A small and seemingly insignificant river, crossing the region's woody hills. The Rubicon stretches in northeastern Italy, flowing from the Apennine Mountains to the Adriatic Sea. The river's picturesque landscapes, including its passage through the small papal town of Savignano, contribute to its cultural and geographical significance in the region. The river is prone to flooding, like the other waterways in the plain. The Rubicon’s water is often red due to iron deposits in the riverbed. The river has a magical aura of 3.
During the Roman Republic, the Rubicon marked the boundary between the Roman province of Cisalpine Gaul and Italy proper. It went along the Via Aemilia road. Famously Caesar crossed it with the XIII Gemina legion, starting the Caesarian Civil War. With the saying “let the die be thrown”. Most academic and locals have forgotten the exact location of this event, due to the river's movement and loss of significance as Octavian merged the province of Cisalpine Gaul into Italia. The new name of the river is Fiumicino. Hermetic scholars on the other hand are not as forgetful, through necromancy and communing with the river’s spirit they are certain its the spot. They have even funded constructing a small monument on the spot which Caesar crossed.
A simple marble stele has been raised along the northern shore. There are no nearby bridges, though the river has more than a few along its course. Upon the stele is a simple inscription in latin forbidding the passage of an army in the name of the Roman people and Senate. Some magi, Mercurians namely, leave offerings at the Stele from time to time - as gifts to the river’s spirit and for help in coming to a decision. Sometimes even in the form of scarce vis.
The river genius loci is named Rubiconius. A rather pompous spirit. The fame of Caesar action has made it believe it's one of the most significant river spirits in all of Mythic Europe. The prideful magi visiting and seeking its consul have only boosten this disbelief. The spirit’s might does not back this up. Though with prolonged consumption of vis, perhaps this could be altered. Rubiconius is deadly insulted by the name Fiumicino, thinking it a deliberate slight or plot to lessen its power.
Rubiconius has powers which grants the Strong-Willed virtue and Driven flaw, as well as lesser powers to increase someone's conviction temporarily. A limit of this power is that the target must traverse the river by wading through it. Curiously this also includes a power to bestow Confidence Points. A magi wishing to surpass the limit of Energy might seek inspiration by studying this power. Rubiconius usually manifest as a reflection of a red-skinned roman general in the water.
Story Seed: The River War
Rubiconius delusions have driven it to seek the enmity of the Tiber’s spirit Tiberinus. Naturally neither of them is capable of leaving their banks, as such they have sought out champions for their war. The winner will officially be acknowledged by the other as “the most significant river of Italy”. The role of Rubiconius’ champion could easily fall on the PC, especially if they wish to be affected by any of it’s powers. Besides Tiberinus’ champion's other power they can also command 30 effigies of reed and straw, called Argei. Rubiconius has no such boon to offer, and is the underdog of the conflict.