30 Magic Spirits for November

I've often found, at least in my own sagas, that magic auras are very easy to overlook in terms of flavour by dint of being the "default" aura in a game focused on hermetic magi. In theory magical auras should be just as supernatural as divine, infernal, and faerie auras, but in practice they often boil down to a modifier to spells and lab work, a nice natural feature, and maybe some link to old magic or one magical inhabitant.

Just as divine auras have angels watching over everything, infernal have demon waiting to corrupt sinners, and faerie have, well, faerie stories, magical auras have airy spirits - every rock and tree, every blade of grass, every sound and smell and so on has a spirit and that's largely what creates the feel of a magical place. Even if people without second sight can't see these spirits and the spirits don't really interact much with humans, their simple presence in some ephemeral way enhance the thing they inhabit.

And because most player characters live in a magic aura. these spirits should be the ones they have the most frequent encounters with. They are quite literally a part of the scenery for the Order of Hermes.

But airy spirits are also harder to write imo than other realm spirits. Angels, demons, and faeries have clear motivations and a lot of folklore to draw on. Magic spirits just exist and have essential natures that don't necessarily lend themselves to creating stories as easily as the other realms.

So I figured I would have a go at writing 30 magic spirits you might find in hermetic covenants. Some are written with interaction with characters in mind, some as background characters who simply add to the magical feel of a covenant, and a few are examples of how you might use airy spirits as characters in a saga. I'll also try and include story seeds for spirits where I can.

Note: many of these spirits are inspired by Hellenic beliefs about minor spirits, especially Hellenic beliefs about personifications and lesser spirits of natural features (Nymphs) and spirits from the poorly attested Roman domestic religion. The intent is not that these spirits are literally the beings of Greek and Roman worship (which would mostly be faeries) but rather:

  • Natural spirits which might have inspired ancient beliefs that gave rise to faeries with similar aspect but more human-focused. Or
  • Spirits which the Order has labelled using Greco-Roman conventions, due to the influence of Roman traditions and in particular the mercurians on hermetic theurgy, because they vaguely resemble a mythological spirit.

Table of Contents

1. Lucentes - The Spirits of Magical Lamps

Airy spirits of fire which inhabit magical lamps. Can be troublesome if their lamp is left somewhere they consider "boring".

2. Cloacinae - Spirits of Sewers

Airy spirits of water which generate out of complex plumbing systems. Inclined towards maintaining healthy water, if their habitat is given proper care and maintainance.

3. Claustritimi - Spirits of the Lintel

Airy spirits of earth which inhabit stone doorways. Sometimes used by Magi to defend their sanctum.

4. Altercationes - Spirits of Arguments

Imagine spirits of the sound of argument. They use mimicry and exert a subtle influence to induce arguments so they can enjoy the auditory species this generates.

5. Ploratrices - Spirits of Lamentation

Imagine spirits of the sounds of grief and lamentation. They appear in advance of deaths and tragedies and are often the first warning of an impending demise.

6. Arai - Spirits of Cursing

Spirits of retribution which can form when someone who has been deeply wronged speaks a curse in a magic aura, though only rarely.

7. Meliai - Spirits of Mountain-Ash Trees

Intelligent flora spirits which are sometimes generated from mountain-ash (rowan) trees instead of the tree awakening. They have apotropaic and warding powers and multiple Meliai can work in concert to greatly increase the potency of their collective power.

8. Men of Bronze

The magical human offspring of Meliai and mortals, described by Hesiod in Works and Days. They are giants with an intrinsically warlike nature.

9. Litae - Spirits of Prayer

Strange imagine spirits of the sound of prayer and supplication. These spirits are aligned with Mentem, and on rare occasions can use a devout pagan supplicant as a conduit to enter the magic realm and deliver their prayer to a daimon.

10. Spectral Servants

Spectres left behind by covenfolk who die while performing their duties. Even in death they carry out their assigned tasks doggedly.

11. Lares Permarini - Spirits of Ocean Currents

Elemental spirits of aquam which inhabit ocean currents. They are usually benign and have been known to help ships in danger and save drowning sailors, but are also quite easy to offend. When angered they can put a ship in grave peril.

12. Horci - Spirits of Spoken Oaths

Imagine spirits generated by spoken promises. They often cling to the person making the promise, subtly influencing them to keep it.

13. Genius/Juno - Domestic Spirits of Fertility

Spirits which embody the fertility of a person and which propagate through a lineage. These spirits do for human families as the influence of Flora and Fauna do for the fruitfulness of plants and animals in magic auras.

14. Banes of the Third Eye - Spirits of a Magical Disease

These banes are the spirit of a disease that only occurs in magic auras and which impairs the second sight of those who are infected. It spreads when someone with second sight observes the disease spirit.

15 Malariae - Spirits of Foul Vapours

These Imagine spirits spring up wherever disease causing stenches are found in magic auras. They increase the potency of the smells and drastically raise the risk of contracting disease.

16. Lesser Famae - Spirits of Rumour

Short lived spirits of spoken rumour. They travel on the wind and spread the rumour to others, that it might be repeated, and grow stronger as the rumour grows.

17. Greater Famae

These spirits are the symbolic embodiments of a reputation, just as Eidolons embody a personality trait of a character. Like Eidolons they are linked to a specific reputation of a specific character and desire the perpetuation of that reputation.

18. Florae of Lotus Trees

Date-Palms of virtue closely match the Lotus tree of myth. Their fruit can be enriched to grant immunity to deprivation, and the flora spirits that attend them are able to cloud the minds of those who eat of the tree, making them unable to recall their home or past.

19. Imagines of Taste

Imagine spirits exist for every sensation within a magic aura, and those sensations which are regularly experienced by humans can have a profound influence on their health. Thanks to the influence of spirits of taste the impact of diet on people living in magic auras is greatly increased.

20. Gastronomic Recipes

A break from spirits to give rules for a new kind of Formula that skilled chefs can use to create meals that influence the humors, but only when eaten in magic auras. A fun hobby for a Gastronomer character, perhaps.

21. Egeriae - Flora of Poplar Trees

Intelligent spirits that inhabit poplar trees. They have a natural affinity for divination and magic lore. It is in their nature to acquire and impart knowledge, meaning they can be consulted for wisdom by those with the lore to know how.

22. Angitiae - Fauna of Asps

Spirits which watch over asps and have a natural affinity for medicine. They can cure any snake bite but at the cost of their own destruction.

23. Genius Mali - Spirits of Apple Groves

The Flora spirit of the eldest apple tree in a grove or orchard. It has power over the other trees and the fertility of the entire apple crop.

24. Bacchuli

The "Little Bacchi" are spirits of the sensation of inebriation which are only perceptible by the drunk and which encourage the ill-judgement of those who encounter them in such a state. Some more temperate magi believe them to be a myth dreamt up by drunkards to excuse their behaviour.

25. Fulgorae - Spirits of Lightning

Airy spirits of lightning. They can be found congregating around storms in magic auras and have the power to form bodies made of lightning itself.

26. Lares Vestales - Spirits of the Hearth

Airy spirits of Ignem which inhabit domestic fires. They start out very weak but grow in power the longer a home is continually inhabited.

27. Praesagienti - Spirits of Foreboding Winds

Airy spirits of Auram which are able to sense the moods of people, and create weather to match it.

28. Story Seeds Part 1

29. Story Seeds Part 2

30. Story Seeds Part 3

A collection of story seeds making use of spirits.


Lucentes, Spirits of Magical Lamps

Magical lamps are a common sight in hermetic covenants. The simplest can be made by apprentices as some of their first lab work and sources of constant light are useful in many ways – not least in libraries and laboratories where the smell and inconstant illumination of candles and torches may be unwelcome.

As sources of constant and pure light these lamps attract, or perhaps spawn depending on one’s viewpoint, spirits of fire. Magi generally call these spirits “Lucentes” (“[the] Shining [ones]” sing. Lucens). These spirits are generally very minor, having only one point of might per magnitude of the light-giving effect in the lamp. This can be as low as two (for the simplest lamps) to as much as six for more complex lamps.

Lecentes are known to prefer their lamp be placed somewhere “interesting” though what is interesting to a spirit of fire is unintuitive to a human. They view everything in terms of individual components, and are able to perceive differences in seemingly identical things that most humans cannot – Maxentius of Flambeau, who made a study of Lucentes, reported that his subjects described him to each other by such strange details as the exact diameter of his eyeballs, the dimensions of his skull, the number of hairs on his head, and the fact that one of his arms was apparently a miniscule amount shorter than the other.

Generally speaking they prefer to be located in places with many individual objects which change regularly (especially if they are being broken down or made into new things). Workshops, laboratories, well used libraries, and storerooms are favourites while static locations such as corridors, seldom used chambers, and prayer rooms are considered especially boring. If placed in such places the spirit may impede the functioning of the lamp in the hopes of being relocated.

The Lucens of a Simple Lamp – Magic Might 2 (Ignem) (Spring)

Characteristics: Int +1, Per +3, Pre +0, Com +0, Str 0, Sta 0, Dex 0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Power x2; Improved Powers; Reduced Abilities

Personality Traits: Lamp +3*, Easily Bored +2

Abilities: Awareness (Individual Objects) 4, Concentration (Powers) 2

Description: A weak Lucens has no physical form and cannot form one, but to second sight it appears as a small ball of light which moves in gentle orbits around the lamp it inhabits.


Light the Lamp CrIg 0 Might Init -1

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

Allows the spirit to make an object glow as bright as daylight on a clear day. This mimics the power of their lamp.

(Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)

Dim the Lamp PeIg 0 Might Init -1

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

Destroys a single source of light completely and it cannot be restored by any means so long as the effect endures. This is used by the spirit to disrupt its lamp if it is displeased about something.

(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)

The Lucens of a Complex Lamp – Magic Might 6 (Ignem) (Spring)

Characteristics: Int +1, Per +3, Pre +0, Com +0, Str 0, Sta 0, Dex 0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Power x2; Greater Power; Improved Powers

Personality Traits: Lamp +3*, Easily Bored +2, Likes Counting +3

Abilities: Awareness (Individual Objects) 5, Concentration (Powers) 3, Artes Liberales 0-3* (Geometry)

*This spirit is highly adept at some elements of the liberal arts but has no knowledge of others. Treat it as having a score of 3 for Arithmetic, Geometry, and Astronomy but 0 in all others. It cannot read any one language but can recognise individual letters in almost any language.

Description: A stronger Lucens appears to second sight it appears as a ball of light which moves in gentle orbits around the lamp it inhabits. It can form an Eidolon, which takes the form of a shadowy face on the surface of its lamp.


Light the Lamp CrIg 0 Might Init -1

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

Allows the spirit to make an object glow as bright as daylight on a clear day. This mimics the power of their lamp.

(Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)

Dim the Lamp PeIg 0 Might Init -1

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

Destroys a single source of light completely and it cannot be restored by any means so long as the effect endures. This is used by the spirit to disrupt its lamp if it is displeased about something.

(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)

Eidolon CrIm Might 0 Init 0

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

The spirit can form an illusory face on the surface of its lamp which can be seen and heard by material beings.

Story Seed – An Unhappy Customer

A covenant has come into possession of a number of small magical lamps. Having a surplus they gifted one to a friendly mundane of local importance. Now that mundane has written complaining that the covenant has sent him a defective gift and that the lamp stops working at the most inconvenient times. An investigation will reveal that the Lucens of the lamp has realised it has been sent away from the magical aura of a covenant and fears it will wither away due to acclimation. It is attempting to be sent back to the covenant for "repairs". Destroying the spirit would be simple enough, but if any of the other Lecentes overhear they will all refuse to work until their “brother” has his safety guaranteed. How will the magi deal with these unruly spirits?


Cloacinae, Spirits of Sewers – Magic Might 15-25 (Aquam) (Spring)

“O Cloacina, Goddess of this place,
Look on thy suppliants with a smiling face.
Soft, yet cohesive let their offerings flow,
Not rashly swift nor insolently slow.”

– A poem attributed to Lord Byron

Cloacinae (named for the patron spirit of the Cloaca Maxima of Rome who remains the most powerful such spirit recorded) are spirits of sewer systems. These systems are much rarer than they were in the days of the Romans but are found in some hermetic covenants who value hygiene. A related class of spirits are those which inhabit natural hot springs and bathing complexes, such as Sulis Minerva the patron of the town of Bath in Stonehenge.

As spirits of Aquam Cloacinae are most interested in the combination and coagulation of parts into greater wholes. They are not usually able to really grasp that individual humans are distinct entities, but conversely have a highly intuitive grasp of the covenant as a whole, and of groups within it. Maxentius of Flambeau advises covenants which have such a native spirit to have the magi approach it as a group, which it will readily recognise as the governing group. Individual magi attempting to commune with a Cloacina will find themselves confused with the other magi of the covenant (regardless of how different they might be) with frustrating regularity.

A friendly Cloacina is a great boon for a hermetic covenant as they are naturally inclined towards maintaining cleanliness and a salubrious environment within their domain.

The Cloacina given below is one of a fairly complex sewer system in a hermetic covenant (Might 15). Only a full sewer system will generate a spirit of this kind, one or two simple pipes will not do. More elaborate sewers may give rise to spirits as powerful as might 25.

Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre +1, Com +1, Str +0, Sta +3, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Power x2, Improved Characteristics, Focus Power, Ritual Power, Improved Power

Personality Traits: Spirit of Cleansing +3*

Abilities: Penetration (Powers) 3, Awareness (Domain) 3, Craft: Architect (Water Systems) 3

Description: Contrary to what might be expected a Cloacina usually appears as an attractive young maiden dressed in purest white and with a pleasant smell of myrtle blossom.


Eidolon (CrIm) 0 Might Init +0

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

The spirit can take on an incorporeal form which can be seen and heard by material beings. It matches the description given above.

Presence (InIm) 0 Might Constant

R: Arcane D: Sun T: Individual

A Cloacina is coterminous with the sewer system that they inhabit. They are aware of everything that goes on within it, including in rooms connected directly to it. Their might is doubled for the purposes of calculating tethers and if well maintained the sewers produce Might/10 pawns of aquam vis a year. Most covenants harvest this vis and gift it back to their Cloacina, but some have an arrangement where they can keep the vis.

Master of Aquam (Aq) Variable Might Init Quickness-Magnitude

A Cloacina can mimic any non-ritual Rego or Creo Aquam effect up to the level of the spirit’s might at a cost of 1 might per magnitude.

Pure Waters (Cr(Mu)(Pe)Co(Aq)) 3 Might Init -8 Ritual

R: Touch D: Momentary T: Structure

This power purifies an entire connected water system, cleansing and refining the water within. For the next season those who primarily consume water from the system receive a bonus of +2 to all rolls to resist or recover from disease. This is a true and natural change (as would be possible by mundane alchemical purification) and so does not cause warping or trigger magic resistance. The points spent on this power only recover at a rate of one per season if the sewer system is well maintained, but this can be accelerated if pawns of Creo or Aquam vis are expended in offering to the spirit, at a rate of one point per pawn.

More powerful Cloacinae may have versions of this spell which grant higher bonuses. For every extra +1 add one magnitude to the level of the power.

(Base 3, +1 Touch, +3 Structure, +3 Size)

Story Seed - It's a Dirty Job, but...

A magus presents a proposal to the local tribunal. They have been exploring a town in the tribunal with roman origins and have discovered that the ancient sewer system is largely intact and contains several magic lacunae. Further he has discovered a small votive shrine to the former Cloacina of the town. He believes that the shrine may serve as an arcane connection to summon back the Cloacina, and proposes the tribunal do just this, gives it offerings of vis, and repairs the sewers. He believes this may merge the scattered lacunae beneath the town and may create more lacunae in buildings connected to the sewers, a great boon to any magi who visit. It will also improve the health and prosperity of the town. However, this is a large project which would involve uncomfortably close dealings with the mundane authorities of the town – and the expenditure of a large chunk of vis! Will the tribunal support the proposal?

Claustritimi, Spirits of the Lintel – Magic Might 10-15 (Terram) (Spring)

Some magi favour the use of stone lintels in the construction of doorways, especially for sancta, in order to cultivate elemental spirits which can act as an extra layer of defence. These spirits are often called Claustritimi (Wardens of the Portal).

As spirits of Terram Claustritimi view the world through a lens focused very much on rigidity and permanence and as such have difficulty recognising (or even noticing) ephemeral and changeable being such as humans and animals but are highly adept at recognising more solid objects of metal or stone. As such they should not be relied on to secure a sanctum but can be a useful addition to an overall security system.

Some magi actively cultivate a Claustritimus at the entrance to their sanctum, feeding it vis and directing its growth (as much as such a thing can be directed) in the hopes of producing a more potent guardian for their sanctum. Maxentius of Flambeau has recorded one known instance where this meddling caused the spirit to become hostile, rendering the unlucky magus unable to enter his own sanctum for several weeks until a magus skilled in vim destroyed the spirit for him.

The spirit described below is a relatively weak (Might 10) Claustritimus. More powerful spirits (with more impressive lintels, or who have served a long time in an established covenant) will have improved powers to increase the initiative of their powers, or increased soak and physical abilities.

Characteristics: Int -1, Per +0, Pre +0, Com -3, Str +3, Sta +3, Dex +2, Qik -1

Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Power x3, Lesser Power, Tough, Weak Hearing

Personality Traits: Spirit of the Lintel +3*, Protective +3

Abilities: Awareness (Intruders) 3, Brawl (Grappling) 3, Concentration (Powers) 3, Penetration (Powers) 3

Combat: Unarmed: Init -1, Attack +6, Defense +2, Damage +3*

*Successful attacks against targets of size +1 or less can pin and grapple them, and destroy or damage their equipment. See the Crush power in RoP:M pg. 136 for details.

Soak: +3

Wound Penalties: –1 (1–6), –3 (7–13), –5 (14–20), Incapacitated (21–27), Dead (28+)

Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious

Description: Claustritimi have an appearance dictated by the carvings on their lintel. Typically if anything there has eyes to those with second sight it will appear that the eyes follow them around the room. Otherwise they appear as a pair of disembodied eyes in the middle of the lintel. This is distinct from their appearance when using Donning the Corporeal Veil.


Donning the Corporeal Veil (Te) 0 Might Init -2

The spirit can produce and animate a body of stone. This body is size +1 and has the same stats as the spirit itself. As it is made of stone the body is immune to any attacks other than bludgeoning and has the Crush power (see RoP:M pg. 136). This body will usually be humanoid and have an appearance reflecting the iconography on the lintel, though it is possible for Claustritimi to have bodies in the shape of animals as well (a dog shape is not uncommon) or even more unusual formations. However, the shape is always the same for a given spirit and cannot be larger than size +1. In this form it can communicate with a voice like stone grinding on stone.

Bar the Passage of the Hidden Blade (ReTe) 0 Might Init -12

R: Sight D: Concentration T: Group

By concentrating the spirit can prevent up to 100 base individuals worth of metal or stone objects from passing beneath it. Claustritimi are not well suited to recognising humans but can recognise familiar and unfamiliar tools or weapons. This can be bypassed by discarding the offending item(s) but this is enough to prevent a would-be-assassin from bringing a hidden dagger into a sanctum.

(Base 2, +2 Affect Metal, +3 Sight, +1 Concentration, +2 Group, +1 Size)

Door of Stone (CrTe) 0 Might Init +0

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

By concentrating the spirit can seal the doorway with a wall of solid stone.

(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)

Sense the Hidden Blade (InTe) 0 Might Init -14

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Room

By concentrating the spirit can sense all the mundane properties of very object made of metal, stone, or earth in the room on either side of its doorway.

(Base 15, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +2 Group)

Story Seed

A serious crime has been committed against a covenant which involved the plundering of the sanctum of one of the resident magi. The crime was cleverly done – spell traces were dampened and sigils masked, leaving no way to prove who the perpetrator was. However, the Claustritimus inhabiting the victim’s sanctum door saw the whole thing and claims to be able to identify the perpetrator based on their talisman. Will the testimony of a magical spirit, and one notoriously bad at recognising people, be enough to sway the tribunal? Or will the victim use this information to take matters into their own hands…?

Altercationes, Spirits of Raised Voices – Magic Might 4 (Imaginem) Spring

An Altercatio is a spirit of the noise of argument. It is attracted to raised voices and heated debates. A mischievous spirit, it is able to mimic the voices of those arguing and sometimes interjects an insult or point riffing off of the ongoing argument. This sometimes sparks a whole new argument as one party denies guilt while the other calls him a liar. There is no malice in this, an Altercatio simply enjoys the sensory side of arguments and has only a minimal understanding of their emotional aspect. Thankfully they only have enough might to do this once or twice a day and can’t affect Magi with their parma up.

Characteristics: Int 0, Per 0, Pre –1, Com +4, Str 0, Sta –1, Dex 0, Qik +3

Personality Traits: Mischievous +3, Shout +3*

Abilities: Awareness 4 (sounds), Folk Ken 1 (anger), Guile 4 (mimicry), Penetration 2 (Mentem)

Description: A shout. It has no visible form but can be heard merrily shouting insults or egging on the participants in an argument to those with second sight.


Master of Sound, variable points, Imaginem:

The spirit can duplicate any non-Ritual spell involving sound up to Level 15, at a cost of 1 Might Point per magnitude of effect.

(Te)Im15: Focus Power (15 levels, +2 Init)

Moment of Ill Judgement, 1 point, PeMe

R: Touch D: Momentary T: Individual

This effect causes the target to momentary lose all inhibition. In this state they will say things they otherwise would (wisely) hold back.

(Base 4, Touch +1)

Story Seed - They Started It!

Two of the more argumentative grogs have recently been at one another’s throats almost constantly and have had several very public arguments about a divisive issue. The drama is beginning to effect the functioning of the covenant as the regular arguments (and subsequent stewing) distract them and other grogs from their work and factions are beginning to form siding with one or the other. Something must be done, but when asked both sides will claim (believing it to be completely true) that the other party or one of their sympathisers has started each argument. Further investigation will reveal that these grogs have attracted the “patronage” of a pair of Altercationes, who are using their powers of mimicry to start arguments and ferment disorder. These spirits are not malicious and simply enjoy the sensations of the ensuing arguments, but they have caused real harm to the covenant. Should they be destroyed? More importantly, if they are what is to prevent more Altercationes appearing if the arguments continue? The issue has become bitterly divisive with or without supernatural trickery.

1 Like

Ploratrices – Spirits of Lamentation Might 6 (Corpus) (Spring)

Ploratrices (Lamenters) are a type of Imagine spirit which is attracted to the sound of lamentation and grief. There is a certain degree of superstition surrounding them among coven-born grogs, and among some magi as well. The spirits often appear in advance of a death or tragedy as if in anticipation and seeing or hearing a Ploratrix is considered to be a very bad omen. Other magi dismiss this as being no more supernatural than the poorly understood circumstances which might give rise to other spirits such as Eidolons.

According to Maxentius of Flambeau Ploratrices take no pleasure from witnessing tragedy, in fact they are largely sympathetic to the victims and seem to view themselves as fellow mourners in many aspects, though they are relatively simple minded and are not prone to introspection. Despite taking no pleasure from it their essential nature draws them inexorably towards tragedy and death.

In the order it is often said that greater numbers of Ploratrices appear for the deaths of great men and women. This is true, in a sense – the deciding factor is how many people will mourn the deceased, so a humble but beloved grog might attract a great many while a mighty but solitary magus none at all.

Characteristics: Cun +0, Per +0, Pre +1, Com +3, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Power, Lesser Power x2, Improved Power, Premonitions, Compassionate

Personality Traits: Spirit of Lamentation +3*, Compassionate +3

Abilities: Premonitions (Death) 4, Music (Laments) 4, Folk Ken (Mourners) 2

Description: Polatrices appear as oddly proportioned pale women (usually old) with eyes raw from tears. They are dressed in the mourning garb of whatever culture the observing character belongs to.


Eidolon (CrIm) 0 Might Init +0

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

The spirit can take on an incorporeal form which can be seen and heard by material beings. It matches the description given above.

Their Time Has Come (InCo) 0 Might Init -10

R: Sight D: Momentary T: Individual

This power allows the spirit to determine if the character is likely to die within the next day. This is not a certain prediction – it can only tell the likelihood of death based on the circumstances at the time the power is used.

(Non-hermetic, Base 10, +3 Sight)

Keening (CrIm) 0 Might Init -4

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

This power allows the spirit to create a keening wail. The spirit can control the sound as long as they concentrate and can mimic words as well.

(Base 1, +1 Touch, +3 Complexity, +1 Concentration)

Story Seed

A member of the covenant with second sight reports the sudden appearance of a large number of Ploratrices in various parts of the covenant. This surely is a portent that someone, or perhaps several people, in the covenant will die in the near future. The magi must determine what the cause of this imminent disaster is and prevent it or suffer the consequences.


Arai, Spirits of Curses – Magic Might 20 (Vim) (Summer)

Wise people avoid speaking idle curses in strong magic auras, because sometimes such a curse will call forth one of the Arai - with the sole purpose of enacting vengeance on the target of the curse. Only the curse of someone who has been truly wronged can bring forth a spirit such as this. The mechanism for this determination is unknown but Gregorius of Bonisagus has claimed to have detected a short lived arcane connection between the person who utters the curse and the spirit, much like people experiencing strong emotion can sometimes form arcane connections to Eidolons.

Arai unnerve magi because it would be very easy for a demon to slip within a covenant disguised as a spirit of righteous vengeance. Unlike faeries who fulfil similar stores there is little that can dissuade an Ara from completing their task once summoned – they do not care at all for the wishes of the invoker, to carry out retribution is simply their essential nature.

Characteristics: Int +0, Per +1, Pre +2, Com +0, Str +1, Sta +3, Dex +1, Qik +2

Qualities and Inferiorities: Improved Characteristics x2, Ritual Power x3, Greater Power, Focus Power x2, Personal Power x2

Personality Traits: Spirit of Vengeance +3*, Just +3, Cruel +3

Abilities: Penetration (Powers) 8, Concentration (Powers) 5, Folk Ken (The Wronged) 5, Hunt (Tracking) 5, Awareness (Spotting Target) 3

Description: An Ara appears as a crone with charred black skin, hair made of snakes, and a huge pair of wings.


Eidolon (CrIm) 0 Might Init +2

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

The spirit can take on an incorporeal form which can be seen and heard by material beings. It matches the description given above.

Ruler of Flesh (Co) Variable Might Init Quickness-Magnitude

The spirit can replicate any effect related to Flesh of up to level 20 at a cost of 1 might per magnitude.

Material Anchor (CrVi) 4 Might Init 0 Ritual

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

This ritual-like power either forms an Arcane Connection to a particular person or place, or makes an object into an Arcane Connection to the spirit itself. The spirit must be in the physical location of the object it is making into an Arcane Connection, and must penetrate Magic Resistance as usual.

This version of the power creates an indefinite connection. The Arai use this power to create an arcane connection for increased penetration on their other powers.

Material Anchor (TeCo) Variable Might Init 2 – Might cost

R/D/T: Variable

Duplicates any non-Ritual spell pertaining to flesh no greater than 20th level, at a cost of 1 Might point per magnitude of the effect.

Sight Beyond Sight (InIm) 1 Might Init +2

R: Personal D: Concentration T: Vision

All five senses of the creature operate at a distance, as far as the creature can see. This gives the creature supernaturally aware of everything which occurs, and it is exceptionally difficult to catch it by surprise.

Inflict Malediction (Vi) 10 Might Init -18 Ritual

R: Touch D: Momentary T: Individual

Inflicts the flaw Greater Malediction . In most cases this will be permanent which reduces the actual might score of the spirit. This is a catch all for non-fatal curses. The spirit has a strong sense of justice and will always inflict something proportional to the offence, though it will take into account the requests of the person who summoned it. If the appropriate response to a transgression would be death then instead of this power the summoned spirit would have something replicating Clenching Grasp of the Crushed Heart.

Story Seed

One of the covenant’s more prominent grogs falls suddenly ill with an embarrassing venereal disease which escalates until they are incapacitated and near death. A magical investigation will reveal that the illness is being caused by magic. The natural assumption is a hostile magus but in fact the cause is an Ara summoned accidentally by another grog who found the curse victim in bed with their spouse. The Ara is perpetuating the supernatural illness with its Ruler of Flesh power and an arcane connection it formed to the victim. Now the grog who spoke the curse lives in fear it will be discovered they are responsible, but the spirit will not leave despite ardent pleas.

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Meliai – Spirits of Mountain-Ash Might 15-25 (Herbam) (Summer)

The Mountain-Ash, also called Rowan or Quickbeam, is a fruit bearing tree found in northerly climates. For reasons unknown the flora of ash trees (Rowan included) are especially hardy and quick to adapt to magical environments. A small number of these trees when exposed to a powerful aura, rather than awakening as most trees do, instead produce a spirit of unusual intelligence for a flora. These spirits are called Meliai, after the dryades of ash trees in Greek myth.

The Meliai of Rowan trees have a protective instinct and use their innate powers to repel malevolent beings. A number of Rowan trees can be found in the valley of Valnastium, where the Meliai are on very good terms with the black cats of virtue which inhabit the Domus Magna. Horticulturally inclined Jerbiton sometimes give cuttings of Rowan trees which have produced Meliai as gifts to apprentices who are moving to a new covenant, or at the founding of a covenant.

Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre +2, Com +1, Str +0, Sta +1, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Power x2, Focus Power, Improved Powers x2, Anchored to the (Forest/Mountains)*, Natural Appearance**, Improved Soak x2

*Meliai can in theory move any distance away from their native tree, but will always yearn to return to the place of their roots.

**Meliai, were it not for the unusual hair and skin tones, could be mistaken for human women when in corporeal form and can bear children (magical humans called Men of Bronze). As spirits they still have a magical air even in corporeal form, however.

Personality Traits: Spirit of a Rowan +3*, Protective +3

Abilities: Penetration (Powers) 4, Charm (Men) 3, Leadership (War) 3, Folk Ken (Wards) 3, Brawl (Dodge) 3, Athletics (Running) 3, Single Weapon (Spear) 3, Awareness (Watching) 3, Concentration (Powers) 3, Hunt (Tracking) 3, Survival (Navigation) 3, Magic Lore (Spirits) 2

Soak: +5

Description: Meliai appear as mortal women, slightly larger than normal, who have thick skin the colour of ash bark and hair in shades of leafy green or red as the Rowan-berry.


Donning the Corporeal Veil (Co) 0 Might Init -1

The spirit can produce and animate a body of flesh. A spirit may maintain the body indefinitely, recreating it every time the duration expires, but it is subject to aging, disease, and deprivation (but not fatigue) just like a living being. The body lasts until slain or dissolved by the spirit. If slain in material form, the spirit (or Aspect) is also destroyed, and the body will contain pawns of vis equal to that within the spirit’s spiritual form.

It is not unknown for Meliai to walk among humans, and rarely one may even take a human husband and bear children. These offspring are called Men of Bronze and are magical humans.

Master of Warding (ReVi) Variable Might Init Quickness-Magnitude

Allows the spirit to replicate any Re or Pe Vim effect up to level 50 at a cost of 1 might per magnitude.

Communion of Spirits (MuVi) Variable Might Init Quickness-Magnitude

This allows Meliai to combine their powers to improve penetration on effects produced with Master of Warding as if using Wizard’s Communion. This divides the effective level of the effect by the number of participants (which may be up to the magnitude of the spell). All participants must spend the might as if using the Master of Warding power themselves as well as the might required to activate this power. This power costs 5 point of might less than the Master of Warding effect being altered, to a minimum of 0.

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Men of Bronze Might 0-3 (Corpus) (Spring)

This one's a bit of a departure from theme, but I really liked the idea of there being actual magic human equivalents to the Men of Gold/Silver/Bronze from Hesiod's description of the ages of man (Heroic age humans are just people with mythic blood presumably).

Men of Bronze are a form of magical human, the offspring of a Melia in physical form and a mortal father. They are very large, with a height of some 8-10 feet, a strong constitution, and an extremely warlike character. All children of Meliai are magical humans of this type and they are universally male.

According to Hesiod before the flood of Deucalion the whole world was inhabited by such men, and there were no women in the whole world – the Men of Bronze were the sons of Ash-spirits and husbands to them as well. Their society was destroyed by their own warlike nature. This account is disputed by many magi, with some viewing it as pure fiction and others as a muddled account of a society of magical humans in ancient Greece.

Men of Bronze have no inherent magical abilities but their physical abilities are prodigious. The example profile given below is for a young Man of Bronze, at 20 years of age, with 1 Might.

Gigantic, Increased Soak, Improved Characteristics, balanced with flaws so low might

Characteristics: Int -2, Per +0, Pre +0, Com -2, Str +7, Sta +3, Dex +3, Qik +1

Qualities and Inferiorities: Improved Characteristics x4, Age Quickly*, Ability Block (Peaceful Activities), Gigantic, Tough, Monstrous Appearance (Free), Essential Flaw (Wrathful), Offensive to Giants**, Affinity for (Single Weapon)

*Men of Bronze age and die as normal, despite their magical nature.

**When two Men of Bronze meet they will almost certainly come to blows, and this innate enmity extends to other large magical humans as well.

Personality Traits: Man of Bronze +3*, Wrathful (Warlike)* +6

Abilities: Single Weapon (Spear) 5, Brawl (Dodge) 3, Leadership (Intimidation) 2, Hunt (Tracking) 1, Survival (Navigation) 1, Athletics (Running) 2

Combat: Unarmed: Init +1, Attack +6, Defense +4, Damage +7

Spear and Shield: Init: +3, Attack +11, Defense +9, Damage +13

Soak: +6

Wound Penalties: –1 (1–7), –3 (8–14), –5 (15–21), Incapacitated (22–28), Dead (29+)

Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious

Description: Men of Bronze appear as humans but of immense proportions, up to 10 feet tall, and with skin in strange tones ranging from the grey of ash bark to the colour of bronze. They have a grim countenance and scar more easily than normal men, so that at even quite a young age they are criss-crossed with gruesome scarring.

Story Seed

A Melia takes a shine to a grog in the covenant. The marriage is a happy one but over the years as children start to be born problems arise. The eldest is already larger than most grown men while still a boy and they are all quick to anger and constantly getting into fights with one another and other grogs. Things come to a head when the eldest boy kills another grog in a fight over some insignificant slight. What will the magi do with these children who seem made solely for the purpose of fighting? And can they do it without angering their mother who may call on other Meliai to help her defend her sons?

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Litae - Spirits of Prayer 1-3 Might (Mentem) (Spring)

Like all sensory species in a magic aura the sounds of prayer attract (or generate) Imagines. These are called Litae. Many dominion worshipping magi and grogs find them disconcerting at best, and bordering on blasphemous at worst, as they tend to hover around chapels and repeat the prayers coming from within.

A lesser known and poorly understood aspect of these spirits comes into play when truly devoted pagans make a supplication in a magical aura. In these cases Litae appear also, but in rare cases they can use the supplicant as a connection to a vestige in the Magic Realm and enter it, delivering their plea to some inhabitant of the Realm. Some magi believe these vestiges represent the collective faith of pagan cults, and were once much stronger and more reliable. Very rarely when a plea is sent in this way a daimon may actually answer the appeal and manifest an aspect, though only if doing so has some purpose that suits the daimon.

The exact circumstances for this to happen are very unclear. It seems to be connected to the piety of the supplicant, but strong ties to fairie gods (common among pious pagans) seems to weaken whatever connection might exist to the magic realm. The strength of the aura and the affinity of the location to the being that is being appealed to seem to also factor into it. Maxentius of Flambeau has proposed that certain ceremonies involving items which have shape and material bonuses linked to the target spirit may also help, but this is largely speculation.

To the great frustration of theurges who have investigated this phenomenon it remains wildly inconsistent and attempts to interrogate Litae on the matter are fruitless – they act purely on instinct and have no capacity for reason whatsoever. Even if they understood the process enough to explain it, they do not have the capacity to communicate the information.

Characteristics: Cun -3, Per +4, Pre +0, Com +0, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Improved Characteristic, Lesser Power

Personality Traits: Spirit of Prayer +3*, Simple-Minded +3

Abilities: Area Lore (Magic Realm) 6, Magic Lore (magic Realm) 2

Description: Litae appear as ribbons of light which flow through the air like water.


Repeat the Ardent Plea (CrIm) 0 Might Init +0

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

The spirit can mimic sounds that it has heard (typically prayers) perfectly. They typically latch onto a single prayer and repeat it ad nauseum.

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Spectral Servant Might 1-10 (Mentem) (Spring)

While not common it is also not very unusual for older covenants to have one or two benign spectres inhabiting them. Spectres are typically formed when someone dies traumatically while carrying out their duties – miners who die in a cave in, sailors whose ship sank, soldiers who fell in battle. These events are much more likely to generate a spectre in a magic aura.

Spectral servants are a particular sub-class of spectres sometimes found in hermetic covenants, where a trusted grog dies and leaves behind a spectre which continues to carry out their tasks. This is often as a result of a tragically fatal lab accident, or sometimes as collateral damage in a wizard war. According to rumour there are some covenants which practice the ritual murder of grogs to generate useful spectres intentionally, though this has rarely been proven. The covenant of Ungulus in the Stonehenge tribunal is one such suspected covenant, but no evidence of the practice has ever been found.

The example spectral servant here was a menial grog in life and has powers that allow it to use brooms and buckets. Other spectral servants will have powers which can manipulate the tools of their trade, or a focus power which allows for various sorts of objects to be manipulated.

Characteristics: Int -1, Per +0, Pre +1, Com +0, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Power

Personality Traits: Servant +3*

Abilities: Profession Servant (Cleaning) 6

Description: To second sight the spectral servant appears as a shadowy version of the servant as they were in life.


Labour Even In Death (ReTe(He)) 0 Might Init -3

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

The spirit can lift and manipulate objects made primarily of plant materials. In theory this power should allow the spirit to lift any object a man of strength +5 could, but in practice it will not lift anything it could not have in life.

(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +1 Intricacy)

Story Seed

One of the older grogs has passed on quietly of natural causes… or so it seems. However, their death has left behind a spectral servant – useful, no doubt, but it raises worrying questions. Does this mean they actually experienced a traumatic death, and it was merely made to look like a natural one after the fact? Or has the covenant stumbled onto some unique set of circumstances which can create ghosts on death without requiring trauma? Either way the causes must be investigated, whether it be to solve a murder or to find a lucrative new resource!

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Lares Permarini 15-25 Might (Aquam) (Spring)

These aren’t actually covenant based (well, unless you have a ship based covenant) but it’s close enough to the theme and can be applicable for ship based or coastal covenants. The idea here is based on the Lares Permarini (spirits which accompany sailors), a variant of the lesser protective spirits which played a prominent role in Roman domestic religion. The Lares Permarini had a temple at the edge of the Campus Martius.

These Lares may be a natural branch of the native Roman domestic religion, but it has also been suggested that they are a Punic import (Phoenician sailors worshipped dwarf-like protective figures according to Herodotus and this may have originated in Egypt), or possibly one of the early elements of Hellenic influence on Roman religious practice. Like most aspects of Roman personal religion (outside of the well attested state cults) the surviving evidence is patchy and often oblique. Bad for students of Roman religion, but it leaves a lot of room for creative license on the upside!

In Ars terms they are elemental spirits of ocean currents that flow through magical auras out to sea. As spirits of Aquam they are unable to easily recognise individuals but readily grasp the idea of a ship and especially of a crew as a unit. They are relatively benign but temperamental and will sometimes save sailors who fall overboard in rough seas, reuniting them with their ship. Despite appearances this is not out of regard for the sailor but rather because the lack of “wholeness” of the ship disturbs the spirits – to them it is much like if someone walking past you on the street suddenly had a finger fall off!

As they cannot truly distinguish between the crew as individuals if even one sailor disrespects the Lar it can have grave consequences. If a Lar is enraged there is only one certain solution – a sacrifice of the offending person to the sea, which the spirit will perceive as a contrite attitude on the part of the crew.

Characteristics: Int +0, Per +0, Pre +2, Com +0, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +0, Qik +1

Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Power x2, Lesser Power x2, Focus Power x2

Personality Traits: Spirit of Ocean Currents +3*, Easily Offended +3

Abilities: Concentration (Powers) 3, Penetration (Powers) 3, Swim (Manoeuvring) 5*

*Only used when in physical form

Description: To second sight Lares Permarini usually appear as aquatic animals, often dolphins. However, they sometimes morph into small dwarf-like creatures as well.


Churning of Portentous Seas (ReAq) 1 Might Init -3

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Part

Causes an area of sea 200 paces across to be beset with a series of unnatural waves which reach up to 20 feet high. These can easily overturn small boats and put even larger ships in severe peril. The spirits use this power if they have been gravely offended by a crew.

(Base 10, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +1 Part, +2 Size)

Saviour of the Fallen Sailor (MuAq) 1 Might Init -2

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Part

By concentrating on a person in the water they inhabit the spirit can grant the ability to breathe underwater. The spirits use this power to save drowning sailors.

(Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +1 Part)

Curse of Calm (PeAu) 3 Might Init -4

R: Touch D: Sun T: Individual

This power silences all wind in the area the spirit inhabits. Any ships reliant on sails in the area are becalmed. The winds will not return for the duration of the power and may take an hour or so after the power has ended to return. Winds of up to severe intensity can be stopped with this power. The spirits use this power to becalm ships which have offended, or to save ships from dangerous winds.

(Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

Donning the Corporeal Veil 0 Might Init +0

The spirit can take on physical form. This is almost always an aquatic animal of some kind – a dolphin is the most common form. This matches the appearance of the spirit when observed with second sight.

Lord of the Waters Variable Might Init Quickness-Magnitide

The spirit can replicate any Rego or Creo Aquam effect at a cost of 1 might per magnitude. The maximum level of these effects is 15 higher than the might score of the spirit.

Horci – Spirits of Oaths 2 Might (Mentem) (Spring)

Many lesser imagine spirits fade away or depart whenever the sensory species that drew them dissipate. However, some sensory species which have a strong effect on the observers can cause spirits to linger near the observer for a time afterwards. A Horcus is an imagine spirit that is attracted by the speaking of an oath or promise.

Horci often linger near the person who made the promise and seem to take an instinctive interest in them keeping the oath – though some magi have proposed that their interest is actually in the perpetuation of the oath itself, rather than some concern for the honesty of the person who made it. It has been theorised that people thinking about the oath, as well as the literal sensory species of it being spoken, is pleasing to these spirits. There is some debate among theurgists if these spirits are really Imagines, or a form of Eidolon, or perhaps minor Lugrae

Horci are fairly minor spirits and have little power except to repeat the oath as a reminder, however this is often enough to prick the conscience of someone contemplating breaking a promise. Secretive magi dislike the spirits and will take measures to banish them after making an oath as they can reveal the words of the oath to observers with second sight.

As they are invisible except to second sight and have little power to affect anything but the mind of the oath-swearer their existence is not well known among grogs. A voice heard occasionally with no apparent source can be easily dismissed as an overactive imagination. As Horci mimic the voice of the oath-swearer they may even mistake the voice of a Horcus as their own intrusive thoughts.

Characteristics: Cun +1, Per +0, Pre +0, Com +3, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Power x2

Personality Traits: Spirit of an Oath+3*

Abilities: Concentration (Powers) 3, Penetration (Powers) 3, Folk Ken (Promises) 5

Description: A Horcus has no visible aspect even to second sight but can be perceived with second sight as a voice whispering the words of the oath that spawned it over and over.


Secret Whisper of the Unbroken Oath (CrMe) 0 Might Init -1

R: Touch D: Momentary T: Individual

This power creates the perception of sound in the common sense of the target, making them hear themselves speaking the oath the generated the Horcus in their own voice. This can be mistaken for the target’s own thoughts.

(Base 3, +1 Touch)

Repetition of the Unbroken Oath (CrIm) 0 Might Init -1

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

This power allows the spirit to mimic the sounds of the oath that attracted it, in the exact voice and intonation of the person they heard making it.

(Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +2 Intricacy)

Oathbreaker’s Warning (ReMe) 0 Might Init -3

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

This power amplifies the dread or worry of someone about to break an oath and forces their mind to focus on this emotion so long as the spirit concentrates. This cannot affect a target who does not naturally feel this emotion, so someone completely unashamed of their actions will feel nothing.

(Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)

Genius/Juno – Domestic Spirits of Fertility Might 10-20 (Corpus) (Spring-Summer)

The Genius is a spirit of male fertility (the female counterpart is called a Juno and is functionally identical except in some details) which arises whenever a man and woman live together in a magical aura and have a desire for children.

There is a great deal of superstition in some covenants about these spirits (perpetuated largely by members of house Mercere). In some it is believed that a Genius and Juno only form if an appropriate ceremony is made to join the couple. In others the Genius is viewed as a general protective spirit over the family. Some uphold that only adherence to neo-mercurian practice can ensure a strong Genius and Juno. These are largely baseless but persist regardless, rooted in the old Roman beliefs about the Genius spirit of the paterfamilias and the Juno of his wife.

There is a kernel of truth to the last assertion as Genii do not expire with their “host” but will instead shift focus to one of the children of the household as they come of age and are ready to have children of their own. Often this is the eldest child, but a Genius is intelligent enough to understand which child is the favoured heir. Over generations of a family living in a magic aura a Genius can acquire additional traits and powers, though these are not guaranteed to be of much benefit to the family.

Because these spirits have a serpentine appearance some devout magi believe them to be corrupt, perhaps even infernal, and some even destroy them when they are found. Such action harms the fertility of the covenant but to no worse than it would be in the mundane world (without the benefit of a magic aura).

The example given below has 10 might. More powerful examples will have powers not directly related to fertility.

Characteristics: Int +2, Per +0, Pre +1, Com +0, Str +0, Sta +2, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Ritual Power, Focus Power x2

Personality Traits: Domestic Spirit of Fertility +3*, Familial Traits**

**A Genius or Juno takes on the character of the family it watches over. Often this is a trait shared by many family members, or a strong trait of the patriarch or matriarch of the family.


Description: A Genius or Juno appears to second sight as a huge snake, often coiled around their favoured person.


Gift of New Life (CrCo) 3 Might Init -8 Ritual

R: Touch D: Momentary T: Unborn Child

The target of this power (which must be a human) is guaranteed to conceive a child the next time they have intercourse, so long as it is with a partner who is fertile. This reduces both the might pool and the might score of the spirit. A single point of this lost might is restored each time the family the patronise gives birth to a healthy child.

Children conceived after the use of this power may acquire the Magical Blood (Spirit) virtue, the Monstrous Blood (Spirit) flaw, or be born as a magical human with the Transformed virtue. The latter is far less common than the former.

(Base 15, +1 Touch)

Spirit of Fertility (Co) Variable Might Init Quickness-Magnitude

The spirit can replicate any effect related to Fertility or Unborn Children at a cost of 1 might per magnitude, with a maximum level of 25 higher than the might of the spirit.

The spirit has access to the Unborn Child target from Fertility Magic (see Ancient Magic pg. 55)

Banes of the Third Eye - Spirit of a Magical Disease Might 5-10 (Corpus) (Spring)

Many things are enhanced and sharpened in magic auras, for good and bad. Disease is no exception. While it’s well known many diseases are inflicted by malicious demons, it is a lesser known fact that some are also caused by faeries (such as elfshot) and by magical beings. Indeed, in a magical aura banes take on a similar, though more dispassionate, role to the demons of disease found in other places.

Some diseases are purely magical in nature and can only be found in magical places. Spirits of these diseases occasionally spring up spontaneously in magic auras, but for hermetic magi they are more often the result of botches or lab accidents involving the arts of Perdo, Corpus, and Vim.

One well attested spirit of this type are Banes of the Third Eye. These malignant spirits cause a disease which affects the invisible sense of second sight as Suffusio does the mundane eye – causing first impairment of the sense and eventually a complete loss if left untreated.

These banes infect those who observe them with second sight or magically granted senses, and this infection generates a new bane which clings to the unfortunate victim, in turn infecting anyone with second sight who observes them, and so on… The only way to control this infection is to quarantine the infected away from anyone with second sight until the disease spirit has been destroyed or has depleted itself (this usually taking between 3 and 5 days, but sometimes up to a month).

As with all banes these spirits are not malicious and take no pleasure nor draw any power from infecting victims. It is simply their essential nature to do so.

Characteristics: Cun +3, Per +0, Pre +1, Com +0, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Power, Temporary Might*, Improved Powers, Improved Abilities x4**

*These spirits generally use their Sight of the Malignant Spirit power one or twice a day until all their might is expended, and then dissipate. It is, however, technically possible to preserve them for longer.

**More powerful spirits will have the improved abilities quality more times, to increase their penetration score.

Personality Traits: Bane of the Third Eye+3*

Abilities: Penetration (Powers) 10

Description: Banes of the Third Eye are perceived as a lurid ball of painfully bright light to those with second sight.


Sight of the Malignant Spirit (PeCo) 1 Might Init -2

R: Personal D: Sun T: Spectacle

Anyone who observes the spirit with second sight while this power is active is infected with a disease which is functionally identical to Suffusio, except that instead of inflicting the Poor Eyesight flaw it causes a -3 penalty to second sight rolls, and instead of rendering the character blind if the disease worsens it inflicts a minor malediction which prevents the use of second sight at all. A failed crisis can render this malediction permanent.

Those observing the spirit through a magically granted sense are afflicted with regular Suffusio instead. This can also happen to characters who observe the spirit again with second sight after already being infected.

(Base 15, +2 Sun, +4 Spectacle)

Malariae - Spirits of Foul Vapours 1-3 Might (Imaginem) (Spring)

Continuing the trend of disease spirits with one that causes mundane disease, Malariae is the term used by hermetic scholars to describe spirits of noxious stenches, such as laboratory fumes, exposed sewage, or rot. These foul airs are already a source of disease and the imagine spirits they spawn only enhance this quality, to the detriment of those exposed.

Malariae are the spirits responsible for the increased potency of offensive odours in magic auras (just as other imagines are responsible for the enhancement of pleasant odours). They ebb and flow, expending might, dissipating, only to be replaced by a fresh Malaria after a short time. This makes the additional risk of disease unpredictable – sometimes a smell will be no worse than the mundane vapours would be, at others it is more potent and carries an increased risk, and at others even a single whiff may cause immediate infection.

So long as the stench exists Malaria will continue to be generated by it. The stronger the smell the stronger the Malariae it generates. If sufficient precautions are taken this can render the Malariae so weak they are unable to use their Miasma power.

To combat these spirits some covenants will have enchanted or charged items capable of nullifying smells, or of removing the sense of smell from a grog temporarily, for the protection of nightsoil-men, tanners, and others who by necessity have to deal with toxic smells. One note of warning is that altering the smell to something pleasant is not sufficient to prevent the disease – this has been learned by tragic experience in several covenants!

Characteristics: Cun +1, Per +0, Pre +3, Com +0, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Power, Personal Power, Temporary Might*, Improved Powers, Improved Abilities**

*These spirits generally use their Miasma power one or twice a day until all their might is expended, and then dissipate. It is, however, technically possible to preserve them for longer.

**More powerful spirits will have the improved abilities quality more times, to increase their penetration score.

Personality Traits: Spirit of Foul Air +3*

Abilities: Penetration (Powers) 7

Description: Malariae are perceived by second sight as a thick vapour which hangs over the source of the bad air, often in unhealthy colours.


Stench of Effluvia (CrIm) 0 Might Init -1

R: Touch D: Sun T: Individual

This power generates a particular smell. This will be identical to whatever smell spawned the Malaria with the effect of making it about twice as potent a stench.

(Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

Miasma (PeCo) 1 Might Init -1

R: Personal D: Sun T: Scent

Anyone who inhales the foul smell generated by the Stench of Effluvia power while this power is active is infected with a disease. The nature of the disease is specific to the conditions which spawned the Malaria, but this power has been designed so that any disease may be used. The Ague and Febris Semitertiana are two illnesses which can be caused by foul airs.

(Base 20, +2 Sun, +2 Scent)

Lesser Famae - Spirits of Gossip Might 1-5 (Imaginem) (Spring)

“The order is a village, writ large and clothed in immeasurable power.” - Oedenathus of Jerbiton

It is sometimes said that in the Order of Hermes rumour flies on the wind. This is often true in a literal as well as poetic sense due to the existence of Famae. Famae are imagine spirits of rumour and gossip. They spring up whenever a rumour is repeated and take delight in carrying it throughout the aura they inhabit. This accelerates and amplifies the normal spread of gossip.

If many lesser Famae exist in one place (due to the continual repetition of a certain item of rumour) they will begin to share might and coalesce into more powerful spirits. Once a Fama grows strong enough it may be able to survive a journey beyond the magic aura that birthed it, to spread the rumour that cause it yet further. Such spirits often trail redcaps from covenant to covenant. Otherwise famae are short lived and quickly dissipate once the rumour ceases to be spoken.

Lesser Famae are closely related to another class of spirit, also called Famae, which embody a reputation of a person. These spirits will be described in the next post.

Characteristics: Int +0, Per +0, Pre +1, Com +3, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Ritual Power, Lesser Power, Deteriorating Power, Ephemeral**

**A new major inferiority. See below for description.

Personality Traits: Spirit of Rumour +3*, Gossip +3

Abilities: Intrigue (Rumour) 5, Awareness (Listening) 3, Folk Ken (Gossipers) 3

Description: Famae appear to second sight as small winged humanoids with multiple sets of eyes and multiple tongues.


Chorus of Spirits (CrVi) 1 Might Init -4 Ritual

R: Touch D: Momentary T: Individual

By reducing its own might score by one the spirit can impart some of its power to another Fama. This can either restore up to five might (limited by the might score of the target) or grant progress towards a new quality for the target. A number of points imparted equal to the might score of the target allows for a new minor quality, while six times this amount allows for a new major quality.

When used against other Famae only this power may ignore Magic Resistance (unless the target Fama wants to resist for some reason).


Vocal Eidolon (CrIm) 0 Might Init -2

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

Allows the spirit to speak and be heard by those without second sight. This is affected by the deteriorating power flaw – as the spirit looses might from its pool its voice grows quieter and quieter, until it becomes a barely audible whisper when their pool is empty.

New Inferiorities

(Major Magical Inferiority) Ephemeral: The spirit is a fleeting thing, not long for this world. It does not replenish might naturally and loses one point of might from its might pool every 24 hours. If its might pool is empty then the point is removed from the might score instead. If the might score is reduced to 0 then the spirit ceases to exist. The spirit may consume vis to replenish might as normal.

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Greater Famae - Spirits of Reputation Might 5-30 (Mentem) (Spring-Summer)

The Greater Famae are to reputations as Eidolons are to emotions. Whenever someone is powerfully attuned to their reputation they generate an arcane connection to the Fama of that reputation. Sometimes this may even summon forth the Fama, though this is more commonly a result of a magical event (a botch, lab accident, etc.). In game terms any time a character performs an action which would grant a point of experience towards a reputation they temporarily generate this arcane connection with a duration of days.

A Greater Fama has one magnitude of might per level in the associated reputation. Thus a reputation of 3 can generate a Fama of 15 might.

Greater Famae desire the perpetuation of the reputation they are tied to. They will take every opportunity to try and convince the magus to act in a way that will enhance their reputation. Likewise they will impede them in any action which would harm the reputation that the spirit embodies. This can be a boon or a curse for a magus – negative reputations spawn Famae just as readily as positive ones!

Famae are as varied as the reputations which spawn them. The profile given below is therefore a broad template rather than a specific example.

Characteristics: A standard spread of characteristics, suitable to the reputation. This may be different than the magus if the reputation does not match reality.

Qualities and Inferiorities: Static Might Pool*, Greater Power (Master of [Something Related to Reputation]), Possession, Remaining might points may grant additional powers.

*A new major inferiority that utterly prevents might recovery. A Greater Fama will only recover might when new rumours about their client spread and generate Lesser Famae, which can use the Chorus of Spirits power on this spirit. See below for full description.

Personality Traits: Spirit of [Character]’s [Reputation] +3*, Other Traits Suitable to Reputation

Abilities: Abilities related to the reputation

Description: As a caricature of the character that spawned the Fama, but matching the reputation (for example a maga with a reputation as a “Wicked Witch” would produce a Fama looking like a twisted crone version of herself; a magus with the reputation “Herban Expert” would look like him but bedecked in everything related to Herbam – flowers in his hair, druidic robes, wooden wands, a hint of green to his skin, etc.

New Inferiorities

(Major Magical Inferiority) Static Might Pool: The spirit does not recover might to its might pool normally under any circumstances. It can only recover might from an external source such as consuming vis. The spirit is still affected by acclimation as normal and must remain in a magic aura to prevent it (or otherwise counter it) but does not have their might pool restored over time. Such spirits often have lesser spirits which “feed” them might using CrVi powers, or access to a vis source.

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Flora of a Lotus Tree Might 10 (Herbam) (Spring)

It is well known to some that the date-plum tree which grows in Africa and Southern Europe matches closely the description of the mythical Lotus tree as described by Homer, but lacks the mystical properties attributed to that plant. This is because the Lotus trees encountered by Odysseus were in fact date-plum trees of virtue.

If the best fruits of a Lotus tree are collected they can be enriched by fermenting it into wine. This enriched wine grants the Major Virtue Greater Immunity (Deprivation) for a year, meaning that the person who drinks it will not require food, drink, or rest for the year – but without food and rest they will be unable to recover long-term fatigue levels. A single Lotus tree can only produce enough suitable fruit to make a single dose of this wine a year.

The other famous properties of the Lotus tree are caused by the Flora spirits who attend them. For reasons unknown these spirits try to trap those who eat the fruit of the tree, clouding their memories of their past and enticing them to remain and consume more of the fruit. Some magi believe this is a punishment against those who steal the fruit of their tree, while others believe the spirits or the tree gain something from the presence of people. A more fanciful suggestion is that they somehow “eat” the memories of the trapped people, but this is likely false. Whatever the case, the spirits are not intelligent enough to communicate the true answer.

These spirits are unusually good at penetrating magic resistance, so even magi should be wary of the pull of the Lotus tree.

The location of the island of the Lotophagi, and how it could contain so many trees of virtue as to sustain an entire population on them alone is as much a mystery to the order as to the mundane world. Some seekers believe it to lie in an undiscovered regio aligned strongly to Mentem somewhere in the Mediterranean, while others believe such an abundance of trees of virtue could only be true if the island were an insula within the magic realm and that there must be a portal somewhere that Odysseus passed through.

Characteristics: Cun -1, Per +2, Pre +1, Com +0, Str +0, Sta +3, Dex +0, Qik +1

Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Power x2, Improved Abilities x4

Personality Traits: Spirit of the Lotus Tree +3*, Wants to trap people +3

Abilities: Concentration (Powers) 5, Penetration (Powers) 9

Description: Flora of Lotus trees appear to second sight as small humans lounging in or around their tree. They have a drowsy appearance and are usually seen with expressions of bliss and contentement.


Cloud the Memories of Home (PeMe) 0 Might Init -1

R: Touch D: Sun T: Individual

This power makes the target unable to call up memories into the imagination. Their memories remain intact but are blocked off from their other faculties. This makes any kind of thinking about things involving the past extremely difficult. Under the effect of this spell the target still has full cognitive ability to act based on things in their present surroundings, and even to plan for the future – only the past is hidden from them. They form memories as normal and will recall everything they did under the effect of this power.

(Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

Eat of the Fruit and be Merry (CrMe) 3 Might Init +2

R: Voice D: Concentration T: Group

This power is functionally identical to the power Guide as described in RoP:M pg 39. The spirits use it to try and convince people to eat the fruit of the tree, or if they are already entrapped to make the enriched wine to sustain themselves without having to leave.#

Imagines of Taste Might 0-3 (Imaginem) (Spring)

The impact of sensory species on the sense organs is one of the factors that contributes to the humoral balance of a person. As each sensation in a magic aura has an attached imagine rendering it more vivid (and thus increasing the quantity of species) this influence is amplified. While in general this balances out (as all the other influences are similarly magnified) extra caution must be taken not to over-indulge in substances which inflame a single humor.

For example, magi generally live relatively wealthy lifestyles, and so many have abundant access to wine. The imagine spirits of wine (both involving scent and flavour) enhance the choleric properties of the drink. This leads to an increased risk of diseases such as gout, but the increased influence on the humors also leads to a noticeable (though temporary) influence on the personalities of imbibers in magic auras.

This effect is well known to the order, and most covenants and individual magi are sensible enough to ensure they correct any such humoral imbalance with a countering influence. Some go the other way – there are members of the Gastronomer’s society who are able to influence the entire tone and direction of a meal, simply through the selection of dishes which inflame certain humors and dampen others.

The example given here is a spirit of the taste of a red wine, a choleric drink.

Characteristics: Cun -3, Per +0, Pre +3, Com +0, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Power

Personality Traits: Spirit of Taste +3*

Abilities: Concentration (Powers) 5, Penetration (Powers) 5

Description: This imagine is only detectable to second sight as an especially vivid taste, which reaches the tongue before the wine has even touched it.


Explosion of Flavour (CrIm) 0 Might Init -1

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

Generates the taste of wine. If used on an existing quantity of wine then the taste is enhanced, making it more vivid than normal.

(Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)

Rising Choler (ReCo) 0 Might Init -2

R: Touch D: Momentary T: Individual

This power inflames the choleric humor of the target human. Any Choleric personality traits they possess are increased by +1, and any phlegmatic traits are decreased by -1. If they have no applicable traits then they are granted a temporary Choleric personality trait of strength +1. This effect wears off naturally after a few hours if the target avoids choleric substances.

This cannot raise a trait above +3, or lower it beyond -3, unless the character has a relevant personality flaw.
