30 Magic Spirits for November

Aside – Gastronomic Recipes

Note: The rules here are a first draft and not in any way play tested and may need adjusting in actual use. There is a Gastronomer character with a cook companion in a a saga I play in and this seemed like a fun extension of Reagents/Theriacs/Inceptions that would give him something to strive towards as seasonal activity.

As mentioned in the previous entry some members of the Gastronomer’s society are adept at composing meals which, if consumed in a magic aura, produce a specific response in the target. This is akin to a kind of specialised Formula (much like Pharmaceutical Theriacs, Astrological Inceptions, and Alchemical Reagants).

Like other formulae this is simply an application of natural (if obscure) principles. Anyone may produce Gastronomic Recipes so long as they have the necessary skills and a score of at least 1 in magic lore (awareness of the effect of magic auras on the humors is a prerequisite). Most Gastronomers employ a skilled cook who they have trained in enough magic lore to prepare their collected recipes.

To concoct a formula a character must have a suitable “laboratory” – in this case a kitchen (the character does not need to personally cook the food but must be closely involved). As with other formulae they must spend a season working on the formula and roll:

LAB TOTAL: Intelligence+Profession (Cook)*+Philosophic Bonuses

*A similar skill may be substituted, anything to do with producing food will work.

For every point this total exceeds the level of the recipe one point of progress is made. When a number of points equal to the level of the recipe have been accumulated the recipe is learned and a lab text (a written recipe) is generated.

Using Recipe Lab Texts

Unlike other formulae Recipe lab texts are not used to produce doses via lab work but must be prepared immediately before they are to be consumed. They require one day of preparation per 5 levels of effect, after which the lab total is generated as normal and one dose is produced for every 5 levels the lab total exceeds the level of the recipe. These doses spoil as any other food or drink, and must be consumed within the usual timeframe or spoil. For many recipes advance preparation is not possible for this reason.

Producing recipes of this degree of complexity is extremely strenuous and inflicts a long-term fatigue level which is not recovered until the end of the season.

Ingredients and Lab Total Bonuses

Much of the complexity of inventing recipes is finding combinations of ingredients and preparations which will produce the desired response while remaining temporary enough not to inflict illness on the targets. There is no risk of long-term humoral imbalance from consuming Gastronomic recipes, but a botched roll when using a recipe may result in it inflicting disease, disease symptoms, excessive emotions, or poisoning!

In order to achieve the highest lab totals ingredients with proper shape and material bonuses must be used. These become a part of the recipe lab text and must be used exactly when using the recipe later. These are consumed each time. Every ingredient has a material bonus to one or more properties (hot, cold, dry, moist), for examples see the Commonly Used Ingredients sidebar in Art and Acadame pg. 63. Apply only the highest bonus (if one humor is being amplified) or highest two bonuses (if two humors are being amplified) that apply to the properties of the humor(s) being manipulated.

Further bonuses are possible but require the addition of ingredients with material bonuses directly related to the intended effect and the ingredients must be exceptional examples of their kind (things of virtue, or possibly containing vis). The greatest of recipes will require a skilled cook and the inclusion of multiple rare ingredients.

Recipe Guidelines

When devising a recipe there are only three parameters: base level, the amount of influence on personality traits, and how many people a single dose can feed.

By default recipes cause a +1 to traits of the target humor(s) and -1 to their inverse, Each further+1/-1 adds a magnitude to the effect.

By default a recipe produces enough to feed one person per dose, and each order of 10 increase to this adds one degree to the recipe.

It is possible to only alter certain desired traits from the affected humors. This adds +1 magnitude to the effect. However, for every trait increased in one humor one of the opposite humor must be lowered – this restriction cannot be bypassed without causing a damaging imbalance of the humors.

Quantity per Dose:

1 Person +0

10 People +1

100 People +2

1000 People +3


2: Amplify traits of a single humor and decrease traits of the opposite humor, to a limit of -1/+1

3: Amplify traits of a single humor and decrease traits of the opposite humor, to a limit of -2/+2

Amplify a mix of two non-opposing humors and decrease the other two, to a limit of -1/+1

4: Amplify traits of a single humor and decrease traits of the opposite humor, to a limit of -3/+3

Amplify a mix of two non-opposing humors and decrease the other two, to a limit of -2/+2

5: Amplify a mix of two non-opposing humors and decrease the other two, to a limit of -3/+3

Example Recipes

Alcibiades of Jerbiton’s Romantic Dinner for Two Level 5

This recipe calls for a preparation of chicken flavoured with thyme (+3 hot) and figs of virtue (+3 sex). It inflames the Sanguine humors, increasing traits such as Lustful and Amorous by +2 and decreasing Melancholic traits such as Loyal and Unsociable by -2 to nor more than+3 and -3 respectively. It also amplifies flaws from these humors such as Weak-Willed and Self-Obsessed as an unfortunate side-effect.

The ingredients grant a material bonus of +6 to the lab total.

(Base 4, +1 increased influence)

Hector of Tytalus’ Personal Vintage Level 10

This recipe produces a wine which amplifies the Choleric trait Argumentative by +2 and reduces the Phlegmatic trait Easy-Going by -2, to a maximum of +2/-2 respectively. Hector supplies it to his fellow Tytali among whom it is a popular beverage to serve during debates, to encourage lively argument.

The preparation requires wine to be kept in casks lined with natural copper mined from a magic aura (+2 passion) and flavoured with Angelica (+3 Hot). The copper lining wears away and must be replaced each time a batch is produced. Each dose creates enough wine to supply ten people for an event.

(Base 3, +1 10 people per dose, +1 increased influence, +1 target specific traits)

Feast of Hermes Level 30

This grand recipe, devised by a former primus of Jerbiton, is often served at important gatherings of magi. It raises the Sanguine and Phlegmatic humors by +3 (to a limit of +3) and dampens the Choleric and Melancholic by -3 (to a limit of -3). This encourages Friendliness, Calm, Prudence and Compassion and dampens Vengeful, Unsociable, Pompous, and Proud.

It calls for a preparation of “powder vert” – a powdered emerald of virtue (+2 Calm), flakes of vis-bearing gold (+4 peace), and the ground flesh of vipers collected in a magic aura (+3 Hot, +3 Moist). Which is used to prepare the dishes. This grants a +12 bonus to the lab total.

Each dose can feed 100 people.

(Base 5, +1 target specific traits, +2 increased influence, +2 100 people per dose)


Egeriae – Flora of Poplars Might 10-25 (Herbam) (Spring-Autumn)

The spirits of Poplar trees can become unusually potent for Flora, the poplar (both black and white) being strongly tied to divination and augury. Poplar spirits have an innate understanding of divination, omens, and the nature of magic itself. This innate understanding pales in comparison to the knowledge of modern magi, but Egeriae are still sometimes consulted by grogs, mundanes, or magi deficient in magic lore or intellego.

The Egeria is the Genius Loci of a particular Poplar grove near the Porta Capena in Rome, which now exists entirely within a magical regio. Her tutelage of the Roman King Numa Pompilius is foundational to many aspects of Roman religion, and some seekers consider Pompilius to be a precursor to later Roman magical traditions. He was said to have consulted directly with Jupiter and forced the god Faunus and his father Picus into delivering prophecies. This has led many to believe he practiced theurgy.

Like Numa before him, Bonisagus studied under Egeria for a short time as one of the sources of insight into what would eventually become his hermetic theory. To the disappointment of later neo-mercurian seekers Egeria was not involved with the early Cult of Mercury, whose magic has some more ancient origin.

Those wishing to win the favour of Egeriae should make libations to their trees, and if the request is great, vis should be offered as well. It is in the essential nature of Egariae to acquire knowledge – and for a spirit of not inconsiderable might that kind of improvement requires vis – but it is also in their nature to dispense this knowledge to those who respectfully ask for it.

Usually only one poplar will manifest an Egeria, if at all, even if there are many present in a strong aura. Other trees will manifest simpler unintelligent spirits, or sometimes no spirits at all. Some magi believe that Egeriae are able to extract vis from other poplar trees which begin to accrue it, ensuring only one powerful spirit can exist in any given area.

The example given below is a Spring Egeria, older and more developed spirits will have a much broader range of abilities but with a focus on their primary skills of Divination & Augury and Magic Lore.

Characteristics: Int +3, Per +0, Pre +1, Com +2, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Improved Characteristics, Essential Trait, Lesser Power, Divination and Augury, Greater Power, Improved Abilities

Personality Traits: Poplar Spirit +3*, Learned +3*, Tutelary +2

Abilities: Divination and Augury (Preferred Method) 5, Penetration (Against Other Egeriae) 4, Magic Lore (Local Area) 4

Description: Egeriae appear as attractive human women, their supernatural nature revealed only in their pigmentation – those of white poplars have unnaturally white skin and pure black hair, while those of black poplar have grey-black skin and hair of pure white (despite an otherwise youthful appearance).


Theft of Power (Pe(Re)Vi) 3 Might Init -4

R: Touch D: Momentary T: Individual

This power allows the spirit to steal a pawn of vis from another poplar spirit if this power penetrates their magic resistance (reducing their might score by 5 as per a PeVi effect) or extract it from in or near a poplar tree. This power is why only one Egeria ever exists in one place, and how they reclaim offerings of vis given to their tree. This power can only be used on other Egeriae and their trees, not on other spirits or beings with might scores.

(Base 10, +1 Touch, +1 Rego Requisite)

Donning the Corporeal Veil (Cr(Re)Co) 0 Might Init -1

R: Touch D: Sun T: Individual

This power allows the spirit to take on a physical form, usually that of a human woman. For more details see Donning the corporeal Veil in RoP:M pg. 102.

Anguitiae – Fauna of Asps Might 5-10 (Animal) (Summer)

Anguitiae (or Angitiae) are the spirits of asps – specifically the European asp viper. Asps are symbolic of the practice of medicine and are venomous, making them symbols of both life and death. Anguitiae are not intelligent, but they have an innate understanding of medicine as part of their essential nature – this is also true of some other serpent spirits, but Anguitiae are the most well known to the order due to their abundance in the areas of the Roman tribunal, Provencal tribunal, the north of the Iberian tribunal, and in the vicinity of Durenmar (though no further into the Rhine tribunal than this).

Anguitiae can speak and explain to others what is wrong with the sick (if the spirit succeeds in diagnosis) and how to treat them, but their knowledge is primal and innate. They cannot teach it to others, nor would a trained physician be impressed with it. Outside of this instinct to heal they are no more intelligent than a clever animal. It is important to note the dichotomy of Anguitiae – while they have an instinct to heal the viper itself remains no less dangerous, and the two cannot be separated.

Angitia was worshipped as a goddess by ancient peoples in Italy, and was briefly adopted by the Romans, though her cult never achieved much prominence. There is a small magical grove in the Roman tribunal called Lucus Angitiae the Genius Loci of which appears to be related to these spirits, perhaps having once been one before becoming a named spirit. The grove is known to the order and is used as a vis source by Magvillus.

There is a lineage of magic-blooded humans in the Roman tribunal who have the ability to speak to serpents. They claim descent from the Genius Loci of Lucus Angitiae in ancient days. They can be found as grogs in various covenants, with the primary lineage serving in Magvillus. More rarely one of their number also manifests an affinity with medicine or the ability to cure snake venom with a purifying touch.

Characteristics: Cun +3, Per +0, Pre +1, Com +1, Str -1, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Ritual Power, Improved Powers, Greater Power, Herbalist, Reduced Abilities x3

Personality Traits: Asp Viper Spirit +3*, Healer +3

Abilities: Herbalism (Diagnosis) 5*, Profession: Apothecary (Herblore) 4, Chirurgy (First Aid) 4, Leadership (Directing Medical Treatment) 2

*See Art and Academe pg. 55, this ability can be used for diagnosis, prognosis, and disease treatment, but is primitive and would not be recognised as sound practice by an educated physician.

Description: Anguitiae appear as matronly women wearing clothing that resembles snakeskin. Sometimes their hair may appear to writhe as if made of snakes as well.


The Viper’s Wrath Undone (CrCo) Variable Might Init -12 Ritual

R: Touch D: Momentary T: Individual

This power allows the spirit to cure any venom or poison instantly. The use of this power always expends the entire might pool and score of the spirit, which destroys the spirit and causes the death of the snake. Obviously, this can only be used once by a given spirit. This power is the reason that the ancient Italic peoples attributed the power to kill serpents with a touch to Angitia.

(Base 35, +1 Touch)

Eidolon (CrCo) 0 Might Init +0

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

This power allows the spirit to manifest a form which is visible and audible to those without second sight. It has an appearance that matches the description given above. As this form is not physical the spirit can only direct others in medical treatments, it cannot perform them itself.

Genius Mali – Spirit of an Apple Grove Might 15-25 (Herbam) (Spring)

Some spirits sit on the edge between the lesser airy spirits and the greater named spirits. They are not powerful enough to become named spirits, yet are greater in power and scope than a simple airy spirit. The Genius Mali (Genius of the Apple Tree), is one such spirit. It is the spirit of the oldest tree in a grove or orchard of apple trees, and possesses some, but not all, the properties of a Genius Loci over the grove. These spirits only exist in groves which are not exceptional enough to possess a full Genius Loci – in those places this same spirit will become the Genius Loci.

A Genius Mali is, unlike most Flora, intelligent and self-aware. It has power over not only its personal tree, but over the fertility of the entire grove. It acts as a kind of chieftain over the simpler flora of the other trees. It may take measures to protect its grove and is often willing to form pacts with those who tend to the grove with care – trading a guaranteed crop of fine fruits in exchange for protection and respect.

In the Stonehenge tribunal, where apple orchards are abundant, these spirits are known by mundanes as “Apple Tree Men” and are honoured by ancient traditions in the southern parts of the tribunal.

Characteristics: Int +1, Per +2, Pre +1, Com +1, Str +0, Sta +1, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Magical Champion*, Greater Power x3, Focus Power x2

*The airy spirits of the trees in the grove (and the trees themselves, if awakened) look to the Genius Mali as their natural leader.

Personality Traits: Spirit of the Orchard +3*, Likes people who care for its trees +3

Abilities: Concentration (Powers) 5, Penetration (Powers) 5

Description: The Genius Mali usually appears as an older man, with older groves having spirits which look more weathered. Their hair and clothes are made of apple leaves, which reflect the season – they blossom when the trees do, and in the winter are withered and brown. To some (perhaps those more educated in Hellenic myth where the goddess Pomona was patron of apple trees) they appear as younger and female.


The Harvest Comes When I Will It (ReHe) 2 Might Init -4

R: Touch D: Sun T: Group

This power (which is actually two powers grouped for convenience) allows the spirit to delay the blossoming and the growing of fruit of the trees in the grove for a day. Conversely it can cause the entire orchard to blossom or bear fruit all at once overnight. The spirit may also choose to use this power on one tree only, but the might cost remains the same.

(Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Group, +1 Size)

Lord of the Apple Trees (He) Variable Might Init Quickness-Magnitude

The spirit may replicate any power relating to Apple Trees at a cost of one might per magnitude of effect.

Rouse the Slumbering Grove (ReHe) 5 Might Init -5

R: Voice D: Concentration T: Group

This power allows the spirit to awaken the trees of their grove, which will obey its commands for the duration. This power is most commonly used to defend the grove against defilers, or to punish apple-thieves. Each tree can fight with Initiative +5, Attack +7, and Damage +10 and can even uproot itself and move around if needs be, at about half the speed a human could walk. Mundane weapons are largely useless against large trees.

(Base 10, +2 Voice, +1 Concentration, +2 Group, +3 Size)

Bacchuli, Spirits of Inebriation – Magic Might 4 (Mentem) (Spring)

Bacchuli (Little Bacchus’) are a peculiar spirit that are well known to the order but not very well studied. They are attracted to or generated by people deep in their cups. Even when they manifest a visible and audible form it seems to be only perceptible to people who are drunk. Naturally studying such spirits has proven difficult due to the need for the magus themselves to be drunk, or at least to have a drunkard present to attract and keep the attention of the spirit – neither conditions conducive to good lab work.

Bacchuli are amusing spirits which seem to delight in the uninhibited actions of drunken beings. Reports say they often offer encouraging advice or suggest “fun” ideas, which in their drunken state their targets are often susceptible to. This has led to many situations of embarrassment for grogs (and more rarely magi who unwisely forget to raise their parma while drunk at dawn or dusk) and just as many amusing stories. There are very few reports of the actions of Bacchuli causing anyone any real harm, and in these cases it seems to have been genuinely accidental.

Characteristics: Int +0, Per +0, Pre +3, Com +1, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex -3, Qik +3

Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Power x2, Reduced Abilities x2

Personality Traits: Spirit of Inebriation +3*, Playful +3

Abilities: Charm (Inebriated People) 2, Penetration (Powers) 1

Description: The appearance of Bacchuli seem to vary wildly – among the forms reported have been small winged creatures, unusually coloured pachyderms, attractive people of the opposite sex, and in at least one case a chair (though this may have simply been an excuse to avoid embarrassment by a particularly tired and emotional magus after missing the real chair…)


Drunken Apparition (Cr(In)Im(Me)) 0 Might Init +1

R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual

As per the power Eidolon except that the visual and auditory species created can only be detected by beings who are in a state of deep inebriation.

Bad Influence (Me) 3 Might Init +4

R: Voice D: Special T: Group

This power subtly influences a group of beings toward a specific course of action. It can only target people who are inebriated and lasts until they are no longer drunk (this is roughly equivalent to the Faerie duration While ). The storyguide should provide advice to the character in a similar way to the Common Sense Virtue, except that the advice serves the creature’s agenda, not that of the character. There is no compulsion to follow this advice

Bacchuli use this power to try and convince their targets to do amusing, if often ill-advised, things. Drunken hijinks are often laid at the foot of Bacchuli in some covenants, though this is metaphorical as often as literal.

Fulgorae – Spirits of Lightning Might 10-15 (Auram) (Spiring)

Fulgorae are airy spirits of Auram which are attracted by the fiercest thunderstorms. Their presence renders these storms more dramatic and fearsome than any that can be found in the mundane world. Their physical bodies (when manifested) are formed out of pure lightning and course as a striking bolt from point to point. To the ignorant this may appear to be some kind of bizarre natural phenomenon.

Like all spirits of Auram they are fixated on change, flexibility, and malleability. Though due to their nature this takes on a decidedly more destructive bent than many spirits of the air. It is well documented that once they have struck something and destroyed it they will never voluntarily strike it again – no more change can be made to it through their powers, so it becomes of no consequence to them.

Fulgorae are potent servants for magi, able to strike down many foes. This is among the most dangerous spirits for a theurge to attempt to bind, however, as they hate to be caged or pressed into long service and are intelligent enough to hold grudges! Somewhat surprisingly considering their destructive nature they are quite lucid and good conversationalists, if they can be kept in one place for long enough.

Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre +1, Com +1, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +5

Qualities and Inferiorities: Improved Characteristics x2, Great Characteristic x2, Greater Power

Personality Traits: Lightning Bolt Spirit +3*, Restless +3

Abilities: Penetration (Powers) 4, Magic Lore (Auram Spirits) 1, Finesse (Aiming Powers) 4, Leadership (Intimidation) 2

Description: To second sight Fulgorae appear as vaguely humanoid shapes hovering in the air, formed of a kind of hazy light like afterimages left when you watch a lightning strike.


Son of Jove (Cr(Re)Au) 1 Might Init +6

R: Touch D: Diameter T: Individual

This power allows the spirit to manifest as a lightning bolt. In this form they move as a bolt of lightning would but the spirit can choose the place the bolt will strike. Whatever is struck by the spirit in this form takes +20 damage. This is slightly less than a mundane bolt of lightning, as the spirit must dissolve the body before the bolt completely dissipates or be destroyed itself. The spirit may choose to deal +30 damage instead, but afterwards is immediately destroyed. This leaves behind 2-3 pawns of insubstantial Auram vis (less if the spirit has depleted their might pool before this).

Lares Vestales, Sprits of the Hearth 3-10 Might (Ignem) (Spring)

The Lares Vestales (often referred to simply as “Vestae”) are hearth spirits that naturally arise from hearth fires which are regularly tended in magic auras. They are usually quite minor spirits unless a home has been continuously inhabited for a great deal of time (in the order of generations) without interruption. Though they are named for the domestic guardian spirits once honoured by the Romans (these were actually, in all likelihood, faeries) they are airy spirits of fire and have little regard for, or indeed ability to comprehend, the familial unit.

Instead they have a keen awareness of individuals and become attached to specific members of the household, usually the ones who regularly tend the hearth fire. As this often means the women of the house, in some covenants they are viewed as guardian spirits of women. In covenants less bound by traditional gender roles they are sometimes viewed as guardians of the young, or of serving folk.

A Lar which is well tended and honoured grants blessings of luck to members of the household. The weakest of Lares can only grant this blessing to a single member of the household, but some can spread their gifts across multiple people. In some covenants with a strong mercurian influence grogs are sometimes gifted with a pawn of vis to offer to the Lar of their household, often on Saturnalia.

The tending of the hearth was of great importance in Roman domestic religion, and allowing the hearthfire to burn out was a shameful event for the women of a household. The symbolic importance of the tending of domestic fires was performed at large scale on the level of the state via the vestal virgins and their sacred fires. Because of this significance

Characteristics: Int +0, Per +2, Pre +1, Com +0, Str +0, Sta +2, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Ritual Power, Improved Powers, Decreased Abilities

Personality Traits: Hearth Spirit +3*, Likes the tender of the hearth +3

Abilities: Penetration (Powers) 2, Awareness (The House) 3, Folk Ken (Tender) 3, Area Lore (The House) 2

Description: Lares Vestales are often perceived as small humanoid figures that move with the flames of the hearth fire, usually with the appearance of a young man or woman. They always appear lithe and graceful and seem almost to dance in the flickering light of their native fire.


Grant Luck (Vi) 3 Might Init -10 Ritual

R: Touch D: Momentary T: Individual

Grants the Luck Minor Virtue to the target. If granted temporarily the might used is not regained until the blessing is withdrawn. If granted permanently the might is taken from the might score of the spirit.

Praesagienti, Spirits of Foreboding Wind 10 Might (Auram) (Spring)

Praesagienti are elemental spirits of the air. They can be found in all magic auras which are not contained within buildings to some degree, but are more numerous in strong auras and places associated with Auram and Mentem.

As spirits of air Praesagienti have a keen sense of change and transition. They react to the shifting of the mood in a covenant, or the coming of a great change, by generating weather phenomena. A widespread sense of defeat and gloom in the covenant might cause them to generate a gloomy overcast sky, a birth which is of great significance to the covenant might make them clear the skies so the sun shines brightly, or a powerful sense of anger in the covenant might have them generate a thunderstorm.

Praesagienti cannot predict the future, but are more adept at perceiving change than humans generally are. As such it may sometimes appear as if they have supernaturally predicted an event when in fact a sufficiently perceptive human could have made the same prediction with the information on hand.

Some magi acquire an arcane connection to a particular Praesagientus so they can summon it forth to ask about such foreboding signs. They are not the easiest spirits to communicate with, fixated as they are on change and transition (and often forgetting or ignoring things which have not recently changed in some way, or are in the process of changing). Still, their insight into the mood of the covenant as a whole can be enlightening.

For a storyguide Praesagienti are an in-setting excuse for dramatic license when it comes to the weather. The perfect reason for an unseasonal storm to foreshadow an event, or for the skies to clear at a moment of victory and so on…

Characteristics: Int +0, Per +3, Pre +0, Com +0, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +1

Qualities and Inferiorities: Personal Power x2, Improved Powers x2, Focus Power x2

Personality Traits: Spirit of Foreboding Winds +3*, Flair for the Dramatic +3

Abilities: Awareness (Change) 5, Folk Ken (Groups) 4

Description: Praesagienti often appear as symbols of an auspicious or ominous nature in the culture of the observer. Doves and ravens are commonly reported forms, but more unusual variants such as cats formed of black stormclouds have been observed as well.


Sense of the Prevailing Mood (InMe) 0 Might Init +1

R: Personal D: Concentration T: Vision

The spirit can perceive the mood of a group of people they can see, judging both the emotions of individuals and if a single emotion is widespread in a group.

(Base 10, +1 Concentration, +4 vision)

Lord of the Upper Air (Au) Variable Might Init Variable

The spirit can replicate any Creo, Rego, or Perdo Auram effect up to level 25 at a cost of 1 might per magnitude.

Story Seeds Part 1

It Wasn’t Me!

A magus with a negative reputation begins to receive complaints and accusations. Every event involved him doing something in line with his bad reputation and was witnessed by several people. The magus pleads innocence. In truth the magus has inadvertently spawned a Greater Fama of his bad reputation, which has been responsible for the misdeeds perpetrated in his name. Not only is this harming his reputation, but as his infamy grows so does the power of the spirit – in time it may become powerful enough to use its possession ability on him and force him to advance this negative reputation in person! If no magus in the covenant has a relevant reputation, then the victim is an ally of the covenant who comes to them pleading for help.

Caveat Litor

Caught in a desperate situation a character calls for the protection of a pagan god (perhaps unthinkingly, or earnestly if the character is a pagan). A Lita appears for a moment, then vanishes away into the magic realm. Some time later an aspect of a powerful diamon appears to the player (accompanied by the Lita) and demands a service as payment for the requested aid. This aid may not even be wanted by the character, but angering such a powerful magical spirit may be a very bad idea. The service demanded is no simple task, but the hints the daimon has already given about it are intriguing – perhaps there is gain to be found for both parties here? This serves as a hook by which any interesting element of Mythic Europe can be introduced to a covenant.

Even in Death They Still Serve

A covenant that is in some way connected to the player covenant is under suspicion of using cruel rites to murder grogs and create Spectral Servants which will perform the same work without pay or upkeep. The covenant in question claims innocence, but they have come into possession of several spectral servants recently. A Quaesitor who is investigating comes to the player covenant and asks for their assistance in discovering the truth of this mystery. On the one hand they may be exposing their friends to legal charges if they help, but on the other hand the idea of murdering grogs to intentionally create ghosts will likely not sit well with most – what if the accusations are true?

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Story Seeds Part 2

The Vis of the Wood

A wood in an isolated location, almost equidistant from several covenants (including the player covenant) is discovered to have a magic aura by an adventurous redcap. I will be found to be rich in vis of several kinds, starting a conflict between the covenants over these newfound sources. An Egeria who inhabits a large tree in the centre of the wood will appear to the characters, telling them if they harvest the vis and give half of it to her she will use her powers of divination to provide them with knowledge about the other covenants, giving them a strong advantage in the contest for the vis of the wood. Little do they know she has made the same offer to each of the other covenants and plans to play them against one another…

Lost Island of the Lotophagi

Maxentius of Flambeau, a theurge and explorer, believes he has thought of a way to find the fabled island of the Lotophagi visited in myth by Odysseus. The player characters hear from the redcaps that he is looking for collaborators to help him, and promises vast amounts of vis will be found on the hidden island. First, he requires a Lotus Tree to study, but finding and moving a living tree of virtue (possessed by a dangerous spirit) is no simple task. Second, he needs a way to carry the tree and spirit with him as he travels. Lastly he needs to find a high aura regio aligned to Herbam. With these things he believes he can enter the magic realm from the “outside” of the regio boundary, carrying the tree with him, then use the tree to exit the magic realm into the regio of the secret island – for he thinks that all Lotus trees share a connection to one another. Are these plans the ravings of a lunatic seeker? Or might this really lead the magi to a motherlode of vis?

The Snake Charmers

The player covenant hears a rumour of a family hedge witches operating in their locale. These witches, it is said, have the power to heal wounds and summon spirits, and the head of the family has a huge serpent as a familiar which she can talk to. If the magi investigate, perhaps hoping to recruit these strange magicians into the order, or with more hostile intent, they will find that the truth is stranger than they expected – the family are ungifted and have only a minor supernatural ability allowing them to speak to serpents. The source of their “healing magic” is in fact the guidance of the spirit of the viper they care for, an Anguitia. What they tricked others into believing was the summoning of spirits was simply the Anguitia using her Eidolon ability. What will the magi do with this spirit and its family of charlatans?

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Story Seeds Part 3

The Mercurial Disease

A plague begins to spread through the Order of Hermes. Caused by a previously unheard of spirit of disease this malady causes the gift to become closed off, rendering the victim unable to cast magic (though their gift remains, and they are able to use the parma magica). To the horror of all magi, if the disease worsens this can leave the victim with permanent casting flaws, or even a complete inability to cast. In time it becomes known that the means of spread is magical connection between an infected magus and an uninfected one – any kind of casting by one on the other, the impact of the gift of an infected magus on the parma magica of another, and most importantly attempts to magically heal an infected magus. Even the passage of an infected magus into an Aegis of the Hearth can risk infecting those who cast it! Can the order overcome this problem, when magic seems to only make it worse – or will they have to simply let the disease run its course and come what may? And where did this disease come from in the first place? Is it natural? The work of demons? Or did some foolish magus create the very malady which threatens hermetic society?

The Hangover

At a gathering of magi (a tribunal, Verditius contest, Bonisagus conference etc.) a great deal of wine has been consumed in celebration. Unbeknownst to the drunken magi they have attracted a group of Bacchuli, who have convinced a particularly intoxicated apprentice to covertly acquire some arcane connections to the magi and give them to the spirits. If the apprentice succeeds the magi with weaker parma will find themselves vulnerable to the powers of the Bacchuli, and some interesting stories are sure to follow…

Boon or Curse?

Periodically the covenant is beset by a multitude of evils – vermin appearing without any apparent medium for them to generate from, clouds of mysterious stench with no identifiable source, and outbreaks of illness. In truth a recent astrological change has caused a previously inaccessible regio to open when certain starts come into alignment, which happens one to three times a year. This regio, if it can be discovered, will be found to be somehow aligned to both Perdo and Creo – and because of this highly unusual nature it is a breeding ground for vermin and disease, for everything within it is stuck perpetually festering but replenishing as rapidly as it rots away. The vermin are mostly natural, but include dangerous vermin of virtue in their numbers. The stenches are in fact Imagines of smell displaced when the regio closes after the astrological alignment, and the diseases are Banes spawned by the nature of the regio and likewise exiled when it closes. If the magi can find a way to close off the regio for good it will remove all these problems, but perhaps the dangers are worth it for the magical resources of this unusual place…

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