2.1 Preludes - OOC

It's just that I'm put to shame by the great writers :blush:

Okay, I'll try to start sucking now :laughing:
otoh, I don't think I'm that great, as I haven't sold anything yet :frowning:

My best wishes to your flatmate, Ravenscroft.

My bad. I had hoped that there was enough content to keep everyone roleplaying one character or another while I disappeared for a few days.

Cygna has just landed on the boat.

Hiems, traveling south from Talavera de le Reina, will be meeting Viscaria at the northern banks of the Guadiana. They are about an hour's walk from Cijara.

That leaves Serrano, Constantine and Severus still to introduce. For expediency's sake, I'm having them arrive together at Castiblanco, and from there a few short hours walk to Casa de Cijara.

(I'm writing these prompts as we speak).

For some reason, I was thinking Heims was the one arriving on the boat. If it's Cygna, I'll post on the morrow, when I get back from my filial obligations.

It didn't really matter to me, but its been 7 days since that prompt, so I made a more explicit decision.

Ah, okay

I had missed that, and thus assumed hiems would be coming from the boats, to jump-start again the campain thread. Thus the confusion.

Yup, me too.

What if it was cygna that met Viscaria? That'd avoid the confusion.

Either way is fine with me. My primary objective for the prelude chapter is simply to have everyone arrive and start interacting. I've been including setting material as it comes up, but I'm worried that in doing so, I've restricted the players' sense of initiative. In other words, arrive when and how you see fit.

Howzabout Heims is on the boat now, and Cygna will be there very soon after coming from the other direction; I'm assuming that Heims would be coming from the north(ish), and I've already got Cygna's route mapped out to where she's coming upstream on the Guadiana from Ayamonte. Then I can post what Cygna et al do when they show up this afternoon. If not, then I'll just pretend Cygna got there first. Have to decide if I want to keep this character that tapped me on the noggin and asked if I remembered her.

Fine, so in the thread, I keep hiems coming from the boat, with cygna on his tracks (only from the opposite direction) :smiley:

Sounds good.

According to my notes:

  • Ravenscroft/Serrano will be joining us later.
  • Chico/Amos was last seen in Castiblanco, looking for Servus so he can arrive with him.
  • JM/Servus hasn't been seen in the Cijara thread yet, and is still in his personal prelude story

Have I missed something? JM, Chico, do you just want to show up at the hot spring and skip all the background story? Run your pre-arrival conversations in parallel? Or would you rather continue at the pace you're at and arrive at Phoenix later?

Is everyone enjoying the pace of this so far?

I know I am.

I find it rather fast at the moment, but I am aware that this is because my life has been so eventful recently (I've seen an ultrasonic picture with two placentas this week, which is why I feel the need to read a few books and to prepare)
I'd prefer Servus to join in the least complicated way possible.
I keep reading what happens in the thread, but let's assume he's rather introverted for now.

I know you're trying to get us all together so we can start... I'm okay with being deus ex machinaed onto Covenant Grounds and skip some of the intro stuff. However, if JM has the time, then yes, I would rather parallel our arrival and give my character time to suck up (poorly) to the Quaesitor. :slight_smile:

Amul , if you are having trouble finding things for Serrano , clothing isn't all about the making , it's marketing as well.
He has travelled with a troupe of entertainers all his early life and for 5 years post-gauntlet.
Clothing to one person is a disguise to another.
What kind of people would be interested in uniforms or livery , that can be made quickly with no questions asked.

No troubles (yet), but the story seed I gave you the three of you seems to have been lost in the shuffle. I placed Serrano, Servus and Amos in Castilbanco, with Serrano's troupe just arriving and Chico was the only one who seems to have seen the cue.

~shrug~ It's okay, though, because then you (Ravenscroft) had some real-life stuff which took priority, so we'll just have Serrano and his troupe arrive in Castilblanco whenever you're ready to get back to the game.

Fast? Wow. I find it dreadfully slow, but my perspective is all based on table top.

If you need to take a break to deal with fatherhood, then I don't mind having Servus show up late. Alternately, you can just list yourself as already seated in the "council chamber" when Hiems and Cygna show up. Give us a nod, brief introduction or something.

It sounds like JM does not have the time, though perhaps Ravenscroft does. If everyone is comfortable with the pace we're going at, then I have no objection to continuing at this pace.

hmmm... just to gather everyone together - JeanMichelle, Ravenscroft, any objections to just "fast-forwarding" the three of us into the Council Bath Chambers? :slight_smile: We can "backfill" interactions and meetings at Castiblanco thru PM after IRL family activities passes/are resolved. We've said it before, we'll say it again - IRL always comes first.

(btw, JeanMichelle, congrats on the twins! Was the ultrasound the first realization or did you guys already know?)

JM has already agreed to this, and my understanding is that Ravenscroft's IRL time commitments are also keeping him away from us for right now, so I'm just going to rule that this is how we'll play it. Serrano, Servus and Amos are in the bath.

The funeral is this friday , hopefully i will be back on board properly after that.

I had intended the actual council chambers to be elsewhere, but the phrase "Council Bath Chamber" was too good to ignore. :laughing: