Cloacinae, Spirits of Sewers – Magic Might 15-25 (Aquam) (Spring)
“O Cloacina, Goddess of this place,
Look on thy suppliants with a smiling face.
Soft, yet cohesive let their offerings flow,
Not rashly swift nor insolently slow.”
– A poem attributed to Lord Byron
Cloacinae (named for the patron spirit of the Cloaca Maxima of Rome who remains the most powerful such spirit recorded) are spirits of sewer systems. These systems are much rarer than they were in the days of the Romans but are found in some hermetic covenants who value hygiene. A related class of spirits are those which inhabit natural hot springs and bathing complexes, such as Sulis Minerva the patron of the town of Bath in Stonehenge.
As spirits of Aquam Cloacinae are most interested in the combination and coagulation of parts into greater wholes. They are not usually able to really grasp that individual humans are distinct entities, but conversely have a highly intuitive grasp of the covenant as a whole, and of groups within it. Maxentius of Flambeau advises covenants which have such a native spirit to have the magi approach it as a group, which it will readily recognise as the governing group. Individual magi attempting to commune with a Cloacina will find themselves confused with the other magi of the covenant (regardless of how different they might be) with frustrating regularity.
A friendly Cloacina is a great boon for a hermetic covenant as they are naturally inclined towards maintaining cleanliness and a salubrious environment within their domain.
The Cloacina given below is one of a fairly complex sewer system in a hermetic covenant (Might 15). Only a full sewer system will generate a spirit of this kind, one or two simple pipes will not do. More elaborate sewers may give rise to spirits as powerful as might 25.
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre +1, Com +1, Str +0, Sta +3, Dex +0, Qik +0
Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Power x2, Improved Characteristics, Focus Power, Ritual Power, Improved Power
Personality Traits: Spirit of Cleansing +3*
Abilities: Penetration (Powers) 3, Awareness (Domain) 3, Craft: Architect (Water Systems) 3
Description: Contrary to what might be expected a Cloacina usually appears as an attractive young maiden dressed in purest white and with a pleasant smell of myrtle blossom.
Eidolon (CrIm) 0 Might Init +0
R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual
The spirit can take on an incorporeal form which can be seen and heard by material beings. It matches the description given above.
Presence (InIm) 0 Might Constant
R: Arcane D: Sun T: Individual
A Cloacina is coterminous with the sewer system that they inhabit. They are aware of everything that goes on within it, including in rooms connected directly to it. Their might is doubled for the purposes of calculating tethers and if well maintained the sewers produce Might/10 pawns of aquam vis a year. Most covenants harvest this vis and gift it back to their Cloacina, but some have an arrangement where they can keep the vis.
Master of Aquam (Aq) Variable Might Init Quickness-Magnitude
A Cloacina can mimic any non-ritual Rego or Creo Aquam effect up to the level of the spirit’s might at a cost of 1 might per magnitude.
Pure Waters (Cr(Mu)(Pe)Co(Aq)) 3 Might Init -8 Ritual
R: Touch D: Momentary T: Structure
This power purifies an entire connected water system, cleansing and refining the water within. For the next season those who primarily consume water from the system receive a bonus of +2 to all rolls to resist or recover from disease. This is a true and natural change (as would be possible by mundane alchemical purification) and so does not cause warping or trigger magic resistance. The points spent on this power only recover at a rate of one per season if the sewer system is well maintained, but this can be accelerated if pawns of Creo or Aquam vis are expended in offering to the spirit, at a rate of one point per pawn.
More powerful Cloacinae may have versions of this spell which grant higher bonuses. For every extra +1 add one magnitude to the level of the power.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +3 Structure, +3 Size)
Story Seed - It's a Dirty Job, but...
A magus presents a proposal to the local tribunal. They have been exploring a town in the tribunal with roman origins and have discovered that the ancient sewer system is largely intact and contains several magic lacunae. Further he has discovered a small votive shrine to the former Cloacina of the town. He believes that the shrine may serve as an arcane connection to summon back the Cloacina, and proposes the tribunal do just this, gives it offerings of vis, and repairs the sewers. He believes this may merge the scattered lacunae beneath the town and may create more lacunae in buildings connected to the sewers, a great boon to any magi who visit. It will also improve the health and prosperity of the town. However, this is a large project which would involve uncomfortably close dealings with the mundane authorities of the town – and the expenditure of a large chunk of vis! Will the tribunal support the proposal?