2.1 Preludes - Cijara / Phoenix Covenant

"Oh, not at all. I sought a greater understanding of certain murky elements of my own history, which led to an unexpectedly long visit to a clan of dwarves and goblins who live just north of here. I...negotiated my freedom, at some length. The bargain required that I come here. I had no idea Phoenix was seeking new magi. All I really know about this covenant is that my pater considers them political rivals."

Viscaria brightens considerably. "I must write to him at once, then! I am extremely interested in the applications of magic for defense. What is an automata? Are they like the Jews' Golems?"

She pronounces the word "Jews" as if it were spelled "Juice."

Throughout the meeting with Jaime thus far, she has been attentive but silent.

“I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the Jews' Golems, so I couldn't say. Perhaps after the meeting we can discuss the matter more fully?”

Cygna snorts derisively at Jaime's crack about ants and spiders. But as he talks about the grapevines and the ghostly warders, her face becomes more intense. She finds herself thinking about the opportunities, what could be gleaned from studying and working with...intelligent talking grapevines and trying to discern the power they have to attract and hold shades. Very interesting.

“What magnitude of Aegis are we talking, here?” Cygna asks (and I'm assuming that Jaime will tell her).
“Do you know Wizard's Communion and the Aegis spell at all? Or, for that matter, do any of us?And do you not have the eight pawns of vis it would require to cast? If I were to move here, I would very much prefer that we have an Aegis erected as soon as possible, without having to wait a season for someone to learn the Aegis spell and someone else to learn the Wizard's Communion.

“We had rights and privileges?” she mutters under her breath. Then, more openly: “I understand. I will treat her as well as my mater treated me. Don't you dare finish that sentence, or so help me!”

“So, to be sure I understand fully: you are offering us full and equal membership in the Covenant of the Phoenix, in exchange for our vote at Tribunal next summer for declaring a Wizard's March on this...Rafas bastard?”

The young Flambeau doubts Jamie is that good of an actor to show such anguish and emotion as a ploy to trick people, and realize he and his pater had made assumptions because they had never met the man. Still, that did not mean there might not be survivors here still hiding out in or around the Covenant. He must stay at Phoenix to complete his mission. His conflict resolved, he spends the rest of the time analyzing Jamie's responses to the other magi and tries to figure out if Jamie is truly a Christian protecting Muslims. This concept is entirely foreign to Amos and it intrigues him.

"Then you have my vote Archmagus!" Amos exclaims. Then, much more quietly, in almost a mumble,"I mean... you know, after we see and sign the Charter and all."


"Unfortunately, I am in knowledge of neither spell. Sodales?" Amos pauses to let others chime in. "Also, in things that make us uncomfortable, I noted a multitude of languages being spoken on way to the manor house. Nicholas could only catch some of the Catalan, and I recognized the sounds of Arabic from my own past-"Amos pauses for a moment and shudders. It's hard to tell whether its in fear, anticipation, or anger-"what will we need to learn to communicate with everyone here?"

Viscaria: "Of course!" She practically leaps onto Cygna in delight.

Jaime: "I know Wizard's Communion, and we still have the Lab Text that we memorized, I believe. And no, I used the last of the vis I had while escaping the terrors of Las Navas de Tolosa. I have spent some time thinking on this matter, naturally. Cersei knew of a bountiful source of Vim vis, but I could not tell you where....nor, I suppose, should I until you sign the charter. Perhaps she has left some clue in her sanctum? Or we could wait until she returns with the other fallen souls from the battle. And then, as I said, Salamandrus had a large surplus before he entered Twilight two or three years ago. Should he return, I am sure he will not mind if we borrowed some. It really is time someone did something about that rubble anyway.

"There is, I believe, an opportunity to collect some Rego vis soon.. Oh, and Creo, too. And Salamandrus once commented that there was another source of vis which he did not have the musical skills to collect, but I do not know the details. I fear that after the events of Las Navas de Tolosa, few would be willing to barter for the necessary ingredients, even if I had anything to offer him.

OOC: It is a trivial use of many possible skills (Ease Factor 3) to realize that what he ought to say is, few would be willing to barter with Jaime Lannister. OoH Lore will tell you that new magi, especially non-Iberians, would have better luck, and it is rare that the RedCaps can't work something out. Folk Ken would suggest that Jaime has not been the most politic or polite person to ask for things. Bargain, suitable Craft Skills, and many possible other options to easily see a way around this dilemma that has plagued him for months. Archmagus he may be, but the man is still old and extremely set in his ways.

Jaime: "As they are fond of saying on the coast, the two things you never want to see made are laws and chorizo. I require the use of your sigils for the entirety of the Tribunal of 1214, so that I may broker enough deals to sway votes to the side of True Compassion. Since you all seem eager to step in harm's way, it might be more appropriate to say the offer is full membership in the covenant to any magi who pledges their sigil before June 1st, 1213 AD, to be used by Phoenix Covenant as part of a single vote block for the duration of the Iberian Tribunal of 1214 AD."

OOC: It's late and I'm not a lawyer, so I didn't do that last paragraph justice. Jaime whips out the legalese upon Cygna's request with a flair and penchant that you'd be hard pressed to find in anyone who hadn't made politics their passion for half a century. It is clear from his off-handed suggestion for legal phrasing that he is perfectly capable of understanding or creating extremely specific and detailed legal jargon. Just as clearly, he doesn't believe in the value of such things, at least not in this case. He wants you to agree to the spirit of his proposal, not the wording.

It is also clear from his tightly-conceived legal phrasing that the spirit of his proposal is, "Help me avenge the death of my covenant, and you can have it after I die trying."

Jaime: "The Moors speak Arabic, for the most part. The Jews speak Hebrew. Almost all of them speak Castillian. It is not uncommon for the people of this region to speak two or three regions. While I appreciate your desire to interact with the humiliores, let us stick to Hermetic matters for now. If you have any questions about living here, you may direct them to the Al'Jimni family. They are the stewards here, and they can....oh. Right. We'll need to appoint a new steward, too."

Jaime's voice falters once again at this additional realization of how much he's lost, and how much he's lost track of since those losses.

Hiems understands loss, and is taken by Jaime's grief.
Of course, he displays nothing, but he can't help but feel sympathy for the man.

Both these spells are outside my magical expertise, I'm afraid.
I agree with you that an Aegis is vital, but I can't be relied upon to cast it, or a good wizard's communion.

But BEWARE! IIRC, to use wizard's communion, all magi involved must cast the spell.

OoH Lore: 1d10=8 + 1 + Int 2 = 11. I assume Hiems has heard of rafas, at least slightly, and knows he was probably a diabolist.

If that's the case, I agree to the bargain. This man is evil, and did great harm to a great many people, also endangering the entire order through his actions.I'll support your struggle against him and his allies

Cygna leans forward at this, with an intently interested expression on her face.

"♪♫Another source of vis, you say, but you know little more?
Perhaps the fledglings could help you discover his lore.
If only we knew what type, kind, or ilk,
And harvesting the vis could go as smoothly as silk.♫♪"

She then sits back with a little smirk.

"I am sorely tempted by your offer, Magus. If you would, may I take the night to think and pray on the matter before I make my final decision? And if so, would you be available to answer any questions I may have on the matter, or should I direct my questions elsewhere?

"Also, may I examine the charter that I am to sign?"

(p.s. - I guess I should roll for that little ditty: Music (Singing) of 2 + Com 1 + 1d10=6 = 9...better than last time)

In answer, Jaime strides out of the room, and heads to the library. He is clearly expecting everyone to follow him.

Up to the first floor, and through a door that leads to what would be the first room you saw, were you to approach from inside the Regio. Partially shuttered windows (lacking glass), show the overrun gardens and a low wall in the distance. One of the grapevines has come in through the shuttered window, a foot-thick snaking tendril reaching towards the Peasant Hall.

He leads you into the Peasant Hall, or what would be the hall where a landed noble would hold court over his subjects. Here, it is the library and scriptorium.

A disembodied voice, speaking in a bad imitation of an English accent, comments dully, "Hallo, Jaime," which receives a wordless grunt of acknowledgment in reply.

The large hall still shows clear signs of its original purpose, despite the exceptionally intricate, and exceedingly garish, renovations done to it. From the dark oak walls hang large maps, trophies, and several extremely bad portraits of the same man, all from the exact same angle. You think it is a man.

Neatly arranged in rows across the floor are armarii (book closets) and chests, some bejeweled, some exquisitely carved, each carefully labeled with a neatly lettered small signpost, lettered in a fine, sure hand, with many curves, squiggles. The signposts are colored in pinks, purples, lavenders, burgundies, yellows (very hard to read), and bright reds. Though the number and quality of the bookchests are impressive, they become less so when you realize that half of them say things like "Empty" or "I am a Box!" More familiar category titles, like "Perdo" also lose a bit of their august impact because someone chose to shape the E and O to closely resemble a heart.

Three women in their mid-twenties are helping a Moor back into her abaya, ensuring that no loose strands of hair are visible. As the magi enter, the four women leap to attention, standing ramrod straight as if they had been caught doing some naughty. They struggle to maintain looks of innocence for a few seconds, lips trembling, before all four of them burst into shrieks of high-pitched laughter.

Jaime seems to take this in stride. "Sharae, would you be so kind as to fetch the charter?"

This is followed by another round of squeals. Sharae rushes over to a to a massive book and begins to pour through the library catalog. The three remaining girls squeal to each other. "This is just like that time when...." "I know! I was just thinking the same thing! And the way he..." "Oh, and then he...." ~shared sigh of hero worship~ In unison: "He's so dreamy!"

Jaime seems to be taking genuine, if confusing (yet familiar) comfort in the high pitched antics of the four women. "Sodales, welcome to the Phoenix Library and Scriptorium. Allow me to introduce our staff."

You have already met Sharae the Librarian, though her earlier fear seems to have completely vanished now. Is it her companions, or the security of her library walls, which makes her so bold now?

Danielle Castiblanco the Scribe is a short, slightly pudgy girl wearing what appears to be a black and white, frilly maid's uniform, which reveals an indecent amount of her short and stubby legs. A white bow in her mane of black hair almost gives the appearance of cat ears.

Fidelia Castaneda the Illuminator is unnaturally thin, and dressed in a sinful reinterpretation of a nun's habit, with impressive tailoring and artfully placed rips in the fabric. She is wearing an inexpert application of white face powder and kohl, which contrasts unfavorably with her dark hue.

Sandra de los Montes the Book Binder a long limbed, awkward girl, who has banged her elbows and knees on at least four pieces of furniture since the introductions began. Though her features clearly indicate a mix of Castillian and Moorish blood, she is dressed as a Scotsman, complete with tartan kilt. She has dyed her hair a very unnatural color of red.

As an afterthought, Jaime also introduces Charles Edwards Vintner, who is absolutely not to be left alone with any books. "Oh, let up, won't you, Jaime, there's a good chap?" The grapevine just peeking into the library through the front door seems to shiver slightly as it speaks, though you may just be wanting to see some indication of its speech. "That was nearly 20 seasons ago! I'm a new vine! Can't you forgive me?"

Meanwhile, Sharae has found what she is looking for in a polished labradorite chest, whose bright purple sign reads "Blank Vellum." She takes the 3-foot wide scroll to an ornately carved table, and spreads it open for all to see, anchoring the corners open with several loose chunks of rocks which have Rings of Flame on them.

The charter appears to be a hastily scribed copy of somebody else's charter, with notes in the margins. (OOC: Those with OoHLore or CoH can roll vs 6 to recognize this as the Arae Flaviae Charter mentioned in Covenants). These are the notable modifications:

  • Every instance of the phrase "majority vote" has been struck through and replaced with "unanimous vote" in a bold, emphatic hand.

  • Under Resources Owned by the Covenant, several paragraphs in a feminine script outline what constitutes a "covenfolk," and what their rights are. In particular, they may not be ensorcelled without their full knowledge and consent, or by majority* vote of the Council. They may not be the subject of laboratory activities without the Council's majority* vote. Any member of the Hermetic order who violates the rights of a Phoenix Covenant covenfolk may be fined up to two season's service, or a rook of vis, per violation.

  • Under Rights of the Members of this Covenant, there is an addendum written in the margins in a meticulous, tiny script marked Vis Grant. Every equinox and solstice, the Vis Stores are to be divided among the Magi. The Council receives one share per Full or Probationary Member of the Covenant, while each Full member receives a full share and each Probationary Member receives a half share.**

  • Under Responsibilities of the Members of this Covenant is an addendum in the feminine script fixing the vis exchange rate between covenant members (1 for 1, 1 Technique for 2 Forms), and another bit that says "The debts of the Covenant are owed by individual Members as well as by the Council Whole."

  • "Majority is scratched out and replaced by "unanimous," which has also been scratched out and replaced once again with "majority."
    ** A section about the Princeps receiving a double share has been scratched out. Upon reflection, the term Princeps doesn't appear anywhere else in the charter, either.

Jaime grumbles, "Will any of you sign now, or must you all take a night to think about the offer you've known about for a month now?

Viscaria protests slightly about the "rights of covenfolk" but then adds, "Well, I have not known about much of anything for the last year, but I have learned the value of having Amicii who might notice you're missing. I'll sign now."

She matches deeds to words. "What now?"

Jaime: "Eh? Go find yourselves some sancta, and take a look around. Cersei's sanctum is...was, down that hall and across from mine. The ones upstairs are all empty now too, and there's all kind of space underground or on the grounds. There's even a few buildings outside the gate which fit inside our Aegis. Vernal Equinox is on the 13th, I guess that'd be a good time to have a proper council meeting. It'd give you three days to look around and find some business to bring up."

With that, he takes his leave of you.

OOC:There is a Save Point(tm) here. If you click on it, your body goes rigid and unresponsive, your vision goes black and you see the words Loading Chapter 2.... appear. In a breath, you find yourself still in the library, but somehow in the next chapter...

Edit: Corrected spelling

OoC: Roll on Int + Latin to read the charter , 1d10+1=11 ,
check for botch , 1d10=10.
Forgot to add the +04 for Latin , but total is always zero on a botch.

Loudly: "The right to violate inanimate covenfolk , provided we pay for privilege?"

OOC: Lol! Oh my! This just got interesting fast! Checking for Rage, although I don't think it's that bad, since he's only "talking" about it instead of any performance of action in front of me , 1d10=6... I'm not flying off on a killing rampage yet! :slight_smile:

"Violate? Violate?! Privilege?!" Amos' eyes glint blue-cold for a moment, then he hastily picks up the pen, dips it in the ink, and signs his full extended hermetic name. "I willingly turn over my sigil for the specified time period as previously prescribed by Jamie Lannister. As a Full Member of the Phoenix Covenant, I forward the motion to accept Serrano ex Miscellanea as only a probationary member of the Phoenix Covenant and this charter, pending unanimous approval from the other full members of this house." He turns to Viscaria and gestures, "Of course, we may have to go after Jamie to get his vote." He then turns to Serrano, still with that cold glint in his eye, "Unless, of course, good sir, you might wish to consider the payment you just mentioned more punishment than privilege. I have no issue retracting the motion under such a statement. You could also petition Maga Viscaria to veto. I believe Magus Lannister did mention earlier wholesale genocide and abuse of the grapevines - I mean the Vintners, beg your pardon Charles - would lead to greater difficulties for us" -he gestures to all of the magi still present- "in assimilating into this Covenant. I, for one, don't wish to start off on the abusive wrong foot."

If Serrano moves towards the pen he will quickly step up and coldly state, "And I will challenge you to Certamen for possession and rights over the use of that pen, petty and abusive as it may be, before I even let the thought of violation and abuse occur in my presence." In comparison to the stumbling half-whisper he's been talking in up to this point, Amos's current speech is frigid, clipped, and extremely enunciated, as if he's having difficulty speaking and concentrating on every syllable spoken. It's still quiet, although more the quiet silence of firmness, rather than of tentativeness.

As soon as his little speech and temper tantrum is done, Amos will seemingly wilt back into himself, but he's still standing-albeit more crouched now- staring at Serrano and awaiting his response.

Humourously: "Certamen this (pen is) of qualities to petty and abusive , so you may think presently about violation and abuse?"
"I accept your challenge , knowing that the violence and abuse you inflict on me will add nothing to your Reputation when you win"

Hiems realises... This isn't important. This charter? These votes? Whatever. He'll do it. He doesn't care at all.
Without even reading up the charter, while others read and whine, he steps up, and signs, before getting the hell away. At least, this is done.

O_o (I'll use this for those spock/t'ealc facial expressions of hiems. About the only one you'll ever see :laughing: )

This, followed by amos outburst, catch his attention somewhat.
He comes, and actually reads the charter, wondering "what the hell???"

Once he finishes, to Serrano:
With all due respect, sir, you may have been mistaken. I see nothing of the sort.
Turning to Amos
And rest assured, Sodales, that, were such a heinous clause present in the charter, I'd fight it alongside you. I don't care about much, but won't stand for things like this.

(OOC: Awesome!)

Viscaria blinks and wonders aloud, "Inanimate covenfolk?"

OOC: Stress + Comms(-3) + Etiquette(+1) so Stress die -2 to make sure I get this right... 1d10-2=0 ... oh dear. Well... umm... let me change some words around... a little less concilatory... a little more inflammatory... removing some words so they're more easily misconstrued... well, I guess that's only right for a Flambeau anyways... :open_mouth:

"Oh, he knows exactly what he's looking at, and the greedy glint in your eyes betray you, Gypsy!" Amos fumes as he turns back to facing Serrano. "Jesus teaches to turn the other cheek, but you'll not be committing genocide for a Queen of Vis and merely fork over a Rook penance!"

"Certamen accepted, and Certamen it is! Creo, you heathen, and you WILL sign as a Probationary Member instead as a Full! I would tell you to stop pretending and take off that cross around your neck if I could - God's justice will prevail today, and my Reputation secure by the Grace of God!"

"Very well , i concede your Cretaman (deliberate mispronunciation) Challenge."
"But as a Probationary Member , i now choose to leave , taking MY VOTING SIGIL and all equipment with me to seek Sanctuary with The Church."
"Feel free to explain your actions to the Archmage."

OoC: Serrano does not have the Hedge Wizard Flaw that many Ex Misc have.

"Trust me, when he hears of your intentions towards the Vintners and the Covenfolk he has lived alongside for so many years, you might not be able to travel fast enough!" And with that, Amos throws down the feather pen on the table and marches out the door, presumably in search of Jamie.

Cygna follows Jaime as he leads the magi, her likely future sodales, to the library. Now that she knows about the Vintners, she sees them with a new light, and regards them as she passes by.

"[color=orange]If you do decide to stay, child, you will have to do something about that...thing. I certainly wouldn't abide being mocked like that if I were you." Adorjan says as he moves, unseen even to his protegée as the Vintner greets Jaime in his alleged accent.

Cygna simply hisses "[color=red]Shhh" without breaking stride.

She looks from the portraits on the wall to Jaime, then back. She does not see any resemblance, and wonders who the portraits are supposed to be of.

(ooc – what are amarii? Only thing I could find in a cursory search was that it's a form of a word related to a word for love, or a type of liquor. I'm assuming that it's maybe some type of curio cabinet o some such, but not sure.)

As she sees the library staff, she is unable to keep a look of stunned shock off of her face.

When Sharae unrolls the charter, she easily recognizes the source.

As she reads the charter, she makes an attempt to memorize with Art of Memory, and rolls a zero again. 1d10=3 No botch, so just a total of five. One of these days she's going to memorize something, I promise!

Adorjan stands in front of Cygna, arms crossed. "[color=orange]Now's your chance, Katerina. If you're going to leave, leave. If you're going to stay, prove to everyone that you're nothing without them, that you're afraid to spread your wings and achieve your full potential, then go right ahead and sign your soul away. I won't stop you." He steps aside and gestures grandly toward the charter, the inkwell and the pen.

"[color=red]You hellspawn," Cygna says quietly. "[color=red]You're afraid now, aren't you? You didn't know what we...what I'd find here. And now that you do, you're afraid that I may finally learn enough to be rid of you once and for all." She smiles widely and steps forward and signs her name broadly: "Cygna filia Grus filia Falco filius Turbo filius Phillipa filia Corinthia barne Bjornaer" As she signs, she mutters, "[color=red]I'll show you yet, you bastard."

After she signs, she places the quill firmly back in its stand and looks around, realizing that there is a...rather vocal discussion going on. "[color=orange]This is the kind of jackal you've chosen to throw your lot in with, Katerina?" Adorjan snorts with derision from behind Cygna. "[color=orange]You all deserve each other. I'm done with you, child...for now." Her nose crinkles with distaste at the strong stench of brimstone that ofttimes marks his coming and going.

"[color=red]What in the name of Heaven do you two think you're doing? We've been here not even a day, we're giving our pledge to stand united in the years to come, and this is how you begin?" Cygna draws herself to her full height and glares at the both of them, looking for all the world like an extremely pissed-off schoolmarm.

After Amos signs the charter and talks about Violate and Privilege, Cygna asks what he means by that.

After the Flambeau's rather stirring and apparently heartfelt challenge, Cygna looks rather surprised. Hmm...he might not be such the mouse after all, she thinks.

Then, after Serrano concedes the certamen and threatens to leave and seek sanctuary, she throws her hands up in the air in exasperation. "[color=red]You...you," she sputters as she looks at both of them in turn before she simply says "[color=red]Gaaaah!" and leaves,slamming the door behind her.

She storms back downstairs to the cavern, only to realize that she has no idea how to pass through the regio boundary. She grabs a loose stone from the floor and flings it angrily into the pool.

She then heads back up to the ground floor and out the door to the outside, where she will just wander around for a while, muttering to herself until she calms down some. She will then start looking around, exploring a little bit before she finally finds a wall and sits against it, preferably next to a vine. She's hoping that it's one of the talking sentient vines they were talking about.

Viscaria is having a hard time keeping up with all of this.

"Does that mean you're not staying? What was that all about?"

She may or may not be saying this to a room empty of magi.

Motivation: Serrano is looking for a place where he can settle his Dependent(s).
He will not battle for Full Member status , he knows this place is desperate , or they would never accept him.
The 100 pounds in silver will be more than enough to get the people he has settled on Church lands.

Serrano definitely did not sign the charter (unless he can do so as a full member) and leaves immediately.
If he cannot exit the Regio , he heads straight for the kitchen , to see if he can find someone who knows how.

OoC: He knows that kitchen staff in any place know whats going on , or how to find those who do.

The kitchens are empty and heavy with dust. It takes Serrano only a few seconds to realize they must do all of the cooking on the mundane side of the Regio. One of the Warders approaches noiselessly behind him and peers over his shoulders into the empty kitchen. Hrmmmmm. Yes, I see. Should we nail the door shut, do you think?"

After a brief conversation, Zane Warder offers to show Serrano to the exit, and assures him that any of the Warders on duty there can show him the way in or out. However, they meet Archmagus Jaime Flambonis at the gate.

In a very weary voice, he asks, "What is going on? I heard you were planning to depart."