, has unexpectedly beneficial results for the residents. ( p. 8 ) Probably a combination of magical wine and the effects of the regio.
Inhuman residents:(p. 18). Ghosts and the grapevines. Creatures who die within the regio often linger after death, even when given proper burial rites. Those who were originally loyal to the covenant continue to be so after their death. These ghosts often work in tandem with the gossiping grapevines to patrol against undead and extra-dead threats.
Regio, Major (p. 7). The covenant is actually located in a magic regio with a Magic 5 Aura. The main entrance (that the covenant knows about) is the manor house in the outside world. The landscape in the regio echoes the outside landscape but contains a vast sprawling village with many buildings in decay, covered in the gossiping grapevine. There are almost certainly many more entrances to the regio than ours, and there is a lot about the regio to discover...or to have discover us.
Strong Community (p. 18). Though often divisive amongst themselves, hard effort on the part of the founding magi had unified the townsfolk. The decimated population knows the names of all who survived, and many who died.
Vis Grant (p. 16). Vis is divided among the magi and there is no central storehouse for its safekeeping.
Wealth (p. 16). The exceptional quality of the covenant's wine means we can sell it for a healthy amount.
Contested resources (p. 16). One of our vis sources must be won in a contest with someone or something.
Demonic Interest, Major (p. 23). Dealing with Rafus has only whetted the Infernal's appetite. And they are interested in seducing other magi across the Tribunal.
Divided loyalty, Major (p. 19). Christian vs. Muslim vs. Jew. In the face of their recent losses, many of the covenfolk are turning to their faith, instead of their community. The covenfolk may be more loyal to their group than to the covenant at times.
Faerie Court (p. 23). Alpha Storyguide Amul has more details on this which have not yet been revealed.
Gender Imbalance (p. 19). Most of the menfolk went off to war just a few seasons ago, leaving only the old, the young, the infirm and the women.
Haunted (p. 10). Ghosts from far and away seem to feel an inexplicable urge to assault the regio. It is rumored that wine made from the gossiping grapevine binds the soul to the town, and whatever the truth of that, the grapevine somehow seems to do battle with vengeful spirits.
Illusory Resources (p.17): Some of the resources we're supposed to have were actually negotiated by magi who were lost at the Battle of Las Navas de Telosa. Since those magi are no longer around, the other side no longer feels bound to honor the agreement. It might be a Story to try to either enforce the agreement or negotiate a new one.
Regional Produce (p. 17): The vineyards of Castiblanco, and Casa de Cijara in particular, are known throughout the world. Many come seeking to sample the grapes, and those who hail from the region are assumed to be part of the wine industry.
Pts Laboratories
50 1 extra base lab
40 Enhancements to magi's labs
Pts Vis Sources
25 Corpus 5 pawns, Seasons: Winter
15 Mentem 3 pawns: grape leaves(?) from enchanted vines. Spring
15 Creo 3 pawns, Spring -
15 Perdo 3 pawns, Fall -
5 Rego 1 pawns, Spring
10 Aquam 2 pawns, Spring -
10 Corpus 2 pawns, Winter
5 Herbam 1 pawns, Fall
5 Terram 1 pawns, Summer
50 Vim (special), Fall
Pts Vis Stock
5 24 Mentem
7 34 Vim
Pts Lab Texts
8 Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 40)
6 Cheating the Reaper (CrCo 30)
4 The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (CrCo 20)
6 Circular Ward against Demons (ReVi 30)
8 Demon's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 40)
8 Incantation of the Body Made Whole (CrCo 40)
4 Piercing the Magic Veil (InVi 20)
4 Wizard's Communion (MuVi 20)
- Seven-League Stride ReCo30
- Gentle Caress of Aesclepius CrCo30
- Hauberk of Sublime Lightness PeTe30
- Invisible Sling of Vilano ReTe10
- Demon's Eternal Oblivion PeVi10
- Aura of Rightful Authority ReMe 20
Sight of the Transparent Motive InMe 10 - Doublet of Impenetrable Silk MuAn15
Pts Summae
30 The Crushing of Hope; Perdo Q 20; L10: in Latin, by Nayan ex Flambeau
31 Herbam summa: L 20, Q 11 in Latin
31 Mentem Summa: L 20, Q 11 in Latin
30 How to Ward against Spirits; Vim Q 15; L 15; in Latin by Herman Ex Tremere
30 Ignem L20 Q10 Prometheus's Gift: Blessing or Curse? by Fawkes V ex Tytalus
27 - Ars grammatica - Ars minor Q 15; L 4; Topic: Artes Liberales in Latin by Donatus
57 Naturalis Historia by Plinius; Magic Lore L5; Q15 ; Philosophy(natural) L4Q15 ;in Latin
29 Magic Theory (Regiones): L 6 Q 11
22 The Three Faces of the Divine: Theology: L 5 Q 7
35 Bonisagus Greatest Wonder; Parma Magica Q 11; L8; in Latin by Jérôme ex Bonisagus
35 Penetration L8 Q11 Choosing your Target Wisely : Usually the Dragon Is a Bad Idea) by Scaramouche ex Miscellanea
90 The Qu'ran (see RoP:D, p. 110); written in Arabic by God; Summa Theology:Islam L10Q10); Summa Islamic Law L5Q10; Dominion Lore L5Q10)
Pts Tractati
7 Herbam: Q 7
10 Mentem Summa: Q 10
10 Perdo Q10 All Things Return to Dust by Jamie Lannister ex Flambeau. A particularly erotic Tractus.
10 Perdo Q10 Even Dust Can Be Destroyed by Cersei Lannister ex Flambeau. A particularly arousing Tractus.
13 Symphonia Armoniae Celestum revelationum by Hildegard von Bingen Q13 Latin Tractatus on AL (see GoTF)
10 Enneades V by Plotinus; Tractatus on Concentration Q10; Arabic
10 How to Obliviate Demons Q 10; Topic: Demon's Eternal Oblivion; Language: Latin; Author: Cersei Lannister of Flambeau
10 Magic Theory Q10 Stripping the Mysteries to its Basics by Scarmouche ex Criamon (yes, same magus - earlier point in that Mage's life)
10 Penetration Q10 Reaching the Heart by Piotr Byrlaesh ex Tremere
Pts Specialists
7 Vineyard manager
17 Abdul Fati bin Saladin, Captain, Single Weapon 8 Teacher 7 Com 2 (Muslim)
6 Animal Handler Veterinarian/Animal Doctor. Farihah al-Kasim (Muslim)
7 Blacksmith, Large (maybe Giant-blooded) Noland (Naomi) Sepharad, a Jewish
Enchanted Items :
Pool of Healing Waters 35
Creator: Tyrion Lannister; Created: Spring 1201
Effect Name: Heal the Supplicant CrCo 25
Effect Details: Give a character a +12 bonus to Recovery rolls; Arts: CrCo 25;
Design: Base 5, +3 Moon, +1 Touch, +10 unlimited uses, final level 35
The stone slab that forms the floor of the pool is enchanted to cast this effect on any person that touches it. Tyrion created it in order to preserve the lives of the covenant's precious soldiers. -
Bronze Wand of Book Location
Creator: Herman Ex Tremere; Created: Spring 1205
Effect Name: Locate the Missing Book InHe 10
Effect Details: Locate a plant: This locates the book's location; Arts: InHe 10
Design: Base 2, +4 Arc, +10 unlimited uses, final level 20
Effect Name: Signal the right direction CrIg 10
Effect Details: Create light at most as bright as a cloudy day, to signal the book's direction. The brightness of the light varies depending to distance
Design: Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Rego,p+10 Unlimited use, +3 Linked trigger, final level 23
Herman Ex Tremere created this item as part of his tremere duties. It will signal the direction and distance of any book from which an arcane connection is put into a small compartiment designed for it. -
Protection of the Greatest Wonder 28
Creator: Jérôme Ex Bonisagus; Created: Autumn 1210
Effect Name: Protect the Greatest Wonder ReHe 5
Effect Details: Manipulate items made of plant products: This keeps the book tightly shut, as if the pages were melted together
Design: Base 3, +2 Sun, +1 Frequency: 2/day, +3 Trigger: Constant Effect , final level 09
Effect Name: Authorize the Rightful Heir ReVi 10
Effect Details: This suppress the preceding effect, and is activated by the magus whispering a command word (Sustain or suppress a spell you have cast whose level is less than the level + 2 magnitudes of the Vim spell, lowered to base +1 magnitude due to duration)
Design: Base 5, +1 Conc, +4 Frequency: 12/day, +5 item maintains Concentration, final level 19 -
Wand of Warning 40
Creator: Salamandrus Ex Flambeau; Created: Summer 1201
Effect Name: Create the Shape of the Phoenix; CrIg(Im) 35
Effect Details: Creates the image and sound of a giant, screeching phoenix, which is as bright as light of cloudy day
Design: Base 4, +1 Diam, +3 Sight, +2 Size, + 1 Imaginem Requisite (I used the base 2 sight and sound), +5 Frequency: 24/day;
Looks about right to me.
Same for me