Horci – Spirits of Oaths 2 Might (Mentem) (Spring)
Many lesser imagine spirits fade away or depart whenever the sensory species that drew them dissipate. However, some sensory species which have a strong effect on the observers can cause spirits to linger near the observer for a time afterwards. A Horcus is an imagine spirit that is attracted by the speaking of an oath or promise.
Horci often linger near the person who made the promise and seem to take an instinctive interest in them keeping the oath – though some magi have proposed that their interest is actually in the perpetuation of the oath itself, rather than some concern for the honesty of the person who made it. It has been theorised that people thinking about the oath, as well as the literal sensory species of it being spoken, is pleasing to these spirits. There is some debate among theurgists if these spirits are really Imagines, or a form of Eidolon, or perhaps minor Lugrae
Horci are fairly minor spirits and have little power except to repeat the oath as a reminder, however this is often enough to prick the conscience of someone contemplating breaking a promise. Secretive magi dislike the spirits and will take measures to banish them after making an oath as they can reveal the words of the oath to observers with second sight.
As they are invisible except to second sight and have little power to affect anything but the mind of the oath-swearer their existence is not well known among grogs. A voice heard occasionally with no apparent source can be easily dismissed as an overactive imagination. As Horci mimic the voice of the oath-swearer they may even mistake the voice of a Horcus as their own intrusive thoughts.
Characteristics: Cun +1, Per +0, Pre +0, Com +3, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0
Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Power x2
Personality Traits: Spirit of an Oath+3*
Abilities: Concentration (Powers) 3, Penetration (Powers) 3, Folk Ken (Promises) 5
Description: A Horcus has no visible aspect even to second sight but can be perceived with second sight as a voice whispering the words of the oath that spawned it over and over.
Secret Whisper of the Unbroken Oath (CrMe) 0 Might Init -1
R: Touch D: Momentary T: Individual
This power creates the perception of sound in the common sense of the target, making them hear themselves speaking the oath the generated the Horcus in their own voice. This can be mistaken for the target’s own thoughts.
(Base 3, +1 Touch)
Repetition of the Unbroken Oath (CrIm) 0 Might Init -1
R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual
This power allows the spirit to mimic the sounds of the oath that attracted it, in the exact voice and intonation of the person they heard making it.
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +2 Intricacy)
Oathbreaker’s Warning (ReMe) 0 Might Init -3
R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual
This power amplifies the dread or worry of someone about to break an oath and forces their mind to focus on this emotion so long as the spirit concentrates. This cannot affect a target who does not naturally feel this emotion, so someone completely unashamed of their actions will feel nothing.
(Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)