Malariae - Spirits of Foul Vapours 1-3 Might (Imaginem) (Spring)
Continuing the trend of disease spirits with one that causes mundane disease, Malariae is the term used by hermetic scholars to describe spirits of noxious stenches, such as laboratory fumes, exposed sewage, or rot. These foul airs are already a source of disease and the imagine spirits they spawn only enhance this quality, to the detriment of those exposed.
Malariae are the spirits responsible for the increased potency of offensive odours in magic auras (just as other imagines are responsible for the enhancement of pleasant odours). They ebb and flow, expending might, dissipating, only to be replaced by a fresh Malaria after a short time. This makes the additional risk of disease unpredictable – sometimes a smell will be no worse than the mundane vapours would be, at others it is more potent and carries an increased risk, and at others even a single whiff may cause immediate infection.
So long as the stench exists Malaria will continue to be generated by it. The stronger the smell the stronger the Malariae it generates. If sufficient precautions are taken this can render the Malariae so weak they are unable to use their Miasma power.
To combat these spirits some covenants will have enchanted or charged items capable of nullifying smells, or of removing the sense of smell from a grog temporarily, for the protection of nightsoil-men, tanners, and others who by necessity have to deal with toxic smells. One note of warning is that altering the smell to something pleasant is not sufficient to prevent the disease – this has been learned by tragic experience in several covenants!
Characteristics: Cun +1, Per +0, Pre +3, Com +0, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0
Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Power, Personal Power, Temporary Might*, Improved Powers, Improved Abilities**
*These spirits generally use their Miasma power one or twice a day until all their might is expended, and then dissipate. It is, however, technically possible to preserve them for longer.
**More powerful spirits will have the improved abilities quality more times, to increase their penetration score.
Personality Traits: Spirit of Foul Air +3*
Abilities: Penetration (Powers) 7
Description: Malariae are perceived by second sight as a thick vapour which hangs over the source of the bad air, often in unhealthy colours.
Stench of Effluvia (CrIm) 0 Might Init -1
R: Touch D: Sun T: Individual
This power generates a particular smell. This will be identical to whatever smell spawned the Malaria with the effect of making it about twice as potent a stench.
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
Miasma (PeCo) 1 Might Init -1
R: Personal D: Sun T: Scent
Anyone who inhales the foul smell generated by the Stench of Effluvia power while this power is active is infected with a disease. The nature of the disease is specific to the conditions which spawned the Malaria, but this power has been designed so that any disease may be used. The Ague and Febris Semitertiana are two illnesses which can be caused by foul airs.
(Base 20, +2 Sun, +2 Scent)