30 Magic Spirits for November

Genius Mali – Spirit of an Apple Grove Might 15-25 (Herbam) (Spring)

Some spirits sit on the edge between the lesser airy spirits and the greater named spirits. They are not powerful enough to become named spirits, yet are greater in power and scope than a simple airy spirit. The Genius Mali (Genius of the Apple Tree), is one such spirit. It is the spirit of the oldest tree in a grove or orchard of apple trees, and possesses some, but not all, the properties of a Genius Loci over the grove. These spirits only exist in groves which are not exceptional enough to possess a full Genius Loci – in those places this same spirit will become the Genius Loci.

A Genius Mali is, unlike most Flora, intelligent and self-aware. It has power over not only its personal tree, but over the fertility of the entire grove. It acts as a kind of chieftain over the simpler flora of the other trees. It may take measures to protect its grove and is often willing to form pacts with those who tend to the grove with care – trading a guaranteed crop of fine fruits in exchange for protection and respect.

In the Stonehenge tribunal, where apple orchards are abundant, these spirits are known by mundanes as “Apple Tree Men” and are honoured by ancient traditions in the southern parts of the tribunal.

Characteristics: Int +1, Per +2, Pre +1, Com +1, Str +0, Sta +1, Dex +0, Qik +0

Qualities and Inferiorities: Magical Champion*, Greater Power x3, Focus Power x2

*The airy spirits of the trees in the grove (and the trees themselves, if awakened) look to the Genius Mali as their natural leader.

Personality Traits: Spirit of the Orchard +3*, Likes people who care for its trees +3

Abilities: Concentration (Powers) 5, Penetration (Powers) 5

Description: The Genius Mali usually appears as an older man, with older groves having spirits which look more weathered. Their hair and clothes are made of apple leaves, which reflect the season – they blossom when the trees do, and in the winter are withered and brown. To some (perhaps those more educated in Hellenic myth where the goddess Pomona was patron of apple trees) they appear as younger and female.


The Harvest Comes When I Will It (ReHe) 2 Might Init -4

R: Touch D: Sun T: Group

This power (which is actually two powers grouped for convenience) allows the spirit to delay the blossoming and the growing of fruit of the trees in the grove for a day. Conversely it can cause the entire orchard to blossom or bear fruit all at once overnight. The spirit may also choose to use this power on one tree only, but the might cost remains the same.

(Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Group, +1 Size)

Lord of the Apple Trees (He) Variable Might Init Quickness-Magnitude

The spirit may replicate any power relating to Apple Trees at a cost of one might per magnitude of effect.

Rouse the Slumbering Grove (ReHe) 5 Might Init -5

R: Voice D: Concentration T: Group

This power allows the spirit to awaken the trees of their grove, which will obey its commands for the duration. This power is most commonly used to defend the grove against defilers, or to punish apple-thieves. Each tree can fight with Initiative +5, Attack +7, and Damage +10 and can even uproot itself and move around if needs be, at about half the speed a human could walk. Mundane weapons are largely useless against large trees.

(Base 10, +2 Voice, +1 Concentration, +2 Group, +3 Size)