Aside – Gastronomic Recipes
Note: The rules here are a first draft and not in any way play tested and may need adjusting in actual use. There is a Gastronomer character with a cook companion in a a saga I play in and this seemed like a fun extension of Reagents/Theriacs/Inceptions that would give him something to strive towards as seasonal activity.
As mentioned in the previous entry some members of the Gastronomer’s society are adept at composing meals which, if consumed in a magic aura, produce a specific response in the target. This is akin to a kind of specialised Formula (much like Pharmaceutical Theriacs, Astrological Inceptions, and Alchemical Reagants).
Like other formulae this is simply an application of natural (if obscure) principles. Anyone may produce Gastronomic Recipes so long as they have the necessary skills and a score of at least 1 in magic lore (awareness of the effect of magic auras on the humors is a prerequisite). Most Gastronomers employ a skilled cook who they have trained in enough magic lore to prepare their collected recipes.
To concoct a formula a character must have a suitable “laboratory” – in this case a kitchen (the character does not need to personally cook the food but must be closely involved). As with other formulae they must spend a season working on the formula and roll:
LAB TOTAL: Intelligence+Profession (Cook)*+Philosophic Bonuses
*A similar skill may be substituted, anything to do with producing food will work.
For every point this total exceeds the level of the recipe one point of progress is made. When a number of points equal to the level of the recipe have been accumulated the recipe is learned and a lab text (a written recipe) is generated.
Using Recipe Lab Texts
Unlike other formulae Recipe lab texts are not used to produce doses via lab work but must be prepared immediately before they are to be consumed. They require one day of preparation per 5 levels of effect, after which the lab total is generated as normal and one dose is produced for every 5 levels the lab total exceeds the level of the recipe. These doses spoil as any other food or drink, and must be consumed within the usual timeframe or spoil. For many recipes advance preparation is not possible for this reason.
Producing recipes of this degree of complexity is extremely strenuous and inflicts a long-term fatigue level which is not recovered until the end of the season.
Ingredients and Lab Total Bonuses
Much of the complexity of inventing recipes is finding combinations of ingredients and preparations which will produce the desired response while remaining temporary enough not to inflict illness on the targets. There is no risk of long-term humoral imbalance from consuming Gastronomic recipes, but a botched roll when using a recipe may result in it inflicting disease, disease symptoms, excessive emotions, or poisoning!
In order to achieve the highest lab totals ingredients with proper shape and material bonuses must be used. These become a part of the recipe lab text and must be used exactly when using the recipe later. These are consumed each time. Every ingredient has a material bonus to one or more properties (hot, cold, dry, moist), for examples see the Commonly Used Ingredients sidebar in Art and Acadame pg. 63. Apply only the highest bonus (if one humor is being amplified) or highest two bonuses (if two humors are being amplified) that apply to the properties of the humor(s) being manipulated.
Further bonuses are possible but require the addition of ingredients with material bonuses directly related to the intended effect and the ingredients must be exceptional examples of their kind (things of virtue, or possibly containing vis). The greatest of recipes will require a skilled cook and the inclusion of multiple rare ingredients.
Recipe Guidelines
When devising a recipe there are only three parameters: base level, the amount of influence on personality traits, and how many people a single dose can feed.
By default recipes cause a +1 to traits of the target humor(s) and -1 to their inverse, Each further+1/-1 adds a magnitude to the effect.
By default a recipe produces enough to feed one person per dose, and each order of 10 increase to this adds one degree to the recipe.
It is possible to only alter certain desired traits from the affected humors. This adds +1 magnitude to the effect. However, for every trait increased in one humor one of the opposite humor must be lowered – this restriction cannot be bypassed without causing a damaging imbalance of the humors.
Quantity per Dose:
1 Person +0
10 People +1
100 People +2
1000 People +3
2: Amplify traits of a single humor and decrease traits of the opposite humor, to a limit of -1/+1
3: Amplify traits of a single humor and decrease traits of the opposite humor, to a limit of -2/+2
Amplify a mix of two non-opposing humors and decrease the other two, to a limit of -1/+1
4: Amplify traits of a single humor and decrease traits of the opposite humor, to a limit of -3/+3
Amplify a mix of two non-opposing humors and decrease the other two, to a limit of -2/+2
5: Amplify a mix of two non-opposing humors and decrease the other two, to a limit of -3/+3
Example Recipes
Alcibiades of Jerbiton’s Romantic Dinner for Two Level 5
This recipe calls for a preparation of chicken flavoured with thyme (+3 hot) and figs of virtue (+3 sex). It inflames the Sanguine humors, increasing traits such as Lustful and Amorous by +2 and decreasing Melancholic traits such as Loyal and Unsociable by -2 to nor more than+3 and -3 respectively. It also amplifies flaws from these humors such as Weak-Willed and Self-Obsessed as an unfortunate side-effect.
The ingredients grant a material bonus of +6 to the lab total.
(Base 4, +1 increased influence)
Hector of Tytalus’ Personal Vintage Level 10
This recipe produces a wine which amplifies the Choleric trait Argumentative by +2 and reduces the Phlegmatic trait Easy-Going by -2, to a maximum of +2/-2 respectively. Hector supplies it to his fellow Tytali among whom it is a popular beverage to serve during debates, to encourage lively argument.
The preparation requires wine to be kept in casks lined with natural copper mined from a magic aura (+2 passion) and flavoured with Angelica (+3 Hot). The copper lining wears away and must be replaced each time a batch is produced. Each dose creates enough wine to supply ten people for an event.
(Base 3, +1 10 people per dose, +1 increased influence, +1 target specific traits)
Feast of Hermes Level 30
This grand recipe, devised by a former primus of Jerbiton, is often served at important gatherings of magi. It raises the Sanguine and Phlegmatic humors by +3 (to a limit of +3) and dampens the Choleric and Melancholic by -3 (to a limit of -3). This encourages Friendliness, Calm, Prudence and Compassion and dampens Vengeful, Unsociable, Pompous, and Proud.
It calls for a preparation of “powder vert” – a powdered emerald of virtue (+2 Calm), flakes of vis-bearing gold (+4 peace), and the ground flesh of vipers collected in a magic aura (+3 Hot, +3 Moist). Which is used to prepare the dishes. This grants a +12 bonus to the lab total.
Each dose can feed 100 people.
(Base 5, +1 target specific traits, +2 increased influence, +2 100 people per dose)