*Thank you water for being this irremovable eternal natural power. *
Now that the sea has given his rage, it's the time for the men to deserve their victory. Vance is now broad grin when he walks towards the Captain Tavis.
Does the result please you? If you want me to carry on our agreed plan, i'd like we come nearer to the beach. Birds are easier to control when i'm within their natural living environment. - Without any pretense, Vance is now in his "i'm in control, don't mess with me"-mode.
But perhaps, the pirate's commonly agreed honor would oblige you to stop here the powerful use of magic against those men and give them a chance to fight for their life with their own remaining strength.... Even if I doubt they are still able to fight, now.
His speech looks like if he wants to give the enemies a - little - chance to fight back against him... but after a little pause, to let Captain Tavis understand his words... But as you said. Those who aren't with us are against us - his sanguine personality surfaces - Some days every man has to die and join with Our Lord in the heaven. It will be soon enough our turn, so for the moment, we will enjoy this life He gave us. - he was really aware that it could have been them who could have been the prey of another hunter, and that there would have been no chance that this hypothetical hunter would have ceased his attack "just because it would have been exaggerated". Yes, the world was cruel. The strong was the winner, and the weak has to surrender to him. He was well aware that today, they could be the strong, and tomorrow the weak. *
While the ship sailed nearer to the beach, Vance walked back to the prow. He was thinking at the sailors on the Fuar Iarann. Those men were brave and skilled. If they could understand he was the truest sorcerer on Alerock, they could become, in the future, a pretty damn useful ally... before they become, without even knowing, dependents on his power. And, with them and this ship, if they could get and collaborate more, they could become so bond that they would be invincible. If Alerock would for any reason, ceases to exist, Vance could still have a chance to live with the rank he deserves as a great man. Besides, if this crew was going to become true allies to him, that would mean his position on Alerock would become better and the magi - alas the only ones rulers ... for now (but he thought that would change, and he could become one of the ruler amongst them! - would accept, little by little, his power and aknowledge his own importance.
When he began to smell the good odors from the lands, he started also to hear the birds, panicked by the sudden events. So, came the time to give his orders to the flying people of the sky**. He gives them the order to harass, and weaken the men: targetting hands, fingers, eyes, sails... in fact, their sole presence in crowd would be enough to hide the coming of the Fuar Iarann.
Then, when the birds started, he said to Captain Tavis: When we will be close enough to attack, staring look at Tavis, eyes on eyes - if you want to spill blood with your own saber and not let the birds do all the work - and this sentence could be percepted to be a question about Tavis crew abilities in fight, their bravery or their fear of the surnatural as well as a try to give them something - a little easy fight - to enjoy the joy of slaughtering... - to avoid our own men to be attacked by the birds, i'll give them the right to go back to their normal activities. I'll stay onboard to have a good point of sight - look on Wodin and other men - I assume my help won't be anymore necessary from that point, does he say while smiling frankly.
[size=85]* a little leadership speech, if needed : total is 11
** first, it's a summoning total, to summon the birds from the forest and the lands, than a controlling total to compel them to attack as possible and above all, disturb the enemies during their confusion. Dies are5 and 4 for totals of 32 and 31. The total size would be +- equal to 100 horses animals. I'll let you create the scenes .
During the next times, he restaures his freshness