Perhaps I should've started a 2.5 OOC thread...
Be that as it may, I'll ask the question here.
Just how does a Mecere House work? Or do we decide(see next paragraph) how it works in this case?
According to HoH:TL, there is one in Barcelona. Is that still the case in this saga? Would the two be competing, or covering different areas due to the distance between locations? I think as players, we need to process through the known knowns, the unknown knowns, and the unknown unknowns before we go down that rabbit hole. Is that a fair request?
We've never really discussed the Mercere House issue in depth, but that's what Azura is proposing. Will it be like another covenant on the grounds? What obligations will we have to it and it to Phoenix? I don't mind asking these questions in character, but I'm trying to wrap my head around it as a player, first. I imagine we'll have redcaps coming and going. Visitors galore (makes the Aegis even more important). We'll also have visitors to the covenant. Regularly. Hermetic and otherwise. I'm sure amul loves this. More demons stop by, yay! Having Phoenix become the crossroads of the Iberian Tribunal, if you will, has lots of interesting opportunities (someone once told me that the Chinese symbol for opportunity is the same symbol as challenge, I don't know if that's true or not, but I certainly like the sound of it).
What kind of resources can Azura call on? House Mercere is a huge enterprise, and they normally throw resources at something to ensure success and if they see success to be likely. amul was talking about power levels with Amos' build points. Having the ability to flit around Mythic Europe can be problematic in that regard, too. Aren't all Mercere Houses connected to Harco through some type of portal?
So, worst case scenario, Harco's playing both sides (Reconquista/Roman) of Tribunal politics against the middle (bad House Merecere, bad!). Barcelona House is on the Reconquista side, and the House being formed at Pheonix is on the Roman side?
If these things have been discussed in PM, tell me to MYOB and enjoy the ride, but go ahead and give us a detail of what things we know, what things we can expect, because HoH:TL is very sparse on how this setup works.