2.1 Gone...(I) Winter of 1215-16

Aristocles responds Just to make clear my sodales the 50 pounds of silver per season of work requires only one pawn of vIm vis. However, as you can understand the sooner we have a more mundane and stable income source the better.

"How many pounds are we actually missing at the moment? Surely being broke is a more severe problem, but spending vis on food doesn't sound good either."

He waits for a response but as nobody appears to have any concrete numbers at hand, Prometheus proposes: "Should we invite Dimitrios? He seems to be the one with most insight into Meru Mudi's finances."

Pavo says "Certainly we should invite our... de facto, is that term Westerners use? Yes, our acting seneschal does indeed have a firm grasp of the expenses, telling me that we're 88 pounds short before we added more people and before considering expenses like travel to Delos. We are staggeringly poor, and I am unsure how we are surviving as the silver supplies a few of us brought must surely have been expended. I am also unsure how we are going to earn enough in the coming year. I have personally compromised by ordering the bare minimum of laboratory equipment in order to keep supplies aside for future labs and keep my running costs down. Please, suggest any means you can to help.

With our vis, I hope the new source will help us have enough to cast our Aegis without running down the reserves. We also need to decide who will carry out the duty to harvest vis from the Dodone oracle on behalf of the Tribunal. Does it need any particular skill?"

Pavo displays his ignorance of any details of the Oracle.

[Edit - OOC: I have missing equipment to reduce lab upkeep by 1 - it's only 1/3 of a pound a year which may get missed by rounding, but it's worth pointing out just in case]

Scylax: My dear fellows, and dearest Anna! For this coming year I intend to spend a Season of study at a site we visited last Fall, I await the arrival of Annastaj, and the ahem, ceremonies, to report on my findings. But it shows promise, some wealth and mystery that such as we crave.

Annastaj showed the esteemed Aristocles and myself the desired method on how to gather this obligatory vis at Dodonna. It is a short trip, which I planned on appending to my schedule on the way to this place of study I mentioned.

In the Tribunal I acquired, perhaps hastily, some interesting pelts from the furthest North. Their nature may contain some desirable resonances, and they are inherently valuable because of their scarcity. As well, I was thinking on the formula for the creation of Wealth, perhaps this could be adapted to such materials? We could even ascertain interest in this through our mundane residents? Miklos seems like a very competent fellow, and I am certain that he could easily find out whether such trades could have takers.

<OOC Scylax just finished his Lab, wanted to run by IonianD on having installed some Free Virtues and Flaws, and obviously looking to having Upkeep of 0 or less. OOC>

I'm not really familiar with the way the code is interpreted in the tribunal but usually It's not really an issue to create gold from a spell as you make it clear you've done so, and you give the tribunal a proper way to measure how much you use per year. A simple way to do so would be to cast the spell in front of a 3rd party of great reputation within the tribunal and leave the gold in his possession. We would then pick our yearly revenue from them.

[tab][/tab] The servant curtsies to Raven after her thanks, but just she is about to leave (flee) the room, Pavo inquires about Anastaj. Poor thing is stunned, flushing red and working her mouth like a fish for some moments, then answers that she does not know where the esteemed Master is, she will inform Dimitris (while staring at the floor avoiding Pavo's eyes). She literally flees the room, you can hear her running steps.
[tab][/tab] Your deliberations continue in loud voices and soft murmurs, and it is a bit later that there is a knock on the door. A serious looking Dimitris enters then nods respectfully, then asks how he may help. Asked about finances, his moved to the small 'office' at the back of the council chambers and gathers a wax plaque and styles, and a neatly written sheaf of paper. In detail he has the finances of the last year, with expenses listed and a small column of income. As stated the income was stable, agricultural products from livestock, two herds of sheep and goats that produce milk for cheese. Wool quality is low and as such only for local use, not trade. Magus Arni was in the process of handling the situation but was called to the North. Total expenses surpass 120 pounds, with some additional expenses this year spent on various important tasks (Finances). Dimitris is very thorough and answers all questions in his purview promptly.
[Please do a Per+Folk ken 9. Those who pass notice that when he enters and during his presentation Dimitris is concerned to the point of being anxious about something, but keeps it under iron control]
[tab][/tab When asked about the tardiness of Anastaj, he hesitates then stammers that 'we' are searching for him. Apparently he has not returned from his customary mountain walk this weekend, two days spent alone in the mountains as is his habit. Dimitris, knowing how important this meeting that his master called was, has sent a scout team to locate him yesterday, but the snow storm made things difficult if not impossible. He is concerned for his absence, but when asked about the old man being lost in the snowstorm and in trouble, he adamantly shakes his head in the negative; Anastaj knows the mountains better than the residents, he would not be caught awareness by weather. Dimitris stands there while you deliberate....

[OOC Per 0 + Folk Ken 2 + die roll of 8 = 10, Pavo notices, but decides to continue with the meeting rather than risk embarrassing Dimitris right now]

Pavo nods to Dimitris and declares to the table "Sodales, it appears our meeting to introduce each other and settle duties for the year is sadly interrupted by our founder and disceptator being missing. We have several serious matters to discuss - covenant finances, who will go to collect vis from Dodoni, what to do about the vis located in the autumn, whether to investigate several things - but I feel locating Anastaj will be more important.

I move to adjourn the meeting scheduled for today, and reconvene tomorrow or when Anastaj is found, whichever comes sooner. We should try any method short of scrying to locate him. Will anybody second this motion? "

"The membership of our covenant must always be our priority sodales, I second magi Pavo's motion, let's see to our sodales Anastaj's safety" comes Aristocles reply

[ooc Per(1)+Folk Ken(3)+1d10(6) = 10; success
Prometheus notices but doesn't react]

Prometheus follows Dimitris explanations closely, nods from time to time and engages in the conversation:"Dimitris, do you think we can afford taking more people into the covenant? And if we can, what kind of talent should we look for?"

After the situation with Anastaj becomes clear, he replies:
"I second Pavo and Aristocles. What can have more importance and urgency than finding a missing member of the covenant. Should you change your mind about scrying, I brought a device that could be of help finding him. Until then, how can I help?"

Prometheus looks from Pavo to Aristocles to Raven to Scylax and the other newcomers.

[Pierrick doesn't pass the folk keen test]

Sure, let's meet again when Anastaj is found...

Scylax's roll 1 Per + 2 Folk Ken + 4 = 7, miss.

Hmm, Annastaj does like his privacy, are we sure that he's not merely, ahh, lost track of the time?

What do you propose, Pavo sodales? We cannot and should not all abandon the Covenant, yes? (waits on his sodales opinions) As Dimitris mentions, he is one uncanny denizen of this area, and we are not there, yet. Hmm, does he have transportation formulae at his disposition, I wonder, I should be very surprised if he doesn't!

In a low voice The man, Nicholas, he has trained birds, in fact, he's got quite the remarkable way with them. I wonder if falcons and ravens can take flight in this weather, at least for a bit

Of course we're not abandoning a covenant when a magus goes missing. I don't want to bring bad omens but is there any chance he could be in twilight in his lab ? Does anyone has permission to enter his sanctum ? A lab assistant maybe ?

"I indeed suppose we won't all together abandon the covenant. I am here for whatever plan Pavo has. Or Dimitris, who might know Anastaj even better."

"You think he can send his birds on a search? That would be quite remarkable indeed.

And what is the talk about ravens? I thought he was a falconer."

"I assumed somebody saw him leaving the covenant. If not, it might indeed be wise to knock at his sanctum's door and check if he's there."

After a brief moment. "And again, if the scale leans towards scrying - maybe because we are out of further ideas - tell me."

"Indeed but I assumed he could have used leap of homecoming and still be in his lab, that's unlikely but..."


That is very sensible, sodales, and requires little effort, thank you for suggesting it. Scylax will speak to Dimitris to see what the etiquette is, who is allowed into Annastaj's sanctum on a regular basis, and send the least threatening person who is allowed to enter to check. As Annastaj has not evinced any such powers in their travels, Scylax is highly doubtful of this course, but it cannot be discounted.


I believe he advertised his services as a falconer, yes, but he has a way with ravens, as well. It is in his best interest to keep the peace between such, or things are bound to get messy! But I know not how either would fare in this cold. His eyes twinkle with delight at his inside jokes

However, I think it is best we organize, as that is a somewhat improbable series of events...Dimitris, can you speak to us about Master Annastaj's usual route, how long it takes to traverse? Can you describe conditions at the moment (whiteout blizzard, regular snowfall, etc.)? Is the search party available to accompany Council members that may decide to find him the old-fashioned way? demurs while Dimitris speaks.

I will again stress the dangers of the night outside the Aegis, there are no open arms, but more like open maws. Annastaj himself stressed this, the perils of the sudden and willful mists. Perhaps he felt a Master like himself had little cause to fear... he sounds very doubtful

One more thing, please forgive my daring at this point, any unpleasantness. To Pavo, Aristocles, Raven, Should we not induct the newest members, swear their oath to this Covenant? Before we embark on this search that is Meru Mudi business? He sounds apologetic and earnest, but his eyes scan his Covenant mates seriously.

"If you have got any doubts regarding my loyalty, I can ensure you there is no need. Though I can't, of course, speak for anyone else, I am fine with either swearing my oath here and now or before Anastaj when he has been found."

After a brief moment he adds: "I would have some questions though before I formally join Meru Mudi, which might extend this meeting and delay the search."

"The decision isn't mine obviously, and I haven't read your charter yet so I don't know what voting procedure and quorum you require for such decision. I will join when you see fit, but the Hermetic Oath is all I need to assist You, if you so desire of course.

I'm not sure If I'll be of use but I know a spell to locate movements on the earth, It has a one mile radius. If he's walking towards the covenant I might be able to locate him, but I could not tell whether it is a covenfolk, a merchant or Annastaj. I could work with your falconer maybe and give him direction for his birds. One again I'm not trying to impose or imply you could not deal with the situation yourself, I'm merely offering help if desired."

He seems surprised about the questions

[ooc questions in case of any formalities, oaths, etc. being executed, will slightly modify the post]

[tab][/tab] Dimitris answers that he has already looked into the sanctum , Anastaj is not there and his things are undisturbed. He and two servants have permission to enter specific areas (mainly to clean, bring food or other such chores). He asks leave to check again, and in getting it leaves in haste.

[I believe Anastaj gave each a copy of the Charter sometime this week for perusal. The actual thing is yet to be determined except some parts (mainly those the Tribunal dictated, ergo mine). There is a thread somewhere about it, has lots of stuff, feel free to read it]
[Want to adjourn and wait? Want to keep talking?]

"Dimitris! We swore an oath that prohibits us to use magic directly to search Anastaj - or any other sodales for that matter - first and foremost to protect him and them. What do you think? Does Anastaj want that protection at this very moment?"

To the others: "What do you say? It probably doesn't help much, but we could have a look at his surroundings, given he left something with enough relevance in his lab that can be used as arcane connection."