Lucentes, Spirits of Magical Lamps
Magical lamps are a common sight in hermetic covenants. The simplest can be made by apprentices as some of their first lab work and sources of constant light are useful in many ways – not least in libraries and laboratories where the smell and inconstant illumination of candles and torches may be unwelcome.
As sources of constant and pure light these lamps attract, or perhaps spawn depending on one’s viewpoint, spirits of fire. Magi generally call these spirits “Lucentes” (“[the] Shining [ones]” sing. Lucens). These spirits are generally very minor, having only one point of might per magnitude of the light-giving effect in the lamp. This can be as low as two (for the simplest lamps) to as much as six for more complex lamps.
Lecentes are known to prefer their lamp be placed somewhere “interesting” though what is interesting to a spirit of fire is unintuitive to a human. They view everything in terms of individual components, and are able to perceive differences in seemingly identical things that most humans cannot – Maxentius of Flambeau, who made a study of Lucentes, reported that his subjects described him to each other by such strange details as the exact diameter of his eyeballs, the dimensions of his skull, the number of hairs on his head, and the fact that one of his arms was apparently a miniscule amount shorter than the other.
Generally speaking they prefer to be located in places with many individual objects which change regularly (especially if they are being broken down or made into new things). Workshops, laboratories, well used libraries, and storerooms are favourites while static locations such as corridors, seldom used chambers, and prayer rooms are considered especially boring. If placed in such places the spirit may impede the functioning of the lamp in the hopes of being relocated.
The Lucens of a Simple Lamp – Magic Might 2 (Ignem) (Spring)
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +3, Pre +0, Com +0, Str 0, Sta 0, Dex 0, Qik +0
Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Power x2; Improved Powers; Reduced Abilities
Personality Traits: Lamp +3*, Easily Bored +2
Abilities: Awareness (Individual Objects) 4, Concentration (Powers) 2
Description: A weak Lucens has no physical form and cannot form one, but to second sight it appears as a small ball of light which moves in gentle orbits around the lamp it inhabits.
Light the Lamp CrIg 0 Might Init -1
R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual
Allows the spirit to make an object glow as bright as daylight on a clear day. This mimics the power of their lamp.
(Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)
Dim the Lamp PeIg 0 Might Init -1
R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual
Destroys a single source of light completely and it cannot be restored by any means so long as the effect endures. This is used by the spirit to disrupt its lamp if it is displeased about something.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)
The Lucens of a Complex Lamp – Magic Might 6 (Ignem) (Spring)
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +3, Pre +0, Com +0, Str 0, Sta 0, Dex 0, Qik +0
Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Power x2; Greater Power; Improved Powers
Personality Traits: Lamp +3*, Easily Bored +2, Likes Counting +3
Abilities: Awareness (Individual Objects) 5, Concentration (Powers) 3, Artes Liberales 0-3* (Geometry)
*This spirit is highly adept at some elements of the liberal arts but has no knowledge of others. Treat it as having a score of 3 for Arithmetic, Geometry, and Astronomy but 0 in all others. It cannot read any one language but can recognise individual letters in almost any language.
Description: A stronger Lucens appears to second sight it appears as a ball of light which moves in gentle orbits around the lamp it inhabits. It can form an Eidolon, which takes the form of a shadowy face on the surface of its lamp.
Light the Lamp CrIg 0 Might Init -1
R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual
Allows the spirit to make an object glow as bright as daylight on a clear day. This mimics the power of their lamp.
(Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)
Dim the Lamp PeIg 0 Might Init -1
R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual
Destroys a single source of light completely and it cannot be restored by any means so long as the effect endures. This is used by the spirit to disrupt its lamp if it is displeased about something.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)
Eidolon CrIm Might 0 Init 0
R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual
The spirit can form an illusory face on the surface of its lamp which can be seen and heard by material beings.
Story Seed – An Unhappy Customer
A covenant has come into possession of a number of small magical lamps. Having a surplus they gifted one to a friendly mundane of local importance. Now that mundane has written complaining that the covenant has sent him a defective gift and that the lamp stops working at the most inconvenient times. An investigation will reveal that the Lucens of the lamp has realised it has been sent away from the magical aura of a covenant and fears it will wither away due to acclimation. It is attempting to be sent back to the covenant for "repairs". Destroying the spirit would be simple enough, but if any of the other Lecentes overhear they will all refuse to work until their “brother” has his safety guaranteed. How will the magi deal with these unruly spirits?