30 Magic Spirits for November

Greater Famae - Spirits of Reputation Might 5-30 (Mentem) (Spring-Summer)

The Greater Famae are to reputations as Eidolons are to emotions. Whenever someone is powerfully attuned to their reputation they generate an arcane connection to the Fama of that reputation. Sometimes this may even summon forth the Fama, though this is more commonly a result of a magical event (a botch, lab accident, etc.). In game terms any time a character performs an action which would grant a point of experience towards a reputation they temporarily generate this arcane connection with a duration of days.

A Greater Fama has one magnitude of might per level in the associated reputation. Thus a reputation of 3 can generate a Fama of 15 might.

Greater Famae desire the perpetuation of the reputation they are tied to. They will take every opportunity to try and convince the magus to act in a way that will enhance their reputation. Likewise they will impede them in any action which would harm the reputation that the spirit embodies. This can be a boon or a curse for a magus – negative reputations spawn Famae just as readily as positive ones!

Famae are as varied as the reputations which spawn them. The profile given below is therefore a broad template rather than a specific example.

Characteristics: A standard spread of characteristics, suitable to the reputation. This may be different than the magus if the reputation does not match reality.

Qualities and Inferiorities: Static Might Pool*, Greater Power (Master of [Something Related to Reputation]), Possession, Remaining might points may grant additional powers.

*A new major inferiority that utterly prevents might recovery. A Greater Fama will only recover might when new rumours about their client spread and generate Lesser Famae, which can use the Chorus of Spirits power on this spirit. See below for full description.

Personality Traits: Spirit of [Character]’s [Reputation] +3*, Other Traits Suitable to Reputation

Abilities: Abilities related to the reputation

Description: As a caricature of the character that spawned the Fama, but matching the reputation (for example a maga with a reputation as a “Wicked Witch” would produce a Fama looking like a twisted crone version of herself; a magus with the reputation “Herban Expert” would look like him but bedecked in everything related to Herbam – flowers in his hair, druidic robes, wooden wands, a hint of green to his skin, etc.

New Inferiorities

(Major Magical Inferiority) Static Might Pool: The spirit does not recover might to its might pool normally under any circumstances. It can only recover might from an external source such as consuming vis. The spirit is still affected by acclimation as normal and must remain in a magic aura to prevent it (or otherwise counter it) but does not have their might pool restored over time. Such spirits often have lesser spirits which “feed” them might using CrVi powers, or access to a vis source.

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