30 animals for November

30 Animals for November

For this month I will be endeavouring to post a stat block for a single mundane animal each day.

This is pretty straightforward as such projects go, but there are a few parameters I've set myself for this project.

  1. I'll be doing my level best to avoid covering any animals that already have stat-blocks in Ars Magica 5e and have already made a (probably incomplete) list so I'll know which ones to avoid. That being said, there are multiple conflicting 'Wolf' statistics in canon...
  2. I'll be sticking to animals that can be found within the regions of the world covered by Ars Magica so mostly Europe with the occasional forays into the Middle-East or North Africa.
  3. Preference is given to animals that I feel will be useful in play - as familiars, shapeshifter forms, the base for different monsters, etc.
  4. Apart from this introduction and my list of prospective animals, no work will be done prior to November 1st. Furthermore, 30 beasts will be eventually be posted even if if requires extending into December or beyond.

Addendum: Item #4 proved particularly fortuitous in light of how finicky my computer is being at the moment...

Rabbit (Cunniculus)
Characteristics: Cun 0, Per +1, Pre -3, Com -5, Str -10, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +6.
Size: -5.
Confidence Score: 1 (3).
Virtues and Flaws: Ferocity (eluding predators).
Qualities: Camouflage, Fast Runner, Good Jumper, Sharp Ears, Thick Fur, Timid.
Personality Traits: Lustful +3, Bold -3, Tricky +1.
Reputation: Pest (local) +2
Dodge: Init +6, Attack n/a, Defense +9, Damage n/a.
Teeth: Init +6, Attack +9, Defense +11, Damage -8.
Soak: +3
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious.
Wound Penalties: -1 (1), -3 (2), -5 (3), Incapacitated (4), Dead (5+)
Abilities: Athletics 3 (running), Awareness 4 (predators), Brawl 3 (bite), Stealth 4 (hiding), Survival 3 (forest)
Natural Weapons:Teeth: Init 0, Attack +3, Defense +1, Damage +1. The rabbit's dense fur gives it a Protection of +1.
Appearance: The European rabbit is a small animal with long ears and grey-brown fur.

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Otter (Lutra)
Characteristics: Cun 0, Per 0, Pre -2, Com -5, Str -4, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik +3.
Size: -3.
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Puissant Swimming; Carefree, Nocturnal.
Qualities: Amphibious, Ferocity (against aquatic creatures), Pursuit Predator, Thick Fur.
Personality Traits: Playful +3, Territorial +3, Voracious +1.
Reputation: Pest (local) +2
Dodge: Init +3, Attack n/a, Defense +6, Damage n/a.
Teeth: Init +3, Attack +9, Defense +8, Damage -3.
Soak: +2
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious.
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-2), -3 (3-4), -5 (5-6), Incapacitated (7-8), Dead (9+)
Abilities: Athletics 3 (swimming), Awareness 4 (food), Brawl 3 (bite), Hunt 4 (fish), Survival 3 (river), Swim 4+2 (rivers)
Natural Weapons: Teeth: Init 0, Attack +3, Defense +1, Damage +1. The otter's dense fur gives it a Protection of +1.
Appearance: The Eurasian Otter is a small semi-aquatic predator with a sleek, weasel-like body.


Beaver (Castor)
Characteristics: Cun 0, Per 0, Pre -2, Com -5, Str -4, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik +3.
Size: -3.
Confidence Score: 0
Virtues and Flaws: Puissant Swimming; Clumsy, Nocturnal.
Qualities: Amphibious, Large Teeth, Thick Fur.
Personality Traits: Industrious +3, Honest +2, Brave -2.
Reputation: Pest (local) +2
Dodge: Init +3, Attack n/a, Defense =6, Damage n/a.
Teeth: Init +3, Attack +8, Defense +8, Damage -1.
Soak: +2
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious.
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-2), -3 (3-4), -5 (5-6), Incapacitated (7-8), Dead (9+)
Abilities: Athletics 3 (swimming), Awareness 3 (predators), Brawl 3 (bite), Survival 3 (river), Swim 4+2 (rivers)
Natural Weapons: Large Teeth: Init 0, Attack +4 Defense +1, Damage +3. The beaver's dense fur gives it a Protection of +1.
Appearance: The Eurasian Beaver is a semi-aquatic animal with ferocious tusks and a fish-like tail (according to Pliny).
*I was reluctant assigning 'Large Teeth', but medieval bestiaries do describe the beaver as having a ferocious bite so...

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Narwhal (Unicornus/Monocheros)
Characteristics: Cun 0, Per -2, Pre 0, Com -6, Str +10, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik -4.
Size: +4
Confidence Score: 0.
Virtues and Flaws: Puissant Swimming
Qualities: Aquatic, Crafty, Herd Animal, Imposing Appearance, Pursuit Predator, Tireless, Tough Hide.
Personality Traits: Cruel +1, Placid +2, Brave -1
Reputation: sea monster +3.
Dodge: Init -4, Attack n/a, Defense -1, Damage n/a.
Tusk: Init -4, Attack +8, Defense +1, Damage +15.
Soak: +4
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, -1/-1, -3/-3, -5, Unconscious.
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-9), -3 (10-18), -5 (19-27), Incapacitated (28-36), Dead (37+)
Abilities: Awareness 2 (fish), Brawl 2 (dodging), Hunt 4 (fish), Survival 3 (sea), Swim 5+2 (sea).
Natural Weapons: Tusk: Init 0, Attack +4, Defense +2, Damage +5. The Narwhal's blubber and thick skin confer a Protection of +2.
Appearance: The narwhal is a large slow-moving fish possessing single spiral horn upon its head.
*obviously the real narwhal isn't a fish. Their 'horn' is actually a tooth and probably isn't used for fighting. Medieval bestiaries, however, describe the creatures using them to sink ships hence I gave them a deadly tusk. More realistic narwhals probably shouldn't have a natural weapon as they are toothless and (presumably) too small to swallow a human-sized prey whole.

Thank you for your kind words! I hope to prove worthy of such praise.

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Lynx (Lynx)
Characteristics: Cun 1, Per 0, Pre -2, Com -5, Str -3, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik +4.
Size: -2.
Confidence Score: 0.
Virtues and Flaws: Lightning Reflexes.
Qualities: Ambush Predator, Crafty, Extra Natural Weapons, Good Jumper, Keen Eyesight, Sharp Ears, Skilled Climber, Thick Fur.
Personality Traits: Shy +3, Vicious +1, Jealous +3.
Reputation: Pest (local) +3
Dodge: Init +4, Attack n/a, Defense +7, Damage n/a.
Claws: Init +3, Attack +8, Defense +10, Damage -1.
Teeth: Init +4, Attack +8, Defense +8, Damage -2.
Soak: +1.
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious.
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-3), -3 (4-6), -5 (7-9), Incapacitated (10-12), Dead (13+)
Abilities: Athletics 3 (running), Awareness 3 (rabbits), Brawl 3 (claws), Hunt 4 (rabbit), Stealth 4 (stalking), Survival 3 (forest).
Natural Weapons: Claws: Init -1, Attack +2, Defense +3, Damage +2; Teeth: Init 0, Attack +3, Defense +1, Damage +1. The lynx's dense fur gives it a Protection of +1.
Appearance: The Iberian Lynx is a wolf-like animal with leopard-like spots the buries it urine which hardens into a gem!
*The real Iberian lynx is an endangered felid highly specialized for hunting rabbits. They're probably a bit tougher than the animal presented here, but I couldn't justify giving improved characteristics or 'Toughness'.

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Carrion Crow (Corvus)
Characteristics: Cun 0, Per +2, Pre -1, Com 0, Str -6, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik +4.
Size: -4.
Confidence Score: 0.
Virtues and Flaws:
Qualities: Accomplished Flyer, Crafty, Keen Eyesight, Mimicry.
Personality Generous -2, Mischievous +2, Gregarious +1.
Reputation: Pest (local) +2, Ill-Omen +1.
Dodge: Init +4, Attack n/a, Defense +7, Damage n/a.
Teeth (Beak): Init +4, Attack +7, Defense +7, Damage -5.
Soak: +1.
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious.
Wound Penalties: -1 (1), -3 (2), -5 (3), Incapacitated (4), Dead (5+)
Abilities: Athletics 5 (flying), Awareness 4 (food), Brawl 2 (dodging), Survival 3 (forest)
Natural Weapons: Teeth (Beak): Init 0, Attack +3, Defense +1, Damage +1.
Appearance: The carriom crow is a large black bird. For a more mythical crow, considering adding additional levels of 'Crafty' and/or the 'Premonitions' virtue balanced by the 'Feud (Owls)' flaw.

Badger (Taxus/Melo)
Characteristics: Cun 0, Per 0, Pre -2, Com -5, Str -2, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +2.
Size: -2.
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Ferocity (Fighting).
Qualities: Extra Natural Weapons, Large Claws, Thick Fur, Tough Hide.
Personality Traits: Stubborn +3, Fastidious +2, Mercurial -1.
Reputation: Pest (local) +2, Ferocious +1
Dodge: Init +2, Attack N/A, Defense +5, Damage N/A
Large Claws: Init +2, Attack +9, Defense +8, Damage +2.
Teeth: Init +2, Attack +8, Defense +7, Damage -1.
Soak: +5.
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious.
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-3), -3 (4-6), -5 (7-9), Incapacitated (10-12), Dead (13+)
Abilities: Athletics 3 (running), Awareness 3 (food), Brawl 3 (bite), Survival 3 (forest)
Natural Weapons:Large Claws: Init 0, Attack +5, Defense +3, Damage +4; Teeth: Init 0, Attack +3, Defense +1, Damage +1. The badger's dense fur and thick hide gives it a Protection of +3.
Appearance: The Eurasian Badger is a stout mustelid that feeds mostly upon worms and other invertebrates. For a more mythical beast, consider giving it a venomous bite, the ability to inflate its skin to ward-off attacks, and a variety of other strange behaviours...

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