As soon as the beast returns to the deeps, Bereleyn replaces her torn cap, doing her best to tuck her hair in underneath it. Good thing I travel with two spares, she thinks to herself, Though I'm not looking forward to digging through the wreckage of our ship to find one. She turns her attention to the self-important hedge wizard and presses her lips together grimly as he speaks.
"It was lucky for you we were here," she admonishes grimly. "Your sloppy hedge techniques could have caused that magnificent creature its life. It is fortunate for us all that his anger at your disturbance of his slumber was not so great as to prevent him from withdrawing when faced with mortal danger."
Later, when she and Johan speak in privacy, the Redcap seems confused. "What is it you hope to find at Alerock, amicus?"
Answering to Berelyn's question, Johan said: As you surely already know, Montverte is a covenant which is mainly interested in the old normands. Vikings, normands, it's the visible part of a deeper iceberg: I'm really interested in the former. When they invaded France, they had such power, and yet, they didn't conquer the lands, only seeking valuable treasures.
taking breath -
Since I was taken as an apprentice, I have dedicated my life to find all I could about them. I want to master their culture, discover their battle secrets and the wonderful skills which allowed them to strike without fear against the emerging France, and the emerging Order. And Alerock, from what I know, is a covenant dedicated to the same goal. Before I met these men, I wouldn't have dreamed of meeting them and propose a jointure. But our goal are the same and I think I could be able to fulfill my dreams. Besides, for the Order of Hermès sake, it's sure that having informations about the North wizards could be a great asset if ever fight or war would arise.
Johan kept for himself he would do anything to flee Thormod of Flambeau his parens, a magus who didn't agree to his manner of fighting and would want him to only use magic during battle.
Besides that, recently there has been an attack to a Normand abbey, and if I want to provide information to Montverte, going to Alerock must be a good idea.
Taivs and Wodin pull themselves up on to the deck of the Fuar Iarann and listen for a moment as Bereleyn and Johan hold their discussion.
Tavis: What are they saying?
Wodin: How should I know? I speak as much latin as you do!
Tavis: I thought you knew wizards!
Wodin: I do know wizards. I know the exact same wizards that you know. It doesn't mean I know their fancy-arsed language.
Tavis: Well, how do we find out which one's in charge?
Wodin: If they're anything like our lot, there won't be anyone in charge. They'll be making it all up as they go along and trying to pretend that they aren't to the likes of us.
Tavis: Fine then! You can work out how to tell them that the hull's cracked and leaking and the mast won't take a sail if the wind picks up harder than you and I can blow on it. I'm going to get the lads together and figure out if we can strip that cog for timbers. Who knows, maybe they'll even have an unbroken oar or two!
Wodin watches the captain stop disgustedly off towards his crew, wondering who will ultimately bear the brunt of the man's ill mood and hoping it won't be him. Finally, after a deep breath and a thoughtful spit, he approaches Bereleyn.
Wodin: Ah... pardon, madam, but I saw you talking to Vance earlier, which means you must be able to understand me. Frankly, we have problems. Neither of the ships is fit to sail, and I don't know that we have the right tools available to do proper repairs. What's more, I'm sure that... thing isn't gone for good. I think it's waiting for us to set sail and planning to ambush us while we're vulnerable.
After all, he thinks, it's what I'd do in its place.
Receiving nothing but a shrug from Bereleyn, Wodin looks over towards Vance. Well, this'll give him something to puff himself up about, he thinks.
Wodin: Vance, I remember you walking on conjured ice to get to Girvan before the battle. Can you do the same trick with the ship? Better yet, can you do it with both?
A diversion, he thinks, might be just what we need right now.
Vance was happy. Wodin was considering that he was the only hope. That was really a good sign.* Vance didn't really know he was used by the man. He looked at Wodin; looked at the ships.
He was thinking *I can do it. Yeah, i definitely can do it. I can. But it ill ask tons of works. I have to concentrate a lot to assert my power. Take your position, then i will start
When the other are in position, ready to the upcoming fight...
Vance starts to freeze the whole body of water, giving his best at this task... **
[size=85]* Vance folk ken to detect irony in the request of Wodin : per+folk 3 + die 5 total 8.
** controlling total: die 7 + 27 +3 (1 confidence point) = 37. With base 3; If we keep the /2 rule, that mean a 19th level spell. So +4 size for the freezing (or maybe +3 with part).[/size]