2.1 Preludes - Cijara / Phoenix Covenant

Bows in respect
"Not permanently Magister , but only until my status as a Probationary Member is over."
"It was also my intention to seek a Priest for resident service , should that be possible"

"So there was some truth in her tale, I see. You engaged in Certamen with Amos over some project he mentioned? You lost? And by these terms, you must join as a Probationary Member? And wear only orange robes? What were these terms, exactly? And will I have your sigil as a Probationary Member? And if you are granted Full status, would you still join?"

He pauses for your answer between each question.

Serrano takes out his Voting Sigil , snaps it in half and throws it at Jaimes feet.
"That stays broken until i have Full Member status , as i thought would be the case when i came here."
"There were no terms to the challenge other than forcing me to sign as a Probationary Member.
No mention of projects or orange robes."

The room gets suddenly very warm as magical energy slips past Jaime's control. His clothes start to smoulder with his barely-repressed fury.

"There is little value in showing such disrespect, Journeyman, when I am attempting to correct the situation. It is not by my will that such petty bickering should occur today. Now act in a manner befitting your station or I swear before The Lord My God that I shall leave you little more than a pile of smoldering ash on this floor. It is not yet lunchtime and I have already have a long and tiresome day.

"Now, tell me the wording, precisely. You must sign as a Probationary Member? Well, that is no matter at all. Your signature is not what determines your status, the Council decides so. And I am the Council, so I am quite sure we will vote unanimously to renew our offer of Full Membership in exchange for your vote.

"I see that we will be dusting off the books on the Code soon enough.

"Ow! Damn it!" In counterpoint to the ferocity he showed only moments ago, he starts slapping the fires out of his robes while yelping obscenities.

"I call your bluff Magister , turn me into a pile of Ash!"
"Then cover-up the crime , a feat well within your capabilities no doubt!"
"I am a fully-gauntleted Magus and i demand respect as such."
"Punish the cause of this situation , not the victim , for i will not stay in a situation where Certamen is used in such a trivial manner."

Hiems is caught by surprise by Serrano's departure, but understands Cygna's rage.

Well... This is quite a beginning, for sure...

Aaargh, edited since AMos exited.
Let's say Hiems was quite puzzled by so much stupidity.

So, he exits, searching for serrano (which he clearly believes to be dim-witted, although Amos is now next on the list :laughing: Cygna, on the other hand, fares well so far. It's the world upside down!)

(OOC: GM, I want some new dice. These ones are cursed and they don't like me. Okay, tried blinking the spell Garment for the Day Lvl 15 while shifting back, Die+Creo(9)+Herbam(3)+Stamina(3)+Method Caster(3)+Aura(5) = 1d10=10 + 23 = 23. Check for botch - 1d10=4 . Whew!)

Both Jamie and Serrano hears an undignified SQUAWK! and thump as a flurry of feathers collides into the stone cave wall behind Serrano. A small, brown kestrel hits the floor and scrambles back to its feet, shaking its head a bit. Looking up at the two magi, the bird's form wavers a bit into a crouched Amos while a plain white robe appears over his head and drops down over his shoulders, preserving his modesty. He begins babbling as he struggles to stick his hands through the robe sleeves - he also picks up the small chain link bracelet with the cross and amber ring and slips it back onto his wrist.

"Oh thank the Good Lord you were able to rescue him, Archmagus!" Amos panted out. "I had no idea the caves could be so dangerous - how did you get around the Anti-Magic Shell? And what in the world is a Grue anyways?" Finished struggling with his clothing, the diminutive magus took a deep breath to calm and slow down his speech, and turned to Serrano.

"And I apologize, magus. You made a good point when you walked out. Just because you plan to commit mass genocide on the Vintners, it is Archmagus Lannister who extended the invitation, and only Lannister can change it, not I. I'm not sure if my Challenge can be ruled outside of acceptable terms of the Peripheral Code or not - Magus Servus may need to make such a ruling," as Amos babbles his voice has quieted again to his normal, low-key level, and it doesn't take him long to start tripping over his words again. "It just infuriated me so, magus, how quickly you put a price on life. I mean, the callousness. Not that you're callous, just that you immediately saw abuse worth the rook. Or... I mean the privilege. Oh, blast it, you know what I mean."

Having witnessed the teensy-tiny kestrel transform into Amos , Serrano starts laughing unrestrainedly (in a good way).
"Archmagus , it has been a trying day , forgive my inexcusable rudeness."

Ok. Since Hiems is supposed to be searching for Amos (unless the tower thing is happening at the same time? Amul?), can he run into him? Ravenscroft, you tell me.

EDIT: So, hiems finally manages to find Serrano.

Here you are. I was searching for you. Could we talk a moment, please? I think there may have been a misunderstanding between you and our sodales, and... Well, I don't like this, and would try to sort things out if you'd allow me.

OoC: Previous post edited.
"That sounds like an eminently sensible suggestion."
"Let us do so immediately and allow the archmagus to deal with matters as he will."

Aargh, I get all confused by you using my "cold" speech color :laughing:

Thank you.
Now, if you would explain to me what you did understand, and what you'd want to do, so I may clarify things?

"Well , i'm not really sure."
"It seemed that a provision had been made , that allowed magi to cavort in unseemly ways with deceased covenfolk ,
provided we paid for the right to do so."


Look, I'm no expert, having only the rudiments of knowledge about the Code, but, as far as I can tell, there is no such provision, and you are misunderstood. Perhaps we should talk about this with Jaimie, he'll surely be able to tell.
But, since this is what seems to have shocked our sodales the most, there was such a provision, would you want to do something about it or not?

(And thanks for the color :laughing: )

"If you have had acquaintance of any necromancers , the provision is not so unusual."
"Or at least the paying for corpses part."
"It was the suggestion that any necromancer would have a carnal interest in the dead that surprised me."

I've had one. But, as far as I can tell, sodales, you appear to be mistaken. There is no such provision in that charter, and I surely confirm you that it speaks not of any kind of... carnal relationship with the dead, or I'd be as disgusted as you are. It seems to me you mistaken the part about the talking gravepines with something else

Actually, Hiems old covenant had a resident necromant :laughing:

"Carnal interest in the dead?" asked Amos, head cocked to the side. "That makes no sense. And the reference in the Charter about payment was towards the abuse of the Vintners, the inanimate covenfolk as defined by the Charter." He shakes his head to clear the rage a bit. "Oh. Inanimate. Magus Antoin would have definitely understood, and it seems I've horribly misunderstood. Or at least misinterpreted the misunderstanding." Almost in a whisper, "Oh dear."

Can we all agree that there were 2 misunderstandings, which happens, cool down, and come back to sign, or not, that charter?
And next time... I'm gonna live here, so I'd prefer it if we could all be fine with each other and discuss things quietly before blowing up steam. Life sucks way enough already without us making it worse

"If it turns out that i was subject to an illegal certamen challenge , then we do not have anything to address."
"However , the fact that i was challenged so rashly , venomously and maliciously IS a problem."
"Under no circumstances will i tolerate living in an environment with someone so volatile ,
unless specific prohibitions on behavior are at least discusssed."

"Excuse me, but who was the one to first speak venomously and maliciously?" Amos still looks guilty and downcast, but the steel is back in his whisper. "I asked you to take back your words - in anger and misunderstanding, true, but to me they sounded just as venomously and malicious as you accuse my words to be. And then what do you do? You mock my words and move to sign, ignoring my request - your actions reinforced my misunderstanding, and your repeated refusal to deny my misunderstanding, which I was very vocal and clear about - what else was I to do?" Lost from his eyes and voice is the smoldering anger and will present earlier, and his words seem more thrown at the floor than anyone present as Amos shuffles his feet. "I accept being damned by my rash actions, but I stand behind them since you never gave any indication of my wrongness beyond poison and maliciousness yourself."

In a whisper to himself, "I will not stand for anyone to live my life. I will NOT."

"I have had enough of these lies!"
Serrano walks off and ignores any and all entreaties or conversation.

Short of Divine Intervention or being too late to travel , he leaves Cijara immediately with no intention of returning.
If any of his people are unable to travel for any reason he will wait also.

OoC: There is absolutely no advantage for Serrano in staying , he fears for his people with magi such as Amos around.