30 Magic Spirits for November

Bacchuli, Spirits of Inebriation – Magic Might 4 (Mentem) (Spring)

Bacchuli (Little Bacchus’) are a peculiar spirit that are well known to the order but not very well studied. They are attracted to or generated by people deep in their cups. Even when they manifest a visible and audible form it seems to be only perceptible to people who are drunk. Naturally studying such spirits has proven difficult due to the need for the magus themselves to be drunk, or at least to have a drunkard present to attract and keep the attention of the spirit – neither conditions conducive to good lab work.

Bacchuli are amusing spirits which seem to delight in the uninhibited actions of drunken beings. Reports say they often offer encouraging advice or suggest “fun” ideas, which in their drunken state their targets are often susceptible to. This has led to many situations of embarrassment for grogs (and more rarely magi who unwisely forget to raise their parma while drunk at dawn or dusk) and just as many amusing stories. There are very few reports of the actions of Bacchuli causing anyone any real harm, and in these cases it seems to have been genuinely accidental.

Characteristics: Int +0, Per +0, Pre +3, Com +1, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex -3, Qik +3

Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Power x2, Reduced Abilities x2

Personality Traits: Spirit of Inebriation +3*, Playful +3

Abilities: Charm (Inebriated People) 2, Penetration (Powers) 1

Description: The appearance of Bacchuli seem to vary wildly – among the forms reported have been small winged creatures, unusually coloured pachyderms, attractive people of the opposite sex, and in at least one case a chair (though this may have simply been an excuse to avoid embarrassment by a particularly tired and emotional magus after missing the real chair…)


Drunken Apparition (Cr(In)Im(Me)) 0 Might Init +1

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

As per the power Eidolon except that the visual and auditory species created can only be detected by beings who are in a state of deep inebriation.

Bad Influence (Me) 3 Might Init +4

R: Voice D: Special T: Group

This power subtly influences a group of beings toward a specific course of action. It can only target people who are inebriated and lasts until they are no longer drunk (this is roughly equivalent to the Faerie duration While ). The storyguide should provide advice to the character in a similar way to the Common Sense Virtue, except that the advice serves the creature’s agenda, not that of the character. There is no compulsion to follow this advice

Bacchuli use this power to try and convince their targets to do amusing, if often ill-advised, things. Drunken hijinks are often laid at the foot of Bacchuli in some covenants, though this is metaphorical as often as literal.