No troubles (yet), but the story seed I gave you the three of you seems to have been lost in the shuffle. I placed Serrano, Servus and Amos in Castilbanco, with Serrano's troupe just arriving and Chico was the only one who seems to have seen the cue.
~shrug~ It's okay, though, because then you (Ravenscroft) had some real-life stuff which took priority, so we'll just have Serrano and his troupe arrive in Castilblanco whenever you're ready to get back to the game.
Fast? Wow. I find it dreadfully slow, but my perspective is all based on table top.
If you need to take a break to deal with fatherhood, then I don't mind having Servus show up late. Alternately, you can just list yourself as already seated in the "council chamber" when Hiems and Cygna show up. Give us a nod, brief introduction or something.
It sounds like JM does not have the time, though perhaps Ravenscroft does. If everyone is comfortable with the pace we're going at, then I have no objection to continuing at this pace.