30 Days of Mythic Sites of the Roman Tribunal


South of Salerno, on the Tyrrhenian Coast stand two incredibly preserved temples right next to each other. Though one would never believe it by looking upon the site today, people used to live here just a few centuries ago. Yet today just these ancient temples remain. Greeks hailing from Sybaris founded the polis some 600 BC, it was them who constructed the temples. The Lucanian would conquer the Greeks, in turn being conquered by the Romans. The temples would be closed during the persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire. Paestum would become its own bishopric, but it was not to last. Piracy by the Saracen and other circumstances forced the citizens to abandon the site altogether. Even the Divine Aura of the site has disappeared in 1220, a faerie aura of strength 2 once again covers the site. Its last inhabitants were Muslim raiders who used the site as a base briefly.

Distinctly lacking marble and the temples can be interpreted as spartan in decorations, yet in its prime this was far from true. Painted terracotta, frescos and other artworks once adorned both of the temples. Each of the temples has marvellous Doric columns and architraves are impressive.

The temples are dedicated to Juno. This dedication started with the Greek as Hera but shifted throughout the Temples’ history. Inside the two temples there lies many votive gifts, most of which are small female terracotta statues bearing the Greek letters ΗΡ or ΗΡΑ. These gifts, along with other artefacts, are also buried in special consecrated pits around the temple. The cult of Juno aimed at ensuring fertility for local communities and had a strong presence here. The larger of the two temples have an altar for her and her husband Jupiter. There is also an outer altar, where the faithful could attend rites and sacrifices without entering the holy cellas.

The larger of the two temples also act as a Faerie Trod. During Matronalia, attempting to enter the temple often leads characters to wander into Arcadia. The Guardian of this Threshold is usually the hundred eyed Argus, whom Mercury deceived. This path to Arcadia often leads to the Path of Destiny, as the traveller lives out some of the myth connected to Juno.

Further away from the temples of Juno, there is a preserved temple to Minerva and a lost sanctuary of Poseidon. There is also a small necropolis of the Lucanian period. Which has many painted tombs depicting men riding horses and divers. The necropolis has a magical aura of 3.

Story Seed: Juno Sospita
In all of Italy Juno is perhaps the strongest of the former pagan gods. Her hatred for the Trojans has not cooled. In fact the destruction of her beloved Carthage by Roman hands has only made it worse. It's in fact no coincidence that the site was abandoned, but part of the goddess' larger plans. Juno could make an interesting major antagonist in a saga. Her first concern, after finally ridding herself of the oppressive divine aura, is getting a new cult for vitality.


Grotta Azzurra

When the gloomy emperor Tiberius was in power he had a large collection of statues and artefacts and sculpture in his villa in Sperlonga. Here he had a magnificent triclinium which impressed and awed. However in 26 AD, the roof of the linked grotto collapsed while Tiberius was dining, and he was only nearly saved. Tiberius decided to move to the small island of Capri.

On Capri the emperor established a new villa, which nothing of remains today. The emperor also found a new grotto - more magnificent than the last. A sea-side cave flooded with a brilliant blue or emerald light. The water seemed purer than anywhere else. Tiberius made the grotto his personal swimming location and brought many guests - each amazed by the beauty of the location. Filling it with artworks and expanding the cave. However, in just 10 years Tiberius would pass away and the grotto would be forgotten. Occasionally being rediscovered now and again. Locals believe it's an evil place, where monsters reside.

The grotto is only accessible from the sea. Its tunnel is only one pace high at low tide, and otherwise completely submerged. Meaning the entrance is both hard to spot and inaccessible most of the time. Safe entry is only possible when tides are low and the sea is calm. The Blue Grotto is some 60 paces long by 25 pace wide. The unearthly blue light, as well as the acoustics inside the grotto makes for remarkable beauty. At the back of the main cave, three connecting branches lead to the Sala dei Nomi, or “room of names”, named after the graffiti signatures left by ancient romans. Two more passages lead deeper into the island, though they have suffered cave-in, leaving them blocked. One of these at the back of the cave seems to have been an ancient stairway leading up to the Emperor’s pleasure palace. It has a magical aura of 4, aligned with Aquam.

The Emperor had the cave decorated with statues of Neptune and Tritons, some of the artwork from his former palace, some new commissions. They stand on the edge of the water. A few of the pedestals are empty however, since they have fallen over edge and rest upon the bottom of the sea. Conch shells and small votive gifts also lie along the edge of the water. Triton occasionally still visits the spot, and dont mind sharing the grotto.

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Balzi Rossi

On the Liguria coast, lies a series of forgotten caves. In this otherwise unremarkable red and yellow cliff hides remnants of the ancient Fertility Cult. The locals simply call this place “egg beach” due to the many sea birds which roost among the cliffs. None has bothered exploring them. Very close-by the Via Julia Augusta road used to stretch, but it has since decayed and is hardly noticeable. The site is also on the Tribunal border region.

The caves are natural and show little signs of inhabitation, though extensive searches reveal buried treasure and bodies. The only immediately detectable features of the site would be its magical aura of three and the engraving of a horse in one of the caves.

There are thirteen completed venus figures, each still having a single pawn of corpus vis in them. They are made of ochre, serpentine, and bone. Other items found within the caves are simple and crude flint blades, scrapers and arrowheads. Deer canines, shells and the graves themselves.

No less than fourteen people were ritually buried within the caves. If properly exhumed it's quite likely that Hermetic magic would allow communication with these spells. At least one of them was likely an initiate of the fertility cult and created the venus figures.

Harco harvest vis from the beach outside the site. Each spring they gather some of the gull eggs for creo vis. They havent found the cave during these harvests - and wouldnt likely not approve of snooping magi. Though their benefit of an integration of fertility magic might change this attitude.

Story Seed: Putting the cart before the horse?
Cavalh of House Bjornaer has recently undertaken a great spirit quest. Tracking his ancestor has led him to discover Balzi Rossi. Here he finds the engraving which he is sure depicts his own heartbeast as a sure sign of his success. There is just a slight problem, he's from the Provençal Tribunal. Cavalh isn't interested in migrating from one tribunal to another, so instead he has decided to try the matter at tribunal. He believes his claim of the site is stronger than anyone else's, due to his ancestry. Further he also has the 1129 Grand Tribunal ruling on his side, Cavalh has confirmed that some of the locals speak occitan. He also has the covenant of Coenobium support in this endeavour. Cavalh has never been known for his patience though, and thus he has already set up a camp at Balzi Rossi, and prevented Harco’s servant from gathering the vis. The PC might be hired to try to sort out the conflict, or scare Cavalh away some other way.

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A small and seemingly insignificant river, crossing the region's woody hills. The Rubicon stretches in northeastern Italy, flowing from the Apennine Mountains to the Adriatic Sea. The river's picturesque landscapes, including its passage through the small papal town of Savignano, contribute to its cultural and geographical significance in the region. The river is prone to flooding, like the other waterways in the plain. The Rubicon’s water is often red due to iron deposits in the riverbed. The river has a magical aura of 3.

During the Roman Republic, the Rubicon marked the boundary between the Roman province of Cisalpine Gaul and Italy proper. It went along the Via Aemilia road. Famously Caesar crossed it with the XIII Gemina legion, starting the Caesarian Civil War. With the saying “let the die be thrown”. Most academic and locals have forgotten the exact location of this event, due to the river's movement and loss of significance as Octavian merged the province of Cisalpine Gaul into Italia. The new name of the river is Fiumicino. Hermetic scholars on the other hand are not as forgetful, through necromancy and communing with the river’s spirit they are certain its the spot. They have even funded constructing a small monument on the spot which Caesar crossed.

A simple marble stele has been raised along the northern shore. There are no nearby bridges, though the river has more than a few along its course. Upon the stele is a simple inscription in latin forbidding the passage of an army in the name of the Roman people and Senate. Some magi, Mercurians namely, leave offerings at the Stele from time to time - as gifts to the river’s spirit and for help in coming to a decision. Sometimes even in the form of scarce vis.

The river genius loci is named Rubiconius. A rather pompous spirit. The fame of Caesar action has made it believe it's one of the most significant river spirits in all of Mythic Europe. The prideful magi visiting and seeking its consul have only boosten this disbelief. The spirit’s might does not back this up. Though with prolonged consumption of vis, perhaps this could be altered. Rubiconius is deadly insulted by the name Fiumicino, thinking it a deliberate slight or plot to lessen its power.

Rubiconius has powers which grants the Strong-Willed virtue and Driven flaw, as well as lesser powers to increase someone's conviction temporarily. A limit of this power is that the target must traverse the river by wading through it. Curiously this also includes a power to bestow Confidence Points. A magi wishing to surpass the limit of Energy might seek inspiration by studying this power. Rubiconius usually manifest as a reflection of a red-skinned roman general in the water.

Story Seed: The River War
Rubiconius delusions have driven it to seek the enmity of the Tiber’s spirit Tiberinus. Naturally neither of them is capable of leaving their banks, as such they have sought out champions for their war. The winner will officially be acknowledged by the other as “the most significant river of Italy”. The role of Rubiconius’ champion could easily fall on the PC, especially if they wish to be affected by any of it’s powers. Besides Tiberinus’ champion's other power they can also command 30 effigies of reed and straw, called Argei. Rubiconius has no such boon to offer, and is the underdog of the conflict.



One of the smaller islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea has a long history. South of the larger island Elba, the island rises isolated yet idyllic out of the sea. The island’s verdant hills, cloaked in a tapestry of lush Mediterranean vegetation, roll gently across the terrain. Olive groves, cypress and large and ancient Oaks covers the island. The coastline of Montecristo reveals dramatic cliffs that defiantly meet the waters below. Hidden coves and secluded beaches, framed by weathered yellow rocks. Here monk seals lie and rest, only occasionally disturbed by the island's other monks.

The island was known to the Greek and Romans, the Romans called the island highest peak Mons Jovis, and on it erected an altar to the God. Part of the altar still remains, and have a faint Faerie Aura of 2 - eagles nest around it and protect it fiercely. As the Vandals sacked Rome, several hermits sought refuge on the island. St. Mamilian was one of them. A former Bishop fleeing conquered Sicily. It turned out the godly men fled the smoke into the fire. As the island was the lair of a dragon. Mamilian slew the dragon on the island, and also changed the island's name to Montecristo ("Christ's Mountain"). Through Mamilian left, the hermits, who had became his followers, lived on the island, and around 600 AD, a monastery was built. St. Mamilian travelled to Giglio, where he died. Inhabitants of Elba and Genoa attempted to steal Mamilian's relics on the very day of his burial and the saint's body was torn to pieces. In the end the island of Giglio only kept the saint's arm.

The Monastery of St. Mamilian is still active to this day, and has become both rich and influential. The Benedictine monks have become famous for their wealth and political power. Many nobles throughout Italy send sons and donations to the monastery. The monastery has a Divine Aura of 5. A bit away from the monastery lies St. Mamiliano Cave, where the saint defeated the dragon using a cross as his shield. Inside, there are numerous votive offerings that bear witness to the pilgrimages of sailors and pilgrims throughout the centuries. It has a stronger aura of 6, the spot is known and cared for by the monks.

Story Seed: The Count of Montecristo
The island is currently controlled by the monastery and the Republic of Pisa, but there are other claimants. The PCs find mysterious letters within another monastery or church. Deciphering them reveals they are from a Cardinal named Cesare Spada to his nephew and heir. They speak of a vast treasure hidden under the island. Research reveals that both the cardinal and heir were poisoned, seemingly by the nobles of Pisa. The treasure still lies unclaimed. The monks know nothing of it. Gathering the treasure could be used to show legitimacy and purchase the title of Count of Montecristo. The treasure is part of the dragon's original hoard, and might even include its unhatched eggs.


Monterozzi Necropolis

In 1220 the city of Tarquinia is hardly very significant. Yet to the ancient Etruscan this was far from the truth. One of the twelve Dodecapoli of the Etruscan League. The city’s legendary founder was none other than Tarchon - a hero and king mentioned by Virgil. Later the city’s inhabitants were visited by Tages, the founding prophet of Etruscan religion. The legend goes that farmers were ploughing furrows, deeper than ever before, when suddenly Tages was dug up. He bade the ploughmen to gather a large crowd, and began divining. His predictions were carefully committed to writing by the Etrurians. This became the foundation of haruspicy. These writings were subsequently improved by the accession of many new facts, all of which confirmed the same principles. Later these writings were studied by the Roman’s and the modern students of the Etruscan Art.

Under the Roman Monarchy a collegium of sixty haruspices thrived in the city. In 509 BC when the Monarchy was ended a conspiracy, dubbed the Tarquinian conspiracy by historians, plotted to establish a new king. The ploy failed though. Eventually the city would yield to Roman domination. After Tarquinia slowly lost its significance, the small fortified settlement visible today was out-rivalled by the more strategically placed city Civitavecchia.

The most interesting feature of the modern city is located upon the southeast of the hill named Monterozzi. Here a vast necropolis is located, with some 6,000 graves. Above ground are man made hills, tumuli, as well as various odd stone urns. The tumuli cover subterranean chambers carved into the rock below, containing wall paintings, personal possessions of the deceased, and their sarcophagi. The frescoes depict many scenes often of animals, dances and rituals. There are 200 of these burial chambers, most of which are more or less intact. A few of them are easily accessible from the tumuli, though a staircase or descending path. The necropolis has a magical aura of 4, which becomes stronger in certain chambers.

The most significant of these graves is The Tomb of Augurs. Though not the largest of the burial chambers, it's the one with the highest magical aura of 7, aligned with divination. The walls are decorated with frescoes. The rear wall depicts two augurs standing on either side of a door to the underworld. Above them a lion and leopard killing a deer. The right wall depicts funeral games, where nobles and servants weep and mourn. Wrestling and bloodletting is depicted. A masked figure wearing a pointy hat, a long, black false beard. The masked man seemingly represents Charun, the Etruscan demonic Charon. The masked man is holding onto a lashed black dog who is pouncing upon a human victim. Above the funeral games flies birds. The left wall depicts another masked man dancing.

The tomb has a sarcophagi of painted Nenfro rock. Depicting a youthful laying haruspex male examining a liver. He wears a conical hat and holds a lituus, a crooked wand. Since the discovery of the site, Hermetic Haruspexes have believed it to be Tages own tomb. They venerate the tomb too much to disturb it by examining the bones. The paintings of the room is said to be his final prophecy, though none have been able to decode it as of yet.

Story Seed: A Liver in the Fields
A ploughman from Gossolengo, in the province of Piacenza, works his field only to one day find a strange bronze object buried in the soil. Having no use for it he sells it and it eventually ends in the hands of the PC. Once cleaned it's clear that it resembles a sheep’s liver, covered in inscriptions that aren't quite Latin. The liver is in fact still an Arcane Connection to Tages (or to another ancient haruspex, if desired) and his tomb in Monterozzi Necropolis. Tages is now a daimon, and would reward whomever returned his talisman to his grave richley, likely by divining their future. The Liver of Piacenza have it's own enchanted divination powers though, making giving it up a bittersweet deal.

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Lake Carezza

Nestled in the heart of the Dolomites in South Tyrol, this jewel is surrounded by high peaks. In the midst of dense alpine forests, the crystal clear waters of the lake reflect a multitude of colours and lights. The lake has an enchanting and captivating charm. The transparency of its clear, emerald green and turquoise waters allows visitors to see the entire bottom of the lake. The surface of the lake reflects the picturesque panorama of the Latemar mountain range, the jagged peaks and the luxuriant foliage that surround its shores.

As visitors explore the shores of the lake, they are treated to a symphony of rustling leaves and the occasional bird song, creating a serene atmosphere that complements the breathtaking natural beauty. The surrounding woods provide a habitat for many animals. Lake Carezza has a Faerie Aura of 4.

The lake was the home of the water nymph Ondina. She loved to sing by the water's edge. Her voice, as clear as the mountain air around her, made her even more famous. She was known throughout the Alps for her beauty and her singing. Eventually her fame reached a Latemar sorcerer who decided to spy on her. He fell madly in love with her, but when Ondina saw him, she jumped into the lake and hid. Ondina was horrified by the sorcerer.

It was many months before Ondina reappeared. When the sorcerer learned of her return, he hurried back to the lake. When Ondina appeared, he used all his magical powers to capture the nymph, but she managed to elude him by disappearing beneath the surface. The wizard sought out the wise witch Langwerda and asked for her advice. Langwerda told him of Ondina's fascination with rainbows. If he made a beautiful rainbow appear over her lake, she would surely appear again. The sorcerer followed her advice and conjured the rainbow. But when Ondina came out of the water, she saw the wizard and hid in fear. The wizard was furious and took the rainbow and threw it into the lake in a thousand pieces. From that day on, all the colours of the rainbow are reflected in the waters of Lake Carezza. Since then, Ondina has never been seen again, but her angelic singing can sometimes be heard over the mountains. What became of the Latemar Sorcerer is unknown.

Story Seed: The Latemar Magi?
A PC magi is confronted with a strange revelation. They hear a rumour that the Latemar Sorcerer is actually their parens. Initial investigations don't prove the rumour to be false. Could it actully be the truth? If so, was the Latemar Sorcerer really as bad as the story makes him out to be? Has he been able to get over Ondina? Can Ondina forgive him and give him some closure?

Story Seed: Under the Crystal Lake
Listening to the legend, it's easy to conclude that there must be a faerie Regio under the lake. Where Ondina is currently hiding. A PC who wants to meet her could try to break through it. The witch Langwerda (another faerie) could be consulted for advice on how to cross the boundary. Convincing Ondina may prove difficult, as she has developed androphobia and a deep distrust of anyone with the Gift.

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Carrara Quarries

Carrara is an independent city in Tuscany, famed for its export. Situated in the Apuan Alps, near Monte Sagro, which was a sacred sanctuary to the ancient Ligurians. This mountain together with the Monte Bego and Mont Bégo made up a sacred path to the Ligures tribes. Recognized as such by the statues-stelae they erected upon them. It's speculated that the mountains might also be connected supernaturally, thought this has never been proven.

The Ligurians were conquered by the Romans. As such the religious veneration of the mountain ceased, replaced with a great gutting of it. The region, and Monte Sagro in particular, are filled with high quality marble. Quarries quickly opened, and to 1220 they still operate. Of any marble in Mythic Europe the marble from Carrara is of the highest quality and beauty.

Carrara marble was called Luna Marble by the Romans. It is known for its predominantly white background with subtle, elegant grey veining. The veining can vary in intensity, creating unique patterns in each slab. The high contrast between the white base and the grey veins gives Carrara marble a classic and sophisticated look. It has and continues to be deeply appreciated. Most significantly it was used in constructing the Pantheon, and Trajan’s Column.

Carrara as a city is quite rich, though the 9th century was tough upon it. Warfare saw the destruction of the nearby harbour of Luni at the mouth of the river Magra. Conflict is again on the rise as the Guelphs and Ghibellines battle. Carrara is on the side of the Ghibellines and the faction's support has won the city its independence - broken free from the control of the Bishops of Luni. It has a gothic cathedral which fittingly is constructed entirely of marble. A local delicacy is Lardo, a type of salume with herbs and spices, cured in a marble basin.

There are various magical auras of Mont Sagro, of varying strength. In these auras usually it's also possible to find veins with Marble of Virtue. If the mountain still has a Genius Loci, it has probably been crippled by all the quarries upon it. Members of House Verditius and House Jerbiton both have been known to buy huge chunks of Luna Marble. When using the rules form A&A for determining Aesthetic Quality of a sculpture, add a +3 bonus if the artist uses Luna Marble.

Marble of Virtue
A Stone Block of Marble of Virtue contains 2 pawns of Terram vis and can be Enriched. The Enrichment process is slow and tedious compared to many other Enriching rituals. The whole block must be painstakingly carved into a human figure. Then the statue must be destory, sparing only one of its eye. Wearing this eye as an amulet gives the Minor Supernatural virtue Eye of Hephaestus, which only works on stone sculptures or buildings. See C&G page 71 for details.


Sanctuary of Monte Sant'Angelo

In northern Apulia, Mount Gargano rises along the Adriatic coast. The location is quite famed, and rightfully so - as it was here Saint Michael the Archangel first appeared in western Mythic Europe. Since then he has appeared here a handful of times. As such a basilica has been constructed, standing upon the remains of an ancient necropolis, and sealing the entrance to the holy cave where the archangel first appeared.

A wealthy man of Sipontum owned a large herd of cattle, which he let loose upon Mount Gargano. The wealthy man became enraged with a bull that had strayed from his herd. When he found the bull at the mouth of the cave, he shot it with a poisoned arrow, in anger. Miraculously the arrow reversed its trajectory in mid-flight and killed the wealthy man instead. Hearing of this mysterious event, the Bishop of Sipontum instructed the local citizens to fast for three days. During the course of the fast, St Michael appeared to the bishop and revealed to him the significance of the event.

The year was 490 AD, the Archangel Michael appeared several times to the Bishop of Sipontum and showed him the cave. The angel instructed the bishop that the cave must be dedicated to Christian worship and promised protection of the Sipontum from future pagan invaders.The bishop heeded the demands and advice and brought his flock to the cave. Indeed, warfare and barbarians soon reached Sipontum. As they did Michael once again appeared. Intercession on behalf of the Sipontans and the allied Beneventans against the invading pagan Neapolitans. On the eve of the battle, Michael appeared with his flaming sword atop the mountain; the Sipontans and Beneventans were victorious.

Many Sipontans were in great doubt and fear as to whether they dare enter the holy grotto, so they consulted their bishop again. Once more the angel appeared to the bishop and told him that there was no need to consecrate the grotto chapel since he had already done so. St. Michael instructed the bishop to enter the cave first and conduct mass. In the cavern, he discovered an altar, already covered with a red cloth. The bishop then appointed priests and psalm-singers to conduct daily services in the grotto-chapel. Sweet water seeped from the ceiling stone beyond the altar. From which the locals drank, via a glass vessel suspended by a silver chain near the source, the dripping water heals all manner of infirmities.

The basilica has a Divine Aura of 4, while the grotto-chapel has one of strength 6. The well has been erected around the spring, it is full of votive offerings, drinking from its holy water gives a +6 to the character's next Recovery Roll. The grotto is decorated as a church with pews and an altar. There is also a marble bishop's throne supported on crouching lions.

Story Seed: Magi’s Avarice?
The holy water is discovered to be a Vis Source, which appears to not even be divinely tainted. Perhaps the spring is in a lacuna, or perhaps it's simply God’s will. A local magi is happy to interpret it as the later, yet when people in Sipontum once again start seeing Michael one has to wonder. The archangel has appeared speaking of falsehood and God being denied his tithe. Could it mean the vis? Or is it perhaps someone else in the herd who has caused offence.

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North of Propriano in southern Corsica, an ancient people erected many menhirs. They stand upon a hill, overlooking the Taravo valley in an isolated area of the island. Filitosa’s most striking features is its collection of megaliths, large standing stones arranged in patterns that suggest both ritualistic and defensive purposes. These megaliths, some adorned with intricate carved symbols, contribute to the site's mysterious and symbolic atmosphere. They are unlike the Nuragic proto-castles of Sardinia, which suggests that their builders were different people - perhaps even older. Further south on the island there is also a Dolmen. The hill of Filitosa has a magical aura of 3.

The menhirs are stylized representations of human figures, each possessing unique and intricate features. Standing upright and most reaching 2-3 paces in height. The menhirs have detailed facial expressions, weaponry, and other symbolic elements engraved upon the granite rock. The facial features seem to have been a focus of the mysterious craftsmen, the menhirs all have eyes, noses, and mouths, and some statues even display helmets or headdresses. Many of the menhirs hold weapons such as daggers or swords, adding a martial focus to their representation.

All menhir have not survived time. Some have been broken, which seem deliberate. The broken pieces of the warrior statues left like some mighty corpse the ravens may never claim. Many of these pieces had to serve another purpose though, and was used as building material for the torri (“towers”), constructed by yet another people of Corsica's mysterious history. The torri were more than just towers, many seemed to have served as temples as well and those remaining often have a Magical Aura.

Seekers who have examined the location believe the site to be part of an ancient magical battle over Corsica. The warrior menhirs were raised to ward against invaders in a complicated ritual. Though if so, the magic must have failed since the Torrean, Greek, Roman and Vandals had conquered the island. Perhaps they were a measure for a supernatural threat rather than a mundane one, if so they might still serve this purpose.

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Capo Colonna

Capo Colonna is a promontory located on the Ionian Sea coast in the Calabria region of southern Italy. It is specifically situated near the town of Crotone, part of the Kingdom of Sicily. The cape is known for the presence of an ancient temple dedicated to Juno Lacinia.

Of the great temple and settlement near nothing remains. Seismic activity and pagan oppression has destroyed it over the centuries. In 1220 AD, two columns, in Doric style, rests on the few remains of the once mighty stylobate. Like many ancient temples it has been long abandoned by devotees. The Faerie Aura which at one time must have covered the temple is now too weak or doesn't exist at all. Perhaps this is why the temple's destruction has been so thorough. In 1220, Capo Colonna has a Magical Aura of 3. Throughout its history, many legends have been associated with the site. Here are some of the most famous.

A Censor, in his dedication of the Temple of Fortuna Equestris in Rome, repurposed the marble tiles from the roof of the Temple of Juno. The Senate later demanded the return of the tiles, but due to a lack of expertise in replacing them, they were left within the temple precinct. In 172 BC, facing sorrow over distressing news concerning his sons, Flaccus took his own life by hanging. The prevailing belief among the populace was that his tragic fate resulted from Juno Lacinia's wrath, angered by his earlier despoliation of her temple.

In 206 BC, as the Second Punic War neared its end, Hannibal established his final camp in the vicinity before leaving Italy. During his stay, he erected a bronze plaque at the camp, inscribed in both Punic and Greek, detailing his achievements. Hannibal, intrigued by the nearby temple dedicated to the goddess who held a special affection for Carthage, explored its wonders. Notably, the temple boasted a golden column that piqued Hannibal's curiosity. To ascertain whether the column was indeed made of solid gold, he drilled a hole. Upon confirming its composition, Hannibal entertained the idea of taking it back to Carthage.

However, his plans took a turn when Juno, the goddess of the temple, appeared to him in a dream the following night. In the dream, she warned Hannibal of dire consequences, threatening the loss of his remaining good eye if he proceeded to take the golden column. Heeding divine caution, Hannibal changed course. Instead of seizing the entire column, he had a small statue crafted from the drill shavings, forming a representation of a heifer sacred to Juno. This statue was then mounted atop the column as a respectful alternative to his original intent.

Story Seed: Restituto Lacinium
Juno’s active role in the defence of the temple speaks of its importance to her. Zeuxis the famous Roman painter is said to have painted it at its height. If a copy of this artwork could be recovered, an invaluable template on how to restore the temple. A possible first step in repairing the relationship with Juno,

Story Seed: A New Temple?
If your saga follows real history, Basilian monks will establish a basilica upon the promontory. Bring with them a holy icon of Saint Luke. Originally belonging to Dionysius the Areopagite. If the temple of Juno has began being reconstructed, or covenant created upon the site, conflict will surely arise as the magi must dissuade these pious holymen.

Story Seed: Hunt of the Heifer
Neither of the columns that stand today are the golden ones. So one has to wonder what became of it. Finding would prove momentarily valuable, but might also offer insight into the practices of the Cult of Juno. When rumours of a golden cow being spotted reaches the magi they see it fit to investigate. Sadly it's not as simple as it might seem. There are no less than 4 golden bovid travelling around Calabria. One is an intelligent Animation of a local wizard of the Augustan Brotherhood. Another is a lesser demon, styling itself as the young bull of the Golden Calf itself. The third is the inanimate heifer made by Hannibal, which serves as an Arcane Connection to the pillar. The last is a faerie who has gotten involved, perhaps by the orders of Juno.


Pyramid of Bomarzo

A dark and eerie forest stretches between the town of Bomarzo and Viterbo, famed for its healing springs. An ample supply of volcanic rock, suitable for construction and carving can be found here. Modern and ancient people alike have used the forest and earths material to construct monuments. Some of these have been reclaimed by the forest since.

On the slopes of a deep canyon, the enormous peperino rock protrudes. Grey lichen has conquered it, yet it is unmistakably a human construction. Easily recognized as such by the steps which have been cut into the rock. The first flight of stairs leads to a pair of intermediate altars. The intermediate level shows evidence of once having supported wooden posts and supports. Creating a stage. Beyond these altars is another flight of stairs, which leads to the top of the rock, where there seems to have been another grander altar. All of the altars are positioned toward the northwest, where the Ecrustian believed the underworld lied. Most unnerving is the rocks gutters and channel, to facilitate the flow of blood of sacrificed animals and other creatures. Black figs and red cornel have been planted around the pyramid.

This was once a Etruscan religious centre where they worshipped chthonic deities, known to the Romans as Dii Inferi. Dii inferi were often invoked in binding spells and hexes, indeed a few defixiones can be found around the pyramid. Cult of Pluto is the most common of these. The defixiones are notable as they are unusual due to the site not being a proper necropolis. The pyramid has a magical aura of 3, yet at nights this Aura is overpowered by an Infernal Aura of 4.

There are two other similar sites in the same forest. One whole roman Ara Cubica, which is a simple though anonymous sepulchral memorial stone. Selva di Malano is more like the pyramid, with a cut out stone staircase and altar. Yet it is smaller and dont have the same sinister undertone.

Story Seed: Sacro Bosco
Moschino of Merenita is a member of the Shadow-Masters society. It has fallen upon him to host the upcoming Great Play. Moschino has created a vast park of the illusionary monsters outside Bomarzo. He has decided upon the theme of chthonic deities and monsters, especially Orcus. After a hint from his friend Ligorio of Tytalus, Moschino has discovered the pyramid and was delighted when it turned out to be a vis source. Yet the vim vis in the form of sacrificed animal blood is in reality Vis sordida, and harvesting only strengthens it only strengthens the site's Infernal Aura. PCs might be drawn by the Great Play, only to experience the aftermath of a nasty botch by Moschino. Could Ligorio have known about the infernal nature of the vis? If so, what does he gain by deceiving his friend?


Su Nuraxi

Su Nuraxi is the largest Nuraghe on all of Sardina. It’s rightfully simply called “The Nuraghe" in Campidanese. The suspected once fortress is made up of large basalt boulders, skillfully constructed by unknown masons. It lies west of Verdi and north-east of the larger town Sanluri. It has a Magical Aura of 4.

The massive Nuraghe is centred around a nearly 20 paces high conical tower, mastio, filled with circular rooms and vaults. It's clear that it was even higher originally, though passage of time has worn it down. Four smaller towers connect to it, each pointed in the cardinal directions. Surrounding this massive proto-castle lies dotted many circular ruined huts. A series of walls and more towers also protected these homes. Su Nuraxi was clearly not just a fortification, but a whole village. Perhaps the Nuragic civilization’s own Rome.

Like many other Nuragiclic sites there is also a subterranean holy well on the site. In a half moon shaped courtyard outside the main fortress. The water has since dried up, or perhaps deliberately filled with rock and soil. Once Verdi harvest vis from this well, yet since the Schism it hasn't produced any. Verdi has since long stopped checking annually,

Another important structure is the dubbed “Council Hall”. It is a large circular building provided with a circular stone bench arranged around the inner perimeter and five niches on the wall, where effigies or icons once must have stood. Other religious and magical rituals are suspected to have taken place here. The site aura is tethered to this hut. The site lacks any signs of the otherwise common burials and tombs of the Nuragic.

Story Seed: A Proto-Covenant?
Perhaps by investigating other graves, or verdi’s library, the PC or other magi get their hands on evidence that Su Nuraxi was once a form of proto-covenant. A castle ruled by five magicians. Intrigued by this they wish to investigate further. It turns out the purpose of Su Nuraxi and many other nuraghe were to protect against a race of giants who roamed throughout Sardina. Were these the cyclopes who also inhabited Sicily, or the biblical Nephilims? Is it actually the giants who are buried in the large tombs scattered through Sardina?

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In the Abruzzo region, north of the Aterno river, lies the small town of Capestrano in the Tirino valley. The town is charming though undistinguished. The Lombard King Desiderius had the Benedictines abbey of San Pietro ad Oratorium built there in the 8th century, which has recently been rebuilt. The town centres around this monastery. The uniqueness of the town comes from it being built upon an ancient settlement.

North of the town lies a necropolis upon a hill. The Vestini tribe lived here before the Romans conquered them during the 3rd and 2nd century BC. Pliny mentions that this settlement was once named Aufina. The necropolis was constructed during the 6th century BC, and served as a burial site for many generations of the local community. The tombs and grave goods in the necropolis are still undisturbed by grave robbers, though none are accessible without excavations. Locals avoid the aura, believing it to be haunted. The Monk have been asked to cleanse the area, yet have not had any success as of yet. The necropolis has a magical aura of 2.

A particular tomb has the remains of a great king of the Vestini, Nevius Pompuledius. Nevius was once but a shepherd, but he took control of his tribe and made a name for himself by being merciless and a proven warrior. His tomb is the largest, and has a fair amount of grave goods. Mostly gold, but a few pawns of vim vis also lie in the weapons scattered throughout the tomb. Most striking is the warrior statue which guards the tomb.

The warrior stands at a height over 2 paces. His stance is with his massive arms folded across the chest, clad in military attire. A disc-shaped parade helmet covers the head, extending over the ears, and a facial mask is worn. The chest is safeguarded by armor disks fastened with straps, complemented by a shield. Greaves shield the legs, and sandals adorn the feet. Suspended in front of the chest, the warrior bears a sword with an ornate hilt and scabbard, accompanied by a dagger. Positioned to the right, he holds a small axe. Ornamental details include a rigid necklace with a pendant and bracelets on the forearms. Like many statues of the italian peninsula, the statue was once painted - but only a few traces of red can still be seen off this.

Story Seed: A Second King?
The name of Vestini king is curiously similar to Numa Pompilius, the legendary second king of Rome. Numa is said to have been of Sabine origin, but perhaps this was a mistake? He is remembered for founding many of Rome's most important religious and political institutions, such as the Roman calendar, Vestal Virgins, the office of pontifex maximus, and the Roman cults - among them the Cult of Mercury. Character searching out relics of his regime might find a (false?) lead taking them to Aufinum.

Story Seed: Who Disturbs My Tomb
The Statue is actually an animation constructed by a primitive version of the Practice of Animo. Thus it has Magical Might and Intelligence. It was constructed in the likeness of Nevius himself, and has begun believing it is the king itself. It is likely to attack anyone disturbing the grave. The animation can speak, unlike modern animations, though only in long dead languages. The item might interest Seekers, house Verditius and almost certainly the Augustan Brotherhood.

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Sanctuary of Oropa

The Sanctuary is situated on the slopes of the Alps, at some distance from the town of Biella. Part of the Aosta Valley, with the high and imposing Mount Mucrone overlooking the grassy basin. On the slopes two basilicas have been constructed, occasionally visited by pilgrims. The region has a Divine Aura of 4, which grows stronger around the site’s important and famed relic.

The Madonna Della Oropa is a painted figure of dark pigmented cedar wood, decorated with gold and gemstones. It depict the Virgin Mary, holding the Child Saviour. The Madonna was sculpted by Saint Luke and brought to Oropa by the not-canonised Saint Eusebius of Vercelli. Eusebius was a martyr. He faced significant opposition and even endured exile for his unwavering defence of Nicene orthodoxy.

Fleeing persecution from local Celtic pagans, Eusebius sought refuge in the mountainous Aosta Valley. In an effort to protect the statue of the Madonna from desecration, he concealed it here. He hid it in a cavity of a large boulder. One of the many erratic boulders called masso delle streghe (“Witches' Rock”). What Eusebius didn't know was that this place was the sanctuary where the Celts worshipped a black god of fertility. Still the local women had the custom to rub themselves on the stone to propitiate the birth of a child. Despite this Madonna was not discovered.

When Eusebius later attempted to relocate the sacred image, its weight miraculously increased, thwarting his efforts. Consequently, the statue remained enshrined in the mountains, where it presently oversees a substantial sanctuary. Devout followers interpret the miraculous heaviness of the image as a divine signal from the Blessed Virgin Mary, indicating her desire for a sanctuary to be established in that sacred location.

The statue is housed in the older of the two basilicas. The boulder has become part of the rear wall, and an altar for the Madonna. Three very old oaks grow outside. Our Lady has in her infinite mercy continued to perform the miracles the bould claimed to be capable of in ancient days. Touching it grants a female character a +3 to their next childbirth rolls.

Story Seed: Our Usurped Lady
A mysterious woman arrives at the PCs Covenant. She claims her name is Druantia and is looking for capable people skilled in the mystic arts. She explains confidently that she is the remnant of a Forgotten God taken human form. To recover her powers and might she wishes to reclaim her cult’s home - The Sanctuary of Oropa. In return for aid with this, she can offer insight into the ancient druids and their religion. Could such a story be true? Might a demon be trying to coax them - or perhaps more terrifyingly House Diedne?

Euganean Hills

Known in Italian as Colli Euganei, the Euganean Hills are a group of volcanic hills in the Veneto region of northern Italy. These hills are located just south of the city of Padua and west of Venice.

Rolling hills covered with vineyards, olive groves, and forests. The hills are not very high, but they offer panoramic views of the surrounding plains. The region supports diverse vegetation, including chestnut trees, oaks, and various types of wildflowers. The hills are also inhabited by a variety of bird species.

The name originates from the Euganei people, who the Trojan defeated in early Italian history. There are many smaller towns, centred around wine production. Shipped and sold in Venice. Though there is another business as well, the hills have many thermal springs. These thermal spas have been popular since Roman times for their therapeutic properties. The bathhouses and structures they constructed around these thermal springs are the foundation of a few of the local towns.

After the disaster of the Tribunal of 1039, and the following splitting of the Tribunal - a new site to house the senate (the lofty traditional name for the assembly of magi in the Tribunal) was needed. This was a slow process, with many candidates. Many covenant favoured locations close to them. Finally In 1068, the Euganean Hills were crowned the winner. Mostly due to their proximity to venice.

The specific location is complex Roman ruins. Centering natural and elegantly repaired thermae. Magi who visit these long Tribunals, can relax in the healthy baths during down time. A large amphitheatre is where attendance and cases are heard. The amphitheatre is a bit too small for this purpose. Generally older magi get to sit, while young or dishonoured magi have to stand in the back. There is also a temple. Despite what Roman Magi would want, it was never solely dedicated to Mercury. Though he was honoured in it as well. It has been determined that the ruins shall not be repaired. As a prominent reminder of the Fall, though also to save vis and devoid attention. The ruin complex is hidden from mundane eyes with a casting of a Shrouded Glen spell, though Aegis of the Hearth is usually avoided.

One of the site's most important treasures is a massive wall calendar. Called the Fasti Augusti Maiores. It is based upon the Republican version, and is supposedly a rescue from Rome - the first ever constructed by Emperor Augustus himself. It is made of marble and gold. Each year the Mercurians update this calendar and mark the important festivals and rites, though in 1220 they are observed rarely.

Land of Polyphemus

In the 1220 century, the region southeast of Mount Etna, is rumoured to be a terrible monster's dwelling place. It is avoided by Sicily's inhabitants. Eerie and thick fogs enveloped the area, dissuading any visitors. Those who dare to travel to this mysterious region never return. On the other hand, those who know the classics, recognize the place as the Lands of Polyphemus.

Embarking on his arduous journey after the fall of Troy, Ulysses would eventually reach the eastern coast of Sicily, encountering Polyphemus, a formidable Cyclops and offspring of Poseidon. Polyphemus captured Ulysses and his crew, sealing them in his cave. Only by his cunning could the hero ultimately outsmarted his adversary. Ulysses under the nickname Outis (“Nobody'') blinded the Cyclops's singular eye and made a daring escape. Polyphemus, in a fit of anger, hurled massive boulders at Ulysses' ship, yet the hero narrowly eluded further harm. Three islands now stand as a testament to the last remnants of Polyphemus' wrath. Polyphemus' father Poseidon would also take revenge upon Ulysses. The years have claimed Ulysses, yet Polyphemus has remained.

Before this famous tale Polyphemus also killed the mortal lover of the Nereid Galatea - named Acis. Polyphemus killed her out of jealously, but Galatea transformed him into a river spirit. The river Aci still marks the edge of Polyphemus land, though neither Acis and Galatea appear here often.

Centuries ago, the other Cyclopes Sicily abandoned their homeland, leaving behind an abandoned caves along the coast. Whether it was the dominion, human settlements or some other force, the other Cyclopes vanished, leaving blind Polyphemus alone.

The cliff that makes out Polyphemus' land is desolate and destroyed. Broken trees, stumps and bushes litter the landscape. Polyphemus is still not fully accustomed to his blindness and therefore has this effect on the landscape. Polyphemus' cave is marked by a massive boulder - which serves as its door. It is some 15 paces tall, an incredibly large piece of stone. The inside of the Polyphemus' cave is decorated spartanly. Two piles are its only notable features. One made of sheep pelts, where Polyphemus sleeps. The other of refuse. A fire always burns in the middle of the cave, though its smoke does little to hide the rancid smell of the cave. The entire cave exudes a dank, smoky, and has a foul atmosphere. Polyphemus and his herd of sheep inhabit the cave. In 1220, he spends most of his time hiding in here - sometimes his sobbing shakes the outside cliffs. His cave has a magical aura of 5.

Polyphemus, a colossal giant standing nearly 15 paces tall. He is covered in dark hair, infested with fleas and lice, and clad in soiled, coarse wool garments. In the middle of his face is marked by the ruins of a single eye, occasionally shedding tears from its pit. Since the departure of the other Cyclopes, Polyphemus has grown sombre and contemplative, yearning for companionship in his dark world. Despite his attempts to befriend travellers, old fears persist, keeping ordinary people at bay. Those who approach often seek to vanquish him, invoking Polyphemus' wrath as he defends himself against warriors and knights, driven by the memories of his torment.

Story Seed: Fate of the Cyclopes
The Cyclopes migration is poorly recorded. It seems quite likely that they travelled to Malta and then beyond it towards Mythic Africa. Some have even suggested that the Cyclops lived on Sardinia before Sicily, and that the Nuraghe were constructed to protect the humans from them. Polyphemus really does miss his kind. Reuniting him with them would earn his friendship and favour. Such a journey could very well rival Ulysses own voyage.

Pannoch's Depository

In the thriving market of the city of Milan there are several large storehouses. One of which few ever enters. The storehouse is all but empty, its shelves are only filled with dirty and blood stained rags. The storehouse is the occasional secret meeting place for a heretical movement thought to be stamped out by the Papacy and the Milanese’s citizens. The depository has an Infernal Aura of 4.

In 1057, a preacher and deacon named Arialdo arrived in Milan. He began preaching and chastised the city’s clergy - in particular the archbishop, Guido da Velate, who was away in Germany. Arialdo disapproved of the Milanese’s clerics' custom of marrying and the practice of simony. The Papacy was soon involved, though Arialdo had already stirred up the Milanese to such an extent the city was rioting. The riots wanted reform but it became self evident that Arialdo had no control of them - as his own associate was attacked and killed during a confrontation.

The rioters and Arialdo became dubbed the Pataria (“Rag-pickers”) for their ragged or unkempt behaviour. Arialdo had to flee to Rome. There, the Papacy was sympathetic to his cause and sent him back with two envoys. Both of which would themselves later be popes, and one sainthood. These representative of the See of St. Peter could not quell the violence however. A new pope came into office and Guido became excommunicated. Guido was able to use this to fuel the city's hatred towards the violent Pataria. Ariald was again chased out of the city, and then assassinated, in 1066. Ten months after the assassination, his perfectly preserved body was found in lake Maggiore. It was carried to Milan, and by 1067 he was canonised as a saint and martyr.

Witnessing the miracle the city was sure of the righteousness of Arialdo and Guido was forced out of the city. Guido resigned though the issue of his successor would too be excommunicated in 1074. The Pataria movement would be declared heretical and in 1075 would finally die down.

The Pataria movement and the conflict that preceded and followed it was the effort of the demon Pannoch the Rag Pince, a Vessels of Iniquity. Through careful manipulations and temptations he was able to cause the riot and violence which ruled the city for 20 years - daming many souls to hell meanwhile. It’s believed that Guido da Velate had pledged his soul to him. Since then Pannoch has kept low, involving himself in Milan’s textile trade. Pannoch has made a deal with a merchant who owns the storehouse, and through him formed a cult of new pataria. Whatever Pannoch is planning next for the Milanese will surely be even more ruinous.

For statistics for Pannoch, use a modified form of Golab, Foe of the Seraphim from RoP:I, page 70. Pannoch’s Obsession is “Distrust of spiritual leaders”. His current human form is that of a thin merchant, wearing ill fitting clothes.

Story Seed: Ragged Theft
A part of Pannoch's new plan involves the despoiling of Saint Arialdo relics, kept in the church of St. Ambrose. His method of this is quite blunt: growing the new Pataria and continually suggesting that they must recover their founders’ relics from the city’s corrupt clergy. When he believes his cult is large and strong enough, he intends to have them break into the church and steal the saint bone. This will greatly boost the cult's confidence as well, enabling them to become rasher and more sinful. He expects violence and persecution to follow in wake of the theft. PC’s might be made aware of Pannoch's plan though St. Arialdo or St. Ambrose, or their emissary.

There is a - tentatively historical - approach to the Pataria in ArM5 in sub rosa #16 p.82ff: 1050 AD: Strange Alliances. It includes Erlembald Cotta, the official saint of the Pataria, buried in Milan cathedral.

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I was not aware that this had already been treated. I withheld Erlembald's name to avoid naming too many people. I must also have overlooked the fact that he too was canonised as a saint.

My interpretation of the infernal influences is mainly due to the violent aspect of the movement. The infernal wants to corrupt the divine. Here, the Pataria started out justified, but as time passed, their movement quickly became corrupt. Although this is only my own interpretation of history. Throughout the project I have found that infernal sites are the hardest to find, so I was pleased to find this anecdote from history. Although the name of the demon I came up with is admittedly pretty bad.

Of course, troupes could interpret it as a completely mundane matter. With pious and sinful people on both sides, it is probably the closest thing to real history. The problem is that it leaves little room for stories in 1220.If there is still a scheming demon in Milan, there is still an opportunity to right a wrong. Suppose, for example, that a great (magical?) treasure had disappeared during the riot and that an heir had hired the magi to find it. That way you could have an adventure hook, if you wanted to avoid the infernal and concentrate on the history alone.

Thanks for the comment!