Lares Permarini 15-25 Might (Aquam) (Spring)
These aren’t actually covenant based (well, unless you have a ship based covenant) but it’s close enough to the theme and can be applicable for ship based or coastal covenants. The idea here is based on the Lares Permarini (spirits which accompany sailors), a variant of the lesser protective spirits which played a prominent role in Roman domestic religion. The Lares Permarini had a temple at the edge of the Campus Martius.
These Lares may be a natural branch of the native Roman domestic religion, but it has also been suggested that they are a Punic import (Phoenician sailors worshipped dwarf-like protective figures according to Herodotus and this may have originated in Egypt), or possibly one of the early elements of Hellenic influence on Roman religious practice. Like most aspects of Roman personal religion (outside of the well attested state cults) the surviving evidence is patchy and often oblique. Bad for students of Roman religion, but it leaves a lot of room for creative license on the upside!
In Ars terms they are elemental spirits of ocean currents that flow through magical auras out to sea. As spirits of Aquam they are unable to easily recognise individuals but readily grasp the idea of a ship and especially of a crew as a unit. They are relatively benign but temperamental and will sometimes save sailors who fall overboard in rough seas, reuniting them with their ship. Despite appearances this is not out of regard for the sailor but rather because the lack of “wholeness” of the ship disturbs the spirits – to them it is much like if someone walking past you on the street suddenly had a finger fall off!
As they cannot truly distinguish between the crew as individuals if even one sailor disrespects the Lar it can have grave consequences. If a Lar is enraged there is only one certain solution – a sacrifice of the offending person to the sea, which the spirit will perceive as a contrite attitude on the part of the crew.
Characteristics: Int +0, Per +0, Pre +2, Com +0, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +0, Qik +1
Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Power x2, Lesser Power x2, Focus Power x2
Personality Traits: Spirit of Ocean Currents +3*, Easily Offended +3
Abilities: Concentration (Powers) 3, Penetration (Powers) 3, Swim (Manoeuvring) 5*
*Only used when in physical form
Description: To second sight Lares Permarini usually appear as aquatic animals, often dolphins. However, they sometimes morph into small dwarf-like creatures as well.
Churning of Portentous Seas (ReAq) 1 Might Init -3
R: Touch D: Concentration T: Part
Causes an area of sea 200 paces across to be beset with a series of unnatural waves which reach up to 20 feet high. These can easily overturn small boats and put even larger ships in severe peril. The spirits use this power if they have been gravely offended by a crew.
(Base 10, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +1 Part, +2 Size)
Saviour of the Fallen Sailor (MuAq) 1 Might Init -2
R: Touch D: Concentration T: Part
By concentrating on a person in the water they inhabit the spirit can grant the ability to breathe underwater. The spirits use this power to save drowning sailors.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +1 Part)
Curse of Calm (PeAu) 3 Might Init -4
R: Touch D: Sun T: Individual
This power silences all wind in the area the spirit inhabits. Any ships reliant on sails in the area are becalmed. The winds will not return for the duration of the power and may take an hour or so after the power has ended to return. Winds of up to severe intensity can be stopped with this power. The spirits use this power to becalm ships which have offended, or to save ships from dangerous winds.
(Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
Donning the Corporeal Veil 0 Might Init +0
The spirit can take on physical form. This is almost always an aquatic animal of some kind – a dolphin is the most common form. This matches the appearance of the spirit when observed with second sight.
Lord of the Waters Variable Might Init Quickness-Magnitide
The spirit can replicate any Rego or Creo Aquam effect at a cost of 1 might per magnitude. The maximum level of these effects is 15 higher than the might score of the spirit.